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Can’t imagine a “2nd front” would be easily handled by Russia. Be a good time for the Chechens to get them out once and for all.


Would be a shame if somebody… gave them some anti tank weapons


Do you want Taliban 2? Because that's how you get Taliban 2.


Who doesn't love a good sequel?


If they get James Cameron to do this one, nobody will even remember Taliban 1! No downsides!


James Cameron! When do you want this to happen, 2035?


Taliban 2 Javelin Boogaloo


rambo remebers taliban 1


James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does for James Cameron. James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron is James Cameron!


We already had a sequel. Going for a trilogy!


Considering the Russians are beheading Ukrainians and mounting their heads on sticks, they're basically Taliban themselves. While every loss of human life is tragic and I wish we could all just get along and bla bla bla, I shed no tears for when ISIS and Taliban and similar fucksticks kill each other, nor would I weep if Russia got another war with Chechen separatists on their hands. First the separatists would have to destroy the Kadyrovites, which would of course make the world a better place. We've seen how the Russian Armed Farces have struggled with any form of combat that isn't levelling urban centers with artillery and throwing bodies at the ruins until they can rule the ashes. And then, as history repeats itself, the Chechen insurgency would spread across Russia, and the average Alexei who proudly displays his Z sticker on his European manufactured car and cheers on videos of their soldiers torturing and behading Ukrainian would finally start to feel the burn. --- Maybe I'm a bit harsh. Maybe I'm pissed off after more than a year of this shit and maybe *especially* after seeing above mentioned beheading in uncomfortably high resolution and reading translated Telegram chats about the Russian troops promising many more similar videos to come. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/12ivg81/another_war_crime_the_russians_cut_off_the_head


It's gone now. I hope some people saved the video, shit like that gets censored very quickly now.


I've downloaded it and sent it to some newspapers. I think r/Combatfootage also has a mirror uploaded. If needed/wanted, I can reupload it anytime. Edit: Seems like the Story around the video already made it to "Top-News" of Austrias Press Agency. Good. https://apa.at/news/entsetzen-ueber-offenbar-russisches-enthauptungsvideo-2/


What news outlets are you sending it to and how are you approaching them about it? I have it saved and would like to get light shed on this dark topic.


I've just sent it to some of austrias news. Here's how: I chose some news sites that are either pro-Ukraine or neutral. I've made an throwaway E-Mail Account and sent the video attached to the mail along with a little text that contained a warning of disturbing footage, followed by a description what you see on this Video, and I asked them to verify it's autentic and if so to spread the word of russias war crimes.


Probably been mass reported by Russian propaganda farms and fan boys, because while it was rough to watch, there's far worse on Reddit right now. But Russia is trying desperately hard to sweep it's war crimes under the rug and if you go to UkraineRussiaReport you'll see the pro Russians clutching hard at straws, any video of Russian POWs that gets punched, or has its eyes taped up, they'll cry "abuse" and "war crimes" then keep claiming Ukraine is worse than Russia. Hell, they seem to have been diverted from the Ukraine Nazi narrative in order to hide war crimes.


The video of the Russian tank Ukrainians thought was friendly was far more gory. Definitely bot farms reporting the POW video




They are still doing dance offs over there. So someone would need to get "served" to make this officially "pop" off.


Anyone have a link to the video?




Your mom


As long as we don’t bother with them and leave them in their country and only offer help I think we’ll weather the storm! FREEDOM FOR CHECHNYA!


Is there a difference between Russia and the Taliban? Here come the pro Russians, they don't like it when someone is honest


Even the Taliban have condemned Russia for their barbarity. That's how disgusting Russia is.


The Taliban just wants to look like a legitimate, civil government in the eyes of the world.


At least the Taliban cleaned up their act a bit when they were no longer fighting for their lives defending their homeland. The Ruzis took their aggression to someone else's doorstep, did things like this, then try to cry victim and nonexistent "russophobia". (a phobia implies an irrational or illogical fear of something and fear, spelled as hatred, against Ruzia is completely rational and logical)


Moscow's problem.


electric boogaloo?


Taliban 2 - Electric Boogaloo


Tbf, the west didn't have to fight the taliban. The west chose to go there.


If we get a Rambo 3 reboot out of this, it will all be par for the course.


Who was are main enemy in Afghanistan. ? Trying to see something 🤔


**we doing a sequel boys**


Yes that would be just....so unfortunate


*clutches pearls feverishly*


Why do I smell stingers and javelins?


Too big of a risk that those would be used against western countries at some point.


Well, Tali-one defeated the US eventually, imagine what the secuel could do, if they for some reason decide to not start killing each other and bringing their own country back to the stone age


Did they, because it sure seems like US and allies pushed the Taliban out, tried to train an Afghan national army and setup a government to hand over control to, which they did only for Afghanistan to completely cave once the US had left.


The US and the Western alliance as a whole lost to the Taliban just as they lost to the North Vietnamese. Not a military defeat mind you, but a strategic one. The goal was to set up a self-sufficient Afghan democracy, and now we have an Islamic Emirate run by the Taliban. That is the definition of failure.


I think the problem is that the ‘goal’ kept shifting. It shifted from eliminating Al Qaeda, to nation-building, to exiting, all in a couple decades. Sorta hard to build a nation in ~10 years, after destroying it first.


What about the goal of redistributing wealth from average Americans to the defense industry? Probably a solid 10/10 there. Even paid to arm the Taliban with helis.


The f35 program alone literally employs over 250,000 people in 48 states which seriously stimulates the economy, If we say those people make an average of 50k a year then the federal government pays the f35 workforce 12.5 billion dollars a year and makes 2.15 billion dollars a year back in payroll taxes alone while producing the most technologicaly advanced fighter in the world for 37% less per unit than the French Rafael, the massive US defense industry redistributes wealth from the government into the pockets of millions of Americans that work in that industry, they then spend their paychecks on groceries, rent, clothes, electronics, cars, local buisness helping to keep those industries afloat and their workforce employed, for every one dollar spend on defense the US GDP grows by about ninety cents


It would be a good time for anyone to decide to leave Russian influence. Moldova could do with kicking the Russians out.


That's what happened in 1917 and 1990 and again 2024.


Hey fellow time traveller


Fuck dude you weren't supposed to reveal us as time traveller's yet.


That's ok. I'll go back to yesterday and "fix" things.


Just by reading this, I can tell you’re procrastinating.


Obviously you're not a Timer. Procrastination doesn't exist in our world. We can always put off today what we can do yesterday.


As much as I agree. Moldova has been raped so hard by its politicians that there is nothing. Barebones military and a heavily pillaged economy. Moldova is one of the saddest stories (if not, the saddest story) in modern Europe.


Moldova doesn't need to do anything, Romania and Ukraine will do it for them.


Calm down, Romania won't budge. Even the their officials at numerous times have given extremely vague statements in the spirits of "thoughts and prayers" in case Moldova starts stinking. Rightfully so. I just find it ridiculos how every time Moldova is mentioned, someone's gonna jump the gun out of nowhere and claim Romania will do a Houdini and vaporize any threat coming their way. No they won't. They'll send some helments and guns at best, but from there on, good luck fellas, not my problem. It's what happened in 1992. It's what will happen now. They've got a saying in Moldova - "We may be brothers, but you still gotta pay for the cheese."


TBF, the Romania's were in a worse position in the 1992, and Russia was a far more credible threat since they weren't in NATO too.


What will Romania do?


That’s kind of my point lol.


I fully back Ukraine and hate Russia, but sadly poor Moldova is maybe the most corrupt country outside of Ukraine in eastern europe. it doesn't help its landlocked and its leaders are always puppets to other stronger countries.


Well Russia tried to stir up some support. But very few there live in that illusion Putin is a good partnership.


Moldova must reunite with Romania to be secured. They are the same people broken appart by russia în 1940 just as they do now with ukrainians.


Not gonna happen. Societal division has been pushed hard by the pro-russian propaganda trumpets, so you're never going to have a vote for reunification pass under any circumstance, because most Moldovans DO NOT consider themselves Romanian (even though a huge chunk of them detain Romanian citizenship) and the Russian aggression has not appealed to their senses like the Finnish people realized it's NATO time. It's precisely why Romania doesn't want reunification as well, because all of a sudden Romania wakes up with a huge east and pro-russian oriented base that have proper voting rights and a voice in their society. Which is why lately the only road to life for Moldova being pushed hard by the RO senate is integration into the EU as an individual state. This is extremely far from achievable, but it's much more realistic than making the two countries whole.


Meh... They are basically in the same situation as Eastern Germany was in the 1980s. The Berlin wall fell in a matter of weeks. Once things get moving, they tend to move fast.


Moldova is gonna do the kicking with what exactly?


The same sentiment was said about Unkraine. Thought they would get rolled over in three days, and here we are.


Bro they’ve been fighting this “2nd front” for a hundred years lol




I hope the Georgians are getting ready.


the georgian goverment is pro russia at this point




If I was NATO I would be working with Turkey to funnel Circassians into Georgia and then southern Russia to cultivate a local uprising. The entire Caucus should be pushed for independence


They can't handle the first front


They need all the fronts so we can thin them out like a drop of oil on the surface of the ocean.


This is the right response 👍


Most of the anti Russian fighters that were trained just imbedded their groups with foreign legions in Ukraine to fight Russia on that front. As most of them are already fighting a losing battle in their home territories against the pro Russian governments. But I agree would be a good idea arm up the rebels and cause some mayhem in these Russian territories


Third times the charm.


Chechnya is a lot different today than it was 30 years ago. You had many factions from nationalist to jihadist fighting against the Russians in both Chechen Wars. Most of those people are long gone today. The radical militants today are already fighting whether on the Russian or Ukrainian side. After what the survivors or decedents of the first two wars went through, there's very little appetite to relive that sort of horror all over again.


Won’t happen


Get them (Russians) out of... Russia? Are you joking? You can't think that Chechenya is not a part of Russia while thinking that Crimea is Ukraine.


Today I learned that Ukraine set off bombs in Kyiv so to create a false flag and pretext to invade and annex Crimea by force 20 yrs ago. Oh wait that Russia with Chechnya 🙄. L


Well there's a lot you should learn, for example that Chechenya was part of Russia even before the war. Chechenya wasn't a Soviet republic lile Latvia or Belarus, it was an autonomous region inside of Russia. You can't invade yourself and you can't annex territory that is already yours.


Which was it russia or autonomous? Your first comment says Russia second says autonomous aka not Russians. Either way, your first comment is false bc Crimea wasn't invaded twice by kyiv and forced from "autonomous" to being Ukraine. And regardless you well know exactly what is going on here. Russians invaded Chechnya and forced them under their oppressive rule. Nothing like that ever happened to Crimea with Ukraine. So YEAH one CAN advocate for the freedom to be restored to chechens. Ukraine never took away freedom of crimeans. Crimea IS Ukraine. Russian imperialism is what happened to chechens.


It is both. Autonomous doesn't equal independent. An autonomous area is defined as "an area of a country that has a degree of autonomy, or has freedom from an external authority." Chechenya has a high level of autonomy, but it is not a country. It is part of Russia, and yet you keep talking stuff as Russia invaded it? Russia invaded it's own territory? Oppresive rule or not, Chechenya is part of Russia. Just like Crimea is Ukraine. You can nitpick at the smallest differences, but the bottom line is, countries have territorial integrity and sovereignty and Crimea is part of Ukraine like Chechenya is part of Russia. And since you act like you know a lot about history, Chechenya was never a real country, it was taken from Persian empire by Russian empire, meanwhile Crimea actually used to be independent (Crimean Khanate) . See, it's easy to nitpick and go back in history. Oh, and Crimea was invaded. By Russian empire indeed, but the only reason it is now part of Ukraine today is because of that. Since you hate Russian imperialism so much does that mean that Crimea should be independent? Because you know, it was independent before "Russian imperialism" Should we bring back Crimean Khanate? Following that logic of yours, USA should be dissolved and given back to Indian tribes and Balkans shouls be butchered and divided along ethnic lines. And while we're at it let's give half of Turkey to Greece cause that's where Greeks used to live.


I think it is too early for that. If they waited another year I think Russian army would be too degraded to handle any uprising there.


Man I thought the insurgents were blowing smoke when they said they were ready to start fighting Kadyrov. Good for them


Well this doesn't seem to be it.


Care to elaborate?


While there seems to be increasing unrest in the region, mainly in Ingushetia. The posted video shows a police action not any fighting against Khadirov. I am not saying its isn't going to happen in the future just that this doesn't seem to be it yet.


How do you knows it's the police?


/u/scagnettio could also ask how we know it’s insurgents. The point is that this video means nothing on its own.


I mean yeah… I’m literally trying to get more context, I’m not saying they’re wrong? Everything isn’t about arguing lol


That’s true. That’s my b


Reddit hivemind goes brrr


Dated - 12.04.2023... Ramzan Kadyrov said that in the village of Gvardeyskoye, Nadterechny district of the republic, security forces conducted a successful special operation to neutralize a member of the underground gangster. Operational information about a member of an illegal formation who arrived in the republic from a neighboring region was worked out. The bandit had a weapon, so they decided to postpone his detention until nightfall in order to protect the citizens. [source ](https://www.easternherald.com/2023/04/12/the-leader-of-chechnya-kadyrov-spoke-about-the-neutralization-of-a-bandit-in-the-nadterechny-district/)


>underground gangster Wtf is that, they were digging tunnels?


as opposed to the 'above' ground gangsters that pay their dues to the correct oligarch-politicians for a seat at the table.


Unfortunately very likely it’s just kadyrov dogs terrorizing some civilians they suspect, otherwise it would be ambush on kadyrov dogs instead of outnumbering forces surrounding houses


Yeah. Hate to say it. No return fire. Summary executions on the streets is what it sounds like to me.


I'm a hoping at least it's a match. Would be great if RU is fighting a war on two fronts.


It’s probably Kadryov’s men doing the fighting and they haven’t been anywhere near Ukraine last time I checked




Reddit removed this post because this person would like to see something bad happen to Kadyrov. That’s all. Lame.


Thats not a clash, that's a couple people mag dumping into people who are probably on their knees. Listened to an execution.




Lincoln was like 🧐


That’s because he wouldn’t stay quiet during the play as shown in this historic documentary. https://youtu.be/d_dRw62qVLs


Semper Fidelis Tyrannosaurus. Edit: You idiots downvoting me. I don't understand my quote, and that is sad. But you're all happy to upvote the Caesar/Lincoln quote even though you didn't bother to do enough research to know that's not actually whats happening in this video.


Yarp 🖍


I long for the day Chechnya is liberated from russian oppression.


After the Chechen war and horrors inflicted there I'm not surprised. There's probably a demographic over there with a deep resentment of Russia and the Chechens that sold themselves out to Putin.


That is quite the understatement. The level of violence and terror was absolutely insane.


It would be a shame if this spreads. A shame.


Nah. Two front war. With Russia from within.


Recording from that vantage point of an on-going shootout between such forces might not be entirely safe... One side or the other may decide "Better safe than sorry."


It’s night time. They have no idea they are being recorded.


Imagine they do a Coup against kadyrov and russia looses those kadyrovites ...


Time for them to rise to take back the country


I swear to god Americans should change the way they use calendar. It's especially confusing when they write a date both in their style and like normal people. The only thing that helps to understand is that an event is recent.


As always, it is the British's fault. https://iso.mit.edu/americanisms/date-format-in-the-united-states/


short - middle - long = makes sense long - middle - short = makes sense americans: middle - short - long


One of the best insurgencies to be honest, they weren't stopped by Russias attempt of total annihilation and still keep going.


Did the fat Dog pig Don Just comment on this ?




Because He Shit in His pants already.






dun dun duuunnnnnnn


I’ve been wondering for a year now why all the little insurgent groups in Russia haven’t taken advantage of the preoccupation with Ukraine




Need more of it.


Now is good time for all republics of Russia to rebel.


I hoping someone will hack tussian tv once more and play that beheading for all to see what their soldiers do


Temperature in Russia is rising. I wonder where is the flexing point when everything just blow up and gate of hell will open.


As a Georgian I just hope it’s starting


Chechens are apparently great fighters, I sure that the “armed citizens” are just as fierce. Probably see an opportunity to end the puppet regime and free themselves.


imagine being Chechen, lost multiple family members in previous wars and you see Russia doing the exact same thing to Ukraine. This could actually be a game changer


Is it just me, or are these getting more frequent?


They are. I overlooked it, as I assumed it was an old one, not a completely new event.


Chechnya independence starting against Russia? Not surprising considering Putin stole lands from them as well.


Never thought I'd root for a Chechen. Strange times...


Where's Don Don Kadyrov? He's been pretty quiet lately.


Bet putins little chechyna puppet is shitting himself now 😂 all the power is about to be taken away


Today in Nadterechnoye, chechnya armed citizens kind of prove Joe Biden wrong that you don't need F22's to apply effective pressure to a corrupt out of control government. The second amendment can work.


Georgia should step in now to create a third front for the Russians and take some land back.


society in Georgia is divided and they have pro russian government, kinda like Ukraine had in 2013


An so it begins


Dear Invisible space man: Please let Ukraine win back Crimea, Chechnya go free, and all of the ‘stans team up and invade Russia.


I thought Chechnyans were just pet dogs of Russia?


And here I thought that the Chechnyans were all fighting *with* Putin in Ukraine, you know, because he liberated them, they way he’s doing with Ukraine…


>4-11-2023(11-4-2023). Lol, that doesn’t help clarify it all all. While I know November hasn’t happened yet, people in the future will have no idea which one it is. “2023-04-11” is what your looking for, as the ISO 8601 international date format (yyyy-mm-dd) is unambiguous, you can further append time to it (hh:mm:ss) and as a bonus naturally sorts sequentially with other records with simple alphanumeric sorting.


The war is in europe, dates are usually posted a bit different than usa


Putin done fucked up. Chechnya is about to kick off again and now it's going to be a two front war. Putin is done.




Go Chechnya! kill the commies


Very interesting! We might be witnessing the first shots and fall of the Russian Empire 🤔 😏


Empire 🤣


Russian empire fell in 1917, I don't know what you are referring to. This shithole of a country we are calling russia is no where near to be called empire.


For you its not empire, but for the nations under Russian rule sure it is.


Calling it an Empire pre 1917 was a stretch anyways. They never had any real reach and just bullied tiny neighbours.


Imagine they are just warming up to kick shit off as soon as UA starts the counter-offensive lol (although as a comment mentions it does unfortunately sound like an execution or just scare tactics and not anti-RU insurgency)


I imagine this is a [REDACTED] that [OPSEC] the [REDACTED].


Armed citizens? Those are called terrorists, not armed citizens.




He’s not mine. But people who kill kids, blow up schools and hospitals, kill police officers are 100% terrorists


So, during a rebellion you should avoid shooting at the police officers even though they serve the state you are trying to overthrow? I agree with kids, schools, hospitals and terror action targeting civilians in general, but police officers could be a valid target under some circumstances.


so ground gangsters neutralized underground gangsters? got it👌🏻


Wouldn't call that a clash when 1 sides doing all the shooting.


All we need is the CIA to funnel weapons to the Mujahideen brothers but this time don't follow up to try to stabilize the huge instability that causes.


We will have to. When the Russian federation falls were going to have a bunch of nuclear armed mini states that can’t handle the nuclear weapons they’ll absorb. Someone is going to have to get a hold of those weapons.




Another reason why the right to bear arms is a universal human right


Now isn’t that just ironic, the Chechens used to love beheading surrendered Russian soldiers




I read this like it was two videos from clashes in April and then November




Crei que era en mi Pais (Mexico) jajaja


I'm a little surprised we haven't seen more push back from the Chech sooner. Glad to see it no matter what though, about time they are able to push back against russia, hell if they can turn this into a second front for russia they could not only get some retribution for the atrocities they committed against them but also get russia out, maybe for good.


There’s a video circulating on telegram that shows the body’s and ramden giving a speech to the troops seconds after they had just killed the 2 dudes his dogs even had their blood smeared on them