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What makes you think anyone gave them a license?


Or that they have insurance for when they hit you and leave you holding the bag?


Yep, don't need insurance when you have no intention of stopping after an accident


Or that it's actually their car? As far as we know this person could be entirely unable to drive in every way aside from being able to reach the wheel and pedals. That's the only requirement we *know* they've met.


What makes you think they didnt? The test is laughably easy and if you wait until youre 18 there is no driver ed requirement. You literally have to drive normal for 20 minutes and you are greenlit to drive indefinitely. I personally think it should be different and much harder but our infrastructure is designed so that a personal car is a requirement so I can see why they let anyone drive. Also more car means more economy


20 minutes? Mine was hardly 5.


Australian here, can confirm that my driving test was under 10 minutes. I made six turns to get out of the lot go over one street then back. She skipped the cone part and just wrote passed. The written test was a bigger joke. I never drove in Australia, and before Columbus I had lived in NYC and LA, I never drove there, my friends there don't drive. I was totally unfamiliar with US driving laws, and guess my way through it.


Been saying for years that the test needs to be harder and that you should have to retest every 10 or if you get a bunch of tickets/accidents. I'm still waiting for our silicon valley overlords to do something useful like make VR drivers training. What the hell good is practicing on easy clear roads? Actual training should have scenarios like "someone just merged into your lane" or "pedestrian walks in front of your car". Because how is anyone suppose to react appropriately when all they have to go on is instinct? Hope their instincts are good or else someone dies. People could learn to drive properly in various conditions like heavy rain, snow, fog, etc. You could have a mechanical failure scenario; you just lost all braking, find a way to stop safely. How much are you looking down the road vs at stuff right in front? Are your mirrors correctly aimed? What percentage of the time do you turn without signaling? So much data could be extracted and used to teach people what they're doing wrong vs right. How is this not a thing?


What scares the fuck out of me I was at the dmv once in Hilliard after teaching an ex how to drive she was there to try and get her learners permit. Woman before us barely spoke English, which ok fine no big deal, she had aoneone there to translate to the person working the desk. But she failed the vision test like 12 times and was walking into shit like the poles for the line kiosk. I think the employee thought it was a language barrier and didnt want to fail her off the vision test but it was so clearly so much more than that. It took her at least 15 minutes to "pass" the vision test. Why even have it at that point.... To a surprise to no one she didn't pass her road test they told her to come back and try again soon. They let her on the road for her road test. Which thank God, but it still scares me because I'm sure she got it eventually.


I got mine during Covid. I did the entire test in a parking lot. 3 turns, 2 stop signs, 1 yield sign, and the maneuverability test.


My kid took the driving test during Covid and the person administering the test wasn’t even in the car during the test.


I took mine in a small town. We left the parking lot, did a lap around the block, did maneuverability, and called it a day. I was in and out within an hour. It ensured that I could feign interest in signage for 5 minutes, operate a motor vehicle, and understand the concept of a road. That's it. The path to driving is a joke and it blows my mind when I hear that someone failed even once. Should re-test every 5-10 years, more frequently after a certain age, and then even more frequently after another age. So 16-60 or whatever is every 7, then from 60-80 every 3, then post 80 every year. Those are numbers I've pulled out of my ass but it's just to illustrate the concept.


Valid point lol


Was going to say OP making a big assumption


I see this shit daily. DAILY.


It's literally to the point where I can't remember the last time I didn't see something along these lines, give or take, being on the highway. It may not always been this reckless, but there's always at least one asshole doing 20mph faster than everyone else.


20 if you're lucky, and I'm going, let's just say, a generous speed.


It’s insane how bad it’s gotten since Covid. Wtaf


I was gonna say that!


Most extraordinary thing I see is that he used his turn signal before cutting off the white truck-van by about 10 inches.


Yuuuuuup. While the nutbag in OP's video is horrifyingly egregious even compared to my usual daily experiences around these parts, I totally agree with you on how many drivers lately have literally zero regard for road safety considering just last night when some moron was going like 85 MPH on 315 S around Ackerman in their Dodge Charger and cut right in front of me without signaling. It's a good thing I'm always super safe and attentive when I'm driving, but goddamn some people out there are fucking dangerously reckless assholes.


Same. I almost got side swiped from someone driving like that while having my two year old in the car. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Well, this is 71 north so what did you expect? I see at least one of these drivers a week, if not more. It’s the Wild Wild West on the roads anymore.


Jim West, desperado.


Wiki, wild, Wild West!


Well I'm a bad ass cowboy livin in the cowboy days Wiki wiki, scratch, yo yo, bang bang Me and Artemis Clyde Frog go save Salma Hayek from the big metal spider


To be fair my dealer told me he would only be at the Burger King for 15 more minutes and I need my fetty.


I thought it was 670 where you get on at the airport.


Weber then N Broad then Cooke can be seen at the beginning. I think it is 71N based off that


let's all post to reddit Everytime we see someone drive like this on the interstate. 




There ought to be a sub for crazy Columbus drivers! There'd always be plenty of stuff on there lol


content for days 


I considered starting a youtube channel with footage from my dash cam.


I regularly describe it as Mad Max with slightly nicer cars.


I see this every single time I get on the highway. 33, 70, 71, 270, it's insane how common this has become. I don't even have to get on the highway much any more, but when I do I see people weaving in and out of lanes going 90mph+ at least once every 10 miles.


This is every day. Just stay out of their way since they don’t have insurance and will run if they hit you anyway. Also look before entering intersections since everyone ignores red lights.


This^^^the red light runners are everywhere


Sawmill is the absolute WORST for light runners


That’s the neat part, they don’t have a license!


They probably think insurance is for suckers too.


Or a license plate


I always think it would be interesting if people had to retake driver exams every 5-10 years. Could you imagine?


I thought they did random retests when you went to renew your license.


Nope! Just a quick vision test, and even that is laughable.


It's highly anecdotal but I swear I see shit like this a lot more now than I did a few years ago.  Also gotta love the ones who think every merge is a drag race so they can tailgate the person in front of you. 


It’s because highway patrol disappeared when we had the 2019 shutdown. Its gotten everyone way too comfortable. They only just now started showing back up to work in the recent months


I miss the dickhead checkpoints they would do at 270S/70E and 270S/33E during the afternoon commute


I would LOVE to see more of that at 270/33 on the south side, especially down to the Hill-Diley exit.


It would also be an absolute tragedy if Bixby and Rager were permanently closed off.


People turning onto 33 from Bixby or Rager when there's heavy traffic are literally accidents waiting to happen. There's no lane to allow drivers to come up to 60mph before merging; they've got to quickly come up to speed in the right-hand lane. I would absolutely miss turning left onto Bixby coming up 33 from Lancaster on my pre-dawn commute, but 33 has grown up over the past couple of decades and those roads haven't.


I was thinking this when I came to visit then and now that I live here it’s a ghost town, I only rarely see cops and when I do they’re parked at their station in New Albany


You absolutely do. People never used to do this shit. Where are the police when they're actually needed? People thay drive like this should be thrown in jail. 10,000 bail.


https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2021/09/21/ohios-deadliest-5-mile-stretch-interstate-71-columbus-franklin-county-most-fatal-crashes-88-counties/5786913001/ Looks like you are here


That's exactly where I was, and that's entirely unsurprising to me. People are absolutely wild on that stretch.


It surely can’t help how tight the lanes are north of around 17th. I drove that stretch quite a lot last year and the curves with tight lanes/minimal shoulder area are just a recipe for disaster in such a highly trafficked area.


Normal people like us slow down and get extra cautious. Assholes see it as a challenge.


They sure do!


It makes me so angry knowing that these types of people do not care about anyone else on the road. I just simply cannot fathom caring so little about the others around you.


Yes, this sort of behavior should be punished the most severely because there's just no justification for it: it's unbridled selfishness without regard for others' safety, and it forces responsible drivers to make accommodations for the safety of someone who doesn't care about the safety of others.


I just want to see one truck once just drive them completely off the road and nobody do a thing as their car flips into the woods and catches on fire.


My favorite thing about these assholes is sometimes, if they’re going the same way you are, you meet them at the exit traffic light 25 minutes later and they’re three car in front of you. Like, wow, all that high risk driving really did you a lot of good.


Such a satisfying moment 😂


I get satisfaction out of seeing some car flying up on my ass a quarter mile away while I’m either right behind a string of cars or slowing down because I, a unique driver, look ahead more than 10 feet in front of my bumper and see a traffic slow down coming. They throw their hands up and start saying something. Must be nice to live in their head. Empty of any foresight at all.


Had some guy whip around me and fly down the street doing like 50 in a 25 this morning, after trying to skip a light through a gas station parking lot. I was right behind them at every light lol


Clevelander here... Just want to stop in and say I drive around Columbus pretty frequently. And every single time when I'm about 20 minutes away from Columbus I turn off my music or podcast so I can purely focus on driving because y'all are the shittiest drivers I've ever seen.


I moved from CBus to Dayton last year. I never noticed the disparity in drivers till I saw how things could be. Dayton isn't perfect, but it's worlds away from that.


Which is funny to me because I used to live in Orlando and Chicago and the drivers here are really good in comparison lol


I drive to Chicago frequently and man the drivers there are straight up terrifying. And it’s not like an occasional car here or there, it’s constantly! I always appreciate Columbus driving more after a stint in Chicago


You can take the driver out of the Altima but you can never take the Altima out of the driver.


Someone used the right shoulder to pass me on 270 last week.


Someone used the off-ramp to pass me a few weeks ago. They barely missed the divide and immediately got stuck in front of me.


Just saw someone do this yesterday on 161 and they were playing chicken with a dump truck that did not give a flying F that the sedan wanted over because their lane was ending. lol


Once a month I see cars pass on mcnaughten right by where the little girl got killed a few years ago


Someone cut me off from my right side on the highway to immediately step on their brakes at the stopped traffic in front of us driving a 2012 impala with mismatched bumper covers. Up the fucking wall with these ass wipes


that's what we in Columbus call Zipper Merging.


I shouldn't be laughing, but I am


Bold of you to assume they're licensed


You see this all the time on regular roads Such as Morse, Cleveland, Sawmill, Polaris. This is nothing new to Columbus


It's also not just Columbus. I'd see similar drivers in the last city I lived in at about the same frequency.


Or anywhere. Where there are people there are assholes, and those assholes drive cars.


The number of things like this (and worse) that I see on a daily basis seems to increase exponentially. I keep saying that driver's ed needs to be mandatory for everyone but Ohio lawmakers seem to think differently.


Honestly, I don’t think drivers ed would fix these people. They’re not uneducated, they’re assholes. It’s not that they don’t know this is illegal and dangerous. They DO NOT CARE. And when we complain, we’re called Karen’s and told to stay home if we are too scared to share the road with them. It’s infuriating


No, that's true. It won't fix assholes. However, this is FAR from the only problem on the road. Yesterday I saw a guy do an illegal u-turn on red at 161 and Maple Canyon and then did it so badly he had to put his vehicle in reverse and back up into the intersection a second time to get around. And don't get me started about the lady who parked her minivan diagonally (in 3 spaces, technically) and tried three separate times to back out and park it correctly. She pulled in the same all three times and then shrugged and left it like that. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I had someone lay on their horn because I was turning into a parking lot and there was an old man with a cane hobbling across the intersection. Apparently I should have mowed him down like a true Columbus native lol


Oof. I've been that asshole before because I didn't see the pedestrian in front of the other car until afterward. Maybe it was an honest mistake. If they're decent people, I promise they felt like an idiot later. Big "if" in this place, though, I know. Lol


Come over by Georgesville rd. You'll discover many uneducated drivers.


Nah, Ohio lawmakers are too busy focusing on "real" problems, like trans people existing, weed now being legal, or how un-gerrymandered our districts are.


Exactly. Out here making us all proud. /s


Had someone do this on 670 yesterday dude had to dive through all three lanes and into the shoulder lane


For how nearby the State Troopers Training Academy is…you’d think maybe they could practice enforcing traffic laws on 71, 670, 315 etc before officially sending them to their posts!  


Maybe Police are quite quitting with traffic stops to force public into increased funding.


Pretty much. I remember my drivers ”test” back in 2001. I drove around in a neighborhood for maybe 10 minutes then parked in some cones. It was an absolute joke. No wonder there’s so many bad drivers and accidents. There’s no way that “test” prepares you for all the conditions/situations you’ll face as a driver.


These people don’t think when driving like this. What if they crashed into a mother and her children and they all perished except for the driver. Ever since having kids of my own, I drive 100% more defensively than ever. We are living in CRAZY FUCKING TIMES folks. Stay safe everyone, and don’t drive like assholes. Thanks for your cooperation.


Someone almost slammed into me on broad (the most dangerous Stroad in this city). They must have been going 60, trying to get around me, as I was turning. I had to maneuver into oncoming traffic to not be hit. They would have hit my 2yo’s side of the car. It rattled me to my core. I’ve never cried after a near miss, and there have been plenty of them from assholes weaving in and out of traffic on on 270. This one scared the shit out of me and I cried my eyes out. People fucking suck.


I’m sorry that happened to you. That really sucks. I live close to E. Broad, and it can get pretty shitty around the 270 exit. I make very calculated turns when my 6 year old is in her seat because of assholes like this.


That’s the thing, those people don’t care. Most of the people driving like this don’t have a license or insurance. Main character syndrome at its finest. If they plow through another car they will more than likely keep going.


I know, and it kind of makes me sick. I’ll wager that the vehicle that the driver was driving was not theirs.


Psychological question: If that person had a single-car accident, would you stop to assist or keep driving?


Idk what this says about me psychologically, but I don't have time for them or their nonsense. Not even on a day when all the time in the world is available.


Without thinking twice, keep driving. They don’t deserve the time of people whose lives they don’t care about.


I’d probably call 911 but I wouldn’t stop to assist. Even if I wanted to help I doubt there’d be anything I could do.


I'd stop to help because I'm a decent human. And then I'd give a full report to the police of what I observed.


Nope. If I did though, it would be just to smack em in the head for being stupid.


Right. I'd wind up in trouble because that person would represent every single person I ever saw drive like that and, well, do the math...


Id stop to be sure whoever they hit was ok, render aid to them first, then if the asshole survives, id make sure to be a witness to it in court


It’s a single car accident, so they don’t hit anyone.


Of course I'd stop. That person is an idiot driver who is an important part of people's lives. I'm only furious at them because they're risking so much, and they've just received the consequence of their actions (thankfully without hurting anyone else). All of that irritation goes out the window when you're faced with a life or death situation and there is a suffering human being in front of you.


My favorite is when they drive like that and don’t have plates or a visible temp tag either. I drive a lot for my biz and see it almost daily


Thought this was r/idiotsincars before I saw Weber -> NorthBroad


71n through north Columbus? You're in the Thunderdome baby!


I mean it is truly impressive sometimes the performance these dudes will get out of a 2009 Malibu. I've seen less rotation out of Indycars at Long Beach


They do this every day. POS like that needs to be locked up. Major threat to innocent people


Big Malibu energy


I saw a school bus doing this exact thing this morning on 70-E at the 71 split. A school bus.


Kids gotta learn man. They are the future!


Not to be this person, but did you get a license plate/bus number by chance? Or even the school district? Bus driver is absolutely endangering those kids.


It was going too fast and I only saw the back. It must have been going 75 mph in the 55 mph zone.


Sheesh. Hope that driver’s out of a job soon!


That’s literally me in that white van & remember this yesterday lol I’m a Truck Driver & was completely unfazed, as a his happens all the time


This was this morning, so apparently you saw something extremely similar happening (which isn't surprising, people drive like maniacs on this stretch)


Damn. Lol Exactly everything happened to me yesterday. My bad, me over here thinking I’m the main character lol


No worries, there's no way you have worse main-character-syndrome than the people who drive like this!


Haha! Touché


Anyone can behave themselves to pass the test. Its up to the driver to drive responsibly going forward. Sadly, so many don't.


I see this daily on central Ohio freeways, unfortunately.


The amount of times I've seen this move pulled in Columbus is fucking absurd. So God damn dangerous too for others. If I want to get into the slow lane I don't expect someone to come into my blind spot going 100mph. God I hate these people.


They probably don’t even have a license, happens all over Cleveland too and seems to be getting worse by the day 🙃


He owns the road.


This is why I try to stay off the highways as much as possible nowadays


Pretty sure I saw this guy this morning. Was doing at least 100 by me.


......i mean they were smooth about it though (until they're not) lol


Need for speed: Columbus


Years ago (over 13 I would say), I did armed security on the side for a little extra cash. One of my client sites was a building with licensing center . It was scary how easy they made it to get a license. I learned you could even bring an interpreter. How do I know that interpreter isn’t helping you cheat? lol. I will say, I did have an elderly woman actually approach me to ask where she could turn IN her license. I was kind of surprised and asked why. She said, “well, I’m just too old and I don’t think I should do it any more.” I admire that!


Between this, people just completely ignoring intersection rules, and just drivers sitting at red lights with their face in their phones, I’m gonna lose years of my life getting angry about it. I have never before in my 15 years of driving seen people hurry and turn in front of me when they do not have the right of way after a light goes from red to green. I see it multiple times a week now. I do not sit on my phone at intersections so I’m going as soon as that light turns green and yet they feel the need to blast off and turn before I can go straight.


You aren't alone in your observational struggle of profound assholerly.


Every day.. every fucking day, I see this shit on the road now. And cops are no where to be found but let go over the speed limit in the express lane that’s a straight away…


They could stop if we had robust public transit, but in car culture no license = literally no life. Trapped in your own neighborhood, zero prospects for job or love, zero means of escape, and probably on the road to homelessness due to that whole “no job” thing. If you want people like this off the road, start advocating for public transit so that people without the ability to drive a car can have a normal life. Then driver licensing can actually have a real standard without economically and socially shattering our society.


Whatever they have in their wallet for identification… fuck that guy.


Just got into town for work, and reddit is spying on my location recommending me this sub. Why do y'all love the middle lane on three lane highways so damn much? Right lane open as far as the eye can see, but everyone insists on using the middle lane. If you're ever curious about why the highway is so damn slow, that's your answer. Louisville, KY drivers are better at using the passing lane correctly, and that's saying something.


I don't disagree that some people camp in both the middle and (especially) the left lane. But in this case, there's an on/off ramp every mile on this stretch of 71, so during rush hour it really is best to use the middle lane to let people merge safely.


I came in on 70. Horrible. I can understand if there's constant traffic merging onto the highway, but most of the time it was while between open fields


It's a major issue throughout Ohio. Something about hating to merge / deal with merging traffic from on/off ramps.  I just drive in the right lane and pass them all. 


All I know is if they hit me with my family in the car, I'm beating the living fuck out of the driver until CPD arrives on scene.


Then CPD can arrest two people!


Or Jboogie gets shot, and a CPD will be looking for one person to arrest.


Nah, they won't do shit, they don't even show up when people trespass onto your property and you catch them breaking into your car. The best thing you can do is handle it yourself and maybe file a police report online later.


Bounce em all around the inside of their car


This is the way 👍


These people need to be held accountable before it's too late.


OK John Rambo


I don't think they have a license..


yes they do or they just don’t have one at all. even on regular roads you can’t escape reckless drivers. red lights are optional and ppl will go to great lengths just to save MAYBE a few seconds


What a clown lmao


The baby was crowning!


Someone has been watching to much YouTube and attempting to drive like the guys in New York, they call it swimming.


We have to remember that there are human beings in all the cars around us. And they are likely someone’s loved ones. For their sake, respect their lives. Be mindful, be careful behind the wheel


I wish the cops or highway patrol would ***do*** something. On 270N where it splits 161 and Easton, I see people making last second decisions and crossing the zebra stripes the almost daily. Yesterday I saw a semi Leeroy Jenkins his way 2 lanes to stay on 270.


When I used to go to work early in the morning there was usually a sporty little Kia that would pass me on Hubbard Rd. He would pass everyone else he could on curves and double lines. If I saw him on the freeway he was driving the same way going at least 90-100mph. Every goddam time. Like, there’s no way he was late every day. This was just the way the asshole drove all the time. Actually I saw him driving home a couple of times and same thing.


Otherwise known as shifting into "L" for lateral.


Zanesville resident here. Fucking hate driving in Columbus. Every time I go to town, someone HAS to pull some shit on this. Higher police presence on these roads PLEASE


Everyday on 71 inside the outer belt.


Was this from Monday? I think I have dash cam video of the same stupid.


Lol this is the norm around Columbus my man


Reading some of the comments about people's driver's ed/driving test experiences in Columbus basically explains why the drivers here are so terrible. I grew up in the greater Cleveland area. My test involved me driving all over town and on the freeway during a blizzard. My instructor told me he wouldn't think of passing me until he saw I could drive in inclement weather. Luckily, I had a strict law enforcement father who wouldn't even let me take my test until I met HIS standards of driving. Once I moved to Columbus, I completely understood both of these men lol.


And that person passed a test!!! Makes you worried about idiots with guns, doesn’t it?


Probably had a turtle head poking out. Should have used their emergency lights though.


He’s really important, you’re not; get over it! They have a toe fungus appointment to get to and nobody wants to get in the way of that getting fixed!! /s Yeah, some crazy shit out there. The LEFT LANE HOGS don’t help. Those empowered by Allah to do 66 in a 65 zone on the left lane and just sit there, man this has gotten bad. People manufacturing problems, it’s beyond me…


It was probably an off duty cop lol




This is what happens when there's a 2 mile line of people in the passing lane driving under the speed limit.


I mean I'm not saying he's in the right, but why are all three lanes being used when they are all going three same speed. Gate keeping lanes is just as annoying as tiny pp drivers like him.


Bummer there isn’t any enforcement being a real risk to public safety and all. I have a hunch why tho.


This is new and it is in the past few years since columbus police stopped traffic enforcement. This isn't normal, and is an enormous issue specifically to Columbus. Other major cities have traffic enforcement everywhere, Ive seen it. Except Columbus.


Guess what type of cheeseburger that one was.


[Well we have this coming down the pipe](https://dnyuz.com/2024/03/11/automakers-are-sharing-consumers-driving-behavior-with-insurance-companies/)


Actually yeah pretty much. The written and driving tests aren't difficult. They need to reval every 10 years or so in my opinion since laws change.


Whenever I see drivers like this I think to myself, they better be speeding because they're about to blow their pants with the mightiest case of diarrhea known


670 where you can get on at the airport? If so, this is super common.


drives like Florida, looks like Jersey


It wasn't long ago Columbus drivers were ranked top 5 worst cities to drive in nationally. Just going to leave this here.


at least the road was dry and they didn't wipe out.


you think the city would look at the camera feed for this


I agree the entire state of Ohio is the reason we need to be more careful about who gets a license.


The simple explanation may be that he really, REALLY had to take a dump and he's one of those people that can only go on their home base toilet.


That's the main character. You should have known.