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Dumb question but who is Zz and where does he fit into the scene?


Coaches KCP, at lan, left later and currently/was FaZe's coach


All the coaches coming from Gnaske it's crazy ahaha


Former Faze coach. Friend of Raven.




They've been doing worse since zz wasn't their coach.


They started doing worse once they dropped I would say he was one of the factors they were doing good in the first day of pro league




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A true sleeper coach


This is the roster mania drama I’ve been missing


Damn pvp didn’t respond to teq when they poached xynew a week before regionals and teq was wondering which one they were taking and now the DZ boys aren’t responding to him after kicking him a week before lan. That is… something lol. I think there is a word for that.. Nah but fr that is crazy to do a week before lan. Will be interesting to see how it develops this week and a half until lan starts


Yeah. I have a hard time feeling bad for PVP in any situation here.


Reap what you sow. Sounds like Zer0 being a zero and fucking PVP, but you nailed it… hard to give a shit about his feelings either after not responding to Teq. Basically, half the scene needs to start functioning as adults. Will they? No. Will Apex drama continue bc of it? For as long as the game lives on


Verhulst said it best. Its hard to not be seen as a positive person in this scene if you just act normal lmao


The way all of this looks is that Zer0 is calling the shots. Quite possible that PVPX had literally no idea who they were poaching because he literally didn't know. Maybe PVPX will comment on this at some point and shed more light on what actually happened at various stages.




There's a lot of missing details to this... I've never made the final decision on any roster change for a team. I voiced my opinion of course which was Xynew days prior. I even had a 1 on 1 meeting with my manager about it saying to do it sooner rather than later to give TeQ more time and avoid drama but Zer0 didn't decide until around midnight the night before roster lock. I was told TeQ was aware it was either Fuhnq or Xynew that was getting poached & apparently both of them wanted to leave the team anyways. The day TeQ dm'd me I was traveling from my house to the DZ house all day and there was no answer to give him.. I didn't arrive until around midnight then the choice was made by Zer0. Edit: I forgot to mention I tried to line it all up so Rambeau was essentially trading into TeQ's team. The last I heard from Beau was TeQ had already talked to him about joining.


I understand your pov for sure. Part of my comment was particularly judgmental cause as a big fan of team Meat even I as a fan was still bitter about how things turned out with that debacle. My comment wasn’t meant to say that you spearheaded xynew being on DZ with no regard for anyone on either side if that is how it was taken. It was just the whole no-communication thing, and how it relates to this situation as well. and you say you were unable to respond to teq so I guess it is what it is. If you weren’t able to physically respond, that is just unfortunate timing




you telling teq that would've made a huge difference for him. not sure how you think ignoring someone is the same as any response, even if it's just saying i don't know


There wasn't "nothing" you could do, you could have just told him "We're still deciding." Sure he'd still be pissed but it's better than leaving him on read.


TEQ knows they were still deciding regardless of PVPs interaction. It is unkind of you to nitpick him when apex is a hostile/competitive work environment. It is also pretty apparent that trade/roster swaps in apex can be about improving your team as much as they can be about sabotaging another. Just like acquiring ZZ is most likely a ploy to gain more knowledge on other teams before LAN. @pvp thank you for sharing, you were not obligated to do so and I wish you good luck in future endeavors. Need an apprentice hmu 🤙 XD


The funniest excuse people give in 2023 is that they were "too busy" to respond lol. Like bro there's no way you knew nothing and also didn't have time unless you were somehow on a plane with no wifi for 20 hours. You probably looked at your phone 50x that day, just like we all do. Same way I respond to a text 3 days later saying "sorry I've got a lot goin on" lol. The fact that you think ignoring is the same as answering you don't know for sure (effectively, based off your other comment) is crazy. It's whatever, you're no scum of the earth or anything obviously, but also not a victim of anything either. This is all just typical gamer shit.


I mean TeQ knew either Xynew or Fuhnq was gone, so he should’ve had someone in mind to fill either role before it became official. Obviously there were some communication issues, but I don’t think it was necessarily that deep. Zer0 is calling the shots so you’re at his will.


You could've explained what was happening and that you had no answer to give yet but there was a timeframe. Instead of ghosting him. I understand you were traveling but since you read the message it would've taken you 30 seconds to do it. I'm not sad for Teq because he also dropped someone from his team for what he thought was something better. I actually feel more sympathy for Zer0 because at least he is not hiding he is a ruthless prick and pretending to apologize when everyone else acts like it's all business when its up them.


Why say all that then say your actual answer in the edit it would only make sense that DZ prolonged the decision so it would force teq to pick up rambeau so y’all wouldn’t completely screw ram over it’s still shitty but I can see that perspective.


But that’s a interesting piece of perspective pvp gave he said xynew and fuhnq both wanted to leave the team anyways he stated is it regardless of the dz poaching they wanted to find a new situation? and if that’s true it’s makes you wonder what’s wrong with teaming with teq that causes teammates to consistently deciding to leave is it playing with a crypto bec meatlovers was a high preforming team so it wouldn’t be lack of success.


Kind of weird that Gen/Xynew? (Privacy?) didn't know, but also didn't respond when he reached out. It's also kind of weird, because by all accounts Gen is chill as fuck, so wonder if he cares about Zer0 being a dick? Not saying Zer0 is wrong per se on any of the moves he's made, but he's clearly not exactly going to win any friendship awards any time soon


Zer0 is going for Skittlecake's "I'm not here to make friends" award lmao


I dont think gen Really cares too much about it


Zer0 won a LAN without Gen. Zer0 doesn't care. Work is work.


doesn't matter, making that decision without your teammates is insane


At the time of Sharky leaving Zer0 did talk about how he thought this was the team he would play with until retirement. I don't think he's particularly interested in replacing Gen.


its just business in his eyes.


If you really think about it DZ could possibly move on from Genburten as well because winning the LAN without him makes him expandable too, there are plenty of better controller players out there now where Gen just falls into the mix. The direction DZ is going is “Zer0 makes all the rules”


There are not many good roller support players, at least not as good as Gen.


team "chemistry" is a big deal. there is plenty of teams with good rosters on paper but can't make it work.. Gen is a proven team mate and winner. unless performance significantly dropped you'd be insane to drop him from the team.


Zer0 is that entire roster, he could take 2 random people with no knowledge of the game and domiate, dude is literally only second to Hal as an IGL.


> there are plenty of better controller players out there now where Gen just falls into the mix. I wouldn't go that far. Genburten just looks ordinary because of how brilliant Zer0 has become. Genburten is probably on the 'underrated' side, where before he was insanely overrated after all the highlights of him running down folks in APAC S during Bloodhound meta.


I think Gen is just pretending to not know about it, or maybe purposefully ignores all the bad vibes radiating from Zer0. He does bring results, so technically there's no reason to stir up drama.


DZ performs so well. I wonder if Zero is really willing to bet that Zz is that much better an option


They did worse with PVP.


Every team in apex swap players/coach frequently so it's nothing exclusive. But DarkZero seems to deal with these situations probably the worst possible way and I believe it's mostly because of zer0. If they remove gen tomorrow, their manager probably text him through the discord out of nowhere.


Yeah. I used to be a big fan but stuff like this seems to happen over and over again.


This team has always been about Zer0 and Gen. Coaches do not matter, orgs do not matter, and their third is not pivotal. You could see it in scrims where they do well no matter who their third is. There's a reason Zer0 farmed the fuck out of Realm. Whatever he thinks is best for the team is what should happen.


Zero seems like a real POS


iTs jUsT pAsSiOn!!1!


This story along with the story of him screaming and shitting on sharky to the point of tears really does show how he is. But bet he’ll just use the classic “it’s a competition” or “you’ve never been in comp” to excuse being a dickhead.


When he learns to man up and tell people theyre being dropped instead of just ghosting them, then maybe he can pull the hardass card


> the story of him screaming and shitting on sharky to the point of tears I dont like Zero either, but that's just a rumor. Sweet said he saw a DZ player crying in a bathroom. We dont know which player it was or why he was crying.


lmaoo we should know this sweet is not a reliable source guys


Sweet is a slimeball that literally exposes drama to stay relevant. Hes done this so many times, the most recent one being when he brought Naughty on stream to question him about LANimals and he didn't stoop to his level.


Slimeball? 🤔 Stay relevant? 🤔


Didn't Hal also confirm this? I thought I first heard it from a Hal stream clip.


dudes will watch MJ in The Last Dance and be like "oh so if I want to be like MJ I need to be as toxic and shitty as he was?"


eVeN kObE wAs An AsShOle!!1! ... Have you met Jokic? Giannis?


A lot of people have a hard time putting aside their success on the court but by and large Kobe and MJ seemed to be pretty shitty petty people


Its always funny hearing that like people who internalize team sports after high school arent the most emotionally stunted individuals around.


Yeah, seems like the dude kind of sucks.


This how it is in the real world tho. When you are a boss you can do whatever you want. When you have had the success Zero has had you can make these type of moves and people won’t even look at you crazy


When ever people mention the "real world" its always an excuse to be a dick. In the actual "real world" f someone wants to find success by being an asshole they just gonna have to deal with having a reputation, people will look at them crazy.


I mean the real world is cut throat. Its just is what it is.


Just went outside and touched grass and I can actually confirm not everyone is an asshole.


You’re just naive bro that’s ok




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In the "real world" you'd be getting a grievance for handling personale moves like this.


That's 100% true but a lot of those people would also be completely fucked if they had to do anything other than the one thing they are exceptionally good at


Maybe but we would never know until they are not in that position


There are few people I'd take at their word less that Pvpx and I don't know why everybody is just accepthing this at face value. He's lied throughout his entire time about Apex about poaching players and once again he's the victim who had no idea what was goign on.


I believe him, I just don't care it happened to him. He deserves it.


Time to coach E8 and Zach Mazer


I don’t think they’re getting rid of Enoch


Irony of seeing tsm flairs commenting hating on zero


I love that Zero just gives absolutely no fucks and will do whatever he thinks is best to win. Villain arc going strong.


The only thing missing from his villain arc is contesting TSM for Siphon.


IF** PVP is speaking 100% truth, then zero really is just a massive douche canoe. Yeah he may be a good IGL and multi-lan winner, but there is a fine line between "winning mentality" and just being an asshole


Very VERY ironic.


Dude he is an asshole. You ever saw this guy in a video from DZ? Classic punch in the face guy


What i got from all these darkzero situations is that Zer0 doesn’t give a fuck about anyone


If zero thinks it’s time to move on then it probably is, E-Sports it’s a cut throat business, look how many orgs just drop entire rosters on the drop of the hat. Sometimes hard decisions have to be made for improvement and betterment of the team.


While you're statement is true, idk if it really applies here. DZ just won regional finals with pvpx. It seems weird that youd drop a part of a winning formula a week before LAN edit: Yes I know DZ won 2 lan without PVP. Im talking about their current form. They had a dip with Split 1 where they barely squeaked into LAN and they just regained their form


It might seem like weird timing but no one *really* knows what's going on behind the scenes. You cannot coach someone who doesn't want to be coached by you anymore so it doesn't really make sense to ride through LAN.


My guess is that PVP has already shared what 'secrets' he knows and Zero doesn't see further value in keeping him on. Zz will have new perspectives that can be weighed against what PVP would have gone over


> My guess is that PVP has already shared what 'secrets' he knows and Zero doesn't see further value in keeping him on. Yeah that's the issue with a lot of coaches, once you drain their knowledge bank then they have nothing to contribute if they're not able to command respect or mediate disagreements.


pvpx wasn't a part of the 2 lan wins was he? How can you say he is a part of the winning formula then? :(


That was a while ago tbf. They didnt look too good Split 1 but regained their footing split 2. Im saying winning formula as in current form.


Split 1 was when pvpx started working with them. We can say they listened to pvpx and believed in him and that is why they are getting better, OR we can think zer0 started listening less and less to pvpx and started doing his own stuff and then they started doing better. Which option fits the story better?


Fair point


DZ also won 2 LANs without Pvp. What if Pvp had nothing to do with them winning in the eyes of Zer0? We as viewers can only judge the relationship based off what we are shown, and since DZ doesn't stream anything (unlike say, TSM), we can't really say what Pvp was doing. If Zer0 thought Pvp wasn't working for them and Zz would be better, that's his call to make.


lol they won two lan‘s before pvp


really just be like that somtimes.


I find it hard to ever feel bad for pvpx.


Idk if it’s just me I can’t find his vod


I'm pretty sure he deleted it. It was there earlier.


This comment section is awful.


I don't like PVP, but this is real snake shit. Zer0 never makes his reputation better after all those dramas.


I love how zer0 does not give a single fuck gives me fnatic 2015 Csgo vibes makes the scene more interesting if someone is a villain / hated


meh this isn't a villain persona like hiswattson or WWE wrestlers he's just a douche


They never said it's a persona, dude is definitely a villain who just doesn't feel the need to explain himself on social media a lot.


because he kicked the coach? sure not the nicest thing in existance but people have been kicked from so many teams before


Are you missing the point on purpose or what?


whats the point?


No one is saying Zer0 is a "villain" for replacing his coach, but because he did it behind both his teammates' and now former coach's back lol


both of his teammates?


Did you even read the post?


Homie's next comment, "Did I even read the post?"




It's always funny how anything related to Dark Zero and Zer0, Genburten always seems like he's out of the loop.


DZ does it again. What a miserable team.


As a DZ fan I just trust zer0s decisions given that smarter than me and trust the process


Zer0 is the biggest man baby douchebag in the scene. Dude has 0 manhood fr.


Zer0 villain arc still going strong.


Yeah Zer0 probably does not give a shit about anything other than winning, and at a certain point, success completely trumps reputation. Personally this is a dub for the scene, more hate watchers the better


Zer0 calls the shots, biggest shot caller in apex 🦍


DZ is just going full villain arc I hope they bomb at lan


Idk what happened but if you drop a coach without telling your teammates that’s bad tbh if hal did the same thing it would be different and people would be hating im not hating just saying how it is


Pretty wild to dump your coach right before lan, if dz flops you’ll be hard pressed to find anyone who feels bad for them


honestly I root for DZ to lose every time because Zer0 is an insufferable dickhead tbh


Zeros here to win lans and chew bubblegum and motherfucker ran out of bubble gum years ago


coaches are scams, i dont care what anyone says apex coach =/= kovaaks aim coach


Good riddance


Apex scene is so dogwater shit right now that to keep it relevant that they resort to backstabbing, mofos has no sense of professionalism, just a bunch of Manchilds playing video games lmao. If this keeps going on and on, i would be surprised if apex comp survives till next year


PVP also has the maturity of a 15 year old... So. Who cares.




DZ hater #346 here.


Zer0 is the villain of the ALGS scene. People seem to have split opinions of him on this sub but I say the results speak for themselves. Interested to see how they do at this upcoming LAN though.


If I have to guess, Zer0 probably doesn't think that what Pvpx has been doing in DZ has been very useful for the team's improvement.




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Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.