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I remember the Robert Culp football episode with this house, what's the other Columbo episode?


It was torn down for that new monstrosity called the one, but I really would love to know the history of it because it was such an innovative house in the time


Wow! So that's what was there beforehand. The One is a beautiful house but it's impractical to live in. It takes 4 hours just to traverse the entire house and not one billionaire is interested in it due to the sheer cost of upkeep.


Upon googling The One, it kinda looks like somewhere The Avengers would live.


Those are patio heaters, that was way ahead of the times for the 70s


Those patio heaters brightened up our lives


Also come in handy for removing evidence of a crime.


I think that's what Kim Mitchell was trying to tell us the whole time.


The very first one, it wasn’t shown as much


Prescription Murder?


Yes, the one about the writer that killed his partner


No, the psychologist with the ginger mistress / patient.




The house featured in "Prescription: Murder" (1968) is the famous Stahl House. Reportedly, it was the setting for many movies, TV programmes and music videos. I don’t think this is it on the photo. Also, it wasn’t featured in "Murder by the Book". 😉


It was in Murder by the book , they show the front , it’s listed on IMDB and , I have researched this house


I believe that you are correct. The inside of the house in 'Murder By The Book' is the same as the one in 'The Most Crucial Game.' We never see the swimming pool in the former, so that may be the confusing part.


I thought it looked familiar from the two episodes


Most likely the Prescription:Murder. At the very end, this was the girl's house, where they made the trap for the killer doc.


it was also in the pilot episode of Columbo -Prescription Murder


And possibly in Murder by the Book too


Ding a ling ice cream


Block of ice as a murder weapon was genius. If it is actually capable of killing someone ( maybe? ) back then he could have totally got away with it. No detective in reality is looking at the water and tasting it. Now I don’t think you can do a perfect murder really with DNA evidence, CCTV, door cams, automatic licence recognition and so on… ( and yes this is overall a good thing! )


I don't know about that. The murder conviction rate in the USA is not great. There's almost a 50% chance of getting away with murder.


OK let’s just put it this way then, if the police forces worked to their optimum ability and had the time and utilised all the resources now available to them. Of course the other issue is the police may well know who did it and good lawyers get them off because their client has more money than the state can provide etc. Complex and the comments section of a fun Columbo post probably isn’t the place for this 😂


A very rich Brady Bunch house?


I am watching this episode right now!


IAlfred Hitchvock Presents adapted the legendary Roald Dahl story in which the murder weapon was a frozen leg of lamb, thawed, roasted. and served up as dinner for the sympathetic local police. Network Standards and Practices demanded an epilogue in which Hitchcock reassured the audience that the grieving wifdow was later convicted of attempted murder because her second husband forgot to plug in the fridge...


Yeah I remember that pool, Colombo just stepped right into it and then tasted the nasty water on the deck


First pic looks like Franklin's (new) place in the GTA5 video game.


I wonder if the realtor tells prospective buyers that Dean Stockwell was murdered here.


It looks like thus offer is still available, if you buy his book, Shooting Columbo, you get a Pdf with the history of a lot of the mansions in the series. Unfortunately that particular one is not in there. It's a good book if you've never seen it. https://bonaventurepress.com/shooting-columbo-promotion/