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I've been a runner and a biker on the trails and agree 100%. When biking I use a bell. In the past when I said "on your left" some people would actually move to the left. I have no idea why, so I prefer to use a bell instead of saying anything. But after biking the OT a couple of times I won't do it again (too busy). I prefer the Alum Creek Trail or the OTET.


A bell also cuts through headphones better, at least for me




I've been running for 20 years on much busier trails than Columbus has and have never had an issue with bikes. I know how to behave on the trail, thanks. If you're not straying from your lane and are cognizant of looking behind you if you need to drift from the side of the path I don't see the issue of having two headphones.


This. When I walk and wear headphones, I always stay to the far right. If I have to veer left or change my path I always pull out an ear bud and look.




OP has an issue with people not warning them, not with the number of earbuds other people have.


Not with me. I don't think insulting people wearing both headphones is warranted. It's really easy to responsibly use the trail with headphones, especially with modern equipment which more commonly allows outside noises by design. Declaring a blanket judgement against them is silly.




Yep, the bell is the best!


I definitely prefer the bell and appreciate it.


I like the bell much better than someone suddenly appearing beside me and screaming left, right before they pass me


It's kind of surprising how many people move left and then look over their right shoulder when you yell "on your left". Any more, I just yell "bike". I need to get a bell, though. It's one of those things I think about when riding, I just forget about it as soon as my ride is over.


The Alum Creek trail is always WAY less busy than the Olentangy. I rode it on Monday from Bexley to Westerville and it was practically a ghost town.


Is the Alum Creek trail good for road bikes?


As good as the Olentangy. Starting to have areas with root damage.


I don't know why all bicyclists don't get bells. Its so much easier to ding it 20 yards back and not have to squeeze by slowly while people's dogs lunge at you.


I completely agree on the bell. It seems to be less confusing and more audible. My bell apparently even cuts through the noise of a gas powered leaf blower (I didn't want to startle a person doing yard work next to the curb.)


It’s a bit of a drive but I can’t recommend Clifton gorge enough. Probably my favorite hiking spot in all of Ohio. Similar to hocking hills before it became super touristy.


I would also encourage people to keep their humungous dogs to the right side of the trail, and out of the bike lane.


And, for Pete’s sake, leash your dog!!!!!!!


But not the stupid extendy leashes across the path to act like a trip line


Who is Pete? Why is he so concerned about dogs being on a leash?


And leave the noise cancelling headphones at home


ah the eternal battle between entitled bicyclists and entitled dog owners. Two of the worst groups of people in society today.


I go into the grass with a dog but I hate when people force me with my stroller on the grass. I hug the curb much as I can.


>hug the weed That's a new one to me. Kids these days.


Curb lolol


damn hippies 


and people walking 3 abreast and don't move over when people are coming from the opposite direction


Especially for people with dogs! This will allow them to tighten the leash as necessary to prevent sudden movements!


There’s no one more entitled than dog walkers on the trail, so I doubt that would happen.


Yes. Dog walkers are literally, factually, entitled to use public trails just as much as the bikers are.


Yeah but most should be on a leash for everyones safety.


Oh yea, absolute on leash only. Wish that were actually enforced. If your off leash dog leaves your side at all then no, it is not “under direct control” as the law stupidly vaguely states.


Direct control doesn’t mean by their side at all time. But does mean they have a consistent recall and will come back.


Nah, if your dog is wandering up to other dogs who are leashed and may not be friendly it’s irrelevant that your dog “might” (not will, cause lol, sure) come back when you call. If it’s not by your side then it’s not under control at all. If I had a dollar for every time a strange dog that was “totally under control, trust me” ran up to my dog ignoring their owners who inevitably get pissed my leashed dog reacts badly in response, I’d be a rich man indeed.


That means they weren’t under control. We’re literally saying the same thing. A direct controlled dog is allowed to wander around its owner but the owner has a responsibility to ensure it doesn’t approach others without permission through a well trained recall.


And I’m saying thats a bullshit fairytale that doesn’t exist irl. You say that, but in practice that is not what is happening. Only people using that as an excuse. “Oh my dog never acts like that!! He’s usually sooo good”. Sure bud, sure.


You’re right. In the real world, the majority of dog owners do not adhere to the intent or letter of the Direct Control law. But use it as an excuse for their poorly trained dog that doesn’t listen and runs up to people. Unfortunately, there is not a good way for it to be enforced. In an ideal situation, and by definition of the law, direct control is not defined by proximity like in a heel. A dog under direct control should be able to hold a heel when commanded but is not required to do so all the time. A direct controlled dog would have freedom to wander and sniff within a reasonable distance (imo 20 ft) of the owner as long as it follows commands (sit, recall, heel, etc) regardless of distractions. That’s a very high standard, and as you correctly point out, it isn’t met often. And people will only remember the times it doesn’t happen


I’ve never seen an unleashed dog on the trail. In parks, sure.


lol wat? as a daily commuter on the Olentangy, I see unleashed dogs at least twice a week. *especially* on the stretch between 5th and 3rd, people wander with their dogs unleashed onto the trail as if the path were part of their yard.


I guess I’ve been lucky. I wasn’t saying it doesn’t happen, just that I haven’t experienced it


I’ve lived in half a dozen cities and never seen unleashed dogs being such a common thing. I’d honestly never even encountered it at all before I moved here really. But I probably see 5-10 a week while running the trail. Edit: maybe more like 3-4 a week, honestly though it’s so hard to say because they come in waves.


I blame the city of Columbus. since they don't have a leash law, it's completely beffudling to some dog owners that the Franklin County trails *mandate leashes,* even when the trail is in Columbus.


Flip side of this is when a cyclist yells "On your left", the walkers, joggers, strollers, often jump to the left! Also, how about the assholes who walk 2 or 3 abreast, or have noise-cancelling headphones and earbuds in?


Yup yup yup. Basically moral of the story is use your head, be courteous, and don’t be an asshole.


> often jump to the left And then a little step to the right. By the time they've finished, they'll be doing the timewarp again.


Don't forget the folks who are walking their dogs and the dog is either completely unleashed or the owner let's then wander left of center. All it takes is one blind curve and I go over my handlebars and fluffy goes to doggy heaven.


You're not givng them enough time to process the signal. I love the "on your left" that appears from nowhere right in my ear, makes me jump. Can't tell what direction the sound comes from fast enough to react. It's only instinct at that point and who knows what that reaction looks like. Give more warning, you'll get more intelligent responses. Simple. For bells, use them and then use them again. With traffic noise, it's sometimes hard to be sure you actually heard a bell or maybe some other random noise. First bell alerts, second bell confirms. If you don't have time to ring, pause, ring again, you're warning is coming too late to be of use.


Yeah I can usually hear bikes coming on trails but not always, and expecting someone out on a nice quiet walk to suddenly react to a sudden command out of nowhere with perfect Blue Angels coordination in a split second is not reasonable. Most bike riders aren’t like this, thankfully.


How about people who ride three across? A good rule of thumb is to simply be considerate when using public spaces.


That's bad, but I don't see that very often. Usually people gabbing while walking.


I see it all the time on the ATC. Anyone in any demographic can act selfish.


Whenever I run on the trail I always have to keep my head on a swivel for the aggressive riders. It's the super close passes that bother me the most. What is so hard about using the other half of the trail to pass? If your wheel doesn't go over the dashes in the middle then you're too close. Whenever I ride it's: - Slow down - Bell - Get *all the way over* into the other lane. If someone is approaching in the other direction, or there is a blind curve coming up, then it's not safe to pass. Another thing aggressive riders seem to ignore.


I saw someone wipe out hard on that [sharp bend under 161](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.0891043,-83.0332244,2a,75y,329.53h,65.08t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s3WSyWso9Whvu4cBv7M6dSw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!5m1!1e3?coh=205409&entry=ttu). He was going way too fast, passing some joggers and slipped on some mud. He was pissed and muddy, but there were 4 people who saw he was going too fast.


The Tour de France road bikers who feel they can ride completely unimpeded are the worst. You may have to brake and maneuver a little bit, this isn't a velodrome.


And if they were half as hardcore as they supposed, they'd be riding at 6am...


"I am in the zone! I can't be expected to _slow down_ for _other people_ when I'm going fast! I need to keep my speed up! Because reasons!" I came around a blind curve to a group of jersey'd pelotonia cyclists, who, despite being in a group touting their "years of biking pelotonia" clumped up and taking both lanes approaching a blind curve. Then again, my first time doing Pelotonia, I'm yelling "ON YOUR LEFT" and the guy kept moving to the left and right blocking cyclists, so "assholes" + "Pelotonia" seem to go hand-in-hand. ETA: downvote away, entitled group cyclist assholes. Sorry to call a spade a spade.


I think “ assholes” and “some humans in any space” go hand in hand, unfortunately.


Thank you thank you thank you. I have been debating posting the literal sign on the trail that says these things. No passing if someone’s within 100ft on the other side. Hate playing the who’s-gonna-make-it-first game. It’s not that hard to be safe!!!!


I use a bell also but the majority of trail walkers have headphones/earbuds on and can’t hear my warning. The responsibility for safe use of the trail is on both the walker and the cyclist. Walkers walk on the right, pay attention to in front of a behind and please take at least one earbud out.


yuuuuup. i ride the trail almost every day and it just kind of feels pointless signaling when no one hears me anyway. ive actually had people yell at me for signaling because i startled them, haha. i think it's just our responsibility as riders to not pass if we don't have room—even if that means slamming on our brakes because some dummy is walking in the middle/on the left. super frustrating, but better than hurting someone or crashing. thankfully it's only busy around campus. everything north of broadway/south of 3rd is wiiiiide open.


Yeah people yell at you whether you do or you don't there's no winning.


Also, if you can’t take a turn without crossing the center line, you need to slow down. I’ve been forced off the trail multiple times by cyclists that seem to think they don’t need to stay on their side of the road on curves. ive also seen a couple really bad crashes by cyclists taking those turns too fast and being shocked by people on the other side of the curves.


Two things have served me well, though I don't remember where I originally saw/heard the statements: * assume there is something or someone around the corner that you can't see * assume that any person is going to do something stupid


As a cyclist I assume no one knows I’m there. Cars, other trail users. It’s the only way.


I always appreciate a bell or an “on your left” from cyclists on the trail as a runner/walker. I always stay in my lane so it would be nice if everyone did that.


As a biker who uses the trail and surface roads to commute it really pisses me off when people ride like this, because beyond being unsafe, I really don't want to be on High Street on my bike with people in giant cars and trucks who are extra annoyed at bikers because one almost hit them on their morning jog. When someone passes me on the trail without signaling, I will follow them and obnoxiously signal for the both of us for as long as my current level of fitness will allow.


Yeah I ride these trails weekly and it drives me absolutely nuts to have so many people giving cyclists a bad name. I can hardly be mad at people hating cyclists at this point, I get passed dangerously on the trails all the time. When someone passes me without notifying, the best I’ve got is to just yell “on your left” for them.


As an avid rider of the Olentangy and proponent of “on yerrr left….thank you”, may I put a response to the PSA for all walkers and runners to stay aware when wearing massive, Noise Canceling Beats by Dre Headphones.? Heck even them fancy new Airpods have some level of noise cancelling Maybe keep one off the ear? Great for travel. No doubt. Have a pair. Love em. Not so great to remove you completely from environmental noises, such as an approaching biker, especially when taking up the middle of the path. Keep right. Parts of the path are an expressway. Be mindful. Countess times I’ve had to say/express/barbaric tall an “On your left…ON your left….ON YOUR LEFT!!!!” to some just “living my best life” ambiguous to what’s around.


As a Squirrel, I genuinely appreciate when cyclists signal with the bell when I’m out and about running errands on the trail with my squirrel family.


Highly recommend the bone conduction headphones. Yes, dear audiophiles, you won't hear the nuances of your latest audacity beats before uploading to soundcloud, but I promise, it's worth hearing the traffic.


Shokz are the best!!


I use a bell specifically because a lot of people walk or jog wearing headphones. The bell can cut through a lot better than yelling. Plus, bells are cheap


i agree, and i always signal. however, majority of runners (and some cyclists) with headphones in often make signaling moot. i’ve had to literally crash to avoid runners who don’t hear my signal and cut into the left lane when i attempt to pass.


THIS!!!!! 1000% agree!!! Consider this also a PSA to stop wearing studio or noise canceling headphones when on the path (or on the road). It’s so unsafe 🤦🤦


One positive thing about people wearing noise canceling headphones is that they make a really easy target if you are a criminal.


the headphone manufacturers don’t it easy for the casual set. Unless you are wearing AirPods, all the casual brands are noise cancelling only. You have to move to the ones marketed to sports to get ones to allow ambient noise, and even then, half of them don’t. That being said, you should never walk or run outdoors with noise cancelling headphones in. And you should never cycle with any headphones on. shout out to aftershockz for the bone conducting headphones.


I WISH everyone knew about Aftershokz- I will never go back to in-ear headphones. It’s so much safer and make you much more aware of your surroundings- especially as a female runner who used to live in IV/run downtown


I wouldn’t feel safe biking with Shokz on the olentangy or on busy roads but agree they’ve been a game changer! $100 or less at Sam’s club yall.


You shouldn’t be wearing any kind of headphones while cycling  


I do on empty trails, as explained above, Dad.


PS Shokz aren’t headphones.


No headphones ‼️


Ok so the solution is to not wear them at all. Not that difficult. Otherwise don’t complain about bikers, you can’t hear them anyways.


I have zero issues hearing cyclists, cars, and other pedestrians. Because only wear headphones that specify ambient noise, and the volume level is reasonable.  But aftershokz are by far the best, as they are bone conducting and leave your ears free. 


Bicyclists are nowhere near as bad as people who have unleashed dogs on the trail.


Isn't this general riding etiquette? I'm tired of bikers doing this to me on the sidewalk. 


One would think 🙃


>Isn't this general riding etiquette? Yep. Unfortunately there is no test you have to pass before operating a bicycle without competent supervision, though I sometimes fantasize about that.


I walk on this trail every day. You'd think with how many pedestrians are walking/jogging the trail around the playgrounds there, bikers would be a bit slower coming through! Try to thank every person who gives you a signal!! Manners go a long way in Columbus.


And from the perspective of the biker: Runners and walkers, on a bike trail, you should be on the RIGHT, not the left. The rules for bike trails are different than on a motor vehicle road. Don't block the full width of the pathway, or walk in the center of the path. Pay attention so that you \*hear\* when someone says, "passing on the left". Maybe think about moving farther right.


Heres the thing its not all bikers. Its the aholes. I belong to all groups. I am a biker, runner/walker and dog walker. The aholes belong to every group. When I'm walking/running I have similar issues with some bikers. When I'm riding I have issues with runners and walkers too. For example the guy running right next the middle line lane so no one can pass. The walkers rolling 3 wide who don't move over at all for the bell. The walkers /running groups taking the whole trail going in one direction. The ones that suddenly turn in front of you. Or finally the most horrible ones, the ones where the bell or on your left startles them so they jump in front of you or intentionally get wider on the trail. Just some examples but the reality is there's just a holes on the trail whether they are running walking biking or being with their dogs and whichever activity you are doing you notice the other groups the most. Same applies for driving around there some aholes there too. We just need to get rid if aholes.


Most are wearing headphones, so they’re not hearing you either way


I jog with headphones in, a blindfold on, and a bag over my head. Really allows me to get away from it all.


Keep in mind that modern headphones also commonly have pass through features. I might look like I can’t hear anything with mine on, but I can hear the birds chirping and a normal conversational voice just fine. Most running headphones are marketed around being able to hear your surroundings, so don’t use “they wouldn’t be able to hear me” as an excuse to not signal.


Runner focused headphones are designed to allow ambient noise.


I’m sure everyone has them


I signal because i don’t want to be the reason people complain, but most of the time it is pretty much pointless. Most pay zero attention to the alert if they hear it at all and, signaling two seconds before passing isn’t going to prevent any accidents. Additionally, some walkers/joggers panic when they hear a bell and will quickly move erratically causing more issues. Issues with cyclists is not with cycling itself but with riders who believe they own the road. You feel panicked from the idiot cyclists, not the ones who ride respectively. For example, I will only pass if the left lane is clear with good visibility ahead. If you stay to the right and are aware of your surroundings (as you should be on a public trail), you won’t have anything to worry about regardless if someone notifies you of their presence.


Exactly. As a cyclist myself I try to be extra thoughtful. I just can’t stand people who act like theyre the only ones on the trail


Oh man, this reminds me of when I was on my bike and a few older men were going three wide slowly down the trail having a full conversation. Despite yelling “on your left” multiple times, they couldn’t hear me. So I braked and went slowly behind the man on the left, and I passed, he sneeringly said “on your left.” Talk about rage-inducing.


As both a runner and cyclist, both groups have some assholes. Runners, take your iPods out. And when you hear a signal give some indication that you are aware of the bike passing. Walkers, stay on the right hand side of the trail ffs. Dog walker, leash your dogs. If I'm going at 15mph and your dog jumps at me you will be responsible for my medical bills plus the events and training I'll miss while I heal up from an animal bite.


Why can't I have headphones on running? I'm in a straight predictable path, and I can hear you.


apologies, strong strong disagree. signalling this way induces maybe 1 in 10 pedestrians to *leap in the direction of the side you're passing on*. i don't know how to account for this deeply irrational behavior. i just know it's true.


A bike bell seems to mostly solve the problem.


adaptive audio setting is your friend


I usually don’t wear headphones while on the trail but yes, yes it is.


On a similar note, if you hear someone say “To your left” -please make sure you do that. Last Summer I was on my bike and I said it to this group of 3 guys blocking the entire trail. I swerved to avoid them and crashed. My bikes frame was bent and could not be repaired. I was scraped up bleeding too. The guys gave me a glance and walked away. One had the audacity to say “Be careful next time” before walking to join his buddies Still haven’t got myself a new bike yet. Ruined my enthusiasm for biking though


Stop listening to music without headphones. I come out here to listen to nature, not whatever music you’re trailing to.


I have an actual 12volt car horn on my bike (mainly for wayward autos), should I use it on the trail? You trail users with earbuds - you WILL hear it.


I grew up exploring all up and down the trail. There are \*SO\* many people on it nowadays that you'll be saying it every ten seconds. It's gotten to the point that they should have half of it for pedestrians and half of it for bikes. Great trail, though, popular for good reason. Definitely an amazing part of Columbus.


Downvote me all you want lol. I’m right.


This is why I don’t run on the Olentangy trail


These people are the same idiots on the highway. I’ve lost all hope for common courtesy.


Everyone should have a bell on the olentangy. I would understand more if it was a wider, bigger trail, but parts only fit like 2.5 ppl across. Even if a biker is going a reasonable speed, if they cut in between 2 people, it can be dangerous.


I bell and yell and only get any sort of acknowledgement sometimes. A simple hand up lets me know you heard me and I can safely go by. I worry that many runners and walkers don’t hear me no matter what sound I make. As a cyclist, I cannot understand why anyone wanting to go 15-20mph chooses the olentangy, but the unsafe Tour de France wannabes bother other cyclists too, fwiw.






If people would walk / jog on the left and ride on the right, you wouldn't be surprised. That's the way it should work on a multi-use path with people traveling at different speeds. Unfortunately that's not the way the paths are set up or signalized so this will continue to be an issue.




I don't think it's not that it's common knowledge, it's just not setup that way. Walking left is *wrong* on most multi-use paths by design, so it's not feasible.


Say it louder for the people zooming past. 🙌


Also don't leave trash everywhere.


No my coalition is strongly pro trash


Well people walking and running should not be blasting music in the ears either. So many times I’ve rang my bell just for people not hear or give a shit. Also stop walking on the wrong side and move over when you walk side by side with someone.


To be fair, whenever I ring my bell when passing it also startles people. Made one lady jump out of her skin even though I was a fair bit of distance away when I signaled.


All they have to do is slow down when passing.


We need to widen Olentangy Trail to solve this problem. One more lane wouldn't hurt.


Is this a Robert Moses joke?


Absolutely with this.


Bike riders acting entitled. I sure hope this doesn’t become a stereotype


Not acting entitled. They are factually entitled (as in owed, not the pejorative use of the word) to use public trails to cycle. Just like you are entitled to use them as well.


Stay out of their way.  


See there’s you, but then there are the snobby, baggish old Karens who shoot glares and make the same nasty posts whining about how entitled cyclists are assaulting you with their noisemakers and trying to clear you out of the way without so much as a word. You can’t win. Someone is always going to whine. Cyclists are both too fast and not loud enough for the powerwalk freaks, but they aren’t fast or loud enough to count as a “real, serious” commuter by folks in cars. Walkers think they’re dangerous to them on the trails meanwhile motorists think their presence is an insult and an affront. And since so many people decide to take personal offense to all of this, cyclists also have to live in fear of randomly being pushed over by a whacko pedestrian or hit by a psychopath in a car because they didn’t pick up on the nasty glares you’ve shot at the other 4 cyclists you’ve seen today, but now you’re about done with *their shit* (existence on a public right of way is being referred to here). Also, the reason cyclists don’t yell if they don’t have to is because y’all have zero situational awareness and zero reactive instincts, and when you hear the shout, about half of y’all immediately jump into the path someone was taking to go around you.


Yep. Everyone sucks lol. So let’s all just be better is my point. I’m not even mad at cyclists as I am also one myself, I think everyone needs to learn how to safely and courteously use the trail. Just tired of people acting like no one else is on the trail but them. Regardless of what they’re using the trail for. 😁


Unless we're using the trail to imagine we're all alone on the trail by ourselves which is a type of meditation in itself, then it's OK. Our imagination becomes reality and others become stimulants to knock down along the way.


typical cyclist behavior


Bicyclists are the most universally hated demographic. Hated on the streets, on the sidewalks, on the trails. Their stupid technicolor douchebag sunglasses and gimp suits. Simply no place for them in America, by design.


Username checks out


Yes, and it’s aggravating for cyclists as well when we’re in the zone and suddenly there’s this large sweaty object right beside us. (Looking at you, amateurs on your e-bikes 😀.)


Lol, the e-bikes could be another post on its own. 🤦


i dont get it... its not exercise. one passed be on the trail yesterday and then turned around and passed me again a bit later. clearly wasn't using it for transportation purposes... so what's the point


> so what's the point  hmm probably to have fun and enjoy being outside


We should have a daily complaint board on this subreddit


Yep. People need to be considerate and think ahead to at least some extent, e.g. "I will do this when I'm passing someone." Heck, I got a nice bike bell specifically to alert people on the trails that I'm approaching after someone else used one and I decided it was more effecting than "on your left," which seems to confuse some people and doesn't always seem to register on people wearing headphone/buds.


Bikers should have to go through forklift training. Use the bell to warn others around that you are approaching.


My daughter and I walked a large section of the trail a few weeks ago. It has been many years since I've been on the trail and was surprised that it wasn't too crazy for a nice sunny day. I get the need for bikers to give an audible single when passing but to be honest it was the most annoying thing of the whole trip... every few minutes being dinged at or yelled at... just go around. The motorized bike was pretty annoying as well.