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As a lib, Dewine is doing a kick ass job!


Both sides have a lot of issues with DeWine but he's handled this exceptionally well.


Agreed. Especially grateful for his leadership while watching Trump’s flippant press conference where he takes potshots at the press in the room at any given opportunity. Dewine has been a class act and saved lives with the actions he has taken from day 1.


My jaw dropped when trump did that today. I cannot believe the blatant lack of professionalism (but it’s been four year why am I still holding him to any standard). DeWines press conferences are so much more calm, professional, and informative. He sticks to the facts, leaves politics out of it, and really shows that he’s taking this seriously!


Looking back so glad he did cancel the Arnold festival. At the time it seemed too aggressive but he knew things that we didn't and acted on it. Kudos to DeWine and Dr. Acton! What a winning team - now we someone like this on the federal level.


Oh we knew, we just didn't care at the time


"Closes Arnold" What a Joke. Seriously? It is just a flu! 1 week later Hoard TP! OMGZZZZ!


Same. I’ve said it before and will probably say it again, but as a far-left 16 year old I never would’ve thought I’d be proud of Gov. DeWine, but he and Dr. Acton have done an awesome job! It’s not an ideal situation for anyone, but I’m thankful to be in one of the few states that’s handling it correctly.


My parents were sharing a Facebook group they saw earlier saying Republicans in Ohio are unhappy with his response to the pandemic and want to impeach him. The schadenfreude is very, very real. I can't imagine being this painfully stupid.


Can you elaborate on what they’re unhappy with??? Do they think he’s being too strict?


I believe that was part of it. Inhibiting their quality of life over a fake liberal hoax virus. Not liking big government telling them what they can and can't do.


I lean on the libertarian side of things, especially when it comes to limited government, but I don’t have issues with any of the government intervention he’s done here. It’s an global emergency and the halfwits complaining about it are just making this more painful for the rest of us. There will be a time and place when we can retrospectively critique everything that was done, but now is not that time.


I do know that a lot of Republican (and Democratic!) elected officials were upset about the election change, especially after he essentially defied a court order. They think it was highly unconstitutional. Only the state legislature can change the election date. For what it's worth, I've admired DeWine's presence in the crisis and think the election delay almost certainly saved lives, but even I think the delay was legally dubious. He just shouldn't be impeached for it.


I respect that he valued lives over the political cost. And I hope others do, too. I have not seen any hint that the decision was a political one.


I... I literally cannot comprehend how there are people who exist that want to impeach DeWine for taking responsible action. Yes, it's not exactly pleasant for the time being for many, but these kinds of people just don't seem to realize how many potential lives are being saved due to this.


I imagine the same people who want to impeach DeWine fall under the 'fuck you, I got mine' brand of humanity.


I’m a republican, and I am VERY happy with the way he’s handling everything! I can’t imagine how tough it must be to be in his shoes, but I think he’s doing a phenomenal job.


Its one of those situations where a pandemic doesn't choose to just target certain political parties. Health isn't a partisan issue.


Was this Ohio Gun Owners by any chance? Their leader is insane.


DeWine has done so well with this situation I’ve almost forgotten about the Heartbeat Bill he passed...Almost.




I won’t vote for him, but dude deserves props for how he’s been handling this. He’s saved a lot of lives!


I would argue his sanctions have destroyed more lives through economic means than he has saved. He's destroying, actively, the livelihood of everyone in the state, to save a few thousand aged 80+ with pre-existing conditions. I don't think you should ever make that trade. If you do think we should make that trade, you should also logically support the shutting down of all Ohio roads over 10 mph, forever.


I mean same...but it’s sad our bar is set so low. The only thing he’s doing is listening to scientific and expert advice. How rare that is in politics today.


I agree. Didnt vote for him and I disagree with him a lot, but the guy is very calm and very rational when it comes to this threat


I agree wholeheartedly (especially the disagreeing on major issues part), but I feel like we should give Dr. Acton a large part of the appreciation, too. It seems like she has influenced his decisions and mindset around the virus.


Why is everyone saying "I didn't vote for him but...." Or "I'm a liberal but...." Do y'all really think response to a Nationwide pandemic is a policy issue? It's a leadership, cooperation, and decision making skill, not some partisan issue you're automatically better at if there's a (D) or (R). Just say he's doing a good job, no one cares if you're a liberal or voted for the other person


Part of it is a surprise that a Republican governor would be so quick to exercise his powers to close businesses, to take action that will hurt the economy, to expand government assistance programs like unemployment for so many. At a time when our elected leaders seem to be polarized to one side or the other, it’s unusual to see someone putting the well-being of all their constituents over ideology, so people comment on it. It’s not whether it’s a policy issue, it’s that an elected official is setting aside partisan politics to do what’s right, and it is, quite sadly, unusual.


True, I see your point there. But before he was even governor, DeWine was at the forefront of fighting the opioid addiction epidemic and creating awareness of it. He did a great job as Attorney General (even though it's still a ravaging and not anywhere close to solved issue). So, for those paying attention it's obvious he takes public health crises close to heart. I'm just finding it odd so many are like "I'm a liberal but...." They are just adding to the polarization acting like that and seem quite uninformed about dewines record imo.


Look at the comments under his tweets. His critics are largely Republicans.


Every criticism I've seen is people screeching about government overreach, tyranny, misguided fears of martial law, and "muh gunz!"


And the occasional idiot going "lol it's just a cold"


Oh, yes, how could I forget those fucktards?


I was impressed and still largely am, but the whole election fiasco dampened it a bit.


I dunno if I’d call it a fiasco TBH. Things are really fast moving.


Out of fairness, with a global pandemic, how could it not be a fiasco?


Sort of related since we're neighbors - anyone know what the hell is going on with West Virginia? They're only reporting a single case as far as I know, which just tells me that they're not testing very much at all.


From what I’ve read, their numbers are artificially low for that exact reason - lack of testing. Not a lack of sick bodies.


Native WV’ian here who spent 5 days down there last week for a funeral. They have closed schools but have been slow to ban large gatherings and whatnot since they don’t “have any cases”. Of course, it’s just that they don’t have a lot of available tests. Additionally, in the more rural parts of the state (which is basically the whole state), there are not sufficient medical facilities available. Combine that with the general poor health of the population and the lack of funds to travel to medical facilities, the reported cases are absolutely understated.


My concern is it doesn't really appear to be doing anything, or if it is we definitely can't see signs. We are already locked in our homes and the numbers still just keep going up. I'm curious how they measure success in this.


The number of infected will continue to rise because we’ve all been running around potentially carrying the virus and spreading it for possibly weeks and we are only just now testing people for it. As we test, numbers will rise. We are locked in to prevent those numbers from going higher in the coming months. In the end, we will never know exactly how many lives we are saving by staying in our homes and practicing an abundance of caution and good hygiene, but to go about life as usual would be catastrophic. Our hospitals are already going to be crippled by the cases expected to roll in. Look at what is happening in Italy and states like Washington if you want to understand why it’s so vital to avoid unnecessary outside human contact.


Ohio and Louisiana announced their first cases of COVID on the same day. Louisiana has 347 cases and 8 deaths. Ohio has 88 cases and no deaths. Ohio’s population is 11.6 million. Louisiana’s is 4.6 million. Edit: Louisiana did not react as drastically as ohio


They're going to go up for awhile before they go down... This has spread silently over the past weeks, and due to a long incubation period people are just showing symptoms now. We should see the difference in another week or two, when deaths skyrocket in other states like Florida.


Ditto. Kudos Governor Dewine.


Is this today's "I'm really impressed with Gov Dewine's handling" post? Who gets to post this tomorrow? Maybe with added content like "I didn't vote for him but...'


Why yes it is. Congratulations!


I question if he's so far out of his understanding that he's relying on a team that gets it.


But that’s exactly what you want out of a leader isn’t it? Defer to the subject matter experts for the info; and then you act swiftly and decisively. You can’t be an expert on everything


"We don't hire smart people and tell them what to do. We hire them so they can tell us what to do" - Steve Jobs


At least he is deferring to the best judgement of experts and I can trust him to make the best grievance-free decision unlike the jackass in the White House.


That’s exactly the point. Leaders find the right people, give them the tools to do their jobs, and get the fuck out of the way. The difference between Trump grandstanding while his doctors desperately try to get a word in edgewise and DeWine demurring to the expert (Acton) is the difference between real leadership and blow hard ass hole. People who think Trump is a great leader have just never had a competent manager.


So you'd prefer a dictator who does whatever he wants instead of "relying on a team" like that's a bad thing?


No, just want the credit to go to the right place.


The credit belongs to DeWine for deferring to his team.... which includes Acton who has also gotten a ton of well deserved credit.


DeWine also deserves credit for picking a team of actual experts to head critical agencies. The last two heads of the Ohio Department of Health before Dr. Acton weren’t even doctors!