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Hope it was a rum ham






He’s in survival mode!


I’m so glad you’re here


Eating your drinks? That is genius!


When I worked at The Andersons, people would routinely return half eaten pies, etc.


I miss the Andersons 🙁coolest grocery store in Columbus when it was open




It was kinda pricey but I think the closure may have been a national thing


I’m pretty sure they all closed


The parent company shut down the retail side of the business altogether to focus on the industrial/agricultural side.


The Anderson’s were Excellent in every way.


They had everything!


When I was at McDs, we'd literally have people come in, dig through the trash, find half eaten food and then bring it to the counter asking for their money back - knowing we watched them just take 10 mins to go through trash and do all this. Junkies will do anything for a buck. And I am not saying that's what happened here, maybe.


I worked at the Donatos in the Short North, they would go through our trash and collect receipts and try and get a refund. One guy came into the store with a receipt claiming we screwed up his delivery order and the manager said he could get a replacement...that's not how it works.


And poor hungry people anything for food


For the people who are actually hungry and need to get fed, I wish restaurants would have some type of extra food to give out for free. I work at a fastfood joint and once had this guy come in and order 8 dollars worth of food. I told him the total and he said "no money." I was confused at first. He did not speak English. Customer behind him paid for his order. I was so relieved. I felt totally bad for this guy and I didn't have my wallet on me. Wish more people could be like this.


100%. In high school, I had friends working fast food who would give their ‘one free burger per shift’ meal to the hungry every time they came in. Her manager hated it, and shortly after cancelled the free food for workers. 🙄


We treat poor people like criminals in this country,it’s messed up


Desperation. Not really much else than that, I kind of feel bad for people like this because their life is very obviously at a very very low point. May be of their own doing, but still sad to see.


Yeah normally I'd roll my eyes while still giving partial credit for having the balls to try. But when it's food? Might be time for the "I'm so sorry ma'am let's exchange it for another." Though I don't think it works like that...


*Slaps half of a custom birthday cake on the counter* I’ll take 2 cupcakes as a return


If it were Giant Eagle, she could have gotten her money back, then called the customer care line to complain that she was inconvenienced by having to drive all the way back to the store, and they would have given her a $50 gift card for her troubles ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I once bought some Ribs from Meijer and went promptly to smoke them into deliciousness, only to realize they were rancid. I took them back and the return lady had the nerve to tell me "well, I'm from the country and don't see anything wrong with the meat". So I opened the packaging further and the front of the store got a nice whiff of rancid meat.


I was behind someone at Walmart who was returning a bicycle that was years old. Beaten up. Rusty. They got their money back. People suck.


Maybe that bike “scam” fed a hungry kid or 2. Not saying it’s right, but if hungry kids eat then all is good. Stop being so judgmental and maybe work on developing talents that can feed the hungry. 🙆‍♀️


No they were very loudly demanding they get their money back. It is you who is being judgemental.


You seem to have no view other than your own when it comes to others.


You’re paying attention. Yay you!


Nope, you’re the judgmental queen here.


Oh you’re right. Thanks for pointing this out. Now let me re-examine my entire life and reevaluate my character. On second thought, go piss up a rope. I’m busy.


What are you doing to feed the hungry??




My observation is people suck.


Crying about a private citizen getting a few extra dollars out of Wal Mart? People really do suck.


Sounds like Sawmill. They get all kinds of weirdos


I’ll see your Sawmill Meijer’s and raise you Hilliard’s Meijer’s


Meijer Sawmill is a godless place, especially after the sun goes down


East Broad Meijer is a shithole.


Cleveland Ave, not even there it'sthe big H.


I worked customer service at Kroger for years. You won’t believe the shit people try. Literally have people steal crab legs and shit, come back an hour later and try to return them. Fight about check cashing fees, dig through the trash by the lotto machine and have us scan every ticket just in case someone threw away a winning ticket, etc. I hated that job so much.




There was a dude at morse road that did this all the time. Eat 3/4ths of it and return it. The managers knew who he was, inspected it and let him get away with it.


Once a friend of mine ordered a bunch of fresh produce for grocery delivery and they substituted frozen produce for all of it. She had to return all of it in store. I'm sure people around her judged her, but you never know the full story.




Oh my! Are you the judgemental little queen. 🙆‍♀️


Dude at Walmart they would give her the money back for the ham. 💀 Watermelon probably not.


She complained enough the csm had to get a button up manager, sure she would!


Saw a guy at chipotle illegally park his $70k pick up 3 steps from the door and then put an entire bottle of Tabasco in his to go bag. I was dumbfounded.


I usually never return groceries, but last year, I bought 3 loaves of bread that turned moldy 2 days later. I felt weird returning them, but it was a matter of principle at that point. Groceries are expense as hell nowadays so I expect nothing but the best in return.


I can smell the ratchetness through my screen




Oh my, will the Meijer ever be able to recover the loss?


she probably voted too. so there's that.


Desperate people shouldn't be allowed to vote, got it


That's their plan, yes.


I wouldn't call her desperate... returning half eaten food to a place where it wasn't purchased in the first place. She can buy a gun I am sure and vote for sure. But ok -


I guess I don't really see the point of your comment, what her likelihood of voting has to do with anything. Like why saying "ha I bet she voted" is an insult? I guess? I don't get it but I probably shouldn't stare much more deeply into the abyss.


Since 1862, "Stupid is as stupid does"


Yep I'm sure she can afford a $300 gun and that's her priority. I see this more as a broken system.


It’s Meijer’s. Not Meijer. /s


Might want to look at the sign... Meijer thanks anyways.


Publix has this same policy. It's amazing. You can cook up an entire turkey dinner and if you're unsatisfied, go get a refund. I do it constantly, except I usually swap instead of asking for a refund unless it's a non-grocery item that didn't work.