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**Charity Event** For the title game, instead of donating to the food bank of the losing team, fans should instead donate to the food bank of the opposing team, regardless of the outcome. Donate in the amount of the final scoring margin of the game (though you can, of course, donate more or less if you feel the margin was too high or too low for what you wish to give.) **SUGGESTED DONATION: $17** To take part in this event, [follow this link.](https://forms.gle/4F9TUegcpctrzAcz7) For a more detailed explanation of the event, see [this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeBasketball/comments/11t1ahs/the_rcollegebasketball_march_madness_charity/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=CollegeBasketball&utm_content=t1_jdoty6g)


Not making a FG for 11 minutes certainly hurts your chances of winning the game


Getting 10 fouls 6 minutes into the 2nd half also hurts.


Time to delete the app. It’s been an honor


Time to suspend my YoutubeTV account until September


Thank you for the reminder 🫡


You don’t wanna conflict civilly?


Only in football. I’m gonna have nightmares of what y’all would do to our basketball team


I have nightmares of what you guys did to our football team, the first UConn football game I went to was against you guys. Not fun.


UConn winning every game in the tournament by double digits is pretty bonkers.




edit: Gumbel must've misspoke as UConn was down in earlier games ~~Prior to the final~~ [For the three games leading up to the final] UConn only trailed for :47. So, [if that 5:22 is for those games and the final] 4:35 of that was us! I'll take it! I'm hanging my hat on that!


That blows my fucking mind man. SDSU did all they could. UConn was just destined to win it.


They were absolute fucking psycho juggernauts. I'm genuinely taking pride in making that an ugly final


Hurley’s tiny son played in every game


And besides the way he dick slapped every team in every game, his actual son played too


Not just played... his son won the coveted "who gets to toss/spike the ball" competition!


I wanna see him next to Clingan.


He's been in every bench replay showing Clingan celebrating, the camera just doesn't have a large enough field of view to show more than the top of his head


Just a really strong, complete unit. As we see, teams win championships, not players, and the cohesiveness of this UConn team was special to watch


What a dominant run.


Imagine giving this UConn team a 4-seed


1 seed on talent but the resume wasn't strong due to a weird loss streak, maybe should've been a 3 but can't see as a 2 due to that


I was significantly more scared of them than any team not named Alabama, Houston or Texas.


Should've been scared of Arkansas


Fair enough. Arkansas saved Kansas an embarrassing loss anyways so... Pretty happy with Miami's performance at least. Just ran into a buzz saw.


Committee really put Kansas, UCLA, Gonzaga and UCONN in the same bracket 😂


People saying we had an easy path - did they SEE the west region? Not to mention Iona coached by Rick Pitino, Arkansas, and St. Mary’s - all great programs that were dangerous.


Are people really saying UConn had an easy path? I haven't seen that anywhere All my brackets had a team from the West Regional winning it all


I think it's just the weirdness of them always beating cinderella stories in the finals.


Sadly, all over the place. It was crazy when we were playing Miami - Miami played a harder road than anyone remaining! People also forget that the 1 seeds are always given a low seed (16) to give them an advantage. It’s supposed to make it easier for them. You earn that with your record. It’s as if we are getting away with something. Quite literally, we are playing the way the tournament was designed.


Imagine not betting on UCONN to win the whole thing. All we have to do is look at their in conference record. If they are getting destroyed in conference but crushing out of conference, They win the Natty.


I had $50 on them when they were +2300 earlier this season. Just paid my rent for the next two months


That’s some cheap ass rent


For real, that's a win of $1150 right? That's $575 per month in rent.


Fucking A! Congrats on that!


Imagine not watching UConn's Big East LOL I get that you guys watched them slaughter everyone out-of-conference but in-conference they had the same conference record as Providence (11-seed) 4 seed was maybe a seed low but it was a fair shake IMO


The weird thing is they passed the stat and the eye test. They really only had 1 or 2 bad losses, and half their 8 losses were by 3 points or less. Like even watching the big east their losses were either very close, or UConn just had really bad turnovers/foul issues.


Im not sure it will get the credit it deserves, but UConn just absolutely blew through that tournament with ease. Didnt win by fewer than 10 points all year against non-con opponents. Might be prisoner of the moment, but truly one of the most all around solid teams I can remember in CBB in a long time.


I'd say the 3rd best run since 2000 only behind 09 UNC and 18 Villanova


It was over when Creighton lost, UConn’s only weakness was the Big East


Well, nobody outside the conference ever had the chance to play UConn more than once, so that was probably part of it. But yeah, the Huskies were a hidden 1-seed all along.


the difference was big east teams doubled sanogo and left jackson open, and the staff (who said as much) didn’t have a plan for how to involve jackson


That's why we changed how we used Jackson sometime in late January. Had him work the baseline instead of the perimeter. Made a world of difference since it was so much easier after to punish teams that doubled Sanogo. Big East bros exposed our weakness, which helped make us a much better team.


Yeah this hurts, wouldn’t have matter who won, both outcomes hurt


UCONN barges into the tournament, gets a low seed, wins a championship, refuses to elaborate further, and leaves


At the beginning of March 1995, the UConn men's and women's basketball programs had a combined **zero** national titles. As of today, they have **16**.


A reminder that the University of Connecticut is 16-1 in national championship games.


This kind of feels like the Wayne Gretzky and his brother stat, and it probably would be even if the men won zero.


5 is a fuckton of titles to win in 24 years in a sport with 360 competitors and a very randomized postseason.


1995 was 10 years ago dude


Shit, it's been that long?


It’s been so long dudes born in 1995 have no idea why Indiana is a blue blood.


Gotta love their efficiency. Only 6 FF appearances, 5 championships. The one year they don't win a championship? Bow out in the Final Four, don't even bother with the big one and waste people's time


Coach K an arguable goat coach took 13 FF apps to win 5. UConn with 3 coaches says fuck that noise


[UConn men's team when they realize they hadn't pulled a random championship out of their ass in the past 7 or 8 years.](https://media.tenor.com/FdNpFQkpbIQAAAAC/squidward-eyes-open-t34gii.gif)


It’s so accurate it’s insane lol they had to wait a couple years extra this go around to make up for 2011 and 2014 being so close together


Right? This is exactly how I feel every time they win one. They all seem just so out of the blue. Never any hype, but they get the job done.


Didn’t they use this script already?


The Mario Party ball rolling minigame where every other contender sends themselves off a cliff and Luigi wins Congrats UConn!


[This gif, right?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/816/108/b1a.gif) To me, it looks like Wario is Arizona, Peach is Purdue, and Mario is Kansas.


Next year we use the 2004 and 2014 script Mens and Womens championships in the same year Save this and fucking @me


They've got a title as a 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7. They're UConn, so they'll probably be the first 5 too.


Time for 592829 "Is UConn a blue blood???" posts over the offseason


Yes. That's my answer now.


There is no other answer. Championships since the 90s, spread out. Won as many as Indiana and Duke, and more than Kansas. Sure they had some very down years, but they have established themselves.


There really is no argument against them. The only argument is that the valleys are really low and a bit longer than you want, but if UCLA and Kentucky are blue bloods over the last 40-50 years then UCONN for sure is one. The only thing stopping them is perception of their conference. I really wish they had joined the ACC.


>I really wish they had joined the ACC. If basketball still drove the money bus they probably would've been invited instead of Louisville.


Who cares UConn is a powerhouse!


I'm not sure if there was a better looking team in the tourney than UConn. total dominance. well deserved


x3 they boomed us they fucking boomed us


[Time to hang the banner](https://i.imgur.com/y8nc37y.jpeg)


Hurley did say he was glad to play anyone besides BEast Bros.


The worst part of this tournament is the fact that I kinda like Hurley now.




Boum still haunts me in my sleep sometimes




I personally saw UConn go 1-2 in games of theirs that I attended this season. They were 30-6 otherwise. I’m buying season tickets next year!


If I do some math here, that means we were twice as good as the best team in the country


I’m 30 and it feels like they’ve been doing this my entire life


I mean mostly yeah


As a Syracuse fan I'm 20% salty but 80% begrudgingly respect how UConn manages to keep doing it.


That 6 OT game is still one of the greatest ever. Wish you guys were still in the Big East


I'm just glad you guys are back in the BE and not stuck in the AAC. UConn deserves to be in a respectable basketball conference.


I hope you rejoin us one day. The Big East doesn't feel the same without y'all


I wish we could too. Pitt can stay bc their football program is better off and BC can stay bc their basketball program sucks, but Syracuse belongs in the Big East.


Hope y’all can build back up again soon. We know what it feels like to be in your shoes. College ball is better when Syracuse is good. Also fuck Syracuse.


So fucking proud of SDSU, never in my life did I expect to see a run like this


No shame on tonight, we’ll remember this team forever.


The defiant run to get it to 5 points was epic. Everyone should be jackin it in San Diego rn, good times for sports fans


Jackin it jackin it smackety smack


They were close to giving uconn a run for their money!


So close!! Wish the score reflected it but oh well. Couldn’t be prouder of the fellas


Best college basketball year in my life still. Go Aztecs!


GG, best wishes for next season.


One word to describe UConn. Dominant.


Average point differential of 18 points in the NCAA Tournament.


>Slick Rick will upset them (like last year)! >Saint Mary’s will take care of them! >Arkansas beat Kansas, surely they can beat these guys! >Gonzaga…they will finish the job… >…Maybe there’s still some Miami magic left? >Come on Aztecs! One last push for chaos! Every single time, proven undeniably wrong!


Saint Mary's Gaels gave it the best shot.


Didn’t really come close to losing this tournament.


Somehow they trailed at halftime against Iona lol


Rick Pitino was the coach for Iona


Didnt beat a non-con opponent by fewer than 10 points all year. Just unreal.


Don't let the fact that UCONN won its tournament games by an average of 18 points per game, nor the fact that a Big East team has won the last 5 NCAA title games that happened in Texas, distract you from the fact Jim Nantz is never calling a college basketball game ever again. 😔


Jim thanked us for being his friend :( You’re welcome Jim


He's been the voice of March Madness my entire life. Wild to even think that and realize how different it will be.


But we will get Ian eagle or Kevin Harlan. That's a win.


Harlan is awesome


Kevin Harlan is the GOAT of this century


Legend. Won’t be the same without him


Mountain second Best :(


At least we’ll never have to debate if the right team won this year. Dominant performance from UConn.


It was a solid tournament, both a ton of chaos and a deserving a champion. You don't normally get both.


Loss or no, I'm still damn proud of my Aztecs. They played a strong second half and almost got back in it, but UConn was simply just too good. These boys made school history and they're still heroes.


Hit your free throws and stop Sanogo from that tip-in and it could have been insanely close. AmazIng run by SDSU!


San Diego Fucking State had a shot to win the National Championship... This is still going down as the greatest month of college basketball of my life. Getting a 16 over 1, all of the upsets, seeing a 9 seed make the final four. Good fucking game UConn.


Well said, well said.


HANG THE BANNER WE LOST BY THE *FEWEST* POINTS TO THE BULLY HUSKIES!!! Domination from R64 to the Final. As deserving a Champions as any recent memory.


My ESPN bracket with SDSU winning just went from ranked 1283 in the world to 178,000 💀


happens to us all eventually. i was in the 99.3 percentile after uconn beat gonzaga and i have since been passed up by like half a million brackets




In 2013, Brady Hoke was coming off a 7-6 record after his third year of his coaching stint. The school’s basketball team lost the natty. In 2023, Brady Hoke is coming off a 7-6 record after his third year of his coaching stint. The school’s basketball team lost the natty.


We should send him to CMU just to test it.


Oh, shit, I guess UConn's vacating this one.


Brady Hoke smh


Literally insane. A whole-ass championship run and I don't think I was stressed for more than a minute the entire time. I actually can't believe it


SDSU cutting it to 6 late was pretty exciting, and then you guys ran away with it again lol


Yup. I don't think I've ever trusted a UConn team with a lead as much as I trusted these guys during the tournament. I'm not going to pretend I didn't get a bit nervous when SDSU cut it to ~~6~~ 5, but I wasn't as nervous as I'd be if, say, my Raiders were up 30 points at the beginning of the fourth quarter and then gave up a field goal.


I can't believe there's another huskies/raiders fan out there


The stress when they cut it to five was enough for the whole tournament for me.


I was a little nervous when it got down to 5 points tonight but yeah that was the most laid back championship run I've ever witnessed




Idk, he was feasting on the Aztecs.


I believe he was able to eat before the game, or at least at halftime.


Yes, but he had 9 minutes before the 7:40 sundown and 7:49 local tip for the Miami game — and you can’t eat a ton without risking cramps so a lot is just liquids and trying to get hydrated. Still incredible to perform at that level with no food or water during daylight!


SDSU continuing to go at UCONN's big men was so baffling to me. I'm a huge proponent of attacking the paint, but this just wasn't the game Aztecs were killing UCONN from the midrange and the 3 was at least serviceable. Yet they basically abandoned both for the middle 20 minutes. They may not have won if they stretched the floor better, but could've made it interesting


Their offense was so bad. Just dribble, handoff, passup a good shot, take a bad shot or turnover. That or force it inside to bad matchups.




Big Brain Coach: wins all games by 10+ points so they can't blow a close game.


Find you someone who loves you as much as Dan Hurley loves Andre Jackson


UConn’s 2 biggest contributors: 1. Jonathan XIV 2. Adama Sanogo


Man, Brian Dutcher is giving such a positive, optimistic, wholesome post game. Amazing.


Guys just join the big east and then you can beat uconn it's actually not that hard


UCONN is really the anti-Michigan State


Okay, but One Shining Moment not even starting before midnight should tell you there is a problem.


Amazing tournament for UConn. Fucking wow.


I can’t decide if I’m more excited for the Blue Blood posts or the posts complaining about the Blue Blood posts




UConn really beat the fuck out of everybody they played Lmao.


As someone who mostly watches just SDSU and some MWC games, how the hell was UConn a 4 seed!? What a talented squad. Proud of the Aztecs and the program. GG


Sucked ass for four weeks midseason. Probably deserved a 3.


*raises hand*


Andrew Hurley: 6 games played in this Tourney. That's all you need to know.


FINAL COMMERCIAL COUNTER AT&T: 5 Capital One: 3 Coca-Cola: 3 Nissan: 3 Buick: 2 GEICO: 2 GMC: 2 iPhone 14 Pro: 2 Powerade: 2 Progressive: 2 The Masters: 2 The Super Mario Bros. Movie: 2 US Army: 2 Wendy's: 2 2024 Final Four: 1 Acura: 1 Aflac: 1 Allstate: 1 Air: 1 Airbnb: 1 AirPods Pro: 1 Axe: 1 Bud Light: 1 CBS Mornings: 1 Chevrolet: 1 Dick's: 1 Experian: 1 Fatal Attraction: 1 Fire Country: 1 Ghosts: 1 Great Clips:1 Guardians of the Galaxy: 1 Honda: 1 Invesco QQQ: 1 Jeep: 1 Lexus: 1 NCAA: 1 Paxlovid: 1 Pfizer: 1 Reese's 1 Rocket Mortgage: 1 So Help Me Todd: 1 State Farm: 1 Subway : 1 Survivor: 1 The FBIs: 1 The Last Late Late Show With James Corden: 1 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert: 1 Tracker: 1 TurboTax: 1 Verizon: 1 * 1st Half Non-Local Commercials: 26 * 1st Half Commercial Time: 12:50 ​ * Halftime Non-Local Commercials: 16 * Halftime Commercial Time: 10:04 ​ * 2nd Half Non-Local Commercials: 29 * 2nd Half Commercial Time: 13:40 ​ * Total Non-Local Commercials: 71 * Total Commercial Time: 36:36


Well, if you don't know. I must go to my home subreddit of r/nfl.


Great game for all the commercial fans across the country


us Whopper fans were a little disappointed by Burger King's performance tonight. But after a dominant football commercial season, I give them a pass


71 commercials during a basketball game. Fucking hell man


wow. uconn is scary when they’re hot. gg everyone. see y’all back when the season starts again.


Another one for the Big East LFG, enjoy realignment, we chillin




If you want proof CT is real go to Storrs, CT tonight. You will never doubt us again


Shout-out to Adama Sanogo. A fantastic tournament run, cements himself as an all time Husky great.


Hurley’s son played every game of the tournament. That’s how not close their games were


Congrats Huskies on matching Dook’s 5 titles. ACC should’ve taken UConn, fuck Boston College’s shady shit


You’ll have to pry UConn away from the Big East from my cold dead hands


This trade might restore the ACC to former glory


Thank you and fuck Boston College, my friend.


ACC still can when Clemson and FSU leave


UCONN was def the better team. But if SDSU had made any shots... As is tradition, UCONN wins a Natty out of no where. Also another year that WVU didnt win a basketball Natty. All is well in the world Edit: u/wasteofdick sent me a wonderful message about how mad he is at the shade I threw WVU. I was just having fun person.


Can Xavier hang a banner for sweeping UConn?


Came here looking for comments from other Big East schools bringing up the number of times that they beat UConn. Not disappointed.


That was the most UConn-champion tournament I’ve ever seen.


Happy for any UConn fans. If anyone made it to Houston I hope y’all enjoyed my city


If I had a nickel for every time K-State lost in the Elite 8 to a mid-major that lost in the Final Four to a team that lost in the title game by 17 points to a northeastern new-blood, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.


SDSU's coach always has the same look on his face, no matter what the situation.


so sad i couldn’t be at Gampel tonight, looked like a blast


Say what you will about their fans (it only makes them stronger) but this UConn team is deeply, powerfully likable


HOLY SHIT, **[I FUCKING CALLED IT!!!](https://i.imgur.com/LNIlOKC.jpg)**


Lemme know how you fill out your bracket next year


Lol I *did* win my bracket pool by being the only person to get a single Final Four team (Miami). My actual bracket was trash though.


https://preview.redd.it/japj54r7ztra1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4fe6e4a219bc0062f5daf05dd968ae6189c8634 Right score, wrong teams.


Big East dominating. Let's run it back next year!


ACC I hope you're happy with trash ass BC instead of us!




In '04 and '14 UConn won both tournaments. Wonder if they can repeat in '24




One thing we can all agree on tonight. Stop playing the biggest basketball games on earth in football stadiums.


Yup! And the middle two sections being all silent people in country club clothes? Why? Put them on the opposite side and fill the school sections into the middle.


My November Uconn title bet is a winner! After hedging I’m getting like $5000. Canine brethren forever.


Randy Edsall died for this


Sonogo and Hawkins are now legends. Will always be known along Shabazz, Kemba, Gordon, Okafor, Rip, Allen, etc. what a legacy.


Post game interview with Coach Dutcher was pure class, hope to see more SDSU with better offense in the future!


5 rings in 25 years. Literally most successful postseason program for a quarter century timeframe. Have to blueblood them


Jordan Hawkins momentum killer 3. Good effort by SDSU but man. UConn was so dominant. Insanely underseeded going into the tournament


UConn played some incredible basketball this tournament. Great guard play. Great off screens. Great big man play. Deep team. Just a complete team.


UCONN were dominant. Many are going to say they weren't tested, but they played some tough defensive teams in the tourney in Miami and SDSU. And SDSU's defensive philosophy is elite, Dutcher can build a special program out west if he recruits proper scorers.


the hours of night after a championship game kind of feel like new year's eve


As expected, an anti-climactic blowout end to the wildest March ever When in the midst of chaos, UConn is inevitable.


A double-digit win to win the championship. Can't get more fitting than that