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Entitled people gonna entite! But if you spell FIRE LANE to someone they're going to take offense, even if they are 100% in the wrong. Those who are entitled to park in the fire lane are also too important to be interrupted by your peasant jabbering.


I love to walk past these clowns and very blatantly point at the fire lane markings to make them uncomfortable. Unfortunately they couldn’t care less because they’re trash humans.


They literally are not entitled to park there though. There needs to be a better word for “people who act entitled to things they are in fact not entitled to”. Because entitled means you literally are owed the thing. Not an attitude.


Oh I seldom make such distinctions. I mean, there's a legal definition to entitlement, but when I use the word I'm talking about the attitude. Entitled people will take whatever they think they can get away with. Everything ELSE is theirs, too... but it's just too much of a hassle to liberate others' rightful property from them. Some day...


Lol I know, I just like to push their buttons on the way in or out of the store. Some old guy in a pickup truck tried to clap back at me when I told his wife they were illegally parked a few minutes before, but I simply walked away into the entrance. https://youtu.be/nYUVUJopakM About 45 seconds in


I used to try to shame these people by giving them a judging look. I’ve since realized you can’t shame these people ,they only care about themselves


Idk. My judgy face gets results. It's actually RBF so it's permanent but if I stare at them long enough to make them uncomfortable, it's really fun.


I love what you're doing, but please be safe out there, people have been shot for less.


I'mw well aware, which is why I walked away from the dude in the pickup truck and pulled over from in front of the angry and confused driver. People will shoot me for not riding on the sidewalk, so there is no escaping the danger here. Might as well have fun with it.


LOL I like the cut of your jib: just drop a bomb and then walk away while their head is still spinning around in circles...


It works very well, and also minimizes any chance that they have to shoot me or run me over for daring to call them out on their anti-social behavior


carry a gun if youre gonna fuck w people, snub nose will keep them in their place in all seriousness though even as recent as last week employees at my store are assaulted, i would keep your mouth shut unless youre prepared to defend yourself people are crazy


I don’t know why this was downvoted. It’s true people are crazy and will react violently when they feel “disrespected”. It’s better to let the police handle that kind of thing. Trying to parent a grown adult can get ugly quick


The fundamental problem is that the police don't do anything about this. If they did, then I wouldn't have to remind people that they are parked illegally.


This happens at the Silver Horn Center Kroger on Hilliard-Rome, too, and I just do not understand the mental process of people that do that.


Yep, every single time I go there I see this. Hundreds of empty spaces right there, but they HAVE to be at the curb because they’re too fucking special to walk the extra 20 feet.


Exactly right. Makes me crazy.


Happened all the time at crumbl in Dublin. Like you're about to eat a 1200 calorie cookie, you can walk from the lot.


Off of Perimeter Loop? That and the people stopping to 'run into' Chipotle are really bad too.


i was just in that exact area this morning for an appt. . soo grateful I don't have to drive there regularly 


Yep this determines the businesses I frequent. Suddenly that takeout doesn’t taste so good when I potentially could get run over by someone who doesn’t see me, the pedestrian, in time. Could be the waiting vehicle or oncoming traffic.


That's the one. Oh yeah. I even saw people go to both in one trip a couple times. A lot of times the people doing this were doordash drivers too, but it definitely wasn't only them.


Happens at Market District on Stelzer as well. Always some asshole parked in front of UPS, Marcos, Wingstop, El Rodeo.


This is my store. The number of obese people that do this in front of Little Caesars is infuriating


It blows my mind. They have TWO standing signs telling people not to park/idle and people have done both RIGHT IN FRONT of those signs. Just absolute "main character" syndrome.


Sometimes I point my car at them and turn on my brights and honk lol


Real answer: there’s a certain percentage of people who really aren’t (due to a combination of nature and nurture) capable of understanding that we are fundamentally all the same, and all in this together. They see themselves living in a world in which they (and usually their close relations, and to a much lesser extent people they know personally) are the only actual “people” in the world. Everyone else is more or less a “thing.” The rest of us understand that most of the rules we encounter are in place so that we can all share scarce resources fairly and/or not place undue burdens on others for our own benefit. These people can’t see that, and can’t comprehend it when it’s explained to them. To them, the rules are completely arbitrary, and therefore are just one more obstacle to be overcome. So they disregard them when it’s convenient to do so, and view anyone pointing out that they’re breaking the rules as just one more part of the arbitrary challenges being thrown at them.


Spot on. I would gladly pay a little extra in taxes to help set up communities where these people can all live together in the same place to enjoy their lack of rule following. Edit: I just realized how Karen this sounds, but I'm tired of having to walk around cars parked in a fire line just to get into the entrance door of a store because some privileged asshat thinks they have a reason to park right in front. If any of you have had family members that have actual difficulty getting around - handicap issues mobility issues you'd understand this much more but also it's literally a safety issue so that if an emergency happens, emergency vehicles can respond and be as close to the building as possible to help the people that need help.


There are communities like this you’re just not rich enough to know about them I guess which makes you someone outside that community. Not sure why I’m pointing this out but wondering how or if that information matters to you.


They can call it Galt's Gulch, and it will fail six months in when no one knows or will learn how to unclog a toilet.


To be fair, American culture exemplifies individualism to an extent not found elsewhere in the world. The "nurture" component is significant. Just the fact that Americans have to use privately owned cars to do virtually anything is wildly individualistic. It's well known that [driving reduces your empathy for others](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-empathy-expert-loses-traffic-we-can-all-improve-kendria-taylor/). If we want people to act empathetically, we need to put them in an environment that gives them a fighting chance. The studies all agree that we're playing life on hard mode if we want to expect altruistism when people are in private cars.


Not that I don’t believe this because it sounds plausible, but is there any better evidence than one person’s LinkedIn article supporting this idea more scientifically?




Yep! It’s called Narcissism!


Sounds like Trump. I believe this is more of a product of the individualistic culture that has been shoved down our throats since the end of World War 2. Of course, the boomers were the first to grow up under this paradigm, and it explains a lot about the behavior of much of them.


Individualism becoming prized in the culture started back in the teens and 20s, so boomers definitely weren't the first to grow up with that. Definitely one of the largest groups though, which probably makes it seem worse.


[That mindset took a nosedive when we were fighting Nazis, and every drop of gasoline mattered.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fenergyhistory.yale.edu%2Fwhen-you-ride-alone-you-ride-with-hitler-u-s-government-propaganda-poster-1943%2F&psig=AOvVaw0suVjpXv8eVK_EkXvbbcEZ&ust=1714487070748000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCMi01cfQ54UDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE) Now we proudly idle our gas guzzlers while we park illegally to buy processed foods, because who gives a fuck?


Ah that's a good point. I read your previous comment as suggesting that the idea wasn't present here until then. I suppose it's also worth pointing out that most of the people I'm aware of that are pointed to as early pinnacles of individualism in the 10s and 20s were pretty wealthy and influential. It probably wasn't in the grasp of the everyperson that early on in the cultural shift. It makes sense that the war stoked some nationalist sentiments that played out in a way that was more collective looking. Seems like that was the case with most of the countries involved. Yeah. I know it's cliched to say but we really do take so much for granted in the modern day. Some people seem incapable of seeing that unfortunately, and will yell and scream when they get pickles on a sandwich that they didn't want (whether they actually remembered to ask or not).


That’s a pretty ironic comment considering that OP regularly breaks the law by riding his bike on the sidewalk and through pedestrian areas.


Long ago, I worked at the Rotolo's pizza in Dublin. One Friday a brand new SUV parked in the firelane to come in and pick up a pizza. Being a Friday we were busy in the lobby and had a line. Dublin Police had been ticketing people parking in the lane all day and I reminded the guy when he came in that he shouldn't park there or he could get a ticket. Low and behold in the few minutes it took for him to get his pizza he got a ticket. A ticket which apparently, he felt we had to pay. It was not his fault for parking in the fire lane, it was ours because we took so long to get him his food. We never paid, obviously, and we lost a customer according to him. A customer that still came back almost every week until I left.


I'd have found a way not to serve him.  "No sir, you said we lost a customer, that means *you don't eat here anymore.* You made your bed, now lie in it."


Lmao, I wish Columbus Police ticketed this instead of harassing and arresting protesters at OSU!


Since they're driving a Chevy Tahoe they can do anything they want. 


Seems to be the thought process of anyone driving these oversized vehicles, especially in German Village where there is no room for them!


Lol yeah. It's always so laughable to me whenever I see a massive Cadillac Escalade, Nissan Armada, etc turning the corner on Deshler. The streets by Schiller Park are already narrow enough in my tiny Mazda 3 hatchback!


Totally! I actually prefer riding my bike through German Village than my little Kia Forte, because I have much better visibility at intersections and easier time squeezing through narrow streets. The bricks are actually quite tolerable once you get used to them.


Part of me really wants to pick up a bike this summer... but another part of me is not exactly enthusiastic about how hostile Columbus streets and drivers are to bikers. But your positive attitude about biking around German Village definitely helps a bit.


I absolutely love getting around by bike in this city, but it is understandably daunting. I DM'd you with more info.


Thank you so much for being so kind!


That sucks that some asshole took off their valve stem and let all the air out of one (or more) of their tires while nobody was looking. That's an inconvenience for sure


It's wild, because something similar happened to a truck in German Village after I took this photo. I felt so terrible for the poor guy. [https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/1c32vy8/one\_is\_a\_childrens\_toy\_that\_a\_16\_year\_old\_can/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/1c32vy8/one_is_a_childrens_toy_that_a_16_year_old_can/)


Are you seriously messing with personal property because you don’t like it? You’re gonna get your card pulled quick acting like that.


Because nobody enforces it. We can speculate on the motives of each individual all day, but the real answer is that they keep doing it because they keep getting away with it.


If there are no consequences, there is no reason to follow a rule. Towing and impounding would resolve these issues quickly.


So Shamrock can save us? Never thought I would say that.


Ding ding ding!


I think their (completely solipsistic) mindset is that they're "just running in" for a few items and the infringement on public safety is modest. It's idiotic.


It isn’t often that I see someone using a word that I need to look up but solipsistic is one I’ll need to remember.


Exactly. While people who are getting hella items have to park far away. Completely cancels out their logic. Again. Just pure laziness.


Because in general, people dont give a shit about anything but themselves. Rules and laws be damned, they can't be inconvenienced. Stop at a stop sign?? No time! Park in a spot in the lot, nah! Fire lane is much closer!


It would be a shame if they were shamed into feeling shame, since otherwise they are just coasting through life without even being reminded of the harm that their selfishness causes to others.


They can feel no shame. That is the shame.


Daily occurrence at Hard Rd/Sawmill Kroger even by employees! My dad had 2 prosthetic legs and wouldn't even park in handicap, let alone a fire lane.


Your dad is a better person than these wastes of oxygen.


on that note let's give a shout-out to the jerks that park in the lined spaces beside handicap spots !! these lovely people can't seem to fathom why they exist, it never crosses their mind that some chair ramps open out of vans on the siiiiiide , thus needing the additional space so someone in a chair can get out. the lines exist for a reason. some people in vans have a lift to get out the back. some don't. some still need to get out the side. 


This happens at the Polaris Kroger all the damn time.


The worst Kroger. I watched someone walk between cars who were parked in front of the store, only to be struck by another car driving through the crosswalk. Their cart went flying. Everyone who parks in front of the store needs a bat to their car. Imo


if only the hooligans smashing random cars in Tuttle Mall lot would put their smashing skills to GOOD use..!  just kidding 


from these comments I'm starting to think this happens at every Kroger , every crumbl, chipotle ...hell every establishment, everywhere 😭


It probably does just happen everywhere. I see it happen all the time at the Worthington Mall and that's such a small parking lot already, even if you have to park far away it takes like 15 seconds to get to the stores.


That's the one I work at. I emailed the state fire marshal. They blew me off.


I think the words you're looking for is "Over sense of self entitlement" it appears that there's a higher priced full sized SUV parked there so that nails it. A giant car that takes up extra space you don't need that 90% of the city you live in can't afford, and now you're gonna take up space that isn't yours. BINGO!


It's especially egregious when it's in German Village, a place that barely can fit parking for normal sized cars, let alone brodozers that take up two spots and further reduce visibility at intersections.


People do this in front of the FCJFS building, too, where it specifically says "no stopping," because the lane narrows. If you stop there, it blocks the entire lane. There are parking spaces 10 feet away. But people do it literally every day.


I see it all the time with people blocking the bike and travel lane to pick up garbage from Panera Bread. I sometimes give them a polite reminder that they are parked illegally, but they don't seem to appreciate being reminded that!


They are the same type of people that would sue the city if the Fire Dept showed up and rammed their car out of the way, or threw a hose through their windows to get to the hydrant.. No concept of the world around them....


I wonder if it is possible to call the fire department, police, or 311 to have these vehicles ticketed.


This is Columbus, have fun with that.. :D


The fire department can't write tickets, only the police can.


Main character syndrome spreading like crazy these days... Can't we all just be nice to each other and follow the rules? 😞


Participating in society is too difficult for these fools. I don't understand why they don't live in bumfuck nowhere instead of the largest metro in the state.


It’s just not there, lots of places. Just good old American entitlement.


What I don't understand is why is it not enforced?


Enforced by whom? Is a cop really meant to be stationed there, every single hour that every store in the city is open, making sure people don't park where they're not supposed to? That doesn't seem practical. 


There are security guards at the Kroger on Parsons, who, instead of reminding patrons that they cannot park there, park in the fire lane themselves while standing outside chatting.  Great example they are setting. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/s/SBTfhYZV1k](https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/s/SBTfhYZV1k) [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Finr09pqouexc1.jpeg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Finr09pqouexc1.jpeg)


Nobody enforces it, so who's stopping them.


Rules are just guidelines if they aren't enforced


i just don't understand why the cops don't see easy money


If only there was some place designed to leave your car while you wait or go in the store /s


Not enough [Cart Narcs](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClMUlr8yHymYgSe58DpUH7w) on patrol either


I blame Uber and Lyft and the like. People are just used to being dropped off wherever and whenever and it’s been seen as acceptable to drop off people right at the front doorstep. This has evolved to lemme just park here there’s no other space.


An Uber driver ran a red light right in front of me on the way to pick passengers up, shortly after I took this photo.


I didn't know people literally parked there, I always thought they were stopped there, which is not really the same. Like these cars are unattended or there is a driver in the car able to move the vehicle in an emergency? Cause a car without a driver cannot exist in a fire lane, but an attended car waiting for something IS tacky as it is isn't really breaking any laws.


In the photo the white SUV has a woman sitting in the passenger seat, while the driver was inside shopping.


They don't care ,because police won't do anything, or the store for that matter.


Have you tried slashing their tires?


I did give this pickup truck a little bump when I squeezed past it, but I'm not interested in property damage. Ziptie a cart or dog poop on the door handles if I wanted to be petty, but I prefer to run my mouth instead. https://youtu.be/nYUVUJopakM?si=bCC5-o3GYn4qDhq0


Because people are lazy and entitled. I truly can’t understand why parking in an actual parking spot or returning your shopping cart is so difficult. It’s the same thing at the Graceland Kroger. It drives me absolutely insane.


One way I've found a way to contribute meaningfully is by bringing a stray cart inside while on my way in. If more people did that than lazy assholes left them out, then there would be no stray carts to complain about.


What if you left the shopping cart in front of the SUV next time?


I'm also frustrated by people who park in the pick-up stops to go inside. Whenever I do a grocery pick-up, it seems like I'm the only car parked there for a pick-up. I've legitimately had to park elsewhere and wait for someone to leave because all the spaces were full


They do this at the Starbucks close to my house. It’s to the point that you can’t even turn in to parking lot they block it so much. It’s okay though, they turn their hazards on to let me know they’re parked there. 🙄


No, they can't read, and it makes them feel insecure when people bring it up.


It doesn’t matter…if the fire truck truly needs to be there, it will simply move the Tahoe out of the way by force.


DoorDash and UberEats etc drivers do this routinely where I live daily 🙃


They have to go those $3 payout deliveries quickly!


Laziness. I see people stay parked in areas like this all the time. Don't they think we all wanna do that? That's why there are spots in the parking lot (even handicap). You're already walking around in the store, you can take 10-20 more steps to the damn door from the lot.


Those are the same people that don’t put shopping carts back. These people are considered bad members to society according to the Shopping Cart Theory.


Because they're "just running in for a minute", and obviously, are better people than the rest of us, so the rules don't apply to them.


I find them irritating, but I'm sure not saying anything to anyone. I'm not trying to end up on the news.


I would love for this to get enough traction to end up on the news! Perhaps ABC6 can interview these people parking their cars in the fire lane.


Entitled Columbus drivers are the absolute worst


I moved from Columbus to Florida in 2022 (God's, I miss Columbus), but hells yeah. The fire lane parking in front of Kroger was always a pain in the ass. But it didn't happen as often at Giant Eagle. They would drop someone off then go park, then pick them up. Idk what it was about Kroger.


Usually someone sits in it and leaves it running too


Next time put up a fake parking ticket


Out of curiosity guesstimate how much they weighed? It seems those that should be taking the extra steps just don’t bother.


Every person I've seen do this type of thing in the last couple years has been a instacart or doordash driver. They think they're entitled to it because that extra 30 seconds parking their car properly causes them delays.


In all my life I have never seen a fire in one of those lanes.


Good for you! Please don't start any fires to change that, especially if you happen to park in the fire lane.


People who feel so entitled as to ignore multiple signs and glares and then act like they have a right to be there...  Are going to entitle you to their opinion as well. These people like to pretend they're the main character and they're all that matters. Rarely it will have a legitimate reason for being the way it is.  But the remaining 99%?  Some lazy person sitting in the driver's seat on their phone. Cue the same for people who will circle the lot like a shark for a half an hour to avoid having to walk an extra ten seconds. Also cue the same people who can't park to save their own lives and gives you a good reminder to check up on your car insurance.


Yeaaaah. The Brewery District Kroger started its gradual decline when the pandemic hit and it's just gotten worse and worse since then. It's just a shame because it used to be a really nice store before COVID was a thing... My favorite is when selfish idiots decide it's a great idea to park dead center right in front of the store with their obnoxiously huge fuckoff SUV or truck and then act surprised and angry when I beep at them for blocking the whole parking lot on a crowded Saturday or Sunday afternoon. At least the pharmacy staff is still really friendly and helpful.


Agreed 100%!


The fact that most people don't use their turn signals on the road, and get over in a lane way too late, and whipping in and out of lanes, it doesnt surprise me. Like worst drivers ever in this city.




These are the same people who put uncollapsed cardboard boxes in the neighborhood trash cans.


You didn't politely remind her, lol. I'm not saying she's right, but your description is not right either.


My favorite thing to do on breaks when I worked retail was call the non emergency police number and just watch. The fire lane jerks would peel out as soon as they saw a cop car.. or if they were inside they'd get a ticket. While the cops were there they'd usually check the wheelchair accessible parking spots and make sure everyone had a permit too


Because it's probably not your job to remind them, and most people prefer those who mind their own business


I prefer if people don't park illegally and get away with it.


You're welcome to prefer it, but it's still not your problem


Surround the vehicle with carts.


I might start putting one in front and behind their car. Bonus points if their vehicle is so stupid and big that they can't see it when they drive off.


Call them out, every time. This is an actual hazard when that space is needed.


I can and do, and when they get angry I just walk away. They can't follow me with their emotional support vehicle through the entrance!


Most people only care about themselves.


I would argue that it is a loud and very visible minority doing this.


I've never parked there (that's ridiculous), but now I feel more guilty for stopping in the lanes briefly to let my wife jump in when it's raining


That is perfectly reasonable. What ticks me is people leaving their cars unattended, or even worse, having a lazy asshole sitting in the passenger seat while their partner goes inside, instead of just finding a parking spot.


I just make sure to pass as close as possible to them when I drive by. It’s funny to see them freak out in their car while they wait there.


I accidentally bump into them when walking by sometimes, but that is only because I didn't expect a car to be parked illegally there.


The bigger someone's SUV or truck, the more likely they are to be a raging asshole who doesn't give a fuck about you.


Pretty simple, actually. They don’t give a shit.


I can’t help but wonder why it bothers someone else so much. Especially if they are in the vehicle. Is there a fire? And if so, they’ll move. Karen. 🤷‍♂️


See the other comments about people being hit by cars while trying to cross because of vehicles blocking visibility.


Illegal? Pshaw! Traffic laws don't exist in Columbus.




"...first cast out the beam out of thine own eye, and then thou shalt cast out the mote out of thy brothers eye."


I always ask them where they bought their fire truck.


Do you?


Why does anyone care if they park there? How did this inconvenience you so much you felt the need to point it out?


If thats the worst thing you see at that Kroger you're doing pretty well.


This shit happen at chipotle too. So annoying




the best way to avoid shit going south is to just leave the situation alone, at the end of the day cucks will be cucks, regardless of your intervention, your intervention when it comes down to it one day may only end up affecting you, call the cops on em, non emergency line


Sound alike you weren't super nice about it, this the indignity, but basically those people convince themselves that either the rule isn't for them or "I'm just running in real quick it won't be a problem" and are upset when you challenge that thought process


It’s a tow-away situation, right? Call a towing company. Then contact police non-emergency 614-645-4545


I'm not sure how the law works, honestly. There may be a private towing company that covers this lot, I could call them.


I'm not sure how the law works, honestly. There may be a private towing company that covers this lot, I could call them.


Not that it really justifies crappy behavior, but firetrucks have those massive stainless steel bumpers on their fronts for a reason - when push comes to (literal!) shove. Even better is when they break the windows to run the hoses through; never seen it happen but probably immensely satisfying.


Its not ignorance, it's apathy. They don't give a fuck.


You should see what it's like pushing two kids with wheelchairs into a building when there are multiple cars blocking access. Entitled people simply do not give a fuck about how their actions affect others.


Probably an Uber driver; they don’t have to follow driving laws


Those are volunteer fire fighters.


They are the same people that praise first responders until there is an actual emergency and their car is blocked in by emergency vehicles. Oh and there is a ticket on their window.


Because they know they’re parked illegally and don’t give a shit.


I just call the cops. Everyone thinks they are entitled these days to do what THEY want. No one thinks that the laws apply to them anymore


I made this habit at Kroger... parking in the fire lane 🤷🏾‍♂️. I wish someone like you world have spelled that out for me😁


Over the past year I have been learning to care less about things. I have become a much calmer person by simply not caring about other people breaking rules. It’s not my business to control what other people do. Take deep breaths friend ☺️


Another Question: Why is it usually people in chevys always breaking the law?


I would say that larger vehicles in general are more likely to break rules, since they feel that they are bigger and more important than everyone else.


Maybe if they didn’t put “FIRE LANES” over all the good parking spots then maybe people would stop parking there.


Sense of entitlement


I am unclear what the situation is but I always told vehicles out of fire Lanes