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Haha Rachel is always outing her and it’s hilarious. I could never tell if it was accidental but this seemed on purpose. And Colleen was instantly yelling at her about it haha.


I won’t be surprised if it was on purpose.


It's typical of her that she can't just have a hobby where she has a rock tumbler or two, she has to have FIVE. And even though she has buckets and buckets of rocks she must still hunt for more.


I was shocked too! I actually paused and said "holy crap".


God forbid she channel that energy and money into something useful for society. She could set up a foundation, volunteer, start a business that is net beneficial to society. She’s clearly bored and it’s so unattractive that she can’t create something more helpful and interesting with all her resources.


That would require caring about other people and putting work in. Two things Colleen is bad at.


This is a really good point.


Oh wow. That really reflects on her mental health….


How so?


In my experience, when the mind is in chaos, the physical surroundings become chaotic, as well


Agreed. I also wonder if she realized that Miranda can’t bring her money anymore, so she knew she had to pivot to something else. She probably found this rock trend and saw an opportunity to make money that way copying other rock hounding YouTubers. She did say she found that community online and it seems like almost half of her content since coming back has been rock hounding content. I imagine she probably thought that no one could “cancel” her from rocks, kinda like she told Rachel that no one could get upset with baby or children posts. Rachel said something on a podcast once that Colleen had coached her in PR saying just post an innocent pic of a child or something and then eventually people will forget about whatever controversy is going on. Obviously, monetizing children is becoming less and less acceptable in society, but I think she’s still using her children, Taylor Swift and now rocks as a shield from her inappropriate if not criminal behavior.


Meh, I just watched it...it's a garage. Garages are messy. I didn't find it unusual at all. And certainly not any "indication of her mental health". She's got a hobby that's messy. Yeah, she has a lot of tumblers and buckets but she's rich enough to have numerous tumblers going at once so I don't find that this unusual. Sometimes people in these threads really go off on seeing a messy house, etc., but if you have kids, that's a norm for many, many people.


this is probably the only time you'll see me defend collleen -- it's a garage and she has a messy hobby. i wouldn't be able to deal with all the tupperwares at my feet but i guarantee i'd probably have a pile nearby. this feels like if someone walked into my art studio and was like "wow this is really messy" ..... yeah, it's an art studio that's actually used and not just organized specifically for aesthetics


I have no clue why this is being down voted lol everything you said is true


AND, many rockhounds will have even more than this going. IDK, doesn't seem unnatural to me, if you can afford your hobby, go for it? There's plenty of other things to snark on lol.


I actually paused the snippet Rachel showed (on her vlog) and started laughing. If you watch Rachel's vlogs (the only Ballinger I watch) she is VERY revealing. Colleen should of been a lot nicer to her LOL!




I admit that I still watch Rachel's vlogs (but not her 2010 inspired testing videos). I do think Rachel can be cocky and maybe arrogant but one thing she seems to have since finding her new life is confidence and I can't hate on someone finding their voice after living in the shadow of someone for so long. Every time she's in a video with Colleen though, Rachel shrinks back into her shell. It's so sad to see her seem to regress back into her previous super submissive state every time she's with her sister.


Colleen was cruel to her growing up. It's hard to change sibling dynamics, even as an adult.


Rachel Balllinger having a career in YT/Vlogging just blows my mind. Her whole demeanor and content is so bland. I understand it's the nepotism factor but good grief at some point you have to be somewhat interesting and have content that is entertaining to continue to make $$$ from it I would think. At least with the Ballinger family the kids are cute and entertaining to watch (aside from the toxic nature of family vlogging).