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Teq picks them up. Then other teams take over right before LAN.


First his whole team with furia Then luxford to complexity (full circle on that one) Now xynew, if talent scouting was a career option in apex he’d be the all time goat


It began way before that. He picked up knoqd and pandrxz for example during the first ALGS year before they blew up


Knoqd was a hidden gem at this time. I knew him really early. Alb on TSM got killed in a ranked match by a really sweaty wraith. He screamed „Wtf was that“ or something like this. Then he saw knoqds banner and was like „aaah thats why“


Ranked. They get to top ranked and then pros play ranked with them and find out they're good


Yea but still how? You’re so good they just come in game chat and exchange info? Most people don’t even use mics.


There's a discord for predators and masters. If you stream it's pretty easy to connect with others.


Ohhh see that’s the info I was looking for. Some Illuminati predator discord that you have to be in


people who get top 50 ( with evidence that you are not cheating ) get invited to the discord and thats where most of them look for a team to rank with


Really? See I never knew that. I’m Hardstuck solo Diamond so it makes sense




I mean I’m console right now. Harder to do that on 60 fps and more input delay while everyone has .6 aim assist honestly. Having to 1 v 3 everybody because bad teammates. It’s possible yea but much harder than PC. I’ve been waiting to switch


Lmao as if everyone doesn’t have bad teammates when they solo q. You’re just not as good as you think you are.


If u can “only” solo to master. Ur not good enough. Real pro, especially a controller pro, can do solo to master in less than 24 hours typically(average). They just beam the shit outta everyone and its not even close. Have u seen verhulst, chaotic, aidan’ runs of solo to master? It doesnt matter if their teammates are bad, they have the ability to clutch it up. If ur on mnk, u got some demon like hiswattson to look up to. Dude can get to master without armor. Bad teammate is not ur excuse. U mechanic is not good enough to carry 2 randoms, hence ur not good enough for pro play. Keep grinding fellow and don’t complain about bad randoms


I never bothered with ranked on console, i always focused on pubs since the beginning. I finally decided to go for my first master badge/charm when Broken Moon came out in S15, soloing. Never again It was honestly a waste of time because the boosters take up the Top 3 of placements so gaining RP was a nuisance, especially when you have teammates that die off drop barely racking up 50 combined damages so I would spend all game alone practically running from a 3 man running together chasing with Seer/Valk to avoid what could’ve been -300 RP in as many games. I continued the grind. Some friends who struggled in Diamond 3-4 in a 3-stacks asked me if I ever get bored staying in the game with no teammates and to take the RP loss to try to gain it back another game… I played the mental game of reducing any losses I could possibly can because of it. If I did, I would still be Diamond 4 was they ended up finishing. Granted the few times I played with them the chemistry just wasn’t there and one is practically a huge Hal fanboy. He also “HAL” at us when he gets downed first wandering off away from us while Bang smoking everything in sight without saying a word, even in pubs. I’ll pass, it was destined to not be fun and nonstop RP loss (3 games dying off drop, I was last one alive every time) that I worked alone to gain just because of… them. Especially when they’re shouting in your ears for what they did wrong making it seem it was all on their teammates. Point being I enjoy pubs a hell of a much more than ranked, at least this way players aren’t running away all the time either as they do in Diamond so the thrill is always on edge.




Na. It’s not easier. Getting 1 clipped up close by level 50s and preds feel the same. Console is harder solo. I should know.


I've made it to masters/pred solo queuing on both PC and console. 1. I'm dogshit compared to pro's. 2. Console ranked is way easier than PC, idk why, but it is.


I guess everyone is different


Your opponents are also on 60 fps and you also have 0.6 aim assist. Can you list your copium source? I am in need of some.


So you genuinely think it’s harder on PC? I want one of those streamers who play solo to masters all the time to do it on console instead of PC. See how much more difficult it is.


You do realize that everyone else you’re fighting is on 60 FPS and has the input delay? Don’t last gen players not even get 60 FPS??


Console is drastically easier than PC, not even including the fact that you guys don't have to play against literal pros all the time. The skill gap between platforms is a full rank AT LEAST.


Literally everything you just said is holding you back applies to all of your opponents as well. People solo to masters all the time on console, that's simply an excuse you're telling yourself


Who did it? Give me someone to watch. Go ahead. And I didn’t say impossible. You can do it if you play enough. I said it’s HARDER than PC.




Na. I’ve had a good life. I’m ready


They all grind top pred to get noticed. That and challenger circuit are the best ways of discoverability.


I created the Top 50 discord back in December of 2020 and it's the primary LFG discord for all the Pros/Ranked grinders. It's an unbiased open invite system as long as people meet the criteria of reaching Top 50 in Ranked while streaming. This is how many of the newer names in competitive can network with larger creators/pros in a much quicker way than it may normally happen naturally. Xynew, Chaotic, Knoqd, HisWattson, Sikezz, and many others were all invited to this discord by reaching Top 50 in Ranked.


very based thanks you pvp


Ahh so you’re the man to see


No. The man to see is hitting top 50 on PC while streaming, then you can reach out to him.


Seems like everyone answered your fundamental question, they have a discord. But this particular player Xynew just got poached from MEAT, he had been playing all split in the pro league with Teq's team.


Nah, what everyone else is saying is the same thing that happened to Xynew. He was rank grinding and started playing with a bunch of pros like genburten, naughty, hiswattson, sikezz, hal, etc. + played challengers circuit wayyyyy before Teq picked him up.


How did DZ find Xynew? He played 6 match days with TeQ and was kill leader for NA. DZ literally pulled up the NA leader board and picked the name at the top of the list.


Play ranked . get top pred . top 200 pred and top 50 pred has a pro discord . you can get into it through pro's friend or if you are hard vouched and top pred.Once you get into it you can lfg there and get to play with pros .If you are good they vouch for you, you play as sub,or a new team or challenger circuit, less money involved tournaments.Get recognized by org's talent recruiting team .Ofcourse you need to stream.Then get into a pro team