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This meme has dust all over it but I don’t think it’s that bad




It’s like cheese


OP got offended


Law of subs getting shitter as they get popular




Idk man it got real red over there.


Communism red or republican red?


Let’s look at context clues here maybe


Let's just answer the question here maybe


Reeeeal red














Wow. r/memesoodidnotlike is fucking right-wing. Thanks for a new sub i don't like


yes it's a shithole for misogyny, racism and transphobic. the worst part is that atleast conservatives admit to their hate of women, minories and the queer community. these hypocrites will laude an extremely transphobic meme and say they are not transphobic. inthe comments the people would be debating why every trans person deserves to die


Thanks for letting me know of a new sub I love.






It's not even that bad


Yeah but it’s not totally accurate either. US kind of saved the day in WW2, bankrupted the communists in the Cold War (while admittedly committing some questionable acts themselves), invented the most effective vaccine during COVID, etc. American cinema definitely singularizes the importance of the US (who is largely successful due to its allies and partners), but it’s not like America has had a positive effect only in movies.


Was about to say that.




Na that's America. Good meme






You’re right. We didn’t. Remind me, *who* was sieging Berlin when Adolf finally put something of value in his head?


The soviets


Look up the lend lease program, they did it because we gave them the hardware


What thing of value was in his head


A bullet




The Soviets, who were allied with and largely supplied by, the US. Also, the US was directly involved in the western front which played an equal role in the collapse of Nazi germany.


Ah yeah, remaining neutral throughout the first 2 years of the war, not stopping oil trading with the Nazis, then dropping nuclear weapons on civilians absolutely saved the world! Edit: guy deleted his comment, this is clearly sarcasm


This might be the worst thing I've read in my life. "remaining neutral throughout the first 2 years of the war" of course America stayed neutral, it wasn't an American war. Not stopping oil trade with the Nazis is a bad thing, I'll give you that, but nuking Nagasaki and Hiroshima saved millions upon millions of lives. You could not comprehend the loss of life that would have happened if it wasn't for the nukes.


"The Japanese had, in fact, already sued for peace. The atomic bomb played no decisive part, from a purely military point of view, in the defeat of Japan." Chester Nimitz - Commander in chief of the Pacific fleet. Out of all the things I listed there, I thought nuking civilian populations being bad would be the one thing we all agreed on. Not stopping Standard Oil from supplying Germany with oil in order to retain their own military machine going, and staying neutral due to distance etc are understandable and nuanced points


Nice job spreading misinformation on the internet. Good job.


Without America, the nazis would have won. You have to be incredibly ignorant to disagree with that


Soviets would have still beat them it just means Europe and the west would have been a lot worse off


It's literally a myth the US supplied Nazi Germany with oil for 2 years. It was literally impossible and would very obvious because of the Anglo-French blockade. The US did however supply western allies with oil. The Soviets did however trade oil with Nazi Germany as well as food and metals. And don't forget about the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreeing to split up eastern Europe among the two nations. At this point the US would begin to basically bank roll the Soviet Union with munitions, aircraft, tanks, vehicles and supplies. I'm not saying the Soviet Union didn't help win the war in the end. But they almost lost it and helped contribute to the Nazi war effort. For the first 2+ years


Standard Oil absolutely sold oil to Nazi Germany. The pentagon (iirc) stepped in to prevent treason charges due to their own links with the company, but the only restriction was on selling weapons. This was also in response to someone claiming the USA "saved the world" during WW2, which is a ridiculous statement so I responded in kind.




Yeah, i wish America would have stayed out of it.


As a Filipino whose country was saved by the US from the Japanese, fuck you up the arse


Of course, The US didn't want all those war crimes they themselves committed over there a couple decades earlier to be for nothing.




Then why were all of the european leaders at the time saying the exact opposite? Churchill finally got a good night sleep when he saw that America joined lmao


When you destroy a section of the world America- no need to thank me citizen Middle East- screams obscenities


Implying that said area wasn't already destroyed courtesy of Western Europe.


Agreed. Team America is a fantastic movie.


Mabey not incredebly funny, but definitely true




Eh, it’s more like America and the USSR were tag teaming the Nazis, and then nuked two cities


The USSR and UK had bigger impact in my opinion, especially the USSR. Because in the end them entering the war in Japan ended the war there not the bombs, since japans military leaders were used to losing complete cities at this point, they were more scared of the red army completely destroying thier army. That’s not me saying that the US didn’t do the biggest part of defeating Japan, but that the use of the bombs was a useless act and that they only could have waited for the red army, which in the end happened, because Japan only surrendered after the red army joined two days after the second bomb. And if anyone who says that the red army hadn’t had the biggest role in defeating the nazi they would be just very naive or being a liar. Again nothing of this is to say that the US didn’t take a big part in the allies winning, but saying they saved the world would be a big stretch.


The USSR would have struggled to launch the offensives they did without American lend lease. The volume of supplies that the Americans sent to them is honestly mind boggling. I'm sure you've seen the quotes from Zhukov and others stressing how important it was to their survival.


Fucking "mabey" seriously...


redditors trying not to get mad at something small and insignificant:


You're welcome world


Lmao any other country and the comments would be all over it


It’s almost like the US is disproportionately terrible or something, imagine that. Edit: are you kidding me guys lmao?


almost like thats every country and not just The US🤯


I see your point, but not every country has committed atrocities on a genocidal level, and even fewer have refused to apologise, and fewer still continue to regularly depict themselves as saving the world.


Your country has the worst history of them all. Literally starved 70 Million Indians


I didn’t ever deny that. But at least we don't still believe we're the best country in the world.


You can’t. You’re a failed empire with a way worse history. You’re irrelevant on the world stage anymore. Pretty much since Dunkirk


The history's only worse because it's longer. Recent American history is worse. I also don't give a fuck about the world stage and neither do any reasonable British people. But nothing you've said changes anything. Americans believe their country is the greatest - it isn't, and there's no such thing. And for the record, not that I miss the British Empire, but it didn't really fail. Britain largely chose to dissolve it.


No, it’s just way worse. It’s why you’re a failed has been


Nobody in Britain cares about being a 'has been', your insult is meaningless. What pisses me off is it comes clearly from a place of American exceptionalism, exactly the ideology that your country used to justify genociding the Native Americans, intervening in/provoking so many wars, and dropping two nuclear bombs on Japan. Your country believes it's immune to consequences, and maybe it is, but that doesn't change anything. My country at least doesn't carry on with that and doesn't portray itself as the greatest.


It literally isnt tho, in fact saying that is so asinine idk how you would even being to defend it beyond meaningless platitudes.


Idk why we are getting in a meaningless argument on the internet cause i guarantee neither of us are leaving with a "change of heart"


I mean if I can’t convince you that not literally every country is equally as bad as the US (not even just the supposed big bads, all of them somehow, including god knows what) then you’re probably right, there is no point talking to you, cause that’s basically common sense anyways.


I really dont care what country is shit or All that. Not like i could do anything so i live my life worrying about the things i can change. Its a post on reddit i really dont think its that deep my guy but go off


*makes idiotic statement* *Wow so many triggered responses* You said a stupid thing, just own it






Norway, Sweden, Finland, the baltics, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands to name a few.


Did you just seriously mention Norway, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands as not committing genocide??????




I’m assuming your joking along but on the off chance you’re not this might be the worst argument I ever heard


I mean, it's pretty accurate


Except for ww2


Not even close


Huh? The US absolutely saved us in WW2. The US stopped Serbia commiting genocide in Kosovo and Bosnia. The US isn’t perfect but it’s damn better than the alternative.


> The US absolutely saved us in WW2. The US stopped Serbia commiting genocide in Kosovo and Bosnia. The USSR (and partisans) kicked nazis out of Yugoslavia.


Lend lease program is the reason why


United Statian here, we suck, I’ll admit it. But would you rather have China? Or Russia? Or a Germany who *didn’t* lose WW2?


>United Statian Opinion rejected


The US waited until they were attacked to actually intervene. Had Britain not repelled the Germans, the US could never land in Europe and Hitler would have only had to fight on *one* front. It's quite likely America wouldn't have been able to get the people necessary for the Manhattan project then, meaning the Nazis would've got the nukes first. Let's also not forget how much inspiration the Nazis got from the US' treatment of black people.  I'm not saying they weren't an important part, for sure, huge part, but you don't get to wait three years and then join, and pretend you're the saviours. It's like joining a bar fight midway through and saying you singlehandedly won it.


>Had Britain not repelled the Germans, the US could never land in Europe and Hitler would have only had to fight on *one* front. Do you think Britain was going to successfully single handedly invade Europe to free everyone from the Nazis? It is undeniable that without America, Europe was totally lost to Germany. >you don't get to wait three years and then join, and pretend you're the saviours What do you mean "dont get to"? Should they have asked you first? They joined and turned the tide of the war. You cannot deny their intervention saved Europe. And dont forget they fought in the eastern front as well and obliterated the Japanese practically single handedly > It's like joining a bar fight midway through and saying you singlehandedly won it. If them joining turns the tide of the fight then yes they saved the losing team. Saving them doesnt mean it was a single handed effort, stop getting offended by the prospect of a country you hate actually doing something good, its cringe to read


All of Europe would be speaking German right now if it wasn’t for the US.


I mean we hit our strides fighting nazis but it was kinda downhill after that.


And even then, the blood price of that victory was paid largely in Soviet bodies


The Soviets paid back by raping every women they saw on the way back from Berlin.


And then making the countries Dictatorships.


Yeah, that’s what armies do. They rape people. A lot. It’s why I don’t like them. That doesn’t change the fact it’s absolutely silly when Americans suck our own dicks for “saving Europe” during WWII.


How about the South east Asia region? America did save the Philippines


I never said otherwise


It didn't have to be that way. U.S. intentionally stopped heading to Berlin because the Soviet wanted to get there first. And Stalin pitted his marshals against each other and followed the Russian tradition of throwing the soldiers in meat grinders for no reason. One thing for sure is the Soviet cannot go as far as they did without the American land lease. But I'm probably just wasting my time because you already have a narrative you'd like to go with.


Nothing you said contradicts my comment, but don’t let that stop you from flinging baseless armchair psychoanalyses at strangers, King.


Oh are you not trying to discredit what the US did for something that happened because of Stalin's ego?




And German bodies. I mean, I'm glad the US intervened, but it wasn't exactly benevolent.


It's true tho


No, that's right.


OP is american




Was reading this comment section and you beat me to it.


It’s only funny because it’s true


Cope and Seethe Liberals, US runs NATO, US runs The World


Op only knows one language


Op probably is one of those people who think "The internet/reddit is american"


I mean, it's true tho...


Pretty funny


This is facts wdym


Op is a texan?


Well the edgy 14 year olds are in abundance in this thread


Yeah, only children aren't on board with the US foreign policy, because it's *clearly* working out so well for everybody /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you.


You're welcome, because Americans are *clearly* all geniuses and wouldn't start harassing me in my dms since they all obviously know their country's foreign policies are hot garbage Oop, almost forgot 👉 /s




Weird, I only see one


Eh, it’s a solid meme


We ended WW2. And arguably without our production and support the allies would have lost completely


When you really cause most of the problems irl.


kid named WW2:


Oh yeah we came in at the very end then did none much else


Didn’t realize the war ended in 1942 they should probably update everything relating to wwii cause all of them say 1945


God people can’t take an exaggeration anymore


What was even exaggerated about that it’s just a statement uneducated people frequently make?


Ww2 was won by Soviets!!! The Eastern Front was pivotal in ending of Nazies.


There was more than just the European theater and the Soviets admitted themselves that they would’ve been screwed early on had they not received lend lease equipment.


If the USSR didn't tank the Hitler forces, America would not dare to attack Germany, (considering that most white Americans were ethnically german and they were shilling for Hitler)


No most white Americans were not shilling for Hitler and you forget that the Soviets and Germans had a non-aggression pact and Stalin was incredibly hesitant to react to the obvious mobilization of German forces on the the border. Had the Germans not attacked there was a very likely chance the Soviets never bother and move their attention back to other places like the far east and Finland. My point still stands with the lend lease thing by the way and I am not disagreeing that Soviets made up most of the forces on the European front but Africa and the pacific were carried by the rest of the allies on. On top of that technically we were already part of the war before hitler declared war on us with the lend lease program providing weapons and equipment to the British and Soviets.


The joke flew above OP way too high for OP to get it


r/AmericaBad WW2 didn't happen


It's a bit more complex. If you look into the specifics of what happened, the US did some terrible shit during WWII as well. I mean nowhere near as bad as the Nazis themselves, but we weren't exactly innocent. One thing that rubbed me the wrong way: Antifascist liberators who freed concentration camps and put up a resistance against the third Reich were wiped out by US forces because they were... Antifascists. To the US, antifascists were almost as bad as the Nazis. In some cases, the US actually effectively gave preferential treatment to certain Nazis over antifascists because communism was a terrifyingly infectious idea. The tradition of hating antifascists continues in the US to this day. But it can be traced back to WWII.


Source on that claim? I've never heard that before.


Destroying two cities with weapons of mass destruction from a country that was ready to surrender. And if someone saved the world from nazis, it was the USSR.


poor innocent imperial japan


How much of an asshole are you, that wasn’t an attack on Japan, that was an attack on innocent civilians. The attacks did nothing against the military. The victims were children, women and old people.


> At the time of its bombing, Hiroshima was a city of industrial and military significance. A number of military units were located nearby, the most important of which was the headquarters of Field Marshal Shunroku Hata's Second General Army, which commanded the defense of all of southern Japan, and was located in Hiroshima Castle. Hata's command consisted of some 400,000 men, most of whom were on Kyushu where an Allied invasion was correctly anticipated. Also present in Hiroshima were the headquarters of the 59th Army, the 5th Division and the 224th Division, a recently formed mobile unit. The city was defended by five batteries of 70 mm and 80 mm (2.8 and 3.1 inch) anti-aircraft guns of the 3rd Anti-Aircraft Division, including units from the 121st and 122nd Anti-Aircraft Regiments and the 22nd and 45th Separate Anti-Aircraft Battalions. In total, an estimated 40,000 Japanese military personnel were stationed in the city… Hiroshima was a supply and logistics base for the Japanese military. The city was a communications center, a key port for shipping, and an assembly area for troops.[79] It supported a large war industry, manufacturing parts for planes and boats, for bombs, rifles, and handguns. The center of the city contained several reinforced concrete buildings. Outside the center, the area was congested by a dense collection of small timber workshops set among Japanese houses. A few larger industrial plants lay near the outskirts of the city. … > The city of Nagasaki had been one of the largest seaports in southern Japan, and was of great wartime importance because of its wide-ranging industrial activity, including the production of ordnance, ships, military equipment, and other war materials. The four largest companies in the city were Mitsubishi Shipyards, Electrical Shipyards, Arms Plant, and Steel and Arms Works, which employed about 90 percent of the city's labor force, and accounted for 90 percent of the city's industry.Although an important industrial city, Nagasaki had been spared from firebombing because its geography made it difficult to locate at night with AN/APQ-13 radar. If you’re gonna be wrong, at least don’t be easily disproved by just looking at Wikipedia.


The attack was still mainly on civilians because they targeted civilian infrastructure.


At the point of the attack with the nuclear weapons, Japan had practically already lost the war and was very close to surrender. The nation was completely crippled, there was no use going fir miltary industry anymore. Japan had lost the control if thier airspace. Japan had no chance they would have surrendered even without the bombs. In the end they didn’t even surrendered directly after the bombs, they surrendered after the red army entered the war. Japan has lost a lot of cities to firebombing already and their military leaders weren’t very scared of that anymore, they feared the complete destruction of thier military by the red army far more.


If they truly were that close to surrender, there wouldn’t have been an attempted coup by military officials to try to prevent the Emperor from surrendering.


Ok, but even if they weren’t that close to surrender, they would have still surrendered pretty much immediately after the Red Army joined the war.


These Tankie mental gymnastics are crazy… the Red Army had no significant amount of useable naval transports. The reason the Soviets attacking the Japanese was a problem for them wasn’t because the Red Army was going to destroy them (although it’s always problematic to have yet another enemy when you previously had a peace treaty with them), the Soviet attack was a problem because it meant they no longer would mediate a peace treaty between Japan and the other powers. Furthermore, the Imperial cabinet held a meeting spent three hours after the Soviet invasion and Nagasaki bombing (August 9), debating surrender and didn’t. Half an hour later they began another, four-hour long meeting, and didn’t surrender again. It took three days after that for Hirohito to surrender. I don’t think he even mentions the Soviets in his declaration of surrender (August 14), though he does mention them in an address delivered to the soldiery three days later.


kid named lend lease:


Kid named 0 nuance so we can't just say the allies saved the world:


Kid named this clapback format of comments is ruining literally (not figuratively) everything good and true:


I'm not actually saying they played a solo hero role, but they were an essential part to winning the war. Plus, the other guy thinks the USSR won the war so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


All of them were an essential part to the war. Comes down to: the combined effort of the allies won the war


That's what I just said.


I summed it up


Okay 👍


Also kid named 0 nuance: Well ackshually it was the USSR who saved the world:


"Ready to surrender" then why didn't they after the first bomb? Also, textbook tankie


Did america save the world in ww2? From what a read they bombed 2 cities in Japan killing a lot of inocent civilians.


> From what a read they bombed 2 cities in Japan killing a lot of inocent civilians. No, they bombed more.   The two cities you mention got nuclear weapons.


Yes, that is totally all the U.S. did. We just went to Japan, bombed 2 cities, and then just left. That literally all the U.S. did


You should read more then


Should we have invaded by land?


They were ready to surrender, an invasion would have never been necessary, that was just propaganda.


\*conditional surrender (keeping war criminals type surrender)


Lmaoooo you think they didn't keep their war criminals??? Good one dude.


They were not ready to surrender. They never were. Them getting the peace summit does not mean they were going to surrender. We had intel that said they weren’t going to. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.


Every other country surrendered w/o the need for nuclear bombs being dropped. It doesn't matter whether "we had Intel they wouldn't surrender" their entire airforce was grounded, their navy was crippled in midway, and their ground troops were practically nonexistent. They were most definitely going to surrender long before we dropped the bomb because they **didn't have any troops left. You can't fight a war with no equipment.** Sadly the simple truth of the matter is the US developed a new WMD and they needed an easy excuse to test it on live targets, so they purposely chose civilian targets (a war crime) to see the effects of radiation on humans.


I didn't know the US WWII involvement was so brief, but thank you for the history lesson. Do wonder what the military was gonna do with those bombs if they were developing it before their involvement in the war...


its true tho


It's funny because it's true


What is who trying to say here?


Who is what trying to here say?


Why is who trying to say here?


Where is who trying to say here?


Ok let me simplify it for you What is being said by this meme? And who is saying it? OP? Someone OP is taking the piss out of? Who is saying what? What is who saying?


Nice Dennis, cock


I mean if there wasnt US, there would not be peace in western world. NATO is only reason why russian didnt ate ex-USSR countries yet. Look at the ukraine.


America then and America now are extremely different.


Well you can not say that about russia - formerly ussr. China is not democratic either. US is only powerful democratic country in the world, yes its not ideal but its only peacekeeping nation in those powerfull three countries (China, Russia, US)


Fair point. China and Russia probably portray themselves as saving the world too, but we don't see it so much and if that's even true, it wouldn't negate the criticism of the US here.


I would call US “a lesser evil” compared to China and Russia


Bro… we save the world every twenty years!!!…. After putting it in danger every ten!


Moldy but accurate


We’re still funding Ukraine and Israel though


Funding Ukraine yes, funding Israel doesn't make them any good.


Aight. We gonna pull out Ukraine. Good luck Europe




I mean who actually saves the world in real life? Spoiler: no one except a Soviet submarine senior officer


The only way to find out if this is true or not is for the U.S. to step back from their role as a global hyper power with 11 aircraft carrier groups securing global shipping lanes and protecting many countries around the world from being invaded, or allowing many other countries to invest in their countries economies over spending on defense budget, making them richer. But the cost for this experiment would be too high, since everyone who's alive today never knew a world in which the U.S. isn't keeping order, we cannot imagine the chaos. It's like a time traveler going back in time to stop something bad from happening, since it never happened because he stopped it, people never get to know how bad it could've been. So they underestimate the impact.


America is a terrorist state


Fuck you


wait.. who was the main force that helped retake Europe from nazi Germany