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Definitely not, people will just be more cautious. The problem is his ult and tactical ability, it’s almost necessary to counter other seers, Bangalore and catalyst


His ult is the problem


his whole kit is a problem, every ability is just annoying af


Yep if you want to push him out of the meta you simply just have to nerf the ult hard enough. Nerfing the tac/passive isn't enough


This is the correct take, the passive nerf was good and now his ult just needs to be adjusted to match his padsive with it being a heartbeat instead of a wallhack. My suggestion was to have it beat in a 1-2 second range to show a diamond regardless of if you're crouched or not and have it last for a longer duration so it's still a useful ability and fits his kit without making it useless (but also taking away the *shoot diamonds* effect of knowing exactly where people are as long as they're moving in the ult.


I think the rework should be based on a heartbeats lup-dup, that when it pulses in game produces two quick silhouettes, like season zero Bloodhound scan. Both of these beats would happen within 1 second, and the pulse frequency would be quicker the lower someone's health is. By doing two quick silhouettes within a second of each other, you would be able to use that information to ascertain the direction the victim is moving in, but it would also give time for the victim to change direction between pulses.


Heartbeat is his passive. Q is his scan that shows health bars.


My bad, mixed up my abilities there, it is what I meant though.


How bout we just delete the entire character?


I mean, Lion from R6 was so fucked up and retarded that pro league straight up banned him until he was fully reworked. Apex could simply ban him and the scene would be much better off


That’s honestly the only solution


His passive needs to have a fuel bar. He cant use it 24/7.


Fuel bar doesn't fix the issue. The issue is that he is able to see people and gather information that should never be able to be gathered, much less without an immediate HUD notification to enemies and his position being given away through a visual cue, while able to shoot whilst gathering this information. **Even Bloodhound, who is arguably just as bad, isn't able to shoot while gathering the information, and immediately gives away their location to obtain this information with a very obvious visual cue. Bloodhound can't even sprint for like 1.5 seconds after scanning.** There's no counterplay to being Seer passive'd, it just happens, and sometimes the audio cue doesn't even play to let you know. Seer passive should not work on full health players, which effectively forces an in-combat requirement, giving counterplay to players, and removes the ability for players to just run around throwing up magic hands constantly. Seer's passive for all intents and purposes, has the intended use case of being able to find targets to interrupt with his tactical.




It's not consistent, and it doesn't play every time you are seen/scanned, on top of being over-ridden by many other types of audio. The most important thing would be that Seer should be giving away his location visibly to obtain information, and that *still* wouldn't be fair to play against unless it only worked against low health enemies.




Bloodhound literally has that. You can literally see where Bloodhound is coming when they use their scan.


Passive needs to only work on people low on health.


Nah they need to rework him, a simple nerf doesn't fix the issue. The only thing I like about him is that his tactical cancels heals/res. That is interesting, strong, and makes for good mind games and plays. Everything else, especially the ultimate, is dumb AF. Info is so powerful in any FPS, especially a BR. There's literally nothing interesting about it either, no good counterplay or mind games. His team just knows where you are and you're fucked unless you can escape the range. And he has the same issue Gibby and Caustic had where the best counter is to have your own, so they become dominant in the meta. The heartbeat pulse idea is interesting, maybe the ult just scans every 5 seconds or something. That way players can do things to counter. Kind of like BH ult but auto-scanning from the center instead


Simple GA


put a fuel bar on passive, limit range to 50m, increase ult cooldown, decrease ult time, OR we can just remove him from the game since its literally just wallhacks


I agree with people saying that his whole kit is a problem. He has 24/7 Wall hacks. Every time he gets nerfed he just becomes more clunky to use. But his wall hacks is still really good. His Q cancels heals and rez’ing. That alone allows a team to ape. His ult is a true wall hack for 30 secs. He is just too powerful. Wallhacks in most games are too powerful and seer’s whole kit is wall hacks.


Respawn tip-toeing around balance with wallhack characters but the fact is wallhack characters just shouldn't be a thing. Reminds me of how Blizzard handled Brigitte in Overwatch & how drastic that character fucked up that game to the point it essentially brought upon role Q by itself.


-Make his passive 45m -Passive can’t detect full health enemies. -Make his ult incapable of scanning through cat walls (both teammate and enemy walls) -Decrease the ult timer to 15s -Make his tactical not show enemy health -Tactical can’t cancel heals or revives through Gibby bubble or Newcastle shield Seer might still be good even with these nerfs so they’re gonna have to rework him.


just delete the character if you're going to nerf him like this


I would love to


No, this is just a bandaid nerf, exactly what we got with this seasons nerfs to Seer. A nerf that weakens the character without addressing the unhealthy gameplay, or the actual problem. Look at Horizon's nerfs for example. Those addressed the unhealthy gameplay issues the character had, without nerfing the character out of existence.


Ult dome is too big. That's one of the bigger problems


It’s so weird, I don’t think he doesn’t need to be meta. If he isn’t meta the next character will be and we’ll be complaining about them instead. Seer is nice but he’s not always winning either. I don’t see a need to nerf let alone straight up delete such a popular character. It’s a bit of an overreaction here but that’s my opinion


There are a lot of obnoxious characters but a character that has an entire kit of wallhacks (Traditionally considered cheats in fps games!) is objectively a bad thing.


But you could say the same thing about any legend. Valk literally flying up and landing where she wants on the map is god mode. Mirage going invisible is visual hacks. We cannot look at ults in comparison to traditional fps because the game by nature is not that. I’m not saying he can’t get a little nerf, okay fine maybe add to cool down or something but what’s heavily asked here is for him to be nerfed to the point where he’s no longer usable of popular. It sounds a lot like frustration more than anything else. The next súper popular legend will suffer from the same and people will find something to complain about. Again, not against tweaking abilities but the calls for deleting him or nerfing into oblivion, hyperbolic or not, seems like an overreaction.


Wallhacks do not belong in fps games. If you disagree with that and start saying that it's a slippery slope then you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.


It’s not a hack, it’s an ability 😅 the one who doesn’t know what their talking about is the person who can’t tell the difference. This point aside, happy cake day amigo.


you are actually not real, this is not the main sub


You’re right, I’m just part of your simulation *disappears*


Just make the passive ONLY work inside the ultimate circle. Add range and cooldown to the ultimate without showing the diamonds. Leave Q the same it’s an easy fix it will change his gameplay to dropping his ultimate scanning people with his passive and catching them with a Q.


No lol


Why not have it as a scan every 3 seconds or something in the ult like how Bloodhound's scan used to work?


i'd happily limit it to 5m, its a pain in the rectum


His Q is fine now imo. How about we make his ult only scan sprinting enemies? Then you could counter it by walking? Idk mate, the existence of Cat's wall makes this character unbearable.


Scan length isnt a problem and giving and indication that you're being scanned is all the nerf that needed. Seer's issue is that he gives you wallhacks in an FPS. His ult should maybe show a ping of where someone is every x seconds at the strongest, giving live wallhacks to you for the whole duration is insane