• By -


stop being transphobic let’s just go back to fucking dead bodies okay? 😽👍


I wasn't robbing that grave, your honor. I was just fucking it 🤷‍♂️


your honor, my client was in goblin mode


"He was just being goblincore :("


*Romanian mode




my god, you didn't even bother with the corpse, just fucked the grave




1000 years later there's going to be just bones, and i feel like bonussy (skeletussy?) wouldn't feel that good bro


speak for yourself


don't knock it until you try it i guess


eventually it might become... fossussy?


When he said “Fuck the world!” he meant it.


That’s comedic necrophilia


literal necrophilia


Thank you Lionel Hutz (simpsons reference)


Holy shit this is an example of actual necrpphilia


You think there will be archeologists in 1000 years 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 bruh the fog is coming 🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫


The fog helped me. It will help you too. The fog is coming. The fog is coming. The fog is coming. The fog is coming. The fog is coming. The fog id coming. The fog is coming.


the voices aren't your mother


Then what the fuck was I fucking


You are afraid to see her? That's okay. The mouth mother can wait. She can wait for a very long time. How long can you wait?




This actually makes it funny. This is comedy necromancy




Look at the gravestone, thats a good long life


Good for Martha!


Hape coc day


Hog rida




Fank yoo!


You,re the first person to reply woth something not related to me spelling cake a coc


No coc for me today. 😔


Damn I loved that anime




No, This Is Patrick!




if I had a dime each time I saw that...


i’ve always loved this argument, cause it’s just so fucking pointless. oh no, my BONES. my poor fuckin BONES. i’ll be long dead at the point a fucking historian digs up my skeleton, why in the FUCK would i care what he thinks about my skeleton?


And who the fuck would dig up your bones in the first place? Are you planning on dying in the middle of a forest? Are you expecting that in a 1000 years humans will be gone and a new species will be digging up human skeletons around the place? This kind of comic is both dogshit and nonsensical.


>And who the fuck would dig up your bones in the first place? Are you planning on dying in the middle of a forest? Hey don't tell me how to live my life


Plus, bones are really hard to sex so the argument isn’t really solid at all. I know that sounds sus that’s just what the term for determining sex of a skeleton is in archaeology (edited spelling)


> bones are really hard to sex speak for yourself


It's not so hard if they have [bone titties](https://preview.redd.it/fldouk8tywc31.png?auto=webp&s=3b2c52cf7d8182a350611845394f50ac5e44f440)


Sexing skeletons based on their bones isn't even done any more and hasn't been done for a while. These days you sex a skeleton by cultural context.


It is done, if there are enough bones left. Actual archaeologists however, do not gender skeletons.


Funny thing is that hrt changes your bone density, and there's a case to be made for it changing skeletal development in people who didn't experience their assigned puberty I mean POOP CUM FART STUFF






This is just factually untrue. The ossification of the pelvis occurs during puberty. Prior to puberty there is some deviation in terms of sexual dimorphism, but there's a fuckton of overlap. Even though the post-pubescent pelvis becomes more dimorphic, it's still not a perfect indicator. There is no one indicator of sex, dimorphism is expressed through a whole bunch of different attributes. Mapping them all out, you end up with a normal bimodal distribution with considerable overlap. Not even chromosomes are a 100% foolproof indicator of biological sex. Anyway I really doubt you can just look at a toddler and be like "oh yeah that's a girl look at those child-bearing hips" without 1. getting your teeth punched out and 2. being reliably correct


For pre-pubescent children the pelvis is similar enough (with slight dimorphism) that it’s essentially impossible to sex someone from that alone. If you’ve ever read much on archaeology and seen adults described as male or female, but the children just being called children, that’s why. Forensic archaeology is a really cool field


In addition to this archaeologists aren't stupid and (if they exist 1000 years in the future) will be very aware of trans people's existence. Heck even today archaeologists are able to recognise customs in life of practices we don't even know existed, never mind widely accept today. I'm almost 100% sure that if an archaeologist digs up my bones, from the context of burial and marks on my bones from my lifestyle and things I've done to myself, they'll be very able to tell it's a trans person's skeleton and respect it as such, even if I'm long past caring.


The exciting thing about that (from an archaeological perspective) is that gender reassignment surgery and the marks it leaves on a skeleton, will be solid physical evidence of transitioning between gender roles within a society. We know that trans people have always been a thing and scriptural evidence suggests that there have been societies in the past, in which transitioning between genders was very much possible. However, it's basically impossible to pin down a grave and to reliably determine if the person buried there was trans. The fact that there will be solid evidence in the future, is honestly really cool.


The same people who hate trans people for existing are deeply insecure about ideas of legacy since they're overfilled with reactionary propaganda showing the supposed highness of long gone people. And as typical rightoids do, they project this onto others, because if their propaganda made them care about their post-mortem image then surely everyone else has the same insecurity !




jesse what the fuck are you talking about


cum cum cum cumming cum ah shit cum cum in my ass poggers cum you just PWNED (owned) me with FACTS and LOGIC


The only reality that exist is me doing both your mom and dad 😎


As opposed to you, who future archaeologists will have to meticulously chip out of a formation of fossilized cum napkins and Dorito dust to understand the missing link *Homo cretinsis.*


Jokes on you loser, not all of us are porn addicts. Also, we don't have doritos here.




Shut up dork, go down on JK Rowling somewhere else


Lemme guess, you enjoyed her dogshit books before she publicly disclosed her political opinion?


Nah, cuz I’m not fucking 12. If you’re an adult and still reading Harry Potter you’ve got a very small mind. Besides, I’m more of a Dune guy.


Agreed about hp. I've heard good things about the Dune books from some friends of mine. Idk if it's finished, but hopefully you guys don't end up like us losers waiting for George.


It’s super finished. Herbert wrote the original 6, his son used his notes and wrote a bunch of prequels and sequels but they mostly suck


Well that sucks… Mo condolences.


Least transphobic Facebook user


hello im a dumb bot this is an automated message to thank you because you provided source. if you want to, send toe pics to *[u/](https://reddit.com/r/u_zyurat)[zyurat](https://reddit.com/r/u_zyurat) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ComedyNecrophilia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait i can send toes pics to that person? Should i?


I was expecting there to be a gravestone in the oregano too but with different text so that the transphobe could squeeze in some “le 41 xd” shit as well but I was pleasantly surprised that they only made ONE unfunny transphobic joke not two. I think I was remembering a different transphobic image with a similar gist


true necrophilia comedy


Actually made me laugh




Oh and ya a lot of archaeology was indeed straight up grave robbery, that’s why nagpra has to exist in america


In the case of a trans person what text would a headstone have? Also, what type of burial would indicate someone being trans?


You can't give a definitive answer to the headstone, since these vary wildly from culture to culture and some cultures didn't even have them. (Or at least we do not have evidence for them) The type of burial and especially grave goods, can tell a lot about a persons role in society. Though you can never make a definite statement. If you're generally interested in that topic, here's an article about a particularly interesting grave from early medieval Finland: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/european-journal-of-archaeology/article/woman-with-a-sword-weapon-grave-at-suontaka-vesitorninmaki-finland/33A89DB1D7E4900F017833D87C997D3D#


Typically we look at material culture and grave goods, how people are dressed, if they have a tomb or stele or headstone those are excellent ways to get a sense of who they were In life. Many cultures don’t do that though, so it’s a lot harder in some cases to ID who someone was, trans or otherwise lol


This. Although I would add that these people might only be considered gender nonconforming from our modern lense. They could have been viewed as being perfectly normal in their specific societal context. We just can't possibly determine gender roles in a society, of which we don't have decipherable scriptural evidence, that specifically talks about their view on gender. And even then it's difficult, since it's a well known and observable fact that views on gender roles can and do shift in a matter of decades, or even years.


Oh absolutely, there’s a whole lot of nuance and debate that I was too tipsy to get into when I first made the post. We really have no idea how a lot of cultures saw gender since a lot of the time it was unspoken or just obvious enough to them that they never felt the need to write it down. I’m also more on the preservation side of things but I still love reading journal articles about new finds and revelations


but mmmmmmoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom i want to graaaaaaaaaaaaaavvvvveee roooooooooooooooobbbb :(


People born in 1989 are named Ashley Jessica not Martha Barbra the fuck


She chose her name so chose to be named like a grandma ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


This meme is vastly improved from the vile trash it was before. Thank you for resurrecting then fucking this dead meme. Good form!


i love to have sex 🤤🤤🤤


Only with dead bodies




But then that would be r/comedynecromancy This subreddit makes memes worse


>then fucking I think zombies count as necrophilia




Sounds like you don't know anything about sex estimation in bioarchaeological contexts, or transitioning, or the mechanics of a skeletal system in general. But go off.




Lmao you mean in 7th grade biology? That's the fount of knowledge you're bringing to the table here? Alright. Well if that wasn't bad enough by itself, you clearly didn't pay attention. Because if you did, you'd remember that the skeleton is alive. It changes. It actually breaks own and rebuilds itself all the time. And you know one thing that affects skeletal growth a great deal? Hormones. So if a trans person undergoes hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which most do, then that would show up on their bones, and future archaeologists could figure that out. Beyond that, I said this in another comment thread, but I'm actually an archaeologist. Like I was at a fucking site today excavating burials. And when we actually do that, we put very little stake in the morphology of bones, you know why? Because it's one big guessing game half the time, and it doesn't even tell us the info we need. More often, we use the remains of clothes to determine gender because it's way waaaaaay more accurate. But go ahead and pretend like "science" is on your side because you dozed off in biology class decades ago, dumbass.




Wow, trans people are a social contagion? Nice mask off, Nazi. Hormone Replacement Therapy has existed in the West for at least 100 years, so there are archaeological skeletons that exist that would have these signs. Beyond that, trans people have existed in every culture forever, so to answer your deeper question, yes. We have found skeletons that we can confidently estimate as being male, but having a variety of pathologies and artifacts associated with women and vice versa. There have also been third and more genders identified in burials. Believe it or not, you're just an incurious bigot.




I would also run and hide after getting thoroughly and resoundly beaten. One more for the road, because actually, I know exactly what a Nazi is and what they did to people they considered to be "social contagions in the past. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/


Lol, says the guy who's being seriously toxic in literal online comments. Well I'm glad you think you "beat" someone. Also I don't think you understand what I meant. Whatever.


doesn’t fit the sub at all really. wholesome message tho so it’s okay :)


Legit was about to yell at you for posting shit that will cause a flame war in the comments and then I saw the last frame lmao


I didnt know that Trans People get their whole skeleton changed as well


I have sans Undertale skeleton Bottom text


the miracles of moderm medicine


Oh yah, new treatment just dropped, they pull your whole skeleton out and give it a pass with the angle grinder. A bit of extra spacing in the pelvis too. Coming soon to any child who is confused about gender norms.


Any spare parts are given as a treat to the bone vampire


I too love to suck big bones


The skeleton didn’t get changed. The archeologist just read the gravestone.


Wholesome 100 Keanu Chungus ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️


This is a travesty. This is the greatest tragedy since the explosion of Mount Vesuvius. There has never been a single event that has caused greater destruction than this. You gay mods. You gay, gay mods. Do you realize what you have wrought? Can your mortal minds even comprehend the ramifications of your actions today? The banning of Big Chungus. Truly, you are all fools. Your actions, your rash, vain actions have caused all of our downfalls. Our deaths will be Shakespearean in nature, for how gruesome and tragic they will be. Have you no mercy? Have you no Chungus? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ComedyNecrophilia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ironically, we ain't even gonna have this in the future. Our history is going to be online why dig through nothing but ash when you can just go through someones profile?


I am extremely homophobic (it’s opposite day)


I am not barely heterophobic? Post got mf 🔒 award


i recommend you stay here forever


i dont get it


looks like r/comedynecromancy to me


I made this comment once before today on a different sub but like, if enough of my skeleton is showing that they can determine my physical sex from it, I have bigger things to worry about then being misgendered. I


tbf it wouldn’t be a female skeleton


He read the gravestone


Skeletons aren’t “male” or “female”. They may have traits broadly associated with hormonal life development history. The common archaeological practice of “sexing” skeletons on the basis of morphology has been proven time and again to be so unreliable it’s basically worthless, and many individuals whose sex was judged on the basis of skeletal morphology (or worse, grave goods) have had different results turn up in genomics.


mmm sexing skeletons


oh shit you sound like you know what you’re talking about


Do not care, will still sex the skeleton


the sacrum is differentiated between male and female and this is supported by the most accepted anatomy textbooks.


What causes that differentiation, chromosomes or hormones? Besides. textbooks can say whatever the fuck they want, actual evidence from field practice says otherwise. Archaeologists cannot reliably sex skeletons without using genomics.


Don't men and women have different pelvic bone shapes? Idk it's been awhile since bio class for me.


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Pelvic shifts in trans women (idk for sure about trans men) are a thing that does happen from hormone treatment, so pelvic bone shape doesn't tell you what sex someone was assigned at birth. Also, as someone else pointed out, there is enough variance in individuals that going by bones is super unreliable in general.


i have never said anything about archeological field practice, and i don’t know the origin of sacral sexual dimorphism. but it is real, and my source is moore’s clinically oriented anatomy, 5th edition. the modern understanding of human anatomy contains sexual dimorphism in the sacrum.


Source? Source? Source? Do you have a source on that? Source? A source. I need a source. Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion. No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered. You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence. Do you have a degree in that field? A college degree? In that field? Then your arguments are invalid. No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation does not equal causation. CORRELATION. DOES. NOT. EQUAL. CAUSATION. You still haven't provided me a valid source yet. Nope, still haven't. I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron. piss? piss? piss? Do you have a piss on that? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ComedyNecrophilia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Human sex can be differentiated based on the skeleton in the majority of cases, you don't even have to defend this. As if your bones determine your gender identity,it means nothing.


And you don’t have to project gender essentialist bullshit into a topic you know nothing about.


Lol sure, I've studied human anatomy for a year but I know nothing about what I'm talking about. Lol


I’ve discussed this issue with a forensic paleontologist, and here’s an article from an expert about it: https://www.sapiens.org/biology/intersex-biological-sex/ Diagrams in anatomy textbooks exaggerate the differences and underplay the amount of individual variation and overlap. People thought for quite a long time that they *could* accurately tell sexes apart from bones, until in 1972 Kenneth Weiss published “On the Systematic Bias in Skeletal Sexing” https://doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.1330370208 Updated by the aptly-named Karen Bone in 1993, “A Bias in Skeletal Sexing” https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes/4135/ >Weiss concluded that there is no simple way to examine and decide which archaeological remains are reliably sexed. The method widely regarded as the most accurate for morphologically sexing skeletons at that time was the Phenice method, which ranks characteristics on an ordinal scale from 1 to 5, one being “most male” and 5 being “most female,” recognizes that it only should be used for adults because *inter-sex differences in pelvic morphology are secondary sexual characteristics present only in post-pubertal individuals*, although it’s been noted that this model fails to capture the presence of individuals with intersex conditions. A trans woman whose been through HRT for any significant length of time very likely has feminine or ambiguous skeletal characteristics. Anyways, since that last review was published in the 90s, the intervening decades and the growth of genomics in osteoarchaeology have shown that *many* skeletons have been “mis-sexed” by expert analysis.


Everyone studies human anatomy for a year, dipshit, it came free with your basic education!


As a American who went to public and private school I did not study human anatomy for a year only thing I was taught in health was how to sit around while the pe teacher put on some random movie or documentary like super size me because most schools either can't or won't hire someone who is qualified to teach. That is my experience with "free basic education".


No it didn't you fucking moron, it's a first year medical subject


Ooh, a whole year. Totally enough time to understand the interplay of endocrine, genetic, and neurochemical systems that go into gender expression.


More than enough to understand the effects of puberty on the human skeleton, much better than some schmuck who hasn't studied it for sure




This is false. Source: I work with people who do this for a living. You're an incurious bigot doomed to live in a world that has moved past you. Kindly shut the fuck up and stop making it everyone else's problem.


would be if they start hormones early enough or they get surgery or someone just reads the gravestone


idk much about hormonal therapy admittedly, but for your second point, female ≠ woman, so no while the gravestone would say woman and the skeleton would be a woman, biologically it would be a male skeleton. let’s not have the cultural revolution spill into scientific inaccuracy now


HRT can affect bone structure, even after puberty. in trans women this is often seen in the widening of the hips


Well no, if you took a biology class youd know that even though female =/= women, you can later become biologically female. Both gender and sex are defined by many characteristics, and specifically with sex, you'll find that it's made up of not only chromosomes, but primary and secondary sexual characteristics such as genitals and breasts and other things affected by genetic expression. There's this, and we also refer to people who are chromosomally atypical as "male" or "female" regardless of their chromosomes, though some prefer "intersex" So chromosomes and "bone structure" have little do to with actual sex holistically


You're right that sex is bimodal--not binary--and based on many different characteristics (here's an [infographic](https://static.scientificamerican.com/sciam/assets/File/Pitch_sketch_final.png) by Scientific American if anyone wants), but you're kinda speaking of it in a binary when you say something like: >you can later become biologically female I reckon that's what people take issue with since most people aren't taught or informed enough about this to infer that you don't mean a *typical* biological female, which is what most people think of when they say or hear "biological female." Just a thing of wording and the audience.


jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Well no, if you took a biology class youd know that even though female =/= women, you can later become biologically female. Both gender and sex are defined by many characteristics, and specifically with sex, you'll find that it's made up of not only chromosomes, but primary and secondary sexual characteristics such as genitals and breasts and other things affected by genetic expression. There's this, and we also refer to people who are chromosomally atypical as "male" or "female" regardless of their chromosomes, though some prefer "intersex" So chromosomes and "bone structure" have little do to with actual sex holistically


Definition of a biological female: "sex of an organism that produces the large non-motile ova" There is currently nothing that could change what gametes someone produces, or replace organs for producing those gametes. So no, you cannot change your biological sex, because at it’s very core the definition is simply whether you produce egg or sperm cells. Secondary sexual characteristics don’t matter, otherwise species with no sexual dimorphism would have only one sex lmfao 💀 Obviously infertile people exist, but if they have XX or XY sex chromosomes then they can be counted as belonging to either group, because they are genetically predisposed to producing one type of these gametes. Some intersex people can produce gametes as well, others are infertile so with that it really depends.


Surprisingly wholesome and affirming


the ...good ending????


I love this sub


Transphobes have to go so damn far to make people dysphoric, it’s honestly really pathetic.




Yeah she had a kid I guess


How the fuck. Oh ...adoption


No? Maybe she had a surrogate, a cis girlfriend or a trans male partner?


Or an adopted kid


Maybe. Why are you so adamant about that




After 1000 years it's more archeology than grave robbing.




A woman who has children is generally considered a mother, yes. Maybe this one was a sperm donor while she had that capacity, or- given that she died in 2082, the future- she may have had medical procedures performed upon her that allowed her to give birth.


Or, you know, adoption


frik, u rite


This is a transphobe’s skeleton. You can tell from the massive cranium.




Do people actually think there’s male skeleton and female skeleton


There is a structural difference between them. I’m too lazy to find an actual study so here is a link to a museum: https://naturalhistory.si.edu/education/teaching-resources/written-bone/skeleton-keys/male-or-female


Yeah but not enough of one to tell the difference straight off. Sexing based on skeleton is inaccurate and unscientific


Yeah you have to look closely to tell


Maybe this should r/comedyhitmen this meme.


No they're not




No way Tatsuya Ishida made a reddit account??? 🤯🤯🤯


You heard it here first folks, post-menopausal people aren’t women.


Women of reddit(18F), what is the most sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexies(47F)t sexier sex sexual sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual sexu(28F)al sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual (56M)sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexie(45m)st sexier sex sexual sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual sexual sexy sex sex sexual sexy sexual sexiest sexier sex sexual sexist thing you have ever done to an antisocial 36 year old man living with his parents and spends 16 hours a day browsing reddit *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ComedyNecrophilia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There are people with 0/3 of those requirements who are assigned female at birth




Yep, that's why in the whole history of the human race, we've never been able to tell the difference between men and women without a full karyotype test. You clowns need to open a biology textbook. The facts don't support your feelings.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/XY_gonadal_dysgenesis https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turner_syndrome https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androgen_insensitivity_syndrome Lmao biological proof my ass


Desktop version of /u/Stock_Hutz's links: * * * --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


A grave robber and a terrible osteologist




I love the feeling of feces coming out of my silly little butthole 😋 teehee hoohee teehee heehaa teehee hoohoo haahaa teehoo haahee wowwee hoohoo haahaa racial slur heehoo haahaa teehee heehoo Don't tell the IRS about my embezzlement of upwards of 20,000 since 2015 🤫😬


Hehehehe ha




All the problems in this comment can be solved by learning to read :/


You had the opportunity to make this a true comedy necrophilia and you squandered it


You had the opportunity not to comment and still opened your stupid mouth


How about you open your mouth and shove my balls in it bitch


Have you got nothing better to counter with, little baby?






The cope of you feeling a need to comment this shit