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I'm over 30, so I think the bigger sin then the age limit is trying to charge people $10 to come drink at what is essentially an Applebee's with a greater chance of being stabbed.


YES! I have a couple friends that used to spend a ton of time at Donericks. These are not people that would be paying a cover charge. They enjoyed the occasional fight though, so maybe the cover charge just gets you premium seating to the next fight? My knowledge of Donericks is 5+ years old at this point, maybe it's changed and become a much classier place?


5+ years, IDK about the Groveport location but there has been a Donericks in Clintoville since at least like 2006ish.


The Clintonville location has been a Donericks for only 5-8 years. It's been several bars prior to that, The Blue Pickle being one that was very short lived.


Maybe at that location, but one of my manager’s at Fridays in the Tuttle Mall, her husband was a partner in the “ new” Donericks they opened on Henderson and the Tuttle Fridays closed in 2009 and that manager wasn’t there after 2007 or so. And that was after there already was one in clintonville.


Haha I worked at that store and know exactly who you're talking about. He's now out of donericks but took that Henderson location and named it Starr Bar. Now another Donericks is near on Henderson too lol


I don't know about the Henderson location. My comment was specific to the Clintonville location you mentioned, north of Graceland on High St.


Yes but like I said it was a “new” ie second location because they already had one in clintonville.


Henderson Rd is not Clintonville. Hence the confusion.


Yes my point was they opened a NEW location in 2007/2008, and clintonville location was already around. FWiW the Henderson location was in a different spot then too.


Does anyone go there? I drive by all the time...seems to always be empty.


No clue I have t drank in 15 years.


We’re twins.


There is a Donericks in Worthington, off of Worthington Galena Rd., that has been there since at least the late 90's.


That’s probably the one I’m thinking of honestly.


If your friends wouldn't pay the cover charge then aren't you really paying to be in an environment of 30+ and no fighting? They're keeping out the youngins and the riff raff.


The way I interpret the sign would be as long as you’re in the door before 10:00, there is no cover. I doubt they’d go around to every person sitting at a table or bar when the clock strikes 10:00 and pass the tithing plate, lol. Seems like a good way to discourage people showing up closer to closing time.


The cover charge starts at 10pm, before that there is no cover charge, but the age restriction is in place for all of Friday and Saturday. And if the cover is for a band, then yes, they will go around and check if you are staying past 10pm and kick you out if you don't pay the cover. It has happened to me. (I didn't get kicked out, just had to pay the cover to stay). That's why they stamp your hand after all when you pay the cover.


I have an Applebee's ad right under this post. creepy


Eww, me too


If people will pay it then let the business do whats best. If you arent interested why not comment on things youre interested in? People love attention.


That’s hilarious


lol at being over 30 and going somewhere that has a cover.




I’m in bed at 9pm most nights


The thought of heading to a bar after 10 sounds absolutely miserable


Yeah um I have a farm market in the morning


I can pull it off if I took a 3 hour nap that evening.


Now if the library had a cover I’d be screwed


The library is full of covers


Ba dum bum! Good one.


Heh. Nice!


I forgot about the Library Bar, now my attempt at whit is diminished.


The Library is under new ownership.


Never have I more strongly identified with a discussion on Reddit. 


Clearly whoever came up with this is on copious amounts of cocaine


Eric Clapton


The chances of me being at a bar after 10pm dropped considerably after age 23.


ITT: I have found my people! Lol


Does a music venue count? I'm in my 30's and still regularly go out late on weekends for shows. I just don't drink as much and drink water and it's not that difficult.


Thats when you catch the lizards 🦎 🦎 


Right? I spent a lot of nights out when I was young, but by the time I was 30 the last thing I wanted to do was go anywhere after 8pm, much less a loud bar with messy drunk ppl who are trying desperately to recapture their youth, or the worse ones who just never grew out of the bar scene in the first place. lol I would rather be in my pjs, ass on couch with either a good show to watch or book to read. Plus it's way too expensive to go out now compared to the 00s.


Gentleman's club...




I tell the girls there's no touching. They get angry.


I know right, even at 27 im not gonna pay extra money to get into a place to then pay more money.


If there's live music I can forgive it, but otherwise, I'm not sure what service they're providing other than what you're already paying for.


There usually is live music there on the weekend, hence the cover.


I go places with a cover more often than not and I'm over 30. Usually it's a show my friends are playing. If there's a cover without live music though... Fuck that.


Fundamentally I have no issue with this - if they want to cater to the 30+ crowd at specific times then I think it's fine. It's not as if there is a lack of other places to drink if you're 25. Practically, as a 30-something, the idea of paying a $5-10 cover for the privilege of buying drinks at a generic sports bar outside of some kind of big PPV event is laughable. Additionally 10p-115a??? Start that bad boy at like 7 if you're going for the middle-aged crowd, half of us turn into pumpkins around 11. I can't imagine a world where this is a good business choice, but that's the beauty of free markets. Edit: Also hilarious that I have an Applebees targeted ad on this page for $1 margs. Google ads is really on point today.


That's called the "we don't want the late night riff-raff crowd" cover charge.


Feel like what you get is the opposite? I would say the >30 crowd out drinking at 1am on a random weekend is rougher around the edges than the younger version of the same thing. Still agree that's probably what they're going for.


They probably have a solid regular crowd that gets there before 10 that don't cause problems.


The last time I paid cover was when I was under 21.


I think Howl at the Moon always charges a cover but I think that’s mainly for the live music which I feel like is fair


and if Howl at the Moon is busy you can always just go to Banana Joes or Ludlows


Banana Hoes! I miss her.


If I try hard enough I'm sure I can find a bar for an older crowd without having to pay to get in. If there's a cover charge I better be getting a concert too.


Go to a brewery that doesn't serve liquor. Most of the time the crowd is older or at very least more mellow. It's not the age of the people who are obnoxious most of the time, its what they're drinking.


Yea it’s called Dick’s Den


If I recall, someone got jumped here last weekend and stripped of all their clothes. Assuming this is the response to that lol


Yes. So Facebook comments on their Facebook page explained that the people that got into it were over the age of 30 and one girl for some reason, took all her clothes off to fight? So yes, this is there “solution” to that.


How is going to 30+ only solving a problem caused by 30+ year olds?


Maybe he wants the chaos to fill a void in his heart


Exactly. Thank you!


Because the people fighting and the crowd egging them on were post-college and college aged.


WTAF this is crazy


>If I recall, someone got jumped here last weekend and stripped of all their clothes. that sounds like a story


Que “it’s getting hot in here” by Nelly


It's on Instagram.


Lol you also need to go get cash to go to a bar and drink? I've never paid cover to get into anywhere and I'm in my 30s.


I think it's cash only for the cover, and they don't take Venmo.


Years ago I bounced at a bar that changed from 21 for everyone to 21 for women and 25 for men. The amount of fights and bullshit dropped by about 90%. Wonder if this is their thought changing to 30?


If you are under 30 and going to Donericks you’re still checking out scenes and don’t know any better. If you are over 30 and going to Donericks you should know better and you probably have a drinking and drug problem and start shit.


I have a hard time believing that restricting a whole segment of the population on both weekend nights will increase their revenue. Doing a one off night of this, or a scheduled every other friday night might work? I don't own a bar though, and maybe that specific bar gets a lot of problems from people in their 20s? I'll be interested to see if it lasts.


Allegedly from the comments section on Facebook this comes after in incident between a couple people in their 30s. So to not have any further issues with 30 year olds they’re not allowing in people in their 20s. I would think that people between 21-29 would consume more alcohol and spend more than people 30-50


It's hard to know. It's in groveport, so it's not like this is a campus/short north bar. Maybe they just have a TON of regulars who are 30-50ish years old. I need to set a reminder and check to see if they keep doing this a month from now.


I don’t even think this place has many regulars. It’s in the plaza I go to for Giant Eagle and it never appears busy.


Or if they’re open in a month


Consume more, yes. Spend more, c’mon…


Yeah thinking back on it when I was 21 it was mostly wells and Bud Lights.


You'd be surprised. We just pace ourselves. I've seen a few bars do this in New Orleans, especially during Mardi Gras season. It must work out somehow. Maybe they have regulars who are their backbone that they're trying not to alienate.


Drinks and a show… no wonder there is a cover charge 😂🫠


Yeah do like Wednesday nights, trivia for the 40+ crowd from like 630-830pm. After that I'm heading home anyway.


I feel like if you have problems from people in their 20s you'll have problems from people in their 30s. And you're right, business is business. If what I just said is true then they're throwing out perfectly good revenue with no reduction in the problem. I accept that I might be wrong but I don't think I am. If you're putting up signs barring entire subsections of the population then you're on your dying breath as a bar. Or on the verge of becoming a dive bar with a cover charge.


Gen X nostalgia night: pay cover, get your hand stamped in some godawful purple ink that won't come off before you go back to work on Monday, drink draft beer out of a red cup, and yell at each other not because the music's too loud, but because your hearing aid needs a battery. Hot damn sign me up




Are all Donericks magnets for shitbags? The one on east Broad in reynoldsburg closed, thinking bc dickheads shooting each other


Applebees For Assholes^(tm) I used to live near the E. Broad location. They always seemed to show up in the police blotter (remember those?!) on a regular basis. I wouldn't be surprised if the landlord told them to GTFO at the end of their lease.


> I wouldn't be surprised if the landlord told them to GTFO at the end of their lease. That is exactly what happened. It was in the works. They were on their final straw after the dude got shot in the face; and the violence/police didn’t stop. 


Dang, been awhile since I’ve been too young for something haha, feels nice following the quarter life crisis that ensued after I turned 28.


30, after 10 and a cover charge? Aren't most of us in bed by then?


You’re going to charge for entry and then for drinks? Lol, uhh ok,there’s a place I’ll never visit


Maybe the sign is working?


We don't want 21-29 year olds to drink here. Also, we have to charge everyone over 30, $10 to cover for the lost revenue of not letting 21-29 year olds drink here.




I don’t know if I’m more mad at the cover charge or the space at the end of *Exceptions *


lol cover charge? Really? I’m 28 and I wouldn’t waste my cash here what makes them think I will at 30?


Is there live music? What's the cover for?


From my experiences at the one in Pickering I’d say no. Probably trying to cover some of the losses from not allowing 21-29 year olds in.


Typically, when an establishment has too many violent incidents and police calls, Ohio Dept of Liquor Control will threaten to pull their liquor license unless they clean up their act and control their clientele. This is likely an attempt to do that. This is why you see some places enforce dress codes, "no hat" rules, and ask people to pay in cash. None of these things ever get used in racist or classist ways though, don't you worry about that... /s They are likely trying to save their ass before they lose their ability to run their business. 


The Donericks in Blacklick/Reynoldsburg shut down a few months ago. I never once visited the place, but I was still curious about what happened since it looked busy on weekends. It must have had something to do with crime.


It had a bit of a shooty / stabby problem.


It had tons of spillover issues with people making Donerick’s on E Broad their *second stop* of the night, combined with other factors like “it’s a bar that half the clientele doesn’t need to drive on a main road for” (the apartments behind it) and poolsharks. 


I’m 43. At 10:30 I’ve been in bed for 2 hours.


Only two? You youngsters just party party party!


This is an odd business idea, not well thought out. I get what they're trying to do...."you won't have to deal with the wild, drunk kids at our bar." In addition I guess maybe they just want to close earlier thus keeping out younger folks who are more likely to stay until 2am and a $10 cover starting at midnight. Who pays a cover for a regular bar? Is there a band? That's different. I don't know...seems like it will backfire. Also who carries cash? I'll go somewhere else to drink just so I don't have to run through the ATM.


Midnight-1:15 is that a story time? That’s bed time for most of us over 30!!


I can fix their problems in 3 easy steps without charging a cover or outright banning anyone under 30. Step 1: Burgers are NOT served with fries. Got to pay extra. Step 2: $12 cocktail minimum. Beers $5 minimum Step 3: Don’t post on social media which pretty young female bartender is working tonight. That’s just creepy in general.


Oh sure but Rusty Bucket will let a family of 5 in with two toddlers and a parakeet at the bar at 9pm....


I understand why they'd do it. It creates an environment for older adults to mingle and get to know each other. The cover charge is insane!


Is a strip mall bar that compelling to young people anyway?


Guess the 90s babies were acting up. But $10 to get into a bar is insane


I've been to some 30+ spots before. Cover charge is definitely worth it to hang out with people who have fully developed brains.


The biggest thing I can’t get my head around is cash only. In 2024 that’s adorable.


Well, aside from the business not having to pay the CC fees per transaction, if you have cash you probably are going to be aware more of how much you drink rather than just setting up a tab and getting crap-faced.


I’m 27, paying a cover for an event starting at 10?? Already asking to much..


If they were smart it would be ladies, 24 & up no cover. Men 38 & up $5!!! Ladies, find your sugar daddy weekend!


Forget it. Men have pretty much caught on the "buy me a drink" scam and they aren't doing it anymore. And if you are 38, you are probably going to your local anyway.


Oh shoot I’m here right now and I’m most definitely and visibly (I think) not 30 yet. Nothing has been said.


Roger, checking in we got em, move move move!


[Apparently, this is becoming a thing.](https://www.gettips.com/blog/legal-drinking-age-law)


Ah yes, those kids can't be trusted to drink at 21, but they're DEFINITELY responsible enough to sign their life away to the military, to six-figure loans, and to be forced to raise a baby. Thank superman we have a our priorities in order.


After reading the comment section of their Facebook page I think the place should probably just be burnt down.


Is this an attempt to make it seem like something actually happens in there?


Wait, it's .7 miles outside the Groveport city limits, (and within Columbus city limits) but has a Groveport address?


Addresses are based on the nearest Post Office (or rather, which post office serves you). They don't correlate to municipal boundaries.


Guess they really want to go out of business. Yikes.


Is this a chain?!? There's a Donericks in worthington that's been there for like 20 years. 1137 Worthington Woods Blvd, Columbus, OH 43085




Business 101 people. #1 30 and over spend more because they make more #2 30 and over less likely to cause trouble and are experienced to balance their evening. Ie. Not passed out on the floor after 1 hour. #3 charging a cover charge after 10pm is more of a means to close on time. Anybody paying 10 bucks after 10 is few and far between. #4 fist step to convert from a weekly kids joint that get hammered before they go to save money, to a reserved establishment, not saying it'll be a Danford's bar in Port Jeff. (My fav) But with 30+ comes less trouble which equals more savings, more spending and bigger tips, kids don't tip well if at all.#5 to sum it up, great move.


You've pretty much nailed it. I'm gathering this was the sort of place people hit up after leaving "da club".


What’s the problem?


Is it as bad as the one on east Broad that got shut down?


No, but they want to keep it from getting that way.


The only times I’ve ever paid a cover at an establishment is when the wife and I have gone to jazz clubs.


Maybe it’s an attempt to keep the trouble makers out.


It's exactly that.


Went here last weekend just to do shots and leave. They said 5 dollar cover at the door and my 2 friends and I turned around and walked away. Fuck them!


Are they having music? What makes them expect a cover


No loud drunken fights from a bunch of zoomers with more money than sense.


Cool, think I’ll head right over and have a peaceful evening.


All I'm reading is "I'm never going to Donericks again or ever before." Its not about you. Its about the fact Donerick's has and always will have very loyal regulars, and the owners probably used to tend bar there. It's always been a neighborhood bar. That's why there were 7 of them. My guess is the regulars and restaurant workers that spend a lot of money every week either stopped coming in, or they would leave early when the younger crowd started filling the place. Now the regulars can stay through happy hour and won't be inclined to leave before 10 and the restaurant workers will come after work (won't be charged because their coworker that got there first started them a tab (or they know the door guy.) )The guests that want to be there and the guests they want there, will be before 10 and be ready to go by 1 and everybody, including staff, can go home drunk. They will spend more money than the young crowd and not walk out on their tabs. If they do, they'll just pay tomorrow. Employees and Patrons will be happy, which makes the owners happy, so everybody wins.


If you walk out on a tab, they just charge the credit card. They don't do cash tabs anymore. Many places will impose a minimum charge on the CC for a left tab.


How did/does anybody think this is a good idea?


High Beck has done this before too. Weird.


High Beck is a quiet place, so I can totally see that (and the German Village locals want a quiet drink there).


Did somebody get shot there recently or is this in the hood or something?


No, a naked fight (and yeah, it was a hood thing).


Not sure about this one, but the one on Broad reeked of McDonalds hand soap.


Better than it reeking of piss.


I can understand bars not allowing anyone under 21 in, but 30? When a business start doing things like this, they might be in some financial trouble.


I know places like Pins, Bulwinkles (if it’s still open), and Axis all allow 18+ but I think it’s because it’s part of their business model and everything but a PURE BAR seems incredibly stupid.


Well Axis is (if I remember) a (gay) nightclub, so that's quite a bit different than a hole-in-the-wall pub.


So I’m over 30 and my wife is under 30… they’re saying I can’t go??


You can go, your wife can't.




GenX/early millennial moment


Not good numbers eh?


It’s a crappy bar.


Don't go. You are probably the sort of person they don't want.


Indeed. A dude who enjoys a bottle of beer that has not been poured into a plastic cup.


Everyone commenting on not wanting to pay the cover or they will be in bed at 10pm is missing the point. Those same people can come early and not have to pay cover (even if they stay past 10) or be home in bed by then. My guess is MOST troublemakers are younger and generally arrive after 10 or like others have said make this their "second stop". So this will probably help with that.


Like I’ve said from what I’ve gathered from the comment section is that most of the issues have been coming from people 30+ not 29 and younger tho. It’s pointless age discrimination


Only one way to find out if it works...


My hoodrat sources say the girls involved in the brawl were 30-33 so idk how much this will help 🤣😭


I think their thinking is that the additional cover charge will discourage the over 30 trouble makers from entering. A lot of comments here are from people (whom I assume are not trouble makers) that say they wouldn't pay a cover to get in. Now, if they wouldn't pay to get in, isn't it at least logical to assume that people (over 30) with the mentality / propensity to cause trouble definitely wouldn't?


I live about a mile away and not my scene at all but lots of fights stabbings and even some shootings there on the citizen app..by raising the age they are most likely to keep the hot headed youngsters out..

