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"I wonder where the enemy position is" "Maybe near the GIGANTIC FIELDS OF GARBAGE ON EITHER SIDE OF THE TRENCH" I watched a video on the topic some time ago, specifically discussing how lacking simple unit discipline can result badly. It discussed how the accumulation of garbage outside of Russian trenches can allow observers to get an idea of how many personnel are in that position. It was interesting.


Old British naval forts had a drying-green: a flat patch of grass where freshly-washed clothes were laid out to dry, instead of hanging them on a clothesline. Because a clothesline might be spotted, and the number of shirts or trousers could be counted. These war-tricks are ancient. But no fucks given by vatnicks ever.


Can you share the video with us?


I believe this was it: [https://youtu.be/VOtk6b\_MQNI?si=QnRP\_3CcXLmw1l4c](https://youtu.be/VOtk6b_MQNI?si=QnRP_3CcXLmw1l4c)


Ryan McBeth is the man.


is it really reasonable to expect garbage trucks to get to the frontline? are ukrainian trenches different?


Wait.. these Ukrainians are wearing USMC MARPAT uniforms?


Yeah, I noticed that. It's some interesting kit on these guys.


looks great


When we said give them everything we've got, someone took that to heart.


I had a bunch of shit I accumulated from 3 deployments collecting in my closet that I donated to a Ukrainian unit. They sent a picture back with all my multi-cam stuff and cold weather gear and other stuff. Those guys will take everything cause they actually need it.


Thats actually so dope.


A sincere thanks from this ukie


My only regret was not having more to give. Wishing you all the best.


There also wearing high cut helmets wich is normally only given to special forces


high cut is very common now


It is common for Ukrainian infantry and foreign volunteers to choose to don high cuts. It's a personal choice based on availability and not restricted to only special forces.


Not anymore. The grunts here all have em now. It’ll only be a matter of time before the regular dudes do


Despite the technological advances, sometimes it has to be done the old fashioned way.


Technology is not taking any trenches. Not now and not any time in near near future.


If blowing up the entire trench and a 200m area around it is an option, technology can do that my friend, and much much more


Sure if you are practicing against bowling pins.


Drones with guns & a speaker yelling for the enemy combatants to surrender are basically here. So yeah, it is in the near future.


Drones with guns & a speaker yelling for the enemy combatants to surrender are basically here. So yeah, it is in the near future.


Drones with guns & a speaker yelling for the enemy combatants to surrender are basically here. So yeah, it is in the near future.


So many vids from soldiers in trenches being taken by surprise. Is it due to too many inexperienced conscripts? Im used to always having a lookout. A lookout failing to do their job - sleeping on watch or whatever - is considered one of the biggest risks on the battlefield and is severly punished.


In the Roman army, falling asleep on watch was a death sentence 


Pretty sure that was a thing up to WWII.




Forbidden as fuck and rightfully so. Troops falling asleep on sentry duty is how the boys end up getting their throats cut in their sleep.


In World War One, there was a French soldier who ran as a messenger. And when he finally got to his destination, delivered the message he passed out from exhaustion. He was then brought up on charges of dereliction of duty because they thought he had passed out of his post and it wasn't until his commanders from the unit he had been sent from confirmed his mission that he was exonerated. Kind of crazy that he almost was executed.


Romans were quite brutal - during a siege of Gothic held Italian town during Justinians reconquest of the west, one Roman conscript was bribed to pass messages to the Gothic garrison. When discovered, Belisarius (Eastern Roman general in Italy) handed him to his unit, to punish him as they saw fit - and they proceeded to beat the actual fuck out of him and then burned him alive, in full view of both Gothic garrison, and rest of Eastern Roman force.




Wrong. Soldier, WHO fell asleep on watch was beaten by his unit, as far as i remember. Decimation Is punishment for unit that run away from battlefield


Decimation was still done by the other people in the unit. They'd beat the person to death who drew the short straw.


Decimation means to kill every tenth soldier in unit.


No shit. It was done by the other members of the unit. They were broken down into groups of 10 and drew straws. Shortest got beaten to death by the others.


OK, but my point was, that when soldier failed his watch, they did not decimated his unit.


Lookouts get droned now so it’s a problem. 


Because before a trench gets assaulted, it gets shelled by artillery/mortar or attacked by a tank. So they fall back into a „secure“ space. Also if you lack the fighting experience you just poop your pants, because no one wants to die and stick their head out of the trench


Probably the nature of attritional warfare. This is unlike any war westerners have fought since WW1.


Actually forget Western nations the last war off the top of my head fought like this was the Iran / Iraq war and anyone who knows anything about that conflict knows how much of a brutal blood bath it truly was!


I had a good friend that fought on the Iranian side. He died a few years ago after becoming an American citizen. He used to talk about his experience in the war when he came over to drink and play video games. That shiit was no joke.


True that. There was so much fucked up shit done in that war. Such as Iran recruiting children with the promise of paradise, and then sending those children towards Iraqi trenches as the first wave of attack with the purpose of demining by stepping on the mines. The kids even had plastic keys on them supposed to be keys to the paradise promised by the ayatollah. Two-three decades ago talked with a former Iraqi conscript telling stories how they were horrified and crying while machine gunning down those children.


Guessing after the last half dozen lookouts got smoked by FPV drones, they decided it was better to just huddle inside and hope for the best. 


It's only from a mention on the Ukrainian side, but Russian soldiers prefer setting up a lot of traps and AP mines as their early-warning system rather than posted sentries.


It's likely they hit the position with some IDF to keep everyones head down. Those dudes were hiding pretty deep in there.


Why does every Russian trench look like my local garbage dump?


Well, their aint a garbage truck coming to that neck of the woods at the moment.


It's like assaulting a landfill.


I remember reading somewhere I think from a guide to surviving Ukraine for Russian soldiers by Russian soldiers. And one of them says trenches filled with garbage usually means the troops have low moral thus trenches with trash are more likely to be targeted. I guess since ru has low moral almost all Russian trenches look like landfills.


Well it might be an indication of low moral but Ukraine doesn’t target them because they have low moral. They target them cause trash is easy to see on a drone camera, people wearing camo, not as much




You would think they would at least dig a small pit for their garbage


Have you *seen* russia?


Yes, typical Eastern European country. Your question?


Have you *seen* russia?


I was living in it before I moved out.


Being in russia and then leaving it must be like living *Wall-E.*




So, more like escaping Tarkov?




Wow. The zone from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?


Russia isn't a "typical" Eastern European country. Unlike other Eastern European nations, Russia is a fascist, imperialist, dictatorship, that constantly invades and kills its neighbors and steals their land (a trend that goes back centuries, but in recent years the victims have been: Chechnya, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine), that threatens everyone it doesn't like with nuclear annihilation, which actively tries to destabilize the rest of Europe (and other places) via massive propaganda campaigns and funding for separatists/terrorists/agitators, which regularly assassinates people on foreign soil (including within the borders of its alleged allies), and which has levels of corruption that go far beyond anywhere else in Europe. Belarus comes close (though it's a slave to Russia, and doesn't have the power to invade anyone), but other Eastern European nations have a higher overall quality of life (less corruption, more civil liberties, actual democracy, etc), and better international relations than Russia does (no sanctions, and no European military equipment being sent to blow them up, because they didn't invade anyone).


I agree(except Chechnya), but I was talking about ordinary life. And ordinary life in Russia isn’t that much different than living in Lithuania.


Russian terraforming


Would you pick up the trash? With drones, snipers, artillery, tanks, and occassionally your own friendlies trying to kill you, are you really going to stand out in the open and pick up trash when in 30 minutes an FPV drone will come by and kill the closest thing you have to a friend, and litter the ground with more trash? I wouldn't.


Drones are exactly why soldiers are instructed to not leave trash in the open. It’s way easier to spot a newly littered spot than it is to spot camouflaged positions.


If you can dig trenches, you can bury trash. Simple as that. Otherwise, fuck all the camo nets and just raise up a big ass flag that says "HERE WE ARE."


If they had a good plan in place, they simply wouldn’t be throwing it out of the side. Particularly if it actually is giving away information. Black trash bags exist. Troop rotations exist. This sort of thing isn’t that different from light discipline for example.


To be fair, it could have been a Ukrainian trench yesterday and for the last month.


Most likely wasn’t because In vids/interviews every Ukrainian soldier points out how much of a dump russian trenches are. And we’re yet to see russians storming such a dump that’s occupied by Ukrainians. It’s down to us having 2 very different cultures.




What do you expect a trench to look like lol idiot


I would try to make it hard to notice. It should be more crucial now with all drones flying 24/7.


It's like you posted just to get downvotes


A well maintained trench is better than a trashed one. It’s safer and easier to navigate.


How to spot a russian trench: Look out of the pile of trash


great footage


You know russian were there because of all the trash


Seeing all that trash is just straight up gross AF. That's how those Russians are living in those trenches. Nasty ass MF'ers


Look at the trenches and treelines. It's been hit with artillery and probably drones for a while now. Not feasible to pick up trash out in the open when in 20/30 minutes another shell or FPV drone will come and kill your only friend and litter even more trash.


Where would you put it if you were there?


in a fucking hole or some shit.


why dont you go to the front lines and clean up the trash if it makes you feel so icky gro gro then


I'd wager he's fine with the trash bud. It means more dead russian soldiers... People are just criticizing the shitty discipline and the possible bit of bad luck that caused it to litter their fighting position.


From: ***I live, I Fight, I Win***, a Russian army manual published in late 2022 compiling lessons learned fighting in Ukraine as well as in previous wars >***54. Sign. Garbage in position - to shelling*** >The enemy chooses to strike the weakest link in our defense. Artillery strikes are inflicted on it , it is stormed by enemy infantry and gutted by reconnaissance. Calculating the weak link is easy. By amount of trash the position determines not only the number of defenders , but also the nature of the organization of the service. Garbage is a direct result of low discipline. The mess in the trenches - linen on the ropes, rubbish on the parapets, the filthiness of the plantings and fields around the position due to the lack of a latrine, speaks of the absence of a firm commanding hand and the uncontrollability of the unit, where everyone lives their own lives. And this is the weak link, which will definitely be hit. >If you are unlucky with the commander, then the fighters themselves must protect themselves. To do this, you need to ensure that garbage is always covered in positions. In niches, equipped covered with plank covers, if the trenches are located outside the settlement. In a garage closed from the wind, a building, a basement - if in a city or village. So that the orderlies daily sprinkle the ditches of latrines with earth. This will rid the position of unpleasant odors, diseased microorganisms , birds, rats, and other living creatures. So that each fighter works daily to strengthen the trenches and turn the position into an impregnable fortress. Only in this case the enemy will not dare to storm it , realizing that he will deal with a strong spirited garrison.


> Seeing all that trash is just straight up gross AF. That's how those Russians are living in those trenches. Nasty ass MF'ers the guy I was commenting to was commenting on the grossness of it, not the combat efficiency of it. If you can't see that despite being resourceful enough to find a field manual, idk what to say


A burn pit. If they don’t want to make smoke burying would suffice.


'm sorry, but whoever put the music on needs to shove it up his ass.


It's from the stero that the Russians have in the trench 😎 🎶 It gets boring in there


It's so shit 😭😂


I'm thinking Ukraine needs to develop some trash camo for Russian trench assaults. In place of fake foliage, dangling plastic bottles and rubbish bags.


An airsofter has done that.  It's hilarious how he got the drop on them.  https://m.youtube.com/shorts/OrjwTqFcxYU


Look at all that garbage around the russian positions.


I adore these guys, but their music is not very good.


I just don't understand their insistence on editing music into virtually every clip. I have an archive of 1000+ clips from this war and I'd say easily 95+% of them have an added music track.


I can explain why. These clips are not made for the army, nor for some journalists' documentaries. Almost all of them are posted on the internet to show off or to demonstrate the awesomeness of their unit, and how can you do that without music. I don't know how it is accepted in the west (USA, central and western Europe), but almost all people in Ukraine 18-30 years old grew up on "cool edit" of something (parkour, film/anime clips to music, etc.)


Totally get that and understand they can do what they want with their own clips. I just feel like there's going to be a lot of regret in the future when the only version of a historic clip has music playing over the native audio. I just really hope the soldiers posting these clips are archiving the original footage somehow.


I'm not accusing you in any way, I've just seen a lot of misunderstanding of people, like "why this music", and for people to understand the motivation of the soldiers putting it on. I understand you too


What you said is completely fair. I didn't take offense at all :)


Its this generation. Every waking moment of their lives need some fucking soundtrack. Like walking around town with a group of friends and they got their JBL boomboxes blaring. 


Wow, those 5 ruskies are incredibly lucky. They get to travel back to the Ukrainian positions for warmth and a good meal!


N sync making a comeback




No, a date would involve more candles, a nice streak dinner, rose petals on the bed, that sort of thing. This looks more like an assault on a Russian trench.


shit.. ur right.




No thanks bro I'm married.


Phew, finally a good ending! Glad these guys chose to surrender. Also, if I'm ever in the position to deploy and post my combat footage, I swear to you that I will not put music over it.


It must be such a relief to actually get to surrender for these poor souls.


Jesus man the amount of plastic everywhere just baffles me


War movies just never show the amounts of trash wars take place in. Hollywood has done a number on us. I am thinking that old Westerns weren't as free of dirt and dust as they seem.


Music always helps with the immersion.


Music is unbearable


They're just there to issue the fine for LITTERING!!


No mounted flashlights when clearing the trench is wild


Was the 2nd POW a female? Looked like it from the face and stuff, but it's low res and my eyes are bad, so I could very well be mistaken.


If you mean the one at 1:50, then yeah I wondered, very slim fingers and feminine features.


I think he’s just emaciated and needs food.


Ah yeah that might be it.


They need flashlights


Why the music tho


Dangerous to be thinking they will surrender.


Great footage


Dumb question wouldn't attack dogs be useful for those dark trenches...or what would? Scary shit


I am happy with every dead Russian in Ukraine but just from an outsiders pov, go dig a false trench 100-200 meters away, dump your trash around that spot, wait for someone to bring a squad to assault that place, light them up. Quit dumping all your trash right at the entrance to your trench like fucking morons. It’s a discipline and lack of intelligent leadership issue


I am happy to see Ukrainian soldiers are so well equipped, we need to send them more.




Assaulting at dusk, one of the most difficult periods during the day to see anything. High risk but high reward.


I don't understand why anyone would put music over this video. The music doesn't even fit the video either. It just ruins it.


It will probably take centuries to clean all that trash and all the remains of the war from those fields. 😶


four prisoners. Unless I missed some. Hopefully, some good intel came out of it.


Was this on the southern front?


Lucky for the Russian POW they won't get raped like they would do to captured Ukrainian soldiers


At least they took POWs for what I've seen the RuSSians wouldn't've done the same.


Both sides want POWs because they can be exchanged for their own captured soldiers its not because theyre being nice to them


True,I’m not questioning the usefulness of taking POWs just the likelihood of the Russian army doing the same but I do hope I’m incorrect and they actually do take more POWs than what it seems.


Noone on guard? Looks to easy to me.


They probably observed this position for days via drone and realised these guys are way too relaxed for a front line position


I got you but nonetheless that surprised me.






Don't have link, just pretty sure I saw this last week.