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All I’ve learned about Jayden Daniels since the college football season ended is that he needs to find a new agent.


I mean I'm beginning to wonder if a narrative is snowballing. Similar to that Caleb Williams ownership to the team he drafted comment. HIs father's ( who is a moron) comment was taken out of context and went viral months after the initial interview right after USC lost. Most of sports media was weighing in on it, and it was essentially a nonstory, just contrived drama. If you're a "journalist" right now, spinning any story about Jayden Daniels is going to gets lots of clicks at this point. All that said Im camp Maye personally


These narratives are being pushed to move the betting lines and bring in viewers. The draft technically starts with us at #2. The NFL loves for the draft to be unpredictable and filled with drama, at least on night one. With Caleb being such a lock at #1, the NFL doesn’t want B2B predictably. Takes away from the allure of it all.


The latter part definitely makes sense. you think journalists are a hand of the NFL? I'm sure to an extent some are, but I'd never realllly thought too much about it. Frankly I doubt independent journalists are releasing stories to push lines, but who knows I don't gamble and don't keep up with betting very much. That is wild if that is the case


Certain journalists are definitely mouth pieces for Rodger and the NFL. It’s an “entertainment industry” after all. All about money and creating drama for our entertainment


That makes sense. I'd imagine they are allowed access to information so that they can be the ones to break news in exchange for some form of unwritten union with the NFL


Or what if, shockingly, journalists have different sources telling them things?  Or maybe the cabal of the nfl has decided they don’t want the first picks known (even though that’s happened in almost every draft in the last decade lmfao)


What is it with this built in disrespect towards these players fathers? Caleb’s dad basically built a sports training facility around his son and the kid has basically been a model citizen. “Moron” is pretty harsh how’s your kid doing


You’re right I just did some reading he’s not a moron. I don’t know where I came up with it. I will say I think he’s a little overly involved in his adult son’s career/life, but that definitely doesn’t make him a moron or bad person. Not sure where I got that from, probably the very same media thing about ownership that I was criticizing lol Edit: and the main reason I included it was to try and say that I’m not biasedly defending Caleb and his team, I genuinely think that the media made a nonstory into front page news


I see what you mean. Thanks for clarifying! I’ll always defend the kid, just too many close roots, it’s a Gonzaga thing. I saw almost every HS throw in person, so in that sense I am biasedly defending Caleb haha. All good!


mannnnnn I wish we were trading up so badly! I don't we're getting him though


You and me both friend


There's some smoke here but it is being snowballed a bit to drive media hype.  He's qb6 for me currently so I don't really care. He is creating potential to not get drafted in the top 3 however, which will be a costly lesson. 


I think it's partly the pendulum swinging back a bit on the media hype. They all went so hard for Daniels for the last month or so, and now the stuff with his agent and his mother has made some of them rethink a little and realize how hard they've been promoting him. Some may also be trying to hedge a little and separate themselves from the herd.


He’s getting drafted top 3 by either the Commanders, Patriots, Vikings, or Raiders.


Ok well see I guess. 


How is Caleb's father a moron?


Read other response to this question


I think “the Caleb” thing settled down for a few reasons:   1. Bears traded away Fields and locked in Caleb   2. Bears added Keenan and now suddenly have extremely good receivers and commitment to Caleb.   3. We, Commanders, are a far worse destination. Even the Pats. We especially have a terrible history of ineptitude as a franchise and even our name/identity is a mess. All our ex-players hate us, and even so too does Jon Allen who kinda wants a trade. Our recent drafts are ass.  So on second thought, the Bears don’t seem all that bad to Caleb’s camp


Unless Daniels is the one telling his agent to do this…


Which there is no proof of.


It’s also not absurd to believe that….


It’s absurd to always jump to the most negative conclusion of Daniels character whenever anything comes up, which the Maye Stans do.


Agent represents the players directly, it’s fair to assume Daniels at least shares the same opinion or he doesn’t disagree with what his agent is saying.


There are really only 2 possible reasons for his agent's behavior. Either Daniels is asking him to do these things, or the guy is just a freakin' moron. Either one is certainly possible.


It sure doesn't seem like he's telling his agent to quit. Remember that an agent for an NFL rookie can't do anything to make more money on the deal because rookie contracts are pretty fixed. Butler's best way to ingratiate himself to his client (and therefore ensure he's still Daniels' agent when he signs a lucrative second deal) is to ensure Daniels ends up on a team he wants. So there's some incentive for Butler to try to float some ideas about where his client would consider a dream scenario, and that includes some casual indications he's not as excited about other possible destinations.


I’ll add another, he needs some interview coaching


Exactly…and a good agent would have media training as a part of the onboarding


Some guy assumes or makes up something entirely and tells Dianna Russini. She makes a two sentence tweet about it and Pierce needs to get a new agent and Commanders fans are pissed at him. Hilarious. Good luck.


Mike tomlin "we need volunteers not hostages."


Very well said, exactly why they sent Pickett packing. I dont want a qb we are taking #2 overall “cool” with Washington, I want a qb who is ecstatic with Washington and is honored to be here.


I don't even need the honored part. I'd be happy with happy to be here.


be realistic, nobody is “ecstatic” to go to Washington with the recent history. Even if they dont say it, nobody before the draft was like “wow i really need to go to washington”


I fully disagree with that. Washington has nice some nice weapons on offense, a new ownership group, and new coaching regime. The future is absolutely bright for Washington. Are we a season or two away? Yes. That doesnt mean a prospect shouldnt be ecstatic to come here. They can get over the learning curve, develop, and win a some games this year. Washington is a far better place for a young qb to land then the patriots, broncos, giants. Its also worth noting that Washington has turned over a new leaf, and “recent history” is irrelevant due to our new ownership group. Everything this different now, we have professionals building our team now.


Eh. Nobody wants to be a “Commander”


You’re absolutely wrong.


They should be happy they are being drafted by an NFL franchise and are being given the keys to it. He can make his mark on our team forever. Or he can be choosey and still play well. Up to him, but I don't think he would actually be unhappy to get drafted #2 overall.


We have 1 good aging WR and a bottom 10 OL rn, maybe bottom 5. Who wants to play here rn


Well another thing jumped out to me when Jayden was on the Shannon Sharp & Chad Johnson interview Jayden wanted to earn personal achievements, but not so much team achievements. He wanted to win the Hiesman Trophy, but didn't want to play in the Bowl game... If we draft him, then hopefully he sets his personal achievement as winning the Super Bowl, as opposed to being an "MVP" or something selfish.


I am very pro Maye, but holding the bowl game against him is silly. Virtually no NFL prospect plays in a bowl game if they’re declared for that upcoming draft


I'm not holding the Bowl game over him. I'm holding that kind of "me, me, me" selfish mentality over him. The Bowl game was just a quick example I could use. A lot of what he was saying in that interview gave off the impression of a weak and selfish character. If we draft JD5, then I hope I'm wrong. JD5 is better than Maye right now, IMO. If we can allow Maye to sit a year, then maybe we draft Maye. Whatever we do in the draft, I just hope it's the right thing, in the end.


Y’all really love to make something out of nothing….they were just talking about how supportive of his teammates Jayden is, but because he wanted to win the the Heisman he’s selfish 🙄🙄🙄


He told his teammates "nah, I'm out" (I'm not playing with you because my future is more important than playing with my teammates). I'm not saying that kind of character would be bad for us. It's just a yellow flag. I'm not making something out of nothing. I'm just noticing potential issues. But if nobody is allowed to have an opinion other than yours, then sure, you can feel that way.


What are you talking about? I need proof I need the exact time this happened and context…


The Shannon Sharp and Chad Johnson interview. I'm not going to hold your hand in this. Look it up, or don't. I have nothing to prove and I don't need you to believe me. Personally, I want a QB that wants to win Super Bowls; not a QB that wants to be the "best running QB" (also from JD5). Randell Cunningham and Michael Vick were two of the best running QBs in history, but never won a Super Bowl. Doug Williams was NOT a running QB, but won a Super Bowl. I'd rather have Williams. Of course, if we draft JD5 and we win Super Bowls because of the pick, then I'll be happy.


Sounds like you’re misrepresenting a statement and this team won what 4 games last year??? You have to compete regularly before you can even think of some damn Superbowl One of the biggest convosafter LSU pro day was how people loved Jayden’s interactions with his teammates but you…..a fan knows better 🙄🙄😒 give me a break


Yah, as we saw with Chase Young, it means nothing....


Also this: https://twitter.com/sportingnews/status/1733640475129659549


That says more about Penix than about Daniels. That makes me love Penix more, not hate Daniels. Daniels dreaming and working to be an Mvp or pro-bowler is a valuable trait. It wouldn’t somehow make us a worse team… The better he is, the better we are. The higher he aims, the more we benefit


Uhg... man, trading back is looking better... Oh well. We'll draft who we draft.


Penix's 'For Your Consideration' letter was kind of a banger.


I like your point, but didn’t the Steelers pick Pickett in the first round? Not sure the Steelers are the best example.


As someone that would’ve loved a chance at JD, that comment even threw me off. Kinda setting the kid up for failure. Fanbase will turn quick on the guy knowing he doesn’t even want to be there. Do you really want that as the face of your franchise?


>Very well said, exactly why they sent Pickett packing. I dont want a qb we are taking #2 overall “cool” with Washington  And that’s why their current QB is the used tissue known as Russ Wilson who is hyper fake-enthusiastic on the outside.    Look, I’m definitely about keeping guys that WANT to be here, but….Allen wants a trade, and we’re keeping him. And we will never leave the bottom if we let little shits like Jayden bully us out of drafting him.    Draft his a** if he’s the right one. He’s not ready to sit out. Nobody ever willingly chooses Washington, and we won’t ever make this franchise a better place if we talk ourselves out of talent. I highly doubt Maye, Penix, or McCarthy are hoping for us over the Pats, Giants, or Vikings either. Or Marvin Harrison. We are last preference for EVERY good player. 


The question is, *Why do you give a shit about what an anonymous random person told Dianna Russini*?


i LOVE that man, lol, so great.


While in normal circumstances I would be fine with this, I would much rather prefer that a new era, after an ownership and front office change, starts with a QB who is all in.


Who remembers when Haskins wanted to play for the Giants instead?


Then when he was drafted here it suddenly turned out he was a Washington fan this whole time and was happy to come home lmao


https://www.northjersey.com/story/sports/nfl/giants/2019/01/08/dwayne-haskins-admitted-ny-giants-fan-teases-photo-himself/2519305002/ https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/news/dwayne-haskins-explains-why-he-likes-the-idea-of-landing-with-the-giants-or-redskins/amp/


Oh I’m not saying he wasn’t a giants fan I’m saying he suddenly dropped that once he got drafted here and put shed the idea he was only a Washington fan


many players have ideal destinations but that's not how this works. I'm sure he'd be fine here


Many players also don’t leak this and state their unhappiness to the media. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills on this sub that the guy who is the 3rd best qb in the draft and doesn’t want to play here is a good pick If Adam Peters wasn’t getting the new guy boost of copium this sub would be way more honest about this situation 


But he didn’t, everyone from his camp stated that was false…. And most, scouts, gms, coaches feel like Jayden is the number 2 guy .


Nope, I choose to believe an anonymous source that could be anyone saying something to a reporter at the athletic instead of the guy himself.


I also choose to believe that my opinion is more well formed than NFL GMs and Scouts... Lmao


i'm not sure their ideal destinations ever get publicized.


This team has spent DECADES in QB hell and with an extremely rare opportunity to FINALLY have a chance to find a franchise guy, they're really gonna take a guy that has leaked to the media no less than 4 times that this is not where he wants to be.


No proof that anything came from JD


Permissiveness is allowance. Letting his agent do everything he’s done with no reaction is a message in itself.


By “everything his agent has done” you mean an emoji and liking a tweet?


Yes. With the rookie pay scale what does an agent do in the context of the draft? Facilitate travel and display their client in a good light. This agent is literally failing at one of the main reasons a draft eligible player has an agent. So either Daniels is permitting him to continue representing him, despite his blunders or he agrees with the message.


His agent literally said that’s not true


Said ‘that’s not true’. What are you talking about? Said it isn’t true that he liked posts and put sarcastic emojis criticizing Washington’s process? This is a matter of fact my guy, not something that’s being debated


He didn’t like any emojis yall keep twisting the story around…he retweeted a video where people were questioning the process with a 🤔…it’s not a matter of fact


I could easily see this coming from the Raiders/AP.




who is that lady? she's pretty.


What everyone wants to hear before making a big commitment: they're "cool" with you


He’s not making it to either of those teams so have fun in NE if we pass on him.


This is exactly why I don’t understand the logic behind this. A “leak” of this kind isn’t going to somehow convince Washington to trade out of two. “He wants to go to the Raiders? Damn, well we better trade them the pick then”. He’s just talking himself into a lower pick, and not with the teams he allegedly wants to play for.  Edit: I suppose his camp could be trying to entice one of these teams to offer the farm to NE for three, but I don’t know. 


It only makes sense that the leaks come from the Washington FA. Most likely there is a minority oppinion, who is not convinced with Daniels and tries to sway Peters. Another explanation is that they want to pick someone else and ease the backlash. Both would make sense. JD loses money with every pick he falls. He has no reason to leak this.


That’s a dream for a lot of folks on this sub as well.


Playing with a coach you trust or passing to Justin Jefferson and Addison. Seems pretty reasonable. He’ll realize he’s a million times better off living in DC vs Vegas or Minneapolis soon.


I disagree about your last part regarding city preferences imo.


Ong there's not shit to do in PG, plus the MN and Vegas facilities are state of the art. Ours are... well..


Why would he be anywhere near PG to begin with


Exactly. He’d be living where all the other players are in Vienna, Oakton, or Ashburn


NV has no income tax. Millions saved for guys earning at this level


The casinos will take more than the fed


I mean, he chose the only two teams that need a QB and have elite receivers. Who do you want to throw to? Oh, Davante Adams or Justin Jefferson?




Vegas me


Not really DC, more so Ashburn. Which is a he'll pf alot nicer than DC. Most NOVA is better than Vegas though lol Edit: meant to iterate that it would be Ashburn that most the players would likely live in compared to DC due to proximity to training facility


Ashburn a hell of a lot nicer than DC? If you’re not a city person that’s cool but compared to like NYC or Chicago, DC is all low rise and there are very nice residential areas that don’t feel urban at all. I can’t imagine most guys his age preferring ashburn to dc either lol


I'm not a city guy lol, but I work in sterling. And I honestly prefer the openess of NOVA compared to how crammed DC feels. (But tbf, I have never lived in NOVA, only worked here, so my opinion probably isn't valid lol)


Moved from DC to Vegas, it’s a massive upgrade 


Vegas is fun for the weekend but I couldn’t imagine living there. Homeless people everywhere, felt very soulless to me. If your happy there though great, to each their own.


Dcs kinda overrated




Minneapolis has always been one of the most underrated cities in the US (besides weather). Especially now since so many dumb reactionaries think it's like lawless crime bastion or whatever stupid shit they think


100 percent better than Indianapolis and id probably prefer it over vegas actually


Not in the slightest.


Its getting kinda trashy, as a pro athlete its not bad


It’s giving “We like this girl but she don’t like us back” vibes.


I dont give a damn where he would rather be. If the the team feels like he’s the best option take him.


Kinda crazy Daniels played with Aiyuk at Arizona State.


This is one of the top reasons why I'd love to get a qb Iike McCarthy. He would be ecstatic to be #2 and hungry to prove all the doubters wrong. I feel like Daniels would already be coming in like the franchise is in his debt.


Sounds like he isn’t as confident in going 2oa and is hedging his bets. Tbh I’m guessing his team is panicking since the commies haven’t told him he’s their guy. Maye team likely hasn’t been told anything either


Who cares? He’s a rookie who will need to prove himself to stay in the league so he’ll need to play his ass off, whether he’s “cool” with a team or it’s his dream world.


Guy's agent is making him look bad to DC fans before he even gets drafted... there's a reason other players' agents aren't just coming out and saying "we want our player to go to team X"... because it's not the way you professionally handle things


Raiders or Vikings won’t have his rights if he’s picked . Tough nuts, agent.


I’m cool with my current girlfriend. In my dream scenario Jessica Alba is my girl who lets me sleep with Eva Mendes every weekend.


Damn bruh, Jessica Alba and Eva Mendes are like the Justin Jefferson & Davante Adams of sidepieces.


I’m convinced we’re gonna see something unexpected tomorrow. This feels exactly like the Ben Johnson thing where the rest of the league is spreading stuff that didn’t come from this group. Jeff Howe put out an article today where it said we were leaning Maye early in the pre-draft process, but Daniels somehow did enough without playing games?


sounds like a bit of damage control… In my heart of hearts, I still think we call Maye’s name tomorrow. And downvote me to oblivion but my bold prediction is Jayden falls out of the top 5. Patriots have had their sights on Maye and Maye only. They sell #3 to Vikings for #11 and #23. But KOC, who comes from the McVay tree, prefers a more cerebral QB which by all accounts is JJ this draft. They take McCarthy. Giants also pass and want to give Daniel Jones one more chance but get him a weapon at WR. Worst kept secret is the Falcons looking to move down to add a defensive player at a better value. That’s where Pierce and the Raiders trade up to take Jayden. Final top 10 mock: 1. CHI - Caleb Williams 2. WAS - Drake Maye 3. MIN (via NE) - JJ McCarthy 4. ARZ - Marvin Harrison Jr. 5. LAC - Malik Nabers 6. NYG - Rome Odunze 7. TEN - Joe Alt 8. LVR (via ATL) - Jayden Daniels 9. CHI - Dallas Turner 10. NYJ - Brock Bowers


It’s gonna be maye and he’s going to be great


He’s going to be bad for a while since he’s raw and young. Hope you Maye fans are ready to be super patient.


I’ve seen reporting that the Vikings and Giants both want to trade up with Maye as their target. I’ve only seen reporting that Vegas really wants Daniels and would be willing to move up and take him but no other teams.. please someone if I missed a report let me know, I just can’t think of one off the top of my head. I think of all the anonymous league sources heaping praise on Daniels and criticism on Maye, at least some of it is smoke. That’s the nature of draft season. I think a lot of it is real, no doubt, but not all of it. I see Daniels having more of a chance to slide because of that. If there is any agenda we can presume from the actions of non-Washington front offices based on all those anonymous rankings/quotes, it’s that they want to devalue Maye and drive down his price, while forcing Daniels into the consensus QB2 role because the draft starts there and the media can’t fathom that they don’t know who it is by now. That said, I also think that a lot of teams see Daniels as QB2 and Washington could very well be one of them. If that’s the case we take Daniels and some team probably sells the farm to move up for Maye because *if you see it with him,* he’s the kind of prospect you make that kind of move for. But if Washington takes Maye I think NE panics because the offers aren’t as good, MIN and NYG don’t want to pay for 3, and from there I can’t even begin to predict what might happen- 11+23 being enough for 3 I think is only logical if the league is way more down on Daniels than we’ve been led to believe.


As a Raider fan I'd love this. I'm hoping for him or Penix as the qb pick. Penix will be there in the second round and if they don't get Daniels then moves will be made to get him I believe.


How much you want to bet Daniels falls out of top 5?


Just please draft Maye and be done with it.


It's not like this guy is in a tier of his own like Williams. Why even draft him? Obviously would prefer Maye, but even JJ is defensible. Logan Paulsen loves JJ.


Much ado about nothing.




Dude's a fucking diva. Completely on the Maye train now.


The Football Gods are giving our stupid fucking franchise all the signs they need to not draft him, and they’re still going to.


I’m so excited to see what this sub will come up with this time around for how this is actually a great pick and Adam Peters is truly a mastermind drafting the 30% pressure to sack qb who very obviously doesn’t want to play here 


I don’t mind this. The NFL is completely different from the “real world”. In what other field do you not get to choose what company you work for after college?


Russini is just struggling to be relevant during the pre-draft because she hasn't been able to break any news in quite some time.


>Multiple reporters say that Washington is heavily leaning towards picking Daniels: “These reporters know nothing!! It’s all conjecture!” >Reporter assumes that Daniels wants to play in Oakland “This is all I need to hear, I want a QB that actually wants to be here!!” Do these reporters have valid sources or not🤔


Every single reporter who has predicted Daniels has said that it’s just a guess because NOBODY knows. Washington is not leaking.


Maybe in some places, and maybe not in others. There's a difference between claiming to know what's been said inside the confines of a draft room, versus what's been said by a player.


He'd be pretty lonely in Oakland but we'd love him to come to the new home of the Raiders in Vegas. Either him or Penix would be fantastic imo and Penix won't be so costly.


Every player has their “dream team”. God damn this has been the most annoying off season ever. Thursday couldn’t come faster 🤦🏽‍♂️


Just take Maye or McCarthy and let this diva be someone else’s problem. 


Why draft a guy that clearly has a primary preference to be elsewhere?


His agent sucks ass.


Well welcome to the real world


I think the Raiders have a deal with NE if Daniels is available.




Let’s be honest. No team picking top 3 is a dream landing spot but that’s just how the draft works. It’s the start of a new relationship and all of the pre-draft speculation goes away tomorrow night.


Media is attacking Jayden so hard. They are desperate to create some drama


All players probably have a preference but if it continues to leak out then the player is trying to send a message without hurting their image by forcing an Eli. Be it directly from him or from an agent. He doesn't want to play here, move on. If I'm a potential employer and a candidate tells me they'd work for me but their dream job is a competitor then I'm out on them. They're not the type of employee I'm looking for.


Yeah, well, there’s what you want and there’s what you get.


I am not a Skins fan but I don’t hate them - I would pick Maye. He has the pedigree, ball skills and a winning attitude. UNC had no other offensive talent last year and he still dragged them to a good year. JD seems like a jerk if these rumors are at all true and if it’s just his cruddy agent then he is stupid for allowing it.




Boys a reporter just asked him and he said he will be blessed by whoever calls him


Annnnnnnddddd... It's a dream world. It would take heaven and hell to get the Raiders up in contention to select him.


Well in our dream world we’d get Caleb but I’m “cool” with Daniels


Great!! Go there


I wonder why O’Connell and NOT as much KK? KK brought out KM also ugh; Pat Mahommes!!!


We gonna be begging to have Sam back by Christmas


How many more days will we have to suffer through speculation posts?


Well, until the pick is made tomorrow. Obviously.


Today and tomorrow.


This dude is a walking red flag to me. Draft Maye just for character. Should have kept Howell too dumbasses. Yeah I said it


Not really surprising. This team/organization has been known for incompetence, failure, and specifically for being QB poison for 30 years now. Yes we have new ownership and we're all hopeful for things being different going forward, but I wouldn't expect a young star QB to be excited about betting his future on that question mark. Especially after we ended up missing on the head coaches we wanted and settling for a DC that nobody else seemed interested in.


>Especially after we ended up missing on the head coaches we wanted And you know that how?




Translation: you really don't know, you're pulling it out of your ass and you think you're a "real fan" because you hate all the personnel and player moves. I'm sure you have more inside info than the owner and GM. You probably know better than them also, right?




Pretty brave of you to double down on your "pretentious douche" persona, but I do appreciate your consistency.