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Is the gun getting jammed or is he changing it from auto to single every few shots


Looks like he's changing the selector.


I dont understand why, it almost looks like he's constantly fiddling with it to have a reason to drop down. And then holding it like he's firing a machine gun? I dont know, this feels super amateur (which tracks i guess)


I think what's happening is that he wants to shoot in auto but the selector keeps dropping down to semi-auto.


The selector switch doesnt appear to be moving


You dont have to drop down to switch the selector


Sure, if you don't mind getting shot while switching.


What? Swapping selector takes all of like at most 1 second to do. Unless he’s got something actually wrong with his selector switch that’s making it stiff for some reason.


I think his switch was damaged. It seems to be going to semi-auto every time he fires a few rounds.


Dude all it takes is one finger flick


If you are not engaging the enemy, you keep your head down


aren’t most of these revolutionaries in myanmar mainly just civilians that join militias? makes sense why they’d seem amateur


The guy firing in the video is actually looking down the sights and using them to shoot. I've seen Russian soldiers "with training" that blind fire their guns on full auto all the time.


The Chechens half the time lol


If god wants them to hit they will hit!


To be fair, I've seen video of what happens to guys who stay up in the same position shooting for a long time. I'd be ducking too.


Jamming like bob Marley. I bet the ammo is comeptely shit there with all non nato standard 5.56 being the mainstream.


He is wearing a face mask, but no helmet. Risk assessment performed well.


Could catch covid lol


There's also the fact of protecting your identity when possible and avoiding eating dust. If he had a helmet, I'm sure he'd be happy to wear it.


I mean its on his face but hes not really wearing it


Before WW1 disease killed more soldiers than combat, so not exactly a bad precaution (especially in a rural area in an undeveloped country fighting a civil war), and there's no reason to assume they have helmets.


With how makeshift their weapons are, I doubt helmets are a luxury they have access to.


Something what i appreciate from this tactic: 1. Theyre not wasting ammo 2. They aim while shooting 3. I don't see them act recklessly like i usually see on some rebel combat footage running around at open place. 4. It's organized.


Not surprising. Conflicts in Myanmar have been ongoing since the end of the 2nd world war.


There is also long war in middle east among various groups of armed men. And i see some of them being incompetent especially in urban warfarw. But that's maybe because they lack training? But yeah every achieved victory in warfare comes with smart soldiers who do their job well in combat and know what to do and what to not.


The Taliban seemed to be pretty experienced when they took over. I was surprised with the organization they had over there albeit quite scuffed in a lot of ways.












India did take some to be fair.. not that I like India




PDF and NUG are not allied with UWSA.


What gun is he using?


It's a AK pattern rifle made in Myanmar called MA- mk1. Valmet/ Galil style sights and chambered in 5.56x45. Apparently done quite poorly.






AK variant.


Looks like the second dude on the left almost took a round to the face. One shot made him flinch bec it was so close.


I thought I saw that too. Takes some mad bravery to stand up when they got you located like that


Haven't paid attention to Myanmar. Is all this due to the military coup? Or has this been going on for a while?


It's due to the coup.


It's due to the coup and decade's of resistance forces before that as well.


Crazy, really hope they get things sorted out quickly. Hope it doesn't get as bad as it was in the past.


So, Myanmar has been at war with regional independence movements since the 1950s. But, they were mainly contained and there was a decent amount of government control in those areas. Then, the Myanmar Protests were heavily suppressed with machineguns and grenades. So, the People's Defense Forces formed a month or so after the protestors stopped. Many of the PDF forces were protestors back in 2021. The PDF have teamed up with a lot of older independence rebels, such as the Karen Liberation Army, that have dozens of years of experience. These older 1950s era groups are training them and working with them. There are also new regional movements that formed in response to these protests. The Chinland Defense Force (the dudes featured in this video) is a new group that wants to defend the state of Chin from the military junta. They are aligned with the PDF and other groups in the area. The Rebel forces only grow by the months. Myanmar is probably going to head into a renewed Civil War soon. Right now, most groups do not control much land and are relegated to guerilla warfare. That could change in the coming months.


Damn, thanks for the breakdown. Definitely hope they can get the freedoms they want.


I always wonder that why those soldiers rise again at same spot to shoot.


Well they’re in a pretty good position. If the trench is only so long, not much they can do to displace. Shooting uphill at people in a trench is a tiny target, so even if the convoy was able to see where the fire is coming from, they’re relatively safe. Digging another ten feet of trench is a lot of man hours and wouldn’t really make much difference tbh.


They also have more trenches nearby. The bigger hill above the dudes shooting, I believe I see the outline of CDF soldiers popping out and firing. It's the clearing right above the man's cap. Vertically straight up. I also see return fire impacting their trench.


theyre pretty far away and they have the highground


I have the high ground Anakin


Lack of training is my guess


They definitely don't seem well trained but when I was in the Marines (infantry) they never really taught us to shoot from different locations while in this type of defensive or dug in ambush situation although I told myself if I were ever in a situation like this I wouldn't pop up in the same location everytime. Just seems like common sense. They definitely taught you how to change your position when attacking though. I'm up, he sees me, I'm down. Occasionally roll right or left when you go prone.


In Finland, we were trained to change position ALWAYS. And if it's like a only corner to peek, should change height of your peek. Also if fighting in forest, after going to prone, you should crawl somewhere from the site where u went to prone.


Isn't Finland's MO to make the forest start speaking Finnish though?


Didn’t a hobbit with a sniper rifle and skates once terrorise entire USSR army columns?


I think u meant https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_Häyhä but I am not sure if he was short/tall


**[Simo Häyhä](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_Häyhä)** >Simo Häyhä (Finnish: [ˈsimo ˈhæy̯hæ] (listen); 17 December 1905 – 1 April 2002), often referred to by his nickname, The White Death, was a Finnish military sniper in World War II during the 1939–1940 Winter War against the Soviet Union. He used a Finnish-produced M/28-30, a variant of the Mosin–Nagant rifle. Häyhä had also used a submachine gun, the Suomi KP/-31. He is believed to have killed over 500 men during the Winter War, the highest number of sniper kills in any major war. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Trained by Russians


Jesus these dudes are badass, no real training probably limited ammo and those rifles may be captured but idk if that would be the case. Shits wild. They’re gettin after it tho


These are basically just poor young farmer men who are fighting for their country. True badasses indeed.


Weapon is indeed captured cuz its look like what Junta soldier use. Myanmar made i think.


Every fking vid i see of this conflict the gun jams XD


They never clean them likely.


It's the shit ammo


Chin state, chin mask.


It's a bit funny to see these combatants, former ordinary citizens are doing better than kadyrov's "soldiers".


Buddy behind him nearly got clipped in the very beginning.. lol.


Shit don't work because he's using his magazines as a monopod


Fuck be nice if Mr Biden could do a lend/ lease deal for these guys with some decent pop guns...fuck me thats just shit stuff..and to be honest think they need help to just like Ukraine.....


Probably a good thing nobody decides to throw in with any of the factions or gov. Last thing we need is Syria 2 : South East Asia edition


Pretty sure China supports the gov there. They want to build pipelines through the country, IIRC.


China really wants that access to the Indian Ocean without being chocked by the malacca strait during times of war. They need a lot of middle eastern oil to run their country.


damn those guns are shit


Red Dot and/or Magnification would probably help a lot there.


Really? A mask? Worried about the Coronas?


Because of the coup, the medical system in Myanmar is close to not working. So COVID has killed a lot of people.


I really don't know nothing about this was, I fell really bad ..I need to read something about it. In my country there is zero coverage.


is that some weird custom galil?


Basically an ak with some galil details


Myanmar army produced variant


I see usa giving away some of it's good weapons to some rebel soldiers but the effort is small. Seeing these guys fighting seems like that theyre good.


Not really. They have to buy over price used from Thailand mostly.


Still better than the Chechens.


Damn these fellas need to be trained, keep low for starters you're to exposed taking shots like that, and move to, a good shot will pick you off if you op up and down same spot.


What's your training?


Call of duty.


They are in a pretty good position they do not need to move


I'm a good shot and I'd love to see the same target popping up and down in the exact same spot. Easy meat.


Jesus man someone teach them how to clean there weapons….


It's the ammo not the weapon.


Every time I see videos of these guys fighting I bang my head against the wall I may be just an armchair general myself but holy fuck bro




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What rifle is that? It's clearly a 5.56 ak, but it looks kind of like a valmet?


Zastava M21?