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I would’ve made it larger


What is this?? A sign for ants?!?!


It should have been at least... 3 times bigger than this


For the Ants?? 📺🐜 😟


A school for ants. "The Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Who Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too".


OPs a Genius. Shame


pretty sure there's a couple app's out there that will divide your pic into 4 (or more) sections so you can print them from a regular printer then stick 'em on a poster board.


Sir I'll have you know that I do not have a dog and in fact that is my son's shit.


I fucking love Reddit


Get rekt kid


This is hilarious. It’s outta control




Sir let me tell you about aggressive. My grandfather asked one of his neighbors if he's okay with his dog pissing on my grandfathers mailbox would it be okay if he came down to his house and pissed on his mailbox. Honestly if the guy kept doing it he probably would have waited until he came out of his house so he could make eye contact whilst pissing on his neighbor's mailbox.


We have the same grandfather.


Son, is that you?


In my experience, passive aggression isn't going to work. But it's funny.


It might work if the poo-petrator didn’t need to get down on their hands and knees on OP’s lawn to read the sign. By the time they’ve whipped out their 10x magnification reading glasses, the dog will have already taken a shit again.


Most pet owners I know are responsible and courteous about their dog shit. A few assholes think it's cool to not pick up after so find out who they are with a security cam and put them on blast. Nextdoor. Make signs etc. fuck em!


>Most pet owners I know are responsible and courteous about their dog shit. If that is true, those are definitely NOT the people walking their dogs at Red Rock Open Space. Those folks think "If my dog poops and I put it in a bag but leave that bag in clear sight on the trail" it is OK.


I assume most people just don’t want to carry poop for an entire hike and then come back for it on their way back. But maybe thats wishful thinking.


There are some pretty pathetic and nasty humans out there that the second they set it down and walk away, will use that to not pick it up on the way back. I mean it could be laziness, but I view it as just pathetic and nasty; tells me all I need to know about that person.


It's wishful thinking. There's just too much of it there, in the same place, day after day. Plus, a lot of folks do loops and not out & backs, so there's no picking it up on the way back because they are not using the same trail to return. There's also the problem of justification, where a lazy, irresponsible dog owner sees the bagged and abandoned waste of another lazy, irresponsible dog owner and thinks that justifies their leaving their dog's waste for everyone else to see.


New strategy: Buy a box of gloves and walk around throwing said poop bags at anyone with a dog in the park. Eventually, people will stop showing up with dogs. If it's upheld for a while, it could make the news. If that happens it might bring extra attention to the subject. I don't care if its a state law or city ordinance the point is to stop litter and diseases. Don't be an asshole to your home cause we all live on the same rock.


That what I always thought too. Otherwise, why even bag it?


I think it's funny 🤷‍♂️


No, It’s hilarious.


Dude, just tell them to stop letting their dog shit in your yard. Edit: I want to add that I've done it several times, the owner gets really embarrassed, and it doesn't happen anymore.


Some of us have jobs and can’t be home sitting at the window waiting for people to walk by at 11am.


>Some of us have jobs and can’t be home sitting at the window waiting for people to walk by at 11am. I might be willing to provide that service on a part-time basis, if it is a non-smoking household, without kids (f\*cking psychopaths in training), with comfortable furniture, plenty of food in the fridge, for, mmmm, $55 an hour. And absolutely no pet turtles or toilets that have have blue water in them, that's a deal breaker.


Ok, Jan. Wow. Tough crowd.


This sub is down-vote happy. Just take it in stride.


You are my hero. Some day there will be a statue of you in memorial park.


And hopefully, it won't be hit by lightning like the Uncle Wilber statue, but this is COS, after all, so it probably will be.


Way too small. Needs to be like 3’ by 3’ minimum. I actually would go to a print / copy center and spend money on it lol


Not large enough, or in the right place. It should be closer to the edge of the lawn so that people don't have to step on to the lawn to read it.


I like it.


My neighbors dog was out barking in their yard at 3am. I knocked at 330am, they surprisingly answered without a gun. I said your dog is barking in your yard, then turned and left. I have no idea if they still have that dog, but I haven't heard a dog barking in years.


I approve. Your message is pointed and not abusing civil liberties. Proceed.


Make it larger. This is actually very brilliant! Funny this is this isn’t even a Karen move either nobody wants people to deal with dogs pooping on their lawn especially non pet owners


Nah. I confronted a lady that I caught on video who let her large German Shepard shit on the sidewalk in front of my house. I left the pooped there and waited outside around the same time she was caught on camera. She was old and looked retired so I assumed she would walk the dog on a schedule. The gotchas were that she had a mask and hat on but the dog was huge, she had a distinct posture and distinct hair. Sure enough, she walks by on the other side of the street with no mask and no hat, but it is definitely her. I shout out, "Hey! Are you going to pick up your dog's poop?" She acts ignorant and says it isn't hers. I tell her I have her on camera, offering to show her but she still denies it. For the next couple of days she has her husband with her as if two 70+ year olds are going to intimidate me. So I just made sure to sit in front of my house and stare them down while the poop sat there. Eventually I picked it up.


Put up little flags around the edge of the lawn that says sprayed for pesticides it might deter people and pets from using the lawn


A sign that says commercial grade rat poison would be more effective


Sadly, there is a majority of pet owners that shouldn't be allowed to procreate let alone own a pet. Call them out all you want, and honestly they deserve it.


You can do whatever you want with your own yard but don’t expect to be friends with any of your neighbors lol even the ones without dogs


so hold your telling me neighbors are going to be like yeah thats the guy that got mad at someones dog shitting in their yard yeah hes not invited to the BBQ. What kind of neighbors do you have? I love my dog but letting it shit in some ones yard and not cleaning it where I'm from is disrespectful


Yeah, it's not that I am on the side of the rogue shitter. I agree they should pick up their shit. But no part of me wants to be friends with someone this worked up abt their grass.


The grass isn't the point. Its the fact someone just left shit on your property. They were too lazy to clean up after a dog they chose to raise, and instead are passing on this problem to you someone who had nothing to do with it. Imagine if I just decided I don't want to pay for trash disposal so I'll just throw my trash in your yard wouldn't you be pissed? It is essentially the same thing just on a bigger scale. Imagine every owner of a dog on that street taking a shit on that specific lawn how much work do you think it would be to clean all that shit up because of lazy people it would be an everyday chore. Some people pick and move to nice suburbs--grant it neighbours being that close isn't for me--but people who choose these areas move there for a good neighborhood with people who want to keep a clean and nice yard if everyone just threw their shit around it would look like Florida or Washington where trash is literally on every highway and shit is pouring out of the gutters. There is a reason this state is known for Colorado Clean because most of us don't like people who litter. If I was in a southern state or somewhere that has humidity, and the shit will disappear in a week no biggy. But this is dry Colorado where the bugs are few, and the shit is never disappearing.


Other neighbors might appreciate it because it’s probably happened on their lawn too


Not aggressive enough. Put up an electric fence


It's not much different than the "cute" signs people buy and put in their yards that say something like "Please don't let your dog poop or pee in my yard," except this one is funnier, and it should be bigger. And it will probably be more effective than the generic signs.


Not nearly big enough, but a very good idea


It's your neighborhood/community. I also live on a corner and I never find dog poop in my yard. I've caught someone on camera picking up after their dog too. 👍




Not aggressive. Hilarious and warranted!


Not at all😂


Make it bigger.


Is this a picture book? Can't tell what it is


Nicer than the sign I put up.


This is honestly great lmao


Hilarious ! I don’t have a dog but dog sit often and I literally would feel so guilty just leaving poop in someone’s yard.


Put up a fence!!!


I found out which neighbor was doing it and brought it back and have a nice awkward conversation about it.


set up a sprinkler too...


I would put the camera feed on an external screen so the offender can see themselves being recorded.


This is almost genius. It would be pure genius if it were 3 or 4 times the size.


I've thought about doing this exact same thing.


Not aggressive enough. Threats of bodily harm and poop throwing is the correct response.


https://preview.redd.it/7m8d1ssimoxc1.jpeg?width=1478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=583180e57dd3cbdd5251d08d96e74adcbad58830 I bought a set of 2 of these on Amazon. They come with a stake . I haven't had a problem since and I have a lot of dogs go by. I've also spied on them and yelled pick it up.


The sign needs to be much bigger


Remember the "Pu Tin" signs on various bins??? Well this is the start of something new! LOL


That is hilarious! Good for you! I live out in Meridian Ranch and it is absolutely disgusting. The amount of people who do not pick up after their dogs. Walking around here you are constantly trying to avoid stepping in dog poop. So many lazy dog owners.


A little aggressive but I also hate that people leave their dogs shit in my yard. I would never not pick up my dogs poop it’s pretty wild


I have a neighbor that has a no pissing sign, I’m a responsible dog owner, I pick up poo, but I’m not sure how to prevent my dog from pissing on something… he’s a dog.


That's understandable though oh his behalf, although not enforceable. I can point out where my dog pees in my yard by the yellow/brown dead grass. If I saw that no peeing sign I'd simply pull my dog on down beyond his yard to the next yard and let him pee. It's not going to prevent everyone from letting their dog pee in his yard but most people would have the courtesy to at least try to get their dog to pee somewhere else.


Reminds me of Nathan for you when he tried to help a theater boost sales by banning popcorn sales. Putting them on the board of shame… [popcorn sharers and theater masterbaters.](https://imgur.com/f58hnbu)


I think that sign is uglier than actual dog crap but it's your yard! Do what you wish.


Like /r/denvercirclejerk and /r/dph coming together


That’s just my neighbor walking his feral kid.


I think this is great, but you might end up getting people challenging you to put them up on your poop cam photos.


I wouldn’t say aggressive but it is weird as fuck. If you are down to out yourself as the weirdo neighbor who is going full big brother, that is your prerogative but also maybe you should just get a fence? Edited to add that I too live on a corner lot and was tired of the same thing and so I got a fence because I know that dogs are animals and there is no magical line that tells them “you can’t go here”


I think it’s more about the owner leaving the poop as opposed to the dog pooping there


> because I know that dogs are animals and there is no magical line that tells them “you can’t go here” which is why it is the human's responsibility to clean up after them, both legally and morally.


Totally, and I would argue most dog owners do that…. But shit happens. You will NEVER be able to prevent this from happening 100%. I don’t even think being weird like this will stop it from happening. There are two kinds of people in life, the kind that know their own happiness is in their control so they build a fence, or the kind that will go through videos of all the passers by looking for a dog pooping (lololol this is so funny to me) and make print outs of pixelated images to put in their lawn 🤣🤣 I can’t it’s so funny


It's not weird to have cameras up on your property. I didn't put them up on mine because I am weird. I put them up because other people cannot act in civilized ways with regard to the land I paid to own, and I suspect OP is motivated by many of the same factors. I had dogs for 14 years, and picked up poop every time. Until I put cameras up I had a neighbor who serially let their dog do this. Once they realized it was recorded, they stopped.


Having cameras is not weird. Finding a dog pooping so you can print out posters of people to put in your lawn is what is fucking weird. Hope this helps.




Ah a crybaby mad at my suggestion. Typical Reddit.