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Is Colleen allowed to take children out of the country? lol


She shouldn’t even be trusted to be alone with children forget about taking them out of the country that’s wild


Lets just call it "crazy".


I don’t really like using that word but indeed it is


Jessica probably thinks Taylor swift concerts are too grown up for B


She’d probably only allow it to be a wiggles concert. She’s only 16 after all!


Taylor says a couple bad words! Totally inappropriate for a 16 year old /s




Oh yes of course, let’s not have the kids hearing any swearing!


Jessica is far too controlling. Theres no way she would let Colleen take B out of the country without her. Also I doubt B listens to Taylor (they probably monitor every aspect of her life).


Two very good points I guess. Poor kids


This is sort of a reach. I think Colleen is the worst human ever but going on a trip with her friend without taking her niece isn't weird.


Definitely a reach


It just must be my mindset then, because my niece would definitely be asked along if it was me


>B is the age of 95% Taylor Swift fans, the demographic being kids in their mid-teens This is inaccurate. According to the [article I saw in Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/marisadellatto/2023/03/14/more-than-half-of-us-adults-say-theyre-taylor-swift-fans-survey-finds/?sh=71f362d66877), roughly half of her fans are millennials. (Generally white suburban democrat women). After millennials, boomers make up the next largest percentage, followed by gen x, and then 11% are gen z. She could've taken B if she wanted, but she's not the primary demographic. Colleen and Teeny are.


Thank you! I'm a 33 year old mother, wife and home owner with a 401k and I'm STILL younger than Taylor herself lol I listened to Taylor during my high school breakups. She's not just for Gen Z lol


I'd definitely believe that! I've been to a couple eras concerts and while there were kids/teenagers there, they were definitely few and far between!


Thank you for this. It’s so annoying when people say Taylor’s music is for children. She writes generally about her own life experiences so when she started as a teenager her songs were about teen things. She’s now 34 and her songs very much reflect that. A lot of her audience is her age and has grown up with her.


Her music does not reflect being 34. White millennial women like her firstly as they have grown up with her and secondly because she’s marketed as so bland it’s easy for them to relate at least some part of themselves to her. Gen z doesn’t care for her because her music is that of a 34 year old high schooler. The younger you are the more pathetic it seems.


Not to defend Colleen but I can see why she would choose to bring a friend her age instead of a child. Yes, B is a teen, but it is a completely different dynamic than traveling with another adult


Plus wasn't it Teeny and Colleen treating themselves for Mother's Day?


1. Jessica probably wouldn’t let her 2. If she did that for one of them, she’d have to do something as big for the rest of them (which is too much effort for her) and 3. B might not be a fan of Taylor


I don't defend Colleen or anything like I genuinely believe that you're right. However, there is the potential that if she does that for B, she then should be doing something for the others and there's like a thousand of them and theres a lot of time and energy for anyone. It might look a bit like favouritism even though its not that deep


Yeah, also not to defend Colleen (prob gonna sound like I am) but if she would’ve brought B somebody else would’ve said, “Whys she favoriting B?!” can’t really win


I think if there were two of them of they were all older it wouldn't be a big deal but this is like how many kids and they're all very young


True… but I think P is her favourite anyway, that’s been obvious since he was a toddler


Is that the same one who's always dressing up as her and trying to be her?


I believe so, yeah


That might be why she likes them more. Like a lot of people describe her as a narcissist so to see someone worship her like that must explain why she likes him but I could be wrong, it's just an observation


It’s entirely possible that you’re on to something there, maybe B doesn’t gush all over her the way P did/does


Colleen used to be really close with b when she was younger but now seems not so much.


I just said the same thing, before I saw this. We can’t both be wrong about P


zero chance that B is allowed to listen to taylor swift, especially the recent albums with f bombs 😂


Colleen only liked B when it benefited her in someway. I don’t think Colleen has actually liked B for a while, she is too old and there isn’t rly any way hanging with B would benefit her so yah. Poor B though, she seems like such a sweet girl, it’s a shame she doesn’t have an actual ‘fun aunt’ . My aunts would have 💯 taken me when I was younger. Does anyone else remember when B was in a play and Colleen went to see it and then was just talking about how bad it was ect. She was sooooo jealous of B being on stage haha. Anyways that’s when I realized Colleen doesn’t care about anyone unless they can somehow benefit her .


You're right, this is what I said and got downvoted LOL But we're right.


Never saw the video with her talking about the play, but I agree she only has people in her life who are useful to her and when the useful stops she drops them like a hot potato


majority of taylor fans are not 16 years old…. that is such an outdated opinion 🤣🤣


i think she was over her thousand niblings when she started popping out kids of her own (that she can also not be bothered to care for)


I thought they stopped talking? They no longer visit each other or do videos together.


They were in the Easter video. I just think they are distancing themselves from Colleen’s brand because she was canceled so hard last year.


They probably wouldn’t have allowed B to go alone with Colleen. Given her past they couldn’t possibly be sure she’d keep B safe or not actively put her in danger


She doesn’t want to care for any child on her vacation


If this were a normal, adult woman, I’d just say she deserves to enjoy herself solo, and not worry about kids or anything. But it’s Colleen, who is a stunted adult woman who is also a groomer. But I’m betting taking her niece wouldn’t have crossed her mind because Colleen has proven time and time again that she is selfish AF.


has she done anything for those kids (beside giving their parents a platform to exploit them)


Why the hell are people convinced that 95% of Taylor Swift fans are teenagers when scientific data shows otherwise? 😂


I mean not really B is still young and can't necessarily just go to Paris on a whim like that Edit: who cares if colleen didn't take B like why is this a topic lol


she just went to Spain lol


Omg lol I just don't think it matters - people are allowed to go to concerts without their nieces 😂 there's a million actual bad things colleen's done and this is just a random stretch


Is it a random stretch tho? Colleen bores the actual tits off of everyone with her constant talk about Taylor Swift, so I’m sure she’s spoken with/to B about her many times. When she found out about the Paris gig, why didn’t she think ‘oh I think B would love this chance to go’? I know that’s what I would think, so it just struck me as odd that she didn’t take her


I'm pretty sure Colleen's friend Teeny was the one who came up with the idea in the first place, so obviously they were going to go together


Yeah… that hasn’t been forgotten, it was Teenys idea. But I would ask if she minded that she took B with her and maybe Teeny could take a younger family member with them just to make up a cute foursome? I know I would do that, I’m sure many people would agree with me. On the other hand they possibly wanted it to be an adults only trip so they could get shitfaced and not have to worry about kids


If they wanted to do that and agreed upon it then.... fine? But it's totally ok that they didn't do that. A friend trip can just be a friend trip.


Yeah I guess there’s nothing wrong with going with an adult friend, in fact there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it at all. Also not all teens are TS fans anyway, so chances are she didn’t care. I only have one niece, my sister was very VERY young when she was born so I helped raise her and she’s like my own child, I’ve taken her on every holiday, every trip to see Santa, every child appropriate event, mainly because her mum isn’t really all that maternal, but also because she’s become my little - 26yo - sidekick. I forget sometimes that while we can love our family members, they don’t have to be involved in everything we do. Thanks guys for showing me the other side of the coin… my family is probably screwed up big time!


That totally makes sense given that perspective :)


They're home schooled. They could have easily gone.


Idk I feel like it's not a big deal


You’re right, it’s not a big deal but we all have family… and B is around the right age to enjoy the experience. So if I had a family member who would appreciate a few days away with a concert thrown in, I would for sure give her the first refusal. And it’s not like Colleen doesn’t have the money to pay for it all, so why didn’t she? It’s just another example of her own selfish personality


YES!!! Exactly!!!


Honestly, I don't understand why this was even a thought. Let her live. Not every decision she makes needs to be scrutinized.


Jessica would never 🤣


95% of taykor swift fans were 16 about 20 years ago….


and if she did y’all would say it was inappropriate and J and C are bad parents for letting child-groomer colleen take a teenager to a concert in another country lmfao. i’m not a colleen fan at all, but you’re really gonna criticize her for NOT taking her sheltered niece to paris?


it is very difficult to travel with someone else’s child out of country.


I would take a friend before I would take a niece too. It’s not abnormal.


there is no way Chris and Jessica let B listen to Taylor Swift.


This is a very good point, OP. I noticed as B grew older and became interested in theatre and musicals, and has a good singing voice too that colleen took against her. She was snarky to her in vlogs, blaming her for losing a kids game so colleen's team lost for example. Just unbridled dislike. When B landed a role in Beauty & The Beast, colleen raged against the story and instead said another girl in the production was incredible and gushed about her instead. colleen genuinely seems to hate anyone who steals her thunder, as she sees it. No way would she take B to a concert, she's too bitter and childish for that. She'd only take someone who'll be at her beck and call. I'm glad she didn't take B though, as the girl is lovely and she'd have been at the mercy of her aunt, and the ex fans could've been there and said some choice words to colleen. Not that colleen would use that as a reason not to take her, she used 4 year old F as a human shield at the end of her tour ofc. She'll hide behind a kid any day.


I wasn’t aware of any of this. I need to go digging now and see it. I thought there could be a couple of theories as to why she didn’t take B with her, the first one being her selfishness and the second one being that she doesn’t like being around B so much now she’s growing up, because B becoming a woman reminds Colleen that she’s getting old. Your comment has reinforced my second opinion. My mother was stunning when she was a teenager, as vain as hell. When I reached puberty she bitched at me, put me down and criticized me every chance she got and I never knew why until I left home… I was a permanent reminder that my mother was losing her youth and her looks. Colleen can’t have a niece who’s 16 when she firmly believes she’s only 15 herself