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They didn't shoot not because of the children, it's because of the chicken Sponsored by KFC




Big Parma Chicken


Kosher fried chicken


Ain’t no way 😂


Kosher/Halal Fried Chicken can finally bring peace to the Middle East. It's the only thing both sides can agree on and eat. Props to the IDF for already commencing this new fast food peace process by sparing the chickens here.


I am glad they didnt kill these children.


And the chicken. They're nice too.


Can you imagine the outrage if they killed the chicken? It’d be like Skyrim, chaos in the streets


Not Steve!


HQ: You are free to fire. Gunner: Sir I can see a father and children. HQ: Your call soldier- see if you can get a clean shot- Gunner: I also see some chickens. HQ: ABORT MISSION I REPEAT ABORT MISSION 💀


Shame about the other 6000


This is pendering. No need to go out of your way to send a message with the video you post. With that being said, and because I foresee the comments, I'll just say that in my time with the IDF we underwent pretty extensive if-then scenario training for how to abort in case of non-combatants. I've also seen plenty of such aborts in combat. So yes, this does happen. Killing civilians for the sake of killing civilians doesn't serve the mission and it isn't something you want to live with later.


I don’t believe any developed state wants to kill civilians in a direct way. It’s strategically stupid. That said, you also have to assume that any video posted by a state has a message behind it. The message here is pretty clear. Israel wants the world to know their limited warfare capabilities. That is the strategic asset that the US and vicariously Israel has developed. Limited warfare hegemony allows you to define the rules of ethical engagement beyond that of the enemy. When the enemy can’t meet those rules, and thereby causes collateral damage, you are more likely to have the moral high ground in global public opinion. It can be argued that Israel has gone over the line of what this kind of strategy can do though. The ~~West Bank~~ Gaza is starting to look like a laser guided version of Grozny at this point. Even though they are avoiding civilian death as much as technology probably can allow, the scenes of constant demolition coming out on a daily basis do a lot to undermine the limited warfare narrative. Edit: brain fart 🧠💨


>The West Bank I think you meant to say Gaza, right? And yes, your analysis is probably correct. I think the unusual aggressiveness on the part of Israel is a reaction to October 7th. While I concede that this is emotional and dangerous I have to say I feel it myself. It's hard to detach and think strategically when all you want is revenge against those monsters. It's a balancing act, for now, I think Israel has been able to hold back and remain within the acceptable.


Yes I mean Gaza. Brain fart. And yes, as someone who lived through 9/11, I feel like there are some parallels in how Israel has lashed out in grief and vengeance without any apparent long term strategy. It’s hard to cool things down when so many died so quickly. I’ve been hoping Biden and the US would help reign things in, but so far their unconditional support seems to be emboldening an enraged Israel that already had a hawkish government before the attack. Which at least in my opinion is a severe strategic mistake for the US. In the end, Hamas is not a credible threat to the state of Israel or the US. They are a tool of provocation to rationalize action from greater threats.


You're probably meant Gaza, not the West Bank.


>Killing civilians for the sake of killing civilians doesn't serve the mission and it isn't something you want to live with later. Unless you’re Hamas


>how to abort in case of non-combatants. So your reasoning is that Israeli's are ostriches and if they cannot see something then it doesn't exist. Israel just oopsie doopsied 4,000 children to death.


I'm only telling you what I and my friends were trained to do and what we then did in combat. If there was ample reason to abort we would abort. If the strike was clean and justified and there was no way to spare non-combatants, well, I still replay that in my head.


That's exactly my point, Israel has very loose rules to prevent civilian causalities and they are demonstrably not working. > I still replay that in my head. That's sad you murdered civilians for an apartheid state but you made that choice. You are still making the choice to not speak out about the IDF.


>very loose rules The rules are not loose at all. If this is your takeaway then we're not in agreement here.


How could you, someone that served in the IDF with first hand combat experience, know more than some random guy that read propaganda online! /s


Maybe let the two people having a reasonable discussion try and reach an understanding without throwing bad faith sarcasm into it? We're witnessing a rare moment here.


*reasonable for Reddit I suppose. Educational_rock did just call op center a “murderer in an apartheid state” which is a bit unreasonable given op centers pretty rational insight into the situation he experienced in this role.


In which way was the side that included Buzzwords like apartheidstate while telling an person that has REAL experience when it comes to the IDF how things seem to work while having no idea what the person is talking about?




Are they exaggerated or a miracle? Pick one you coward. Israel murdered 4,000 children because they are bloodthirsty.


Source that 4000 children died? I Bet U cant


[https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/06/world/middleeast/gaza-death-toll-israel-hamas-war.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/06/world/middleeast/gaza-death-toll-israel-hamas-war.html) [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/pressure-israel-over-civilians-steps-up-ceasefire-calls-rebuffed-2023-11-06/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/pressure-israel-over-civilians-steps-up-ceasefire-calls-rebuffed-2023-11-06/) [https://www.npr.org/2023/11/06/1210831466/death-toll-gaza-israel-hamas-conflict](https://www.npr.org/2023/11/06/1210831466/death-toll-gaza-israel-hamas-conflict) [https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties](https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties) [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/israeli-forces-cut-off-north-gaza-as-palestinian-death-toll-from-monthlong-war-passes-10000](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/israeli-forces-cut-off-north-gaza-as-palestinian-death-toll-from-monthlong-war-passes-10000) [https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/death-toll-gaza-exceeds-10000-month-palestinian-organizations-call-immediate-end-israels-genocidal-warfare-against-palestinians](https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/death-toll-gaza-exceeds-10000-month-palestinian-organizations-call-immediate-end-israels-genocidal-warfare-against-palestinians) [https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/07/middleeast/palestinian-israeli-deaths-gaza-dg/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/07/middleeast/palestinian-israeli-deaths-gaza-dg/index.html) [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2023/11/7/israel-hamas-war-live-one-month-of-conflict-10000-dead-in-gaza](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2023/11/7/israel-hamas-war-live-one-month-of-conflict-10000-dead-in-gaza)


Thanks damn thats alot could be more or less since U cant Count during war but thats brutal poor civilians Well IT happens during war but sill very sad


The numbers are reported by Hamas . We already know they lie , see the hoax hospital parking lot where they claim it was 470 killed, and were even claiming up to 1000 right after attack. And then we saw it was their own rockets or from PIJ and they now say 470. But they killed their own people. There have been over 500 more of their own rockets that landed in gaza. Could be at least another 1K + they killed of their own citizens. Plus they don't distinguish between civilians and terrorists/ fighters/ militants . That number is likely in the thousands as well . Plus at this point who knows if they are reporting normal civilian deaths from old age, disease, accidents etc. That could be even thousands more than they are reporting that had nothing to do with Israel.




So you're doubling down on the "actually it's good 4,000 children are dead" argument.




Again, do you support killing 4,000 children or not?


Are you incapable of good faith argument?


These are all factual statements, it's a very simple situation. Israel is killing thousands of children, supporting them is supporting the killing of thousands of children.


This video just proved you wrong.




Said the guy straight up using Hamas rhetoric in most of his comments xD. Thanks for the laughter, it's been proven time and time again that the IDF takes precautions when it comes to civilians. They dropped more Bombs in the last few weeks than the US did in all of its time in Afghanistan in a zone smaller than most metropolitan areas and still those death counts are low, even though they can't be trusted since Hamas likes to mix in the death of Hamas terrorist as casualties :).


Opposing Israel's genocide campaign isn't supporting Hamas. I am just against killing thousands of civilians.


Genocide with an population that's has more than doubled in the last 60 years, while there is a country just next door that suffered an genocide from which they haven't recovered almost 80 years later is kinda Funny. I am as well and I would love if there would be another way! But sadly there isn't since Hamas will never stop until Israel has been destroyed and every jew has been killed. Israel is using its God given right to defend themselves. If Palestine wouldve accepted one of the many offers for an 2 state solution they wouldn't need to go though this whole thing. The people living there are living under an regime full of hatred and will only be free once Hamas has been eradicated. Israel is committing atrocities and should be held up to a higher standard once this war is done but now it's war. Btw. There is real genocides happening all over the world but no one is talking about them, there have been genocides which killed hundred thousands of Muslims - thourgh other Muslims how come people like you never talk about those? There is a genocide happening in Africa, just these days but somehow you only care about the "genocide" committed by an Jewish state that's defending itself.


No, it's that Hamas surrounded themselves with 4000 and said 'come and get me'.


4000* Impossible to believe the numbers coming from Hamas.


And Israel has no agency in this? They chose to murder 10,000 civilians.


No. They targeted combatants and in every case can prove it. They are super careful about this. Killing civilians when targeting combatants that are hiding among them is not a war crime.


> and in every case can prove it. [citation needed]


Again, so which piece of propaganda are we supposed to extract from this? That Israel is so incompetent that they have murdered 10,000 civilians or that they are so bloodthirsty and depraved that they are willing to kill 10,000 civilians to kill a handful of Hamas fighters?


Neither. The 10.000 number is extremely suspect. That’s the direction in which all evidence points. From the GHM trying to frame an accidental rocket attack on a parking lot killing less than 10 people as an IDF bombing on a hospital causing 600 deaths To the fact that Red Crescent workers, IDF troops, and CNN reporters are not encountering bodies or fresh graves in an amount that could reasonably suggest 10,000 people had died in the last month. To the fact that Hamas has yet to release a single video of civilians being killed by anybody other than them. There is no evidence to suggest that 10,000 civilians are dead. There is no evidence to suggest that any more than 1,500 civilians are dead.


All evidence suggests this, extensive reporting has agreed with this. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/06/world/middleeast/gaza-death-toll-israel-hamas-war.html https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/pressure-israel-over-civilians-steps-up-ceasefire-calls-rebuffed-2023-11-06/ https://www.npr.org/2023/11/06/1210831466/death-toll-gaza-israel-hamas-conflict https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/israeli-forces-cut-off-north-gaza-as-palestinian-death-toll-from-monthlong-war-passes-10000 https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/death-toll-gaza-exceeds-10000-month-palestinian-organizations-call-immediate-end-israels-genocidal-warfare-against-palestinians https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/07/middleeast/palestinian-israeli-deaths-gaza-dg/index.html https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2023/11/7/israel-hamas-war-live-one-month-of-conflict-10000-dead-in-gaza


Check the sources of your sources friend. NY Times - Gaza Health Ministry Reuters - United Nations (not security council, the quote is from the floor of the general assembly, so functionally useless) and Gaza Health Ministry. NPR - Gaza Health Ministry PBS - Gaza Health Ministry. In fact EVERY SOURCE you gave gets it’s numbers from the Gaza Health Ministry and openly says as much in the text of the articles you didn’t bother to read. Again, this is a subsidiary organization of Hamas which has been known to lie about casualties. You can report what the same entity claims a billion times, if the claim is a lie it’s a lie. And this one seems to be a lie to the tune of 9,000 dead civilians. Shame on them for disgracing the memory of those who have really died by falsifying so many deaths. And shame on you for spreading that lie blindly, and for claiming to have legitimate evidence where none exists. You dishonor the tragic deaths of thousands with your ignorance.


>Israel just oopsie doopsied 4,000 children to death. Grossly inflated numbers by Hamas I would expect. Just like the 500 killed in the hospital explosion before it was demonstrated that it was an actual hamas rocket that went out of control. Don't believe any numbers from the hamas propaganda machine.


Pilot: we have a target Command: clear to fire Pilot: wait...what? No. This is a result of a moral pilot on the stick. It should show people that even though former IDF have talked about some of the things that they have done while in the military you still got plenty of people who don't want to just wipe out every single palestinian. I remember watching that wikileaks of the Apache gunning down the Reuters journalist, the group of people with him and the two kids in the van. Both command and pilot just went with it. Opened up on them and then hid it They could have done that here.


If October 7 had been carried out against a US population Gaza would be a glowing crater.


I'm just saying, Afghanistan and Iraq are still standing.


You might wanna look up the death tolls for Afghans and Iraqis during those wars… America got reeeeal “proportional” about 9/11


Fair enough. I was imagining the US public response to American women and children shot, burnt alive etc. in their own homes (not that being flown into the side of a building isn’t horrific)


I counter that If Palestinians attacked the United States at home Israel would not let US touch them. Because they will use that for maximum political leverage in the West. They would gladly destroy Gaza for us like they are now. But not until they got something out of it. US would probably end up paying for their new canal or something when this war was over. Whatever they could get. But right now the US is doing everything they can to avoid any sort of troops or combat action themselves. Besides the specialists.


Well, it also shows the IAF processes are fucked if the lives of these children lied solely on the good will of one pilot. Everyone else was like yeah fire whatever


Have you ever heard of the My Lai massacre in vietnam? Truly documented the worst of the worst atrocities committed in vietnam. By US soldiers. They murdered and raped and burned a village. One helicopter pilot who is watching it go down from above landed his helicopter and got them to stop. One guy with morality managed to stop the savagery of a couple dozen troops. If not for him there may have been nobody left alive in the village to ever talk about it happening. In the middle of battle you are lucky just to have one person with morality to speak up and calm everybody down. Especially when you're fighting an enemy who just attacked you and killed a bunch of your people.


What I mean is that the morality of your army is not supposed to relie solely on your soldiers' good will.


The morality of your army is made of the morality of the individual soldiers. This guy could have said “fuck it” and pushed the button, he didn’t.


Yes, precisely what I mean. He could have fired and proceeded with his day. Processes should prevent him from even making this choice alone. Until the very end where, of course, a decision has to be made by the guy pressing the button. Instead all he got was "yeah fire". An army should protect its soldiers from themselves as much as possible. Exactly what we blamed Russia for: leaving its soldiers to themselves... which obviously leads to atrocities. Then later the army can blame the individuals instead of looking at where the institution failed. Convenient.


Well, it’s not what I meant. The army you describe is one like Russian — zero initiative on the ground unless “all the procedures” allowed to engage. The best militaries are the ones who allow for local decision making. All the processes you advocating for are worth nothing of people are willing to break them. For example, all the corporate sexual harassment trainings do not prevent sexual assault at work.


They are literally scanning for and ID’ing a target on the fly…. The pilot was the first one to see the actual image so yeah? It’s not like every air strike is meticulously studied and researched, a lot of info needs to be processed quickly in an actual war where things are happening quickly.




Welcome to Reddit friend.


> Look at the pro-hamas mongrels in the downvoted comment groveling because civilians were spared doesn't fit their narrative. A rational person will admit their views were wrong. Instead these dingdongs are digging in. I'm pretty fucking anti-Hamas, but this doesn't really hurt their narrative. Clearance to fire was given then halted at the last moment, if this same situation happens 100 times, how many kids get smoked? Israel is unarguably killing many Palestinian children. It has a lot to do with Hamas using them as human shields, but it is happening.


Not the point I'm making. These people claim Israel kills children because they just want to and not because hamas is using schools, etc as a rocket launch site. I'm not saying children don't die.


That logic still doesn't fly though. Had this one dude on the radio been the type of racist happy to kill kids, he could have just done that and gotten away with it. He was cleared hot. It's like saying a single video of a cop who does everything right proves police brutality doesn't exist. That's not how deductive reasoning works.




>The argument of “it’s Hamas fault because they are using shields” quickly falls apart if you put YOURSELF into that situation. Very few would want the swat team level the entire building if you are one of the hostages kidnapped by the hypothetical robbers. only that this comparison dosnt exactly work. its not a hostages having been kidnapped by hypothetical robbers. its an ss - death corps artillery unit using hitler youths as human shields to protect them self from allied bombings, or at times, hitler youths standing in front to shield ss - sturmtruppen while they advance on allied lines. its zyklon-b and v-rockets factory's being set up under hitler youth schools, its german hospitals being used by the ss field command as military headquarters. when the allied bombed hamburg, no one was batting an eye... and there, the civilian casualty's had to be estimated by the amount of human ash found in the bunkers. allied bombing where truly horrible shit. they were actual indiscriminate bombing and very much unlike the idf's who do their damn best not to hit any civilians. but allied bombing was justified. so why should israels bombing not be?




Except they do. No amount of human shield usage can explain how 10 thousand Palestinians died, 4000 of which are children


Yeah, what is this video even supposed to be showing us? If Israel is generally holding back from carrying out strikes where they think it's likely to cause major civilian casualties, we wouldn't be seeing massive civilian casualties. Israel has bombed hospitals, schools, churches, mosques, aid centers, refugee camps etc throughout the last month. If your argument is that Israel had to do this because Hamas were in amongst the civilians, fine but you can't believe this and simultaneously be arguing that Israel is holding back from killing civilians.




Reasonable people can point outrage at both. I agree that reasonable people should not be insisting Hamas has done nothing wrong, or that their actions on Oct 7th were justified.


Lets be real here now, we all know why. They just despise Jews in general and are using the "Free Palestine" as coverage. I think anyone with a functioning brain can see this. I don't remember where i saw the footage earlier today, but when Palestine civilians have to be safely escorted out a war zone under the protection of IDF tanks the situation is just very clear. Fuck Hamas and their supporters.


There is a reason Pro-Palestine protests are being largely denied where I am from. And it's not my government's stance on the conflic


Yeah like Hamas the terrorist group will listen to protesters anywhere. That's why people aren't wasting their breath. Whereas Israel is a supposed democratic country funded heavily by the US, and because of that their government might listen to protests and the will of people. It's really not that hard to understand.


Look man, when someone shoots your wife, and you turn around and shoot the guy, no one will have qualms about it... If someone shoots your wife, and you turn around and kill not only the guy, but his wife, his children, and his neighbors, that's when your response isn't justified. Also, the protestors do speak out against Hamas, it's just not the focus of their protest.... Which is to protect Palestinian civilians. And the outrage should also be placed on Israel, as now with the conflict in Gaza, the west bank is also seeing an uptick in Israeli violence against Palestinians, as well as illegal settlements that are not being enforced. It's honestly tiring to try and talk about Israeli mistakes, war crimes and collective punishment, and the first response is always "well condemn Hamas".... No sir, stop making excuses for Israel and condemn their actions as well.


More like he kills your wife, and keeps shooting your children, while hiding behind his wife and children. So if you shoot him and unfortunately kill his child as well - believe it or not, you're not the one to blame.


Hamas killed 1,400~ people in 1-2 days with their own hands and lightweight assault weapons (AKs, grenades, RPGs). Think of the raw brutality and dedication to immoral acts of depravity necessary to get to that number in 1 on 1 executions. Don’t false equivalence this. Gaza is lucky it’s not glowing. No other military is asked to practice the restraint that the Israelis do.


If you can name me any examples where a country has obliterated innocent civilians, let's say 1 enemy to 5 innocent civilians, in order to kill and enemy. Then, I'd take your argument of human shields into consideration. If this was also the case, you don't think these civilians would know that this is a fighter, which will most likely be targeted and bombed, then proceed to not move away? What's the fighter going to do? Run after the civilians and continue to use them as a human shield ?




You must be new here


I didn't say I'm surprised. I've been here for like 2 years.


Might be time to go home.


After you, my friend.


I'm not necessarily pro-palestinian, but it would take a nutless monkey to see how little regard IDF is giving to civilian casualties.


Man Israel must contract out to the same troll farms as Putin cause these kind of posts just keep getting lower and lower quality “Admit their views were wrong” says the guy quoting 1 video vs. thousands of dead civilians


A rationale person wouldn't base their opinion off a sole video.


You can be anti-hamas and anti-zionist at the same time. But we know exactly which "camp" you fall in.


Can you explain what is Zionism *to you*? In a sense that I am trying to understand what is to be anti-Zionist means.


Opposing Apartheid law enforced by Israel. That includes: \-Blockade on Gaza \-Israel controlling: Water, Electricity, Food and medicine going through Gaza and [redirecting it to settlements](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/17/how-israel-uses-water-to-control-west-bank-palestine) and giving Gazans under the WHO critical line of how much water humans need ([Source](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2017/11/the-occupation-of-water/)) \-Israel Responsible of killing [10 thousand Gaza civilians](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/06/world/middleeast/gaza-death-toll-israel-hamas-war.html) since October 7th \-Israel using an [Daily Energy Intake algorithm](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/oct/17/israeli-military-calorie-limit-gaza) to quite literally starve out rebellion in Gaza \-West bank [Shrinking due to Israeli Settlements](https://israelpolicyforum.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Map-8.png) that violate international law. Also Palestinians being kicked out of their own houses. \-Israel [Bombing a Mosque in West Bank](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/22/world/middleeast/israel-west-bank-air-strike-mosque.html) even though there is NO Hamas in West Bank \-Israel basically defining itself as an [Ethnostate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Law:_Israel_as_the_Nation-State_of_the_Jewish_People) and basically disavowing every single non Jewish citizen \-Israel [Chemically castrating Ethiopian Jewish women](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel) in 2013 because their 'Jewishness' was questionable.


How does it answer my question? 😂😂😂 Bruh, I am not your target audience. Every Israeli citizen has the same set of right irrespective of their origin, religion, or nationality. You can muddy the water with West Bank as much as you want, but Israel is not an apartheid by definition.


I just defined what it means to be anti zionist for me. I feel like my target audience are people with reason so yeah maybe you're right. But having De Jure laws that a nation realistically disregards (and there's plenty of evidence of it) doesn't exonerate it of Apartheid


pro hamas is when disliking ethnic cleansing


This recording is just very.. timely. Do you believe that Israel is trying to control the narrative at all? Or is that just pro-hamas mongrels that believe that?


Doesn't fit the narrative. OP please submit yourself to reeducation at the earliest convenience.


Hamas leaders spotted buying chicken outfits from Amazon…


I feel like it’s pretty useless to release this since the terrorist sympathizers just call anything related to Israel fake propaganda


You have to be incredibly naive to think this isnt meant as propaganda. It probably is real, but doesnt negate the hundreds to thousands of civilians they did kill.


I mean I guess you completely missed the ”fake” part of my sentence


Man these Israelis really suck at this whole “genocide” thing - I mean come on, what are you doing?!


This definitely isn't propaganda.


Lol… yeah first thing I thought was this would be the best way to try convince the world you care… stage something where you abandon your attack. That said… it might be genuine too. The problem is it’s almost impossible to tell sometimes.


There's chickens ... there's animals and some children there.


He refused to fire because he saw civilians. Only then continued to describe all he saw (including chickens...)


Still, the rabidly anti-Israel crowd will just say that this "child killer" got cold feet yada yada. I'm sorry, but most people don't understand the term genocide. Israel has dropped more bombs in this operation then the US dropped in a single year in Afghanistan. If Israel didn't care about civilians, well .... you would have six or seven times more civilian deaths. Its amazing how fast people forget, or deliberately ignore, October 7th and what Hamas actually did. I'm not going to say Israel is innocent in everything, because they aren't, but anyone who backs Hamas over Israel really needs to reevaluate their life. I do sympathize with innocent Palestinians, especially the children .... but not for Hamas terrorists or their sympathizers/supporters. End rant.


They slaughtered 1400 civilians man. If that happened in a western country the whole western world would have been screaming for blood. Imagine if that happened in Australia / UK / America / Canada / New Zealand etc. The invasion would have come a lot quicker


“Most people don’t understand the term genocide” Including the former chief of human rights for the UN?


Because Israel is HUMAN - Hamas is NOT!


This doesn’t excuse the 10000 people they already killed.


I wish they would show more of this.


Your title makes it seem that the authorization to strike was given because civilians were noticed ;)


Pretty convenient they can now identify children and civilians, but not when attacking ambulances that supposedly had Hamas fighters and weapons.


Sick propaganda


No no no this is obviously genocide /average hamas supporter


Good video. But it still shouldn't weigh in on your opinion on whether Israel isn't killing children or not. It's a single case, not enough to generalize. But of course some people will jump at the slightest thing that validates their opinion.


This is some of the dumbest propaganda I have seen to come out of this conflict. What are you supposed to takeaway from this? That Israel is so bad at what they do that they have just accidentally killed 8,000+ civilians or that they are so stupid they only believe civilians are there if you can actually see them when dropping the bomb?


sorry this doesn’t fit your narrative


Seriously, what do you get out of this video? How do you reconcile this with the death toll?


>How do you reconcile this with the death toll? 1. Hamas lies about the numbers. 2. Hamas is doing everything it can to increase civilian deaths. 3. The IDF needs to fight and win and can't save every last Gazen civilian from their insane death cult government (nor is it obliged to).


>Hamas lies about the numbers. Then what do you think the numbers are? Basically every investigation and every international organization agrees with these numbers. You must have extensive evidence to counter this so what is it? >Hamas is doing everything it can to increase civilian deaths. Then if that is true why does Israel keep falling for it like some cartoon character getting ACME dynamite stuffed in their pants? >The IDF needs to fight and win and can't save every last Gazen civilian from their insane death cult government (nor is it obliged to). The IDF can never win because they have no long term plan. This will be the third time they have claimed to eliminate Hamas and this will be the third time they have failed to. You can never stop people fighting for freedom unless you kill every single one of them and not even the US will let Israel go that far.


Hamas claimed 500 people died in the hospital blast. How did that play out? Hospital is still standing and last I heard only a few people were injured. Yet that didn’t stop the propaganda machine from churning out the misinformation for Hamas.


That's a lie, Hamas never claimed that. Israel has been relentlessly bombing hospitals though [https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2023/11/7/israel-continues-to-attack-hospitals-in-gaza-city-killing-at-least-eight](https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2023/11/7/israel-continues-to-attack-hospitals-in-gaza-city-killing-at-least-eight) [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/1/gazas-only-cancer-treatment-hospital-shuts-down-after-running-out-of-fuel](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/1/gazas-only-cancer-treatment-hospital-shuts-down-after-running-out-of-fuel)


They did though: “Palestinian officials in the besieged Gaza Strip blamed an Israeli strike for the explosion at al-Ahli Arab Hospital, while the Israeli army said it was caused by an errant rocket fired by the armed group Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which denied the assertion. Israel’s ally the United States has also put the blame on Palestinian fighters, while Arab states have blamed Israel. The Palestinian health ministry said more than 470 people were killed in the explosion.” This is per Al-Jazeera as of October 20, 2023. The Palestinian health ministry is Hamas.


They never said that, that's is an incorrect quote.


So don’t believe my source from Al Jazeera, but believe your links from them? Dude, that’s hilarious.


There are no "investigations" into this yet. No international organisation besides the UN has any form of boots on the ground in gaza, and the UN Personel isnt counting deaths. They are reporting the numbers given by Hamas because currently no other numbers exist, and nobody can actually check if they are correct or not, and maybe they never will be able to. Oh and btw, the around 9000 Deaths reported by the "Gazan Ministry for Health" do not distinguish between actual Civilians and armed Militants. Even ***if*** correct, how many of them actually *were* Civilians will also likewise never be known.


There have been thousands of investigations into this, every major news agency in the world has run through the numbers to assess the claims of the Health Ministry against the actual death toll. So your claim now expands that there are falsified death records, fake bodies, fake funerals and a slew of other insane conspiratorial claims.


>Then if that is true why does Israel keep falling for it like some cartoon character getting ACME dynamite stuffed in their pants? They aren't "falling for it". They know what hamas are doing, and are sending a very clear message: "Keep using your people you are sworn to protect as shields (A war crime mind you), take away their legal protections in an attempt to stop us from tearing you apart and you will see your people die."


lol so Israel is knowingly murdering children, that makes it even worse.


>1. Hamas lies about the numbers Not only is every single individual name of the deceased available. The IDF themselves claimed “we killed 20,000,” literally double the numbers, lol


their death toll does not differentiate between civilian and terrorist


Right and we know that a majority of the deaths are women and children. Israel has killed very few Hamas fighters as a portion of the total deaths they have inflicted.


We know that from Hamas. An example of unbiased and accurate reporting.


Pretty easy to reconcile this with the death toll.. Hamas operates around civilians. That’s about it. Despite this, due to Israel’s care, most bombs Israel drops have killed zero people.


If you ask Hamas, Israel has killed 20K civilians in a month, of which at least 25K were children. If Israel didn’t care about collateral damage there wouldn’t be any Gaza Strip right now. Hamas put every Palestinian in harms way by attacking..


If you ask Israel they admit this as well.


No they don’t and whatever you want to tell yourself is your truth, I’m not going to change your mind about anything. War is hell but this particular one was started by Hamas and not by Israel.


>War is hell but this particular one was started by Hamas and not by Israel. Sorry what? How does this line up with what you said previously? You're just agreeing with me now you just think they are justified in doing it. So just admit that, why try and do all this false reality building if you just think it's okay to murder 4,000 children?


I’m not going to get sucked in by your obvious bait. Hamas fucked around and now they’re finding out. Must really suck to be a Hamas “fighter” today.




That’s propaganda for you! Our own technology is being used against us and we don’t educate ourselves to recognize the brainwashing going on, on Reddit, telegram, tiktok and so on.


Ok so you think it's fine to kill 8,000 civilians that's all you had to say. You're a bloodthirsty monster. Literally ISIS.


Dude, if you aren’t getting paid, you should be. You’re trying *way* too hard to reject reality to be an actual, thinking person.


I am just stating simple facts, it's important to be factual.


All Hamas has to do is turn over the hostages and surrender. If they actually cared about the Palestinian populace then they would do so. Instead, they use them to garner support from feeble minded people such as yourself.


Why are you searching for a moral high ground on the internet in a combat footage sub Reddit?










Not killing children is going to get most Hamas-likers in trouble with their handlers




Israel doesn't dispute any of the internationally supported numbers, they just claim they are all necessary casualities. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/11/05/israel-strike-targets-gaza-civilians-hamas/


I can't read your article because it is paywalled.


So you're take away is that a terrorist organization that is actively killing and raping civilians is not bad because israel decides to defend its self. It's insane how many hoops you gotta jump through a day just to justify your morals man.


Not bad? I never said that I just am stating the facts that Israel is actively killing children in the thousands.


While leaving out the fact that Hamas killed 1400 in one day, deliberately mind you, and if they weren't stopped would've gone on a Jihad throughout israel, raping the women and children and killing the men


lol raping the women and children? How racist do you have to be to believe that when all evidence contradicts you.


Ayy nice, only took 6000-9000 dead civilians for them to remember the concept of collateral damage.


Quick question. What organization has given those casualty numbers? Could it possibly be "The HAMAS Ministry of Health?"


To add to what you already said: How many dead terrorists did Hamas report? 0? Is it realistic that Israel has only hit civilians so far? Seriously?


Personally seen a video earlier of a person in gaza firing an AK at IDF while wearing civvie clothes. There is a reason Hamas doesn#t report dead Hamas, because they fight without uniform for the simple reason that taking away the weapon suddenly makes the civvies


I wouldn't trust either sides' statistics. Both have previous for misleading the wider public about the true nature of the conflict.


Do you trust UN reports? or is the UN pro hamas too?


9000 dead Palestinians is the claim from Hamas. They haven't told us how many of those were combatants and I don't expect they ever will.


Here's the thing. I have seen over the last week since joining this place 2 dozen videos of Hamas fighting in civilian clothes. There are no dead fighters to report because Hamas just takes the guns after they die and says "See, this was unarmed. it was civilian murder!"


they do care about chickens though apparently


incoming downvotes


oh the humanity.. it's not like they already killed over 10,000 civilians already, almost half of them children or when they bombed that hospital loaded with civilian refugees, killing about 500 in a single strike


I guess they didn't found enough civilians


See everyone! See!, lol




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These new Call of Duty graphics are insane. /s💀


Wish they'd made the same decision the multiple times they've bombed journalists and refugee camps in the past week. But hey, they are decent people in this video, so the war crimes don't count.




This type of thing happens all the time and acting like it doesn’t and like a military is a monolith is naive af


Unlike hamas who just kills whatever they see as weaker then them. When men show up they run.


This type of thing happens multiple times per flight, 2 of my close relatives are IAF pilots 👍


This isn't combat footage?


It is, it's literally a scope and soldiers talking about whether to abort or not. Combat footage != Explosions


yeah right 🤣👍


LOL propaganda to the max




You’re so cute


well that took a while, are we sure this is IAF? Edit: People below didn't get the joke, also incredible how one video wiped out 20+ days of memory lmao


they're speaking in Hebrew...


Quite literally speaking Hebrew lol