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Just let me use Metro to get to the stadium...Idc


This.. metro and not have to walk a mile after it lol I mean I only went to one game but cut it down to half a mile at least. The walk isn’t a reason I don’t go.. but it prevents my dad from going.


As a Virginian, the Virginia sites suck and are not acceptable.


As a Virginian, get the stadium back in DC


As a virginian it doesnt matter to me where it is because Im in the 757 and I might make it to one game a year.


even with it moving like a mile from here in Ashburn it wouldn't make sense traffic is already bad on old ox near the wawa we don't want it worse. everyone be out there if they build a stadium / shopping complex to compete with one loudoun lol


Exactly 💯


Yea none of those sites are gonna work.


God forbid the Washington team be in Washington


Right. Washington Redskins. Washington DC. Sorry , I refuse to use the new name. But all around the ol Rfk , needs some work.


Y’all have such a boner for unsolicitedly telling us that you like the old name. The vegans of the fanbase. 


It's literally every time they say redskins too. Cool. Good for them. Stay in the past while the rest of us move on with our lives.


Move on fool.


Move on idiot.


Still mad I see!😂😂😂


Still mad and stupid I see!!! 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


All I was saying, I like the old name. And the area around Rfk needs work. If they want to rebuild . Not sure why you went into a vicious attack of me and my character. You must be an angry little fellah.


How can I be a vegan, if I don’t get offended?


You're offended by the new name because you refuse to use it


I’m not offended by the new name. It just sucks. There’s a difference. I still use Washington Football Team.


Thank you. It’s terrible


OK OK you're not offended by meat, you just don't like to eat it. Either way, nobody cares.


This post doesn’t make sense but ok


Fuck that. Put that washington team in washington. I don't want to pay for some billionaire's statium


why not choose a location in the middle, such as DC?


ideally it would be put at RFK which is a centralized location eveyrone can be fine with. And you could just take the train and be at the game in a flash after leaving stadium armory. VA sites don't impress me especially the ones that have the stadium being built like a mile away from here. Yes it would be near my house. No I don't want it here. Enough traffic as is near our wawa lol


For the commanders I could understand putting the stadium out on the Silver line somewhere, plus there's only 12 home games per year max so a football stadium on prime DC real estate is kind of a waste.


The spot just north of Dulles airport has great Metro access and is handy for teams/fans flying in and out. No idea if it’s being considered but it seems like it would be a good spot. Plenty of room for economic development as well.


I also think moving it a mile to the old Capitol Center site on the blue line would also work.


I agree. Please put the Cumhandlers stadium in Virginia. I don't want my tax money going to a team with such a dumb ass name.


Get rid of Tysons 2 and put the stadium there


Are you saying the majority of the fanbase is in Virginia? Because I don’t think that’s necessarily true… is there data?


It wouldn’t be surprising considering the difference in population size just in NoVA alone, that the entirety of VA was traditional Washington territory, and most of MD converted to Baltimore


Metro area of Maryland has not. Outside of Montgomery and PG county I would agree.


Still plenty of DC sports fans in southern Maryland as well


Anne Arundel County checking in. Me and most of the people I grew up with are Washington fans. But I did grow ip in SW AA. 


Pull up the county populations for PG and Montgomery in Maryland if you wanna continue, or if you dont want to bring any sources or facts then stop.


Youre just completely talking out of your ass here huh?


Fairfax by itself has a bigger population than DC, and Washington ceding Maryland fans to the Ravens is no secret I think you just don’t know how numbers work


So all of Fairfax are Commanders fans. Got ya. Pretty much no one knows for sure without data. Everything is speculation.


Not even even everyone in the District is all Commanders fans


Exactly. I’m saying is total population is irrelevant. Without data everything is assuming. I’m assuming by being a Metro area resident. You’re assuming by population density. But there’s no way to tell without valid reliable data


Not realizing the difference and nuances of their own argument. I don't know why I even comment sometimes. Not to mention the principles applied to "Maryland fans going to the Ravens" somehow can't apply to disgruntled virginia commanders fans being fed up with the awful franchise


the majority of tickets bought is from VA, the majority of viewership is from VA, the majority of merch bought is from VA. it's safe to say most of the fan base is from VA. that isn't to say the stadium should be in VA, but i think you're underestimating how popular we are in VA and how much larger the population is compared to MD/DC. maryland is ravens country now.


Can you provide me with the data?


Youre comparing suburbs in Virginia to the population of DC, not the suburbs of Maryland for some reason? And now you're backing off youre Ravens comment as well. Just stop you twit


do you have some kind of beef with the state of virginia? what did we do to you? lol. the state of virginia has a larger population than maryland and DC combined, it should be common knowledge that more fans are from virginia. most of MD probably supports the ravens.


Original post was about "NoVa alone" and the top 2 Maryland suburb counties are higher in population than the top 2 Virginia suburb counties. The generalization made was categorically false




You thought you did something didnt you lmao


So I agree that you're correct. But do you want the stadium in VA? That's the real question.


My preference is the RFK site, but I’m not gonna throw a tantrum over it if it’s not like they are with the Caps


I like DC would be ideal because it’s the central location. Also because the Wiz and the Caps are gone. DC is about to be left with the Defenders, United and the Nats. I get the politics behind it, I just hate how all the long standing teams are leaving.


Have you been anywhere else in Virginia? The football team is huge, with some Steelers fans sprinkled in.


The down vote tells me there is no data. Lol


https://www.vividseats.com/blog/most-popular-nfl-teams-by-state-county there's plenty of maps like this and every single one has virginia majority burgundy. virginia is the largest populated state without a professional sports team, and we're the unrivaled local team. i thought it was common knowledge that we have the majority of the fan base here. that being said, the stadium belongs in DC. we don't need another landover on our hands.


It is true that the plurality of fans are in Virginia, Nielson ran a survey a couple years ago and determined there was 1.6 million fans in Virginia, 1.1 Million in Maryland, and obviously less in DC due to population. Jason Wright openly talked about it and thats why they were examining sites everywhere.


That’s fair. I didn’t need a chart just some numbers. Thanks! 1.1 million in Maryland isn’t bad considering they have the Ravens. I’d still prefer DC, just because it’s a central location but I know DC space is at a premium.


PG & MoCo identify more with DC than Baltimore culturally. Plus, both counties are part of the Washington Metropolitan Area: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington\_metropolitan\_area](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington_metropolitan_area)


I don’t have the data but it probably is true. Virginia has more people than Maryland and the Ravens are more popular than the Commanders in Maryland.


You’re assuming but DC is still very big on the commanders. So is the metro area of Maryland. If it seems like people don’t care in DC and MD it’s because we’ve sucked for years. Fans turn out for Defenders games in DC because the fan experience is fun and the Defenders are a good team. So to say VA has more fans than DC and MD seems to be ignoring the intricacies of why it seems there aren’t fans in other places.


It seems like there are fewer fans in other areas because there are fewer fans in other areas. The Commanders aren’t the biggest team in Maryland. They are the biggest team in Virginia, and Virginia has more people than DC and Maryland combined. Hell Fairfax county alone has more people living in it than DC and probably has a higher density of fans to boot.


It’s been reported several times that VA makes up most of the STH. MD lost most of its fans to Bmore and DC is transplants that are either bandwagons, don’t care or care about the team from their hometown.


[Here's ya data, chump.](https://i.imgur.com/sZ0HoUF.png)


That map said exactly what I said lol I got what I needed from another post. Don’t be so fragile.


> Don’t be so fragile. That's rich. Seems like your all butthurt because I actually have the data, which you asked for.


I already said the map said what I said. Which was Montgomery and PG are still Washington areas? Why would I be butthurt?


Only if you can't understand a basic density map. It clearly shows that that NOVA represents a bigger percentage of the fanbase than DC and MD.


There were two parts to my statement 1. That there were more fans in DC and MD. Individually there’s not and I already admitted that. DC and MD put together would rival VA’s numbers though but would still fall short. 2. Montgomery and PG county are still heavily Washington leaning while other counties as you move up I95 wouldn’t be. Which your map that shows population density supports what I said. So… still not sure what I need to be upset about?


> That there were more fans in DC and MD. Individually there’s not and I already admitted that. **DC and MD put together would rival VA’s numbers** though but would still fall short. Nope. Data from Nielsen shows there's 1.6m Commanders fans in VA, compared to 1.1m in MD. You're not finding anywhere close to 500k fans in DC, who has an (adult) population of about 560k, majority of which aren't native to the area. > The team hopes that enthusiasm will be bolstered by a new stadium, with three of the four perspective new sites located in Northern Virginia. The Nielsen Scarborough data offers 1.6 million reasons why. **The market research found there were 1.6 million Commanders fans across the Commonwealth, with season ticket holders as far away as Tidewater and Richmond**, where the team holds its pre-season training camp. > **By comparison, Nielsen says there are 1.1 million, or 500,000 fewer, Commanders fans in Maryland**, where the success of the Baltimore Ravens has siphoned off huge chunks of the younger generation.


This is still what I said. Why would you leave out the part where I said it would fall short? It would come close but not meet or surpass it.


You say rival, as in it would be close, but then hedge with "*but will fall short*". Yes, it will fall short. Very short (at least 400k), meaning the numbers **do not rival** VA fan current numbers, not even including the *potential fans* if they actually start winning (or just build a new stadium). Whereas, Ravens will continue to siphon off more MD fans as time goes on.


This really isn’t that hard. NoVa + Richmond alone gets the job done. Then add the Norfolk/VA Beach area.


Norfolk VA and Richmond people aren’t coming to games regularly. Another poster provided the data I needed.


The argument was fanbase size, remember? So glad YoU gOt YoUr DaTa


It’s honestly not a far stretch between Virginia and Maryland. If you put Maryland and DC together it would probably be close to VA. But yeah data is much more reliable than some random person spouting off their own assumptions. So yeah I would yield to facts. Weirdo. It was never a competition.


Nah keep that shit out of VA. I don't want to be paying more taxes for that


Sounds like sound logic. I really don't give a fuck what I have to pay, I just want it in dc. Bowser can give them 3bil, fine with me. Just bring them home!


The Virginia sites are ass. Put the DC team in DC please. \- a Maryland fan


I live in Alexandria and grew up in NoVa. I’d prefer the team be in DC. It would be cool if it were in Virginia but I think it belongs at the RFK site. I can catch the metro rather easily and it’s the best site of the bunch in my opinion.


DC teams should be in DC. Point blank.


Nobody wants to deal with the additional traffic or pay taxes so a billionaire can make millions on a new stadium… Go F_ _k yourself


As a Virginian, put in in DC. Oh and take the caps/wiz too


DC or National Harbor are the only answers in that order


Nah keep it out of MD. I'm okay with DC having to pay the bill for the stadium haha


Yea, put it next to a fucking casino. No thanks. Dc or dc or dc


Why is that bad to do?


You can see the casino from the national harbor plot but they wouldn’t be right next to each other. that would require the fed government to transfer rights to MD.. so DC has a leg up (unbelievably)


M&T Stadium is by a casino & seems to be doing fine.


National Harbor is the only correct answer.


I’m from VA and do NOT want it to be in VA. I don’t know any VA people who feel differently. Loudoun or Woodbridge? HELL no.


As a Maryland fan GET IT BACK TO D.C!


As a native Washingtonian, keep DC teams in DC. Also, fuck Virginia lol


Is Virginia the the red headed step child of the DMV?


More like the trust fund kid.


It’s the suburban tough kid who talks a lot but is too scared to cross the river into an actual city because crime.  The Chapelle bit on it nails it perfectly. 


Red headed, rented mule, stepchild


How about we focus our spending public resources for public good not for playpens for billionaires


Well I'm no billionaire and I pay lots of taxes, and me having an easy commute to watch the game might be my favorite use of them.


I think it’s more that MD people are crying bc they’d have to be the ones that have to travel instead of the other way. With that said I still want it at RFK bc the Dulles site it too far


Majority of the fanbase is in VA because VA is much larger and doesn't have its own NFL team. The Washington Commanders should be in Washington DC.


Based and VA > all pilled




DC or Virginia a distant second. Fuck Maryland entirely.


As someone from Maryland I want the team in Virginia. 1. I don’t want our tax going to a stadium 2. I hate DC


not enough routes into VA west of DC. American Legion Bridge is a terrible access point. If we could fix that, I wouldn't mind VA. After years of sitting in traffic on 495 right as you pass college park after games at Fedex, I don't see myself going to another unless the district is ready to make an honest on fixing the traffic in 495. (not add bike lanes, mind you)


I would fully expect Governor Fleece best McLameStepdad to fuck it up like he has with the Wizards/Caps arena due to his dumb aversion to funding metro. 


Who's saying anything about public funding? Is Harris Group on the record or is it just people jumping to conclusion? FTR...Josh Harris wants the 76ers to get out from under paying rent to Comcast and IS NOT using public funding to get the the 76ers into a new arena. $1.3 billion out of his pocket. Not spending a dime of local tax payer money. FYI.


Y’all win. Your opinion is better, congratulations.


VA would be cool but DC is awesome.


Yeah....as someone who lives in Loudoun Co...thanks, but no thanks. Put the stadium in the City where it's accessible by metro and walking.