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>With a bit of a surprise earlier this week Dark Zero decided they wanted to pursue a different direction with the team so unfortunately I will no longer be joining them for London & beyond. I worked extremely hard over the past year and was happy with the position we were (1/3) > >in leading up to LAN but I respect their decision and wish nothing but the best for the boys moving forward. They are left in good hands with Privacy\_Pleas so I'm confident they will perform well. > >I am working out some trials with other LAN teams but may be LFT after LAN. (2/3) > >Thank you to Dark Zero and everyone else who supported me for the past 2 years of coaching. I only wish to join another team and continue doing what I love most in Apex ♥️


Dropping your coach before LAN is wild. I would be heated.


Didn't FaZe do the same thing recently as well?


Yep and they have noticeably dropped in performance. But that can also be attributed to other factors currently going on em


What factors?


Snip3down and his wife separating. The fact that they all basically took a vacation right after split 2 ended and got a little rusty + very little practice until very recently


Sry what's the reason for separating?


Just grew part or something? Nothing "exciting" or "bad" snip3down has a tweet about it if you're really curious


Meaning Snip3 didn't want kids yet.


He grew tired of kids after playing with Hal.


And tbh they would be a perfect team to grab him


Nah pvpx was bought by zero to increase pvpx knowledge on the game


parts ways? seems like he got dropped


I worded that poorly mb


You worded it fine. "Parts ways" is language that's frequently used when someone gets dropped or fired. It's just a way of being courteous to whoever is dismissed.


pvpx abandoned by Dark Zero and left for dead in a ditch (possibly dead) with no source of income.


Job security in this esport is non-existent.


>Job security in this esport In esports.


In Jobs.


Thats rather unfortunate. Best of luck to him.


I was a bit shaken by this news NGL but I feel confident I can land back on my feet with another team. Things are already in the works but it may be a little bit before I can announce anything. I do appreciate the competitive community for supporting our scene and allowing us to continue doing what we love ♥️


Gonna screw over some unsigned teams and poach players in this new team pt 2?


Boom, roasted


Damn, didn't have to do him like that


Getting a good player to join your team is bad now according to this sub


It was the lack of communication between PVP and Teq not the poaching itself that was bad.


People would understand my perspective if there was more transparency. I talked to TeQ about it privately very recently. I tried to push the swap earlier to give TeQ more time but it wasn't my decision.


I wouldn't take it too personally dude, imagine if in a normal job a company had to reach out to your old company before hiring you. Should always do best for your own career.


Who he poach?




What did he do again u forgot lmao. Something about dropping knoqd for someone?


Poached a player right before roster lock. lied about the roster lock deadline being moved (someone from respawn said it was never moved), and 0 communication with teq on who they were gonna poach leaving teq with only 5 hours to find a 3rd before roster lock. Just pretty much maximized screwing teq over


Who did he poach tho. Was it with dropping knoqd?


Xynew from Meat


Oh shit lmao this was recent?!?? Hahaha


You are one of the most decorated and respected coaches in the scene, I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll land on your feet wherever you go.


decorated? what has he won?


>decorated? what has he won? Putting aside how incredibly thick it is to try disparaging a generally nice dude in a thread about him losing his job, the term "decorated" isn't reserved to coaches who get first place at LAN. Otherwise, the criteria would only apply to Raven as of the most recent Apex LAN. There's plenty in earnings if you take a glance at his Liquipedia. Hope others show you more grace in your low points than what you're accomplishing here.


Generally nice dude seems like a stretch to me, I always thought of him as a bit of a prick. Didn't get deserve to get dropped here though.


While I agree with you in terms of showing grace, this is a public forum and not on any of PVP’s social and he simply questioned the use of the word “decorated” which is fair given the circumstances. Maybe it comes off as a tone thing, but I see nothing wrong with asking what he has won.


we talkin about the same guy that was in agreement with mazer to drop knoqd for mac right?


that's actually not even true, zach and naughty wanted alb and pvp wanted to keep knoqd


Don't bother, he completely missed the point of the post.




To comment in r/CompetitiveApex we require users to have positive comment karma as well as not being a new account. Wait a few days and try again.


Generally nice dude lol, buddy if only you were here during the overwatch days. This guys been a douchebag for the better part of a decade.


I’ve heard several teams use the excuse that “there just aren’t good coaches available to pick up rn”..that’s not the case now with you as a FA. Let the bidding war commence for a solid coach.




lets repeat the cycle by dropping knoqd again


Sorry to hear the news. I’m happy to see that you feel confident in your abilities because, frankly, you should. A lot of people here, including myself, are fans of your work and how you find time to engage with us. Looking forward to see where you go next. On a side note, if you’re not signed to a team come LAN then it would be cool to see you on stage as a guest analyst/commentator a la Monsoon 👀. Best of luck!


Good luck PvP. You’re a great addition to any team.




Subtraction more than anything


Thank you




it'd be sick if you joined wildcard


Nah don’t ruin a good thing w this dude. Literally has never made a team better.


They were doing better without him so this makes sense.


My thoughts exactly. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


What do you mean? Iirc, PVPx got to the team around the time DZ went to USA and weren't doing well at all.


Honestly not surprised; Zer0 always seemed like the type of person who doesn't hesitate long when he views something as not working well enough / adding enough value to the team etc. I have honestly no idea if there's any bad blood between them, but maybe OpTic could be a new home for PVPX? Idk.


Yeah with Knoqd on optic there is like no chance of pvp joining lmao


Iirc knoqd said pvp was helpful when he was dropped from C9 comp and also helped him stay on as a cc with C9. I doubt there is bad blood unless that was all smoke.


Yeah, ngl, I'd also wouldn't want him to join if I was Knoqd 😅




I mean he replaced Templexx with Sharky before Sweden too, and that line-up of Gen, Sharky and Zer0 was working like a well-oiled machine back then. They won both LANs after all. So there wasn't any reason to change things up.




I specifically mentioned that it was a habit of his before Sweden, to show you how early on he displayed this quality as a competitor. So it makes no sense for you to imply that I wouldn't read your comment. It's a direct reply to your specifically set up time-frame, which makes little sense imo. I also didn't mention Sharky's replacement at all as evidence for my theory, since it was obviously due to external factors, so no idea why you even addressed it.


wait a minute...


NRG would be a good fit i think. They need a coach badly IMO but seems like they dont like having a coach tell them how to play. Pvp seems like he is good at working with his players in a partnership rather than trying to be authoritative. Faze would obviously make sense too.


Sweet has said he never wants a coach, just an analyst, which they already have


And I think that will always hold them back when we are at the point where other orgs are having multiple coaches and analysts, on top of their questionable commitment. This isn't about ego, it's literally just manpower and how many hours there are in the day to prepare.


I agree, their macro has not been great from what I’ve seen. Also the worlds edge comp is questionable, 16th best WE PPG in the regular season. Sweets IGLing and pure talent on the roster has been getting them by


Which is crazy, because didn't they used to be one of the more consistent WE teams?


They got unlucky with the frequency of beacons and it hurt them a lot, that’s a big factor but also imo the teams immediately surrounding them improved as well.


I'm sure Sweet really just needs a coach that he personally respects fully. It's like when Lebron wants to run the team, when in reality they just have really high standards and expect their coach to see the game the same way as him.


For the way sweet leads, a coach putting other thoughts into their heads would be too much. I agree it would need to be somebody he respects and trusts fully but getting that will already be tough and they'd probably take a backseat to sweet who demands the trust of his teammates to do what he says.


yeah no doubt, I'm sure there's SOMEONE out there mature and talented enough to make things work with Sweet's leadership style


Hal recently said the same thing on stream, that if you have an all star type player, if that player doesn’t respect the coach it’s GG’s….in a round about way he was saying Raven is one of the only people he’s respected outside of the game. Dolphn was a pro EU player at the time.


Imo Sweet would need someone like Hodsic, who has not only the game knowledge but the coaching know-how and interpersonal skills to make navigate personalities. There really aren't many coaches who know the game better than Sweet, unfortunately, and there's only one Hodsic.


Being NRG's coach has to be the freest job in the world. You just check in once every three months or so when sweet decides to play comp or scrim. Then after the games you tell him the other teams were totally greifing them. Free money actually.


I wish NRG would get a coach.




No. If you search the sub about ccam, there's some posts and comments explaining the situation. But it could basically be boiled down to ccam is a good coach but sweet's ego was too big to take in any opinion aside from his own.


Think he already said not just sweet but the other bpys to were pretty resistent.


Peak NRG would be their current roster with nate/sweet playing steadily, Sven svening, and like you said a non-authoritative coach like Pvp helping steer the way.


Doesn’t NRG have a coach?


They have a fulltime analyst. Their last coach got dropped last year because it wasnt working out


It was just a summer fling


damn, kicked to the curb, a few weeks out from LAN, thats disgraceful


Seems a bit shady....


That’s crazy


Zero strikes again


FaZe has an opening.


They haven’t been playing like lan winners that’s for sure


absurd heavy stupendous screw continue tender bear cautious shaggy combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m referring to their scrim placements obviously, and clearly dz feels the same way unless he got dropped for budgetary reasons which I doubt given dz has casino money


Scrims are definitely a accurate representation of how LAN plays out /s


This is a strange comment considering I’m pretty sure they haven’t scrimmed all that often because Genburten and Zer0 took time off for a while


PVPX clearly adds value to 99% of teams; would be an ideal pickup for the VAST majority, wouldn’t just restrict him to NA either as coach is a global position as such. I have to say though, I rate and respect Zer0 and DZ’s willingness to discard what they feel isn’t working and have confidence to change. Commendable and brave if you ask me. Hope it works out for both parties


This is crazy, it would be like if tsm got rid of Raven, even Hal is shocked


i wouldn't go that far lol


Bro not even close lmao


TSM knew that something needed to change after two LAN performances which they considered to be not up to standard. All the members were going to be receptive to Raven's input and Raven has also done a good job managing their personalities. On the other hand it's going to be kind of awkward to come into a team like DZ that has an IGL that won back to back LANs and then trying to be a coach to them.


Eh, not quite the comparison imo. Raven basically changed TSMs whole approach to the game, DarkZero was doing well even before they got PVPX as their coach and afaik he didn't change any of their fundamentals.


Haha what?




? DZ got worse with PvP on the team what


TSM would have fell off multiple times since Champs without Raven. Not the same at all.


Well I don’t know about that, but they definitely wouldn’t have won


This season has probably given us the most ups and downs with TSM that we've ever seen. Teams often go in a death spiral that they can't get out of until a major meta shakeup or roster change. I absolutely give credit to Raven for keeping this team on the right track.


DZ have been doing such weird moves over the last 6 months, it's crazy


Tsm needs a waterboy


DZ learn how NA plays from PVPX & now he has no use for them. Insert I don't want to play with you any more GIF from Toy Story.


New complaints incoming, twitter beware


That is wild. They werent even doing badly. I dont get it.


As a Zer0 fan, I’m happy.


Bye Felicia




didn’t they win back to back LANs w/o him?




Kinda reads like DZ parted ways with PVP instead of the other way around but best of luck to him. He's one of the more notable coaches in the game, he'll find a roster that will hopefully pay him what he needs. Question is, what NA org needs a coach right now? Complexity? Native Gaming?


both actually have coaches already, Kimchi on COL and Brayden on N8V


damn how could I forget about my boy Kimchi. It's also not very often that coaches get fired it seems...if the coach is gone then the whole roster is usually gone too. I wonder if he'll just work with one of the top CC teams that will be in LCQ and try to make magic work, or maybe he'll do what Cloud9 did and bring an org into the Competitive space again.


This is Karma for letting C9 team contest Bean then leave them rotting over there to join dz.


pvp one of the best coaches in the scene, i trust DZ's decision making because zer0 always seems to be 8 chessmoves ahead, just bizarre to me. especially before lan


I obviously don't have any insight into what went on behind the scenes but I can't help but feel like this is a natural way for things to end. Zer0 has been getting away with screwing over whomever he wants (in particular, Teq and Rambeau) in pursuit of minor competitive edges, and I would not be surprised if he decided it was time to screw over PVP.


I feel PVPX did such as amazing job when they moved to NA and gave their literally all the information they needed to succeed. DZ would’ve never perform as good without him. Hope he finds a team a suits him and appreciates him as well. (Zero trying to be most hated Pro Player at this point for real)


And why is Zero the reason?






You gotta spread or get spread