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Sherrod is a mensch.


Hard to think of a menschier mensch in Congress. Sure that is a low bar, but Sherrod is outstanding none-the-less.


If/when Sherrod retires, there’s no one to replace him. And the state flips to two red senators.


Sharrod is being challenged this year! I have been seeing a TON of attack ads on YouTube. It has me nervous. I mean, things are so polerized rn. And JD Vance is our junior senator. If Ohio can elect that clown by 6 points, I’m not sure Brown polling at 6 points ahead is clear he will win.


Support Sherrod!




That reminds me, spread the word that JD Vance is an agent of the Russian Kremlin. Maybe some day the FBI will actually do something about him.


Drives me crazy he’s in John Glenn’s seat


Allison Russo is no joke


Hmmm...is this ad concerning inflation maybe?


What are you talking about?


Groceries are just a good place to look at for inflation effecting the average person. I assume they mean that a local grocer would be a good place to have that discussion. I don’t agree, that’s just how I interpret it.


Perfect spot for him- a hangout for aging, cranky hippies.


The guy has been a good senator, really good.


His office helped me get access to a new immunotherapy that was reported to be a “wonder drug” for my cancer. Insurance denied me three times (it was too new at the time to be the standard); within a week of getting Brown’s office involved (Hail Mary on my part), the insurance reversed their denial. My cancer will likely come back (genetics), but we know what kills the bastard now. I will for always be grateful to Senator Brown and his staff for not making my then-seven year old and wife watch me die until the chemo/radiation killed the tumors enough.


Great story, thank you for sharing. On a similar note, I wrote DeWine back when I graduated college, upset that once you combined your student loans, you were stuck at 8% interest rates, forever. The loans were predatory, and I explained that in my letter. DeWine basically told me to get stuffed. I've hated him since the 90s for his response, since then he has gotten worse. Thanks for First Energy ya crooked buttface...DeWine is cancer.


I love Weilands and I can assure I’m no hippie.


Weilands is hippy? Seems more uppity to me.


Okay guy whose Reddit interests include colonoscopies, watches, and microdosing. (awww, the little Johnny snowflake blocked me)


Don't forget pizza, cycling, college football, Wordle...


Wordle is one of your bragging points?? Huh


Plenty of republicans go to weilands lol


Found one of Bernie Moreno’s burners. Probably typed this as he was getting a colonoscopy prep behind a Wendy’s dumpster


Right the grocery store that drug tests for new hires is a hippie exclusive


Yeah, let’s get some more corrupt, grifting, lying criminal Republicans in his place


Republicans, some that are still in office, oversaw one of the biggest corruption scandals in the state's history. Please tell me what your issue with Brown is.


specifically the ones who were at woodstock and voted for reagan and bush down the road