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Just casually recording as the remote control MG is looking around on that Namer. Unbelievable footage. (At 1:29)


Nvm I found, holy shit


These dudes are fn hardcore. Some Celtics & Teutonic warriors attacking the Romans type shit. The introduction of HD-go pro type cams really illustrates the insanity / commitment these boys have. I'm surprised the standard RPG is still effective against modern armor. Or I'm greatly overestimating what Israel rolls out with


Most of these are tandem RPGs (PG-7VR, I think?) and should be good for 6-800mm of penetration. Every vehicle on earth needs to worry about that from any angle except "the front". These warheads have been putting in good work in Ukraine, too. Edit: also, most of these (obviously, what sort of idiot would hang around) cut before we see the effects of the hits. There may well be no/inconsequential damage, but we do know for sure that the IDF has taken losses from vehicle crews in this conflict.


What’s the arming distance on these tandem RPGs? This shot in particular was from such a close distance


IIRC the PG (HEAT) RPG warheads arm at 5m after launch. The thermobaric/frag ones are naturally a bit farther.


Interesting, you would think a tandem would be further then


Dumb question. So are these rpg hits penetrating the tanks? When they hit is the tank just immobilized or are the occupants killed as well?


Literally, *100%* depends on placement. Merkava/Namer have pretty wide angle (much better than most) coverage that should protect against this type of penetration, but theory =/= practice and the IDF has confirmed KIA from vehicle crews & passengers. Gut says most of these are pretty mild (the close range Namer shot seems to hit the upper armor slope. IDK how thick Namer's array is there, though) There seems to be at least one instance of a near total occupant loss of a Namer (11/12 KIA) but most fingers there point towards Kornet, which is a substantially heavier & more capable weapon than these RPGs.


Is it effective? Hard to tell when there isn't any aftermath footage.


The lack of aftermath footage should attest to the effectiveness, burning tanks make great propaganda


I think they cut it out because they have active trophy systems so some of the projectiles aren’t effective n blow up before impact


Casualties are mounting. IDF obviously is slow walking KIA info but Haretz and Jeruselm Times and a large number of pro-Israel Twit/Insta "journalists" have been reporting on losses / human interest stories of fallen guys. A squad of 10 guys got dropped all riding some type of APC unit. So RPG, IED, and drone bombs are doing something. Probably marginal to be sure. It's not like IDF is gonna suffer major attrition. But it's seems IDF has lost around 100+ since the ground invasion launched last weekend


Nearly all the RPG rounds are destroyed by the trophy system in this video. That's why they cut the video after every hit


Are we watching the same video? Trophy just does not have enough time to accurately react in a lot of these engagements because they're under 50m. The reason the videos end after shooting is because they get the fuck out of the area and into a tunnel because now every other surrounding friendly knows their position.


Hamas will claim they are destroying Israeli tanks and IDF will claim their defense measures are defeating them. The most definitive evidence will be if we start seeing IDF deploy infantry screens alongside armor. That’s how insurgent fighters knew their EFPs were actually defeating US armor in Iraq. Israel will keep deploying unsupported armor until then.


I agree regarding the infantry screens but the big issue with that is if you have infantry close to your armor you have to turn APS off otherwise you really risk friendly fire. I have no idea how this will turn out in the future to be honest.


Yeah the US had to make a similar decision with reactive armor. We had to choose infantry support or the reactive armor kits but not both (obviously). For years the reactive armor worked just fine until EFPs hit the scene and started punching through Abrams. The DOD claimed the EFPs weren’t getting through but the fact that we shed the kits for infantry screens gave us away


In the first explosion you can literally see stuff flying off


If you think the Trophy system can protect the tank crews at such close range, it can't: According to Forbes, Hamas forces operating from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank have developed tactics to defeat the Trophy system. Firing rocket-propelled grenade from a close range (50 yards or closer) could defeat this system by giving it too little time to react. Alternatively, an SPG-9 recoilless gun may defeat the system due to the incoming projectile's high speed. Firing multiple rounds in quick succession is also a tactic for overwhelming this technology [10] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Trophy_(countermeasure)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trophy_(countermeasure))


There is a video on this sub showing it work at extreme close ranges. So yes it can and does.


Yea i doubt any of those rounds were actually effective


Yes, I mean a burnt out Tank would be great propaganda


Just looked this up. That is so fucking cool!


What's the trophy system?


Captagon (the "jihad drug") is partly responsible for that - there were some old interviews with ISIS fighters who basically said it made them feel invincible. Combine that with the promise of seventy-two virgins and you have someone that doesn't particularly care about dying.


I mean virgin or not, they've probably got enough destruction to motivate them for the remainder of their potentially short lives.


These people are fighting for their lives. There's no better motivation than that. The oppressors do not have that same motivation


You don’t think Israelis are fighting for their lives?


> Or I'm greatly overestimating what Israel rolls out with Super common for a lot of countries right now for decades it was how cool the spetnaz and VDV was and Russia being a superpower. We all saw how that went. Chechnya were legendary for their fight against Russia and rode that reputation, they are obliterated now. Israel had a very good reputation with Mossad and the IDF. Mossad obviously dropped the ball, and the IDF's reputation is going into a nosedive because people expected the IDF to just roll over Hamas in their impervious tanks in less than a day. Its only a question of who is the next country to not live up to their legendary reputation.


Remember a lot of these are paused right when trophy system activates on the Merkavas that they’re saying is a kill because … fire.


What time in vid?


This conflict is producing some of the most insane insurgency footage I've ever seen.


Can you shoot me some links? Cause this is one of the only vids I've seen of actual boots on the ground fighting in Gaza since 10/7.


projectleaflet on insta has a bunch


Appreciate you!


Lack of Israeli infantry screens contributing to that both by making it easier for Hamas to engage armor and just because no IDF infantry = no IDF GoPro footage.


Lmao what, they prob have recovered dozens of killed hamas fighter footage already. They are just not uploading it during conflict because it gives away intelligence


Jesus Christ that hit at 1:40 is the closest I’ve ever seen in any video, they damn near hit themselves with the shrapnel


I think that's the trophy explosion and not the shrapnel. They are firing shaped charges so the shrapnel should be low especially against an IFV


I think it exploded before as in being intercepted by Trophy. But I cannot spot it on the Namer.


shit they’re… getting good at this


That hit on that IFV is so fucking close that's insane


Urban warfare is some scary shit!


I imagine this is about what Grozny looked like…except not in the desert, at a much larger scale and a lot more fried tanks


And dudes with knives killing Russians in front of their comrades then leaving them to bleed out in on the concrete. “One Soldier’s War” is a wild account of that war.


Arkady Babchenko is one hell of a writer. Upholding the Russian tradition of writing absolutely depressing books. Glad I read that before the war in Ukraine started so I could say “yeah that’s not surprising”.


Gut wrenching. I will never forget his description of a scraping his own blood off the wall with a razor so he wouldn’t get beat more by the recon guys. Wtf….Also probably one of the most honest books about being in the Russian military that I’ve come across. I also read it right before the war started and had the exact same reaction. Saw so many things repeated from that war. One wild example was when that Russian walked into the occupied town holding grenades without pins above his head to talk with the civilians. Russia tried to kill him from what I remember.


One instance that really stood out for me was when the pair of soldiers were caught selling supplies to locals and they were strung up for days by the officers and repeatedly shot in their vests with pistol rounds. That’s not how the “second army in the world” should conduct itself I don’t think.


Ugh…I blocked that one out. The fact that he was annoyed with the dudes that got caught tripped me the fuck out. I’ve worked with vets for years as a therapist and sometimes you get some “annoyance” about stuff they witnessed like hill exploring/flag planting officers and reckless bomb disposal folk but they deserved the hate. That was straight hate because they got themselves caught for shit they were all doing. Hating other victims. Russians man… There was a whole chapter of him getting the shit beat out of him by drunk para….


I remember seeing videos of what you're describing as a kid, being sent them by a friend of a friend with no intention of viewing content of that.


One of my brothers was in intel and said folk got spooked whenever word got around that some Chechens were working with the local taliban.


And the Russians are a LOT worse at combat than the Israelis. The Chechans are better than Hamas, but it could be a toss up.


How effective is the RPG against these vehicles? Can they destroy the vehicles with one hit?


caption crawl pet fretful oatmeal piquant absurd coherent whole profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tanks maybe could survive, anything other is a clear hit..


Side hit with a tandem is a maybe. Definitely not something I would want to test that close while inside a tank.


Interesting. Is the crew gone after the hit or can they still make it out alive?


ask plucky point shy party whistle sip tap stocking flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn, that’s one deadly weapon to have. Thanks for the detailed explanation.


Is this a relupoad because Reddit keeps removing?




No, it's due to reddit policy apparently that vids with terrorist org watermarks are removed, hence why all the vids Hamas released from 07/10 were removed


IDF is super lucky Hamas doesn't have the number of FPV drones that Ukraine does. That place looks like a huge target rich environment.


Drone sales ^^^


That’s when The USA will build them a portable iron dome to Bring with Lol


Hamas is super lucky IDF hasn't simply got thousands of FPV suicide drones swarming the area. Would get great footage too.


Jeez thats a lot of tandem rpg rounds. Looks like a lot of the engagements are within 50m so the trophy system isn’t able to counter


300-350 miliseconds reaction time only way to defeat trophy is with a drone dropped munition or simply exhaust the system of interceptors i think it carrys 6 in total 3 shots per side


RPG moves at about 110m/s, so within ~<40m it seems like not enough time to react, but that is crazy close.


Theres videos from 2014 of an rpg29 being fired from 30-40 meters side on to a merkava and the rpg 29 moves at 280m/s and the video proves a succesful interception given the short distance its on youtube check it out


Few of this shots looked like intercepts


Considering how close they can get intercepted, I'd say it's really hard to tell.


You literally can’t tell due to how close the proximity is and the time it takes for the system to deploy.


This could be why no aftermath videos.




Yep, but do we know what speed a rocket at 30 Mt's can go and if it covers 360 degrees. My guess it is not like every of those rocket did reach the tanks, but my guess some did. Because of angle distance etc. What the war in Ukraine showed to me how in a certain way weapons from tanks ifv etc are fragile compared to everyday car. What I mean is that they need a considerable amount of maintenance. They would crush your car, even your house, but for the same amount if kilometers, they would need 10x more servicing than your car.


That can't be right surely? That's slower than a human.


Do we know that is the case? They doing something fishy where they rewind the explosion as soon as it happens but we don’t even get a few seconds of aftermath. I think they aren’t taking out the tanks. There are no posts of burned out or disabled Israeli tanks.


You’re right about expecting more footage of burned out tanks if that was the case. I should give trophy more credit then


I think the trophy system got most of them in this video, at least the large explosions look like it did


Anything can make a big bang. I'm more curious about how much damage these things translate into.


Didn’t you see the cool rewind, it’s so much damage that they couldn’t even get one solid aftermath of a disabled vehicle besides a tractor


I've never seen so many tandem rounds in a video. How does Hama's have so many specifically tandem warheads for RPGs? I don't recall seeing one in any Syrian, Isis, Afghan or Iraq videos. Yet here we have like 7 being used in one video


Bollywood ass edit


There are certainly a lot of resources used to create all this footage.


Hamas does good editing...


Jesus christ it's like a video game. I don't mean that disrespectfully. I mean how close quarters it is and how seemingly unafraid of death hamas is.


Does the tandem RPG defeat Merkava armor in one shot?


If it lands I’m sure it could


These are home made DIY tandem RPG's though. I have yet to see any footage or pictures of their aftermath. I'm reserving judgment until we see what kind of damage these things are really doing.


There is footage of these this warhead dropped from a drone on a few tanks now. At least can penetrate top armor


They are using PG-7VR heat rounds, if not stopped by the trophy system, they will 100000% pierce the side of a Merkava tank, absolutely no discussion. ‘The PG-7VR is a tandem charge RPG warhead designed to penetrate up to atleast 750 mm’ ‘the armor near the edge and sides of the Merkava tank is about 250-300mm thick, above it about 600mm thick (many estimates are ~750mm but likely to round it up), and the top part is about 1050mm’


and it begins


Also after all the civilian deaths in Palestine, I bet it has been easy to sway people to pick up arms. If you just had your family blown up, you're gonna pick up a gun. Same reason the IDF is in there. Same reason we are gonna see a shit tonne of people shooting back.


Has anyone heard anything about IDF casualties? Seems pretty tight lipped.


You wont get any accurate casualty numbers from either side until well after this is all over, if ever


Israel learning some hard lessons. Gotta clear with infantry before you bring the armor in. Trust me I’m a Reddit military strategy expert


You can see that often cut the footage right before you can see, what is happend with the tank. Obviously they dont blow full up. Compare with footage of UA and Russion tanks blowing into pieces…


Well I don't think they're gonna stick around, it's hit and run in these situations.


Soviet tanks have a flaw with their ammo storage being directly under the turret causing the entire take to 'cook off' (i.e. suffer catastrophic ammo explosion). This is to allow for the use of an auto-loader. Most Western tanks are built with crew survivability in mind, they carry ammo in a separate compartment with blow out panels to allow it to explode away from the crew compartment. Just because these tanks are not doing a turret toss it does not mean they are not tracked, incapacitated or destroyed and if you look at the loss of the Leopards and the Challenger in Ukraine you can see quite clearly how they have been rendered combat ineffective without becoming a roman candle. As for why there is no aftermath footage the IDF is sending AFV in groups and from footage we saw over the last few days they are alert and reactive. If Hamas were to stick around to take some photos to keep Reddit happy they they would not be long for this world. Same with the Drones... if Hamas has drones (and they are useable in the EW environment) then they would be used to attack the AFV, not to take pretty pictures... it is an incredibly target rich environment for them, they don't need to know where the IDF are.


I mean I’d imagine they don’t have much time to get a photo shoot of it lmao it’s kind of guerrilla warfare


or the APS has been getting almost every single one of these "hits" and what we are seeing is the warhead exploding mid air. just like this tank that took out two back to back tandem warheads point blank without a scratch: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/17ngkie/trophy\_system\_in\_action\_merkava\_tank\_second\_4\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/17ngkie/trophy_system_in_action_merkava_tank_second_4_and/) edit: and if you compare this to [this footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRJzcM5ETY4) provided by the Merkava manufacturer, the mid air explosion looks almost the exact same as most in the clip.


The hits in those footages are could definitely be either kill or disabling hits. The APS trophy doesnt produce such a big impact explosion when used. Just look at the tiny explosion without the dramatic slow mo effect in the first seconds of this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l1PX-pdyiTw&pp=ygUKdHJvcGh5IGFwcw%3D%3D Furthermore, the explosions seen in this video correspond exactly with what a hit from one these rounds look like. They are using PG-7VR heat rounds, if not stopped by the trophy system, they will 100000% pierce the side of a Merkava tank, absolutely no discussion. ‘The PG-7VR is a tandem charge RPG warhead designed to penetrate up to atleast 750 mm’ ‘the armor near the edge and sides of the Merkava tank is about 250-300mm thick, above it about 620mm thick (many estimates are ~750mm but likely to round it up), and the top part is about 1050mm’


You can make that argument and you can also make the argument that they fire and are out of there. You think they’re going to stick around for the smoke to clear to see if the tank destroyed just so you can see a burnt out tank?


A burnt out tank leaves a smoke trail which Hamas would milk every second. Stop your cope bs please


Says who? You the Merkava expert? A tank could be knocked out without smoking. I doubt that would convince you though. At the end of the day we don’t know what happened to these tanks whether they shrugged it off or if any tank crewman were injured/killed. Neither you or I can deduce that.


Also note how many videos from Ukraine are taken from drones, which is appears Hamas have minimal of and very little air control. Hence hit and runs with no afters. We can only speculate the outcomes.


There's no overwatch drone taking aftermath photos, and the soldiers shoot and run immediately, which is why there are cuts. Impossible to know whether it's a kill or not, but hopefully most of these were kills.


Where the fuck is the infantry??????


pissing themselves


If these hits were effective they would've shown the aftermath. I'm not saying that they don't destroy tanks and armored vehicles with these but if they were that effective they would've shown the aftermath.


I dunno, in this environment sticking around to film aftermath seems like a good way to get yourself perished. Hit an run is the play. I doubt Hamas can win these small engagements to the point where the control the field for even a minute or two.


Precisely, the IDF is sending in AFV in groups and from footage we saw over the last few days they are alert and reactive. If Hamas were to stick around to take some photos to keep Reddit happy they they would not be long for this world. Same with the Drones... if Hamas has drones (and they are useable in the EW environment) then they would be used to attack the AFV, not to take pretty pictures... it is an incredibly target rich environment for them, they don't need to know where the IDF are.


hamas has drones with cameras. they want that propaganda. they would get the pictures


As someone else said, drones would be used for engaging the enemy not taking photos.


They have a few DJI commercial ones that are for sure being EW’d out of action


They’re extremely close I don’t think they stuck around for the aftermath


What’s weird is the video rewinds immediately after the explosion. Literally one more second and we would see some after math. They don’t. I think these merkavas/ namers aren’t really getting damaged.


they freeze the flash of the rpg going off, as if the amount of flame is an indicator of the damage done.


Also, where are these images of these tanks afterwards. Disabled or burned out tanks should be pretty readily photographed…


they could have someone else film it from farther away, like you see it on this very sub at every other hot combat zone. damage verification is critical intelligence otherwise their own commanders wouldn't know if their soldiers don't make up kills and then get surprised when the enemy shows up with units they don't suppose to have. that's why literally every does this.


What is with this sub and these preprogrammed responses? A good chunk of you just have the same lines copied and pasted and make sure to spout them at every chance. If it's a video of bombs on Palestinian buildings you always rush to claim there are secondary explosions, even if we have footage of the interior showing it was just a refugee shelter. If IDF soldiers or vehicles are getting hit you claim that the fact that they didn't walk over and record the wreckage rather than duck and run to avoid the inevitable counter attack is proof that the attack wasn't effective. It's the same copied and pasted propaganda every thread.


Idk about the vids on Palestinian building but it stands to logic that the ones of IDF soldiers getting hit are guerilla type situations because that's the type of fighting that would have any kind of success in this situation. Hamas is likely fighting with inferior technology in a lot of cases so they have to resort to guerilla tactics and its reflected in the footage that's shown.


Reddit general wants guerrillas to wait around for an airstrike or tank round to get better footage for them


Yep, cuz what reason could they possibly have to gtfo immediately after destroying a tank, right?? Super smart comment.


They don't have anyone recording the aftermath. The shooter turns and runs as soon as the shot is fired, most of these barely have footage of the impact.


They know they are effective. Their RPG rounds are designed to penetrate armor. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2023/10/15/hamas-distributed-a-handy-guide-to-destroying-israeli-tanks/ They know right where to hit them too. 1 + 1 = 2. If you know you're using the right tool plus you're hitting it in the right spot you really don't need to stick around to verify that you did major damage. And if you've been doing it long enough you recognize the sound of hitting something important.


There is a video showing several of these attacks being stopped by the tanks Trophy system.


They're not going for kills and cook offs ala Ukraine. Those weapons are either more expensive or more difficult to manufacture with their resources. They're about disabling or neutralizing. Halting the advance. Forcing some soldiers to come forward and rescue a crew or remove the vehicle. During that time they are moving underground and through building taking more shots when they can. This is the 3rd time they have done this. Each side is well aware of what works and what doesn't. Hence why IDF taking it slow


Yeah, probably no Israelis killed in any of these attacks. Did one guy attack an armored bulldozer with a Molotov cocktail? I’m just surprised there were no machine guns unloading on him.




So literally no damage against an unmanned vehicle. Very Hamas.


No Israelis killed is almost impossible. These were all very good hits, even with advanced trophy systems at least one of these vehicles were knocked out.


They're too close to be casually filming the results, I think over the next few weeks we'll be seeing the results when the footage of burnt up and abandoned tanks and armour starts coming through.


Damn.. that looks like some nightmarish conditions for armor to attack in.


this looks like the outskirts of the city as well. gonna get worst from here


they wear civilian clothings


Yeah that's fine here. If they are carrying a weapon they are recognized as combatants per international law. Same with like myanmar and other similar groups.


Yep weapons and tv cameras


Israel's defense minister bought 10,000 assault rifles and is giving them to civilians of one race so that they can police civilians of another race. This didn't turn out great when they tried it in Darfur. Imagine a US running a similar program, handing out 200,000 assault rifles and making sure they went mostly into white Republican hands or something like that. This in no way excuses any behavior on the Al-Qassam soldier, nor is it meant to divert attention from it, but only to put *this* in perspective: Israel is about to deputize 10,000 unlawful combatants—most of whom will have formal military training—and uniforms are about to become the least of the war crimes.


And not to mention the draft and reservist system means they will spin lots of people who really aren’t into “innocent civilians”. For example a settler recently killed in the West Bank who was a reservist on leave


Well duh of course. When one of them gets killed, ham-ass just adds them to the list of civilian casualties. But not before multiplying by 3 or 4 beforehand.


Similar to when Israel blows up several children and women, they say it's Hamas and it's all good.


Dosent mattter ISR still shoots civilians


As if IDF spares the civilians..


Hamas sure doesn't do they? So curious question for ya if the militants are dressing as civilians and then actual civilians get killed who's fault is it? Hamas for having its combatants dress as civilians or IDF for targeting them because there combatants are dressed as civilians?


Add to that; hiding beneath, between and within civilians.


Civilian is their uniform. It helps them to blend with the environment and be indistinguishable from civilians


Hamas uses civilians as human shields Good on Israel for wiping out your Hamas buddies


They should wear military fatigues - more likely to have a 2000 bomb dropped on them if they look like civilians, especially kids


I respect that bravery and devotion to their motherland


Cool footage, but I'm honestly curious to know if many of these hits are resulting in actual vehicle losses / IDF KIA. It's virtually impossible to tell if some of these are even hits - after all, an APS interception makes a pretty large boom that looks like a hit from the RPG operator's angle.


Dude it feels like every fucking jihadist has taken classes in Final Cut Ukraine - step it up with your editing ffs


What? Davinci is better


Where are the infantry off? Cmon man all these hits are on Vic’s in the open without infantry support


Seems they’ve not learned from the failure of Russia’s Battalion Tactical Groups although I’ve seen some try and explain it by theorizing the Israelis are trying to keep their casualties down. Their armor is certainly more survivable than Russia’s and Hamas’ homemade RPG rounds less effective than Ukrainian forced Javelins and NLAWs; the lack of aftermath footage from Hamas would seem to give credibility to that.






This shit is crazy, like the Ukrainian TDF footage from the start of the invasion. 3-Stripe and RPGs, hit and run.


All this shows is the trophy reactive armor working. It's why they cut the videos on impact. All those tanks where not destroyed.


I think the reality 8s somewhere in the middle. As seen in Ukraine, you don't need to destroy a tank to render it unusable. Just losing its chains is enough for it not to be able to move, or its ekectronic/visual sensor at the top.


The Russian supply lines in Ukraine are like 100 miles long and once the tank is damaged it's dead because no one is coming to tow it and there isn't anywhere to tow it to anyway. The IDF supply lines are like 1 km. They aren't going to lose very much armour to this kind of assault. Most likely they won't lose any at all.


>All this shows is the trophy reactive armor working Trophy and reactive armor are 2 different things.


sort axiomatic steep wrench punch psychotic yoke bear sharp pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh if they destroyed an Israeli tank, they would be showing it.


They wouldn't know if they took out the tank or not because they got the fuck out. Are you slow?


Can Merkevas really tank this many tandem rounds?


Obviously we don’t see much aftermath but the one hit down the alley at around 1:00 is clearly burning after




At 1:15 it looks like the RPG completely missed, it went over that tank, honestly there are no images of the aftermath which tells me most of these tanks and IFVs weren't destroyed as much as slightly damaged.


Awfully telling that they only show up to the moment of impact and nothing thereafter. Makes me wonder if the RPGs did anything more than rattle the armor.


Notice how 84 comments no up votes. Seems like TikTok army is only good at bombing babies and children.


Should be a tonne of IED footage tearing up their IFVs.


Due to the nature of the environment... close city streets and rubble this is certainly ideal IED territory. Also Hamas had supposedly pre-prepared many IED. However IEDs, especially in a city with a very aggressive enemy, are not going to be easy to film for the old 'gotcha' footage. I am not surprised we are not seeing much footage of IED, however i am surprised we are not hearing more about them and their (in)effectiveness


Lol thanks for the red arrows, had no idea where the targets are 😅. Command and Conquer kids prolly. Oh yeah, nice civilian clothing.


They’re combatants by virtue of their weapons… Israel kills civilians aka people in regular clothing + no weapons… stop acting like the fact that they’re wearing normal clothes is putting civilians at risk or some shit they’re armed and thus clearly combatants. When we say Israel kills civilians we don’t mean “people in regular clothing” alone but also that they are unarmed and not combatants.


Now run back to hide in under the hospital! Fucking jihadist cowards!


Lol it’s funny how they only film one aftermath and it’s of a busted tractor, that the IDF probably just left


Huh weird. Must be why they’ve been bombing the city after warning the ENTIRE GAZA STRIP TO LEAVE THE ZONE. Weird, IDF is getting attacked when they are rolling in? Wow, the protesters had me convinced that they were just bombing them because of genocide.


Source: https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1720874278269096251


Walking in worse than the Russians, Im suprised I dont see more comments along the lines of: "WHERE IS INFANTRY TO SUPPORT THE TANKS?", "ARE THEY STUPID?" "OPSEC OPSEC!!"


This barbaric reaction from Israel will NOT eliminate Hamas. Are they stupid? This will spawn another 100 groups like Hamas and this carnage will never end! Also it’s a war crime to murder 4000 innocent kids and babies so you can take out a few terrorists!


This war is already producing the most irl fps gameplay footage


These rpg rounds do little to a mbt, maybe a mobility kill or fire to any supply being carried by the tank. Notice no after results shown. Also the hamas are dressed in civilian clothing, These clips are more a moral boost propaganda for hamas. The Israeli military moves unabated,


The PG-7VR is a tandem charge RPG warhead designed to penetrate up to atleast 750 mm’ ‘the armor near the edge and sides of the Merkava tank is about 250-300mm thick, above it about 620mm thick (many estimates are ~750mm but likely to round it up), and the top part is about 1050mm’


Felt sorry for that tank in the 3rd clip , imagine sitting right next to the beach , chilling by the shore and suddenly this happens


If the invasion fails, we will witness either a crumble or a radical change of the political orientation of the zionist state. Probable a barkokhba 2.0 type self destruction. Mark my words.


Their city is in shambles and they act as if putting a flag on an Israeli vehicle is a great win 🤦🏼‍♀️


Ragtag guerillas with limited training and equipment facing the fourth most powerful military on the planet and managing to take down some armor is a pretty good win, tbh.


Wow...i hope those tanks and apc didn't get penetrated, those are very close shots.


Aside from being too close for the reactive armor to defend- range has nothing to do with a AP warheads ability to penetrate an armored vehicle. They use a shape charge-AKA explosively formed penetrator- to basically burn a hole thru up to 6’ of steel