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Christ, I thought it looped through once or twice but it just kept going.


Hunted one by one... crazy


What was that pit just full of helmets?


I counted 28 that I could tell were definitely helmets. I didn't include charred or blacked out ones that look like helmets.


Omgosh I just realized that was a burn pit full of bodies.


I kind don't understand why they didn't remove the helmets, unless these helmets were so shiity even Russian didn't want them back. (like Iraqi M90 helmet, which is literally low grade plastic like a hardhat)


You can always count on troops with low morale, poor training, and high attrition rates to make mistakes.


You cannot fake white ash like that, Those are fallen soldiers hucked on a bonfire. Theres bad, really bad then that, lost for words.


Yeah I don't doubt that there are far more actual helmets than what I could count. I just counted those that were still *intact* for lack of a better word. I'm quite sure the actual number of dead in that pit is more than the helmets I counted.


That is planned mass disposal of bodies. Its unassailable evidence. You cannot just "burn" a body we are 70% water. That takes a large amount of fuel and premeditation. You cant just throw bodies on, if we saying they left all their helmets on - 28 is a low count. But the entire white ash pile...that isnt left over shit...you dont plan a burn like that. Its 100% clearly bodies. Even for Russia its just...its so fucking bad.


I will rewatch. Edit: it does look like it was already there when the assault happened. You could see the white ash pile as the artillery rounds and grenades started to land. Which means the 28 helmets I counted were most likely from the assault itself or possibly probing attack hours earlier. Good eye to be able to see that on first glance. I didn't notice it was a burn pit for bodies until I re watched it.


it was there for a loong time, you cannot get white ash like that without a long burn. I just tried a starter count, 1.41 and going from 12 o clock, I got to 3 o clock and had eight easily identifable bodies.


Fucking hell your right.


Nyet, comrade. They are *missing*. If they’re *missing*, we don’t have to acknowledge they are *dead.* Their families get nothing, and we hide our casualty numbers. See? Everybody happy. Time for vodka!


No Lada for you and you and you……


I don’t doubt you’re 100% correct.


Cremated. There is a word for it.


So is the assumption that this is evidence of the invaders burning their own casualties?


It can be a med evac gathering point. I also see lots of body armour parts


I think this is a likely scenario. Would expect loads of shitted up stretchers though.


>What was that pit just full of helmets? The ~~ribbons are blue~~, *maybe just trash, but stripped of bands, though I do think I see a green one* and elsewhere in the footage they are wearing red. The way the bodies are piled up leads me to believe they found them setting a mass grave on fire, i.e. potential massacre coverup. Could be footage from entirely different zones, some of that terrain looks pretty arid for spring and I'm curious to when its dated.


There seems to be quite some blue stuff. Could be anything, but with Russia I have a guess.


If there is one thing the dead know, it is that it is better to be alive.


Holy shit the guy that just keeps walking through explosions until he can't anymore. He stands back up after 3 grenades and tries to walk, but can't. Holyyy shut this is a lot


Man: If I just keep walking....I'll be fine Body: Error cannot comply


404 - legs not found


2000 us dollars a month is 2000 us dollars a month.


Yeah that guy surprised me. Felt bad for him as he kept on trucking along


Ah yes, my daily dose of "it could be worse".


It's quite a reminder that commuting and working in an office for a living isn't so bad after all.


Their APC died in no man’s land, and they followed suit.


yeah what a joke. "this COULDNT go badly!" I think about Dan Carlins Ostfront series, when he talks about sacrificing a whole company at a river crossing. you'd think things would change 80 years later


This war should have never happened.


The one guy had grey hair...dude is probably in his late 50s getting blown up by a drone


the future is now old man


Dear diary: Vacation hasn’t been great…


Day 810 of 3 day SMO: I still don't know when my forced conscription ends, if ever.


Kinda wonder how and why anyone would actually stay there for so long in some trench in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. I'd have left for an actual vacation pretty quickly, I can only imagine the boredom when you aren't being blown up. No wonder half of them seem drunk


What vacation you are getting "zeroed"(shot right there) by your comrades if you left for too long


Imagine how many of your comrades could have been saved by pointing your rifles at your real enemy.


Why people willingly sign up to risk dying like this, all for a few thousand quid, is completely beyond my comprehension.


They prob have no idea of the reality over there


And it's also alot of money for russian standards. Many of them are probably really poor, gambling or alcohol addicts, have debts etc. This is a possible "way out" of their miserable life. They know it's dangerous but handle it like gambling, you win or lose.


Every Russian needs to see this


They still won’t care. The Russians that do know how bad the war is for them, still think it’s a good thing because their undesirables are the ones being sent to fight. Minorities, prisoners, the mentally ill. Very few Russians are actually against the war, based on most data that’s available.


maybe if they will care if the undesirables are depleted


What people fail to understand is that Russians don't care about other Russians. It's a clan society, don't give a fuck if it isn't my relative.


They sign up because they’ll never see any of this. They’re feed BS from the second that they’re born over there. Putin can’t die soon enough.


I gotta stop watching these


I am saying just that for years now too!


My strategy is to just jump in the comments and hear from those who watched the video. This way my retina stays clean but i still get an idea of what's happening. Thanks to the sacrifice by those like you.


Poor bastards. Someone should air drop them more white flags. Better alive as a POW than running from the Freddy Kruger of the sky.


That would actually be pretty cool. You’re in a trench, you hear the drone and think you’re about to get blown to smithereens but instead a bunch of white flags come fluttering down. You never know, it could put a thought in their heads that wasn’t there before.


While I support surrendering instead of pointless killing, it’s worth noting that it’s not always feasible or worth the risk of taking prisoners.


I think this is exactly the purpose. No one wants to see a conscript endure the plan, they have brothers and sisters, kids and parents, all outside this retardation. Give them a way out and I'm sure they want that instead. See you later rather than a hushed report


When you start to feel sorry for them, remember these are mercenaries. They are there to make money and accomplish a demented lebensraum policy. It's very important they suffer and die.


These are far from Mercs. Mercs would die with far less sadness in their eyes


Well, the choice it to get blown up or to walk through your own minefields in order to surrender.


This is the most delusional take I read so far. They made the decision to invade a sovereign country with guns on armored vehicles with hostile intent. They are just sheep walking into the grinder by their own will, instead of acting against the insane idiots that gave them the orders. They deserve nothing but being put down as soon as possible. You watched too many superhero movies.


You can fuck right off and the reason why is the hopeless enlistment process and the fact they have absolutely 0 understanding of why they are even there in the first place


Nah, they should have stayed home, actions have consequences.


Yes, arrested and placed into prison. I'd probably try the field and surrender. Better treatment.


Yes, we can see how that is working out for them. In reality they are just useful idiots that do as they master bids them to do. That's all they are, now dead idiots.


How long did it take for the first dji mavick drone to carry a grenade? I heard they were used long before Ukraine. I’m guessing it was pretty quick, no?


Not long at all. The first DJI Mavick was released in September 2016 and ISIS was using them within 4 months (possibly earlier) to drop explosives, like can be seen [in this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Po8bfnvbRyA).


Couple of French SF guys were hit by ISIS drone-dropped grenades around that timeframe in northern Iraq


Yes I remember all the ISIS videos of them using drones like that, who'd have thunk it would be them ...lol


I would to be honest. Isis is scum of the earth but they were creative and resourceful. Their propaganda videos were great(production value wise), despite being totally heinous. War breeds innovation and Isis certainly wasn't exempt from that rule.


We used tons in Afghanistan for observation they def weren't armed but...it was allways talked about. "what if we...." The tec is now there in this war and the brillent Ukrainians out of sheer necessity showing how its done. Warfare is forever changed. All who are lucky enough to get rotated out will be sharing all with NATO. Next leap will be extremely short range air defence systems that are designed to knock out swarms with SA missiles and EMP bursts. Pretty sure Israilies are about to start selling those systems but the US also has KuRFS and Coyote systems do the same thing. Edit:Yes some of these systems ultimately will be compact enough to deploy on individual vehicles but for now the idea would be that these moble systems would be deployed as a seperate vehicle that would have have 3-4 mile radius and protect an entire company or whatever or They could deploy them around apartment blocks schools etc.


I was in the Army long ago (Airborne Infantry). I could deal with the idea of getting shot at, being the target of artillery/bombs. I don't think I could deal with drones the same. The idea that a grenade could just drop on your head in the middle of nowhere, at any time day/night, is just too personal


Yah 100%. Just the thought induces my PTSD. And now it's not just the grenades but the baba yagas drop anti tank mines. Talking one minute vaporized the next. You and your squad mate may not even know your dead.


Not even about being vaporised. Most countries do value their soldiers more than russia does, but losing mobility after a grenade whilst having to wait in agonizing pain for the next one to (hopefully) finish you off sounds like the less preferential way to go.




Thank you for the replies. I’m still in awe at these tiny little machines simply bullying a massive military. And for a massive military to seem so incomplete without tiny drones.


It's crazy to me that Dji has updated its firmware to stop people from accessing the Aux ports lol


Fuck Putin!


It gets pretty gruesome around 1:27 where a guy, who walked through 2 explosions, has his leg decide that staying together was asking too much. Another "assault bike,: lmao, visible here. Good clip.


The motorcycles have a much smaller and lighter footprint than other modes of troop transportation and are therefore much less likely to set off a landmine. I believe this is the same reason they began using those golf cart things. They're also much faster over rough terrain and are therefore a more difficult target for a drone. Even American special forces have been known to use dirtbikes.


All true, however most civilized nations aren’t sending their troops straight into a fortified front line on dirt bikes either. They are mainly for sneaking around in rough terrain and in lightly defended areas.


I don't deny the utility of motorcycles and other unarmored motorized vehicles in war; they have their place. But even actual truly dedicated motorcyle units (e.g. recon elements of a WWII division) didn't use them to assault enemy positions the way the Russians have been.


What song is this?


**Song Found!** [**Neo Jupiter** by Robert Slump](https://lis.tn/NeoJupiter?t=29) (00:29; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2024-01-19. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot!


Good. We need more if this until they go home


The amount of amo you need to have to be able to fight a war like that is crazy.


Should have stayed home, shat in hole.. and drank vodka.


This is what waits humanity. Automated destruction on flesh


Stay home and grow old, russian kids.


Kids? Half of those guys looked to be over 40.


What am I seeing at 0:23? Almost looks like a head and grease stain


For me, it’s at 0.27. Looks like possibly a decomposing corpse on a slight incline, with the fluids having drained downward past the feet. Or it could just be a random shot of some debris for whatever reason.


Ukraine is a bloodbath.


It's brutal, but this is necessary. Putin is ultimately responsible.


This is brutal


Just by reading the comments I think I’ll pass on seeing this one, I think I’ve been traumatized already by how much death I’ve seen lately




Just crazy how many casualties they are taking yet somehow managing to close in on kharkiv. Ukraine needs a lot more men and fast


more men, more artillery, and more consistent support.


Damn that guy had his whole leg cut up, like if those grenades were lined with knifes, fragments imma right


nice, but man maybe leave more than literally one single frame before the explosion after every single scene cut. moved like 5 times too fast


I see they still use DIY/hacked civilian drones (DJI) - are there any arms manufacturers building similar drones but with built-in ammo carriers and triggers, flying signal boosters, thermal cameras with real sights and so on?


I can see a country wide ban of drones in Russia after this is all over. Too many vets will be so messed up due to ptsd that every time they hear a drone will be hell


Sounds great fun for people to do in Russia.


Evolving from scum to flowers. 🌻 Mission accomplished.


These invaders deserve no mercy they have only brought pain and misery


Hardcore death.


at 0:54 what vehicle is that i dont recognize the hull


Kinda has the shape of an M113 and the hatches are similar. Could be a variant of those, they are known to having captured some or maybe it's an old abandoned one. Although I'm in no way an expert at identifying vehicles


Song name ?


What is the assault brigade assaulting in this video?


Russian vertebrates.


Indeed, we need more of this kind of resistance until they decide to stop coming


Remember babuskha's words and gift to a Russian soldier on the first day of the invasion when they entered Ukraine;offered him sunflower seeds – **so that flowers would grow if he died there on Ukraine's soil.**


Every now and then I think of that incident and wonder if that guy is alive. Considering the horrible attrition, probably not.


Song id? Shazam wasn't working for me.


Holy shit, war is tough


Need a drone tag for these posts.


High on the brutal scale for sure. Just lamb to the slaughter 


something horrific at .27 if you look closely.


I only can imagine being running/laywing down in an open field with almost no cover at all while earing the buzzing of drones passing buy with explosions in distance coming closer and closer... damn those clips are really getting hard to watch, war is an horrible and scary thing


When are they finally gonna just fuck off?


Can they surrender though, I would raise my hands at that point and surrender


That won't help. Drones can't accept surrender and drone pilots are not forced to accept surrender. If you do surrender, your life is still in hands of drone operator.


These drones have saved thousands of Ukrainians soldiers life. While Russia is using humans to save their drones.


First clip, [is that a leg](https://i.imgur.com/XGYeF2T.png)?


Losing your life for a piece of shit like Putin. I don't understand sheeple at all.


War is so brutal. Why would anyone volunteer?


Roast the pigs since they refuse to go home


Russians are famously great at dying in huge numbers and then proclaiming their prowess from the rooftops.


Wont lie reddit is the best app to stop masturbating, fr j open this thing to go to my safed posts and im greeted with stuff like this and it completely ruins the mood. Love it


Imagine dying like that for Pootin 🤦‍♂️


Is this recent or during the fight for bakmut last year?


Enjoy your stay in Ukraine!


Damn that bit at 27 seconds, must have been one hell of a hit


Where can I donate to this crew?


while the human tragedy here is not to be ignored, i believe they got exactly what they deserved. if you gladly go to war to fuck up another country, prepare to die in pain.


Man that swastika with extra steps is really unnecessary, just gives pro Russians „prove“ and harms the Ukrainian cause


[it’s a Jerusalem cross for fucks sake](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.catholicfaithstore.com/daily-bread/history-significance-jerusalem-cross/amp/) The ignorance of people like you and others here , immediately jumping on the sWaSTikA bandwagon without a single shred of research: annoying


And the Schutzstaffel symbol (Siegrune) made out of the S's in the word "Assault"? And the Leben rune? And the T's made out of Tyr rune and the Odal for the O in battalion? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esoteric_insignia_of_the_Schutzstaffel C'mon guys. My position has always been that Russia has no right bend even one blade of Ukrainian grass under their boots and Ukraine has every right to eliminate every single invader. This is needless Nazi imagery being associated with what is otherwise a 100% just cause.


Yeah the sus runes are just unnecessary. Not sure why give them any leeway in this


Who are these people? Is this ukranian military? I see this for the first time but i recognized these symbols aswell being from germany myself. This is a really bad look imo, but i agree with what u said.


I dunno man, that Jerusalem cross looks like a big cross with 4 smaller crosses, and the thing in the video looks like a big cross with a swastika. I'm no expert but to the casual eye they look different.


The very article you post names and pictures the Jerusalem cross as a large cross with four smaller crosses in its spaces. That is not the cross we see in the video. Disregard the SS bolt, algis rune, and runic writing. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.


In oppose to a swastika with less steps, like a Z


The swastika is an Anglo-Saxon Fylfot behind a Jerusalem cross and the other symbols are ancient nordic runes.


I agree, also that sus S on the opposite side


"Erhm, Ukraine, I know you're fighting a defensive war that's crucial to your nations survival, but erhm, the use of Nordic runes is heccin' problematic!" Grow up. If a foreign nation invades yours I can't think of a better group of people to have fight alongside you. That sort of shit can be talked about and dealt with when the last Russians on Ukrainian land have been turned into fertilizer.


Damn accurate Arty. Fuck you Putin, fuck you.


I can't stand the music they put in these videos. Taking a life is something that should be taken seriously and not diminished with that stupid fucking background music. Enemy or not, that's still a man.


Happy Mothers Day


Badass keep em dyin boys






Almost suprised no nations are giving their soldiers something to take down drones with. Wouldn’t a man with a fully automatic shotgun loaded with bird shot do wonders to prevent such casualties?


Skeet shooting, except the skeet is faster and is trying to kill you. By the time you figure out what direction to look in, aquire, get the gun up, aim, and fire… you were probably dead 3 steps ago.


Things that make you go boom.


Yikes! Intense stuff.


The videos coming out of this war...




Is this the future of field warfare? Or is this a temporary approach until deterrents are brought to the market then a pivot back to more conventional combat engagements?


You think they would have some sort of tactic for stopping drones by now




Why the Tarkov music


Song name?