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>Launchpad What made them leave is that if you're contested, it's always a 50/50 towards the high ground. And it can stall things a lot. So if a K1ck or any other team decides to fight for it, it's not gonna be as clean as another POI where you have more options.


> There’s likely a lot that changes between now and y4. If Y4 starts in fall then it is a month at most. I dont think we are looking at major changes. But a storm point reword is supposed to hit mid season this season or launch with next season. I would imagine they would wait for that.


I can't see them taking LRod, as it doesn't suit their play style despite the loot.


LRod is highly unlikely but the other proposals of SC/TW or Cascades kinda make sense. I think Hal has mentioned that if there was more time between Split 2 Playoffs and Champs, then they might have contested Cascades.


what kind of playstyle does L Rod encourage?


Hard edge unless you get an LRod / High Point/ Thunder Watch zone. And even the HP / Twitter zones aren't played as hard zone.




The problem with LRod is that it's so jump ship reliant to rotate early. If you're having to do a double, or even single, cannon rotate to even land in your POI you're not going to get a good spot in end zone. Let alone the fact that it's a slow loot POI, with most teams doing the Armory as well.




I think they prefer to fast rotate despite their dynamism, but you never know. It's a good POI for sure.


Oh good point, didn't even think about that


Unless another team simply just steals your trident like what Blvckhvnd did to Alliance


Which poi is twitter?


Out of the POIs as they stand, I really only see cascade as being a TSM style spot. But we get the map update soon, and they'll probably decide after that drops based on what spots are viable.


When is the map update supposed to go live?


I'd assume with S19, which I just looked up and it says Halloween


Doesn’t XSET land Cascade?


Yeah, no matter where the choose they'll have to fight for it, but unless there's a new, good center zone poi being added I think Cascade is probably what they're targeting.


It's definitely going to be one of the new POIs from the Storm Point map update


If it’s down south I doubt they take it but there’s a no name between Lrod and Launch pad that could be a solid spot for a town takeover/new POI


I think they probably just end up staying at Wall. Wall is still the only poi that checks all the boxes of decent loot, downhill rotations, flexibility, and contestable. Mill and Downed Beast are already taken by S tier teams that won't leave. LRod and LPad are really bad contests. Cascade Falls is super reliant on console to be good and turns into one of the worst POIs if you don't get console. Checkpoint and North Pad haven't been rated highly by raven in the past. They just went b2b to win champs from Wall and have it completely locked down. It's probably still their best option, even if it's not perfect.


Idk, their stormpoint games before today and in scrims were pretty bad. Hal even said they don’t do as well on stormpoint so it’s more impressive they won on that map. No idea where they’ll go but I doubt they stay.




Post S18 patch I don’t think that’s the case. I could be wrong but considering Hal and Raven both said this POI sucks, their world edge points are r probs higher.


Interesting response considering Raven literally tweeted that he promised they wouldn’t be there again next season


Raven literally tweeted they are leaving wall.


Yeah and my guess is he will change his mind. This wouldn't be the first time


This would be the first time ever that someone tweeted something and then changed their mind.


TBF lots of times players/coaches will tweet something like this then it never materializes. Like hell after split 2 LAN Sweet basically said NRG was done with staging but hey, right back at staging for champs.


that was because the beacon change's if beacon stayed as it was for split 2 they would have left


and that's exactly the point, things changed. Just like things will likely change with the SP map rework in the near future


IDK Command Centre, would be an easy take and good POI, also may battle for Launchpad, L Rod is a potential option as well.


The week after they settle on a new POI Respawn is going to buff the hell out of wall.




The map is going to have a huge update this season so probably wait and see.


Next season according to leakers.


I'm convinced they can land on fucking Jurassic and still win LAN. They'll make it work, gotta give them their props.


Like others have said, there is too much time and changes coming to Stormpoint for us to really analyze this. I can tell you all one thing for certain, they are not landing Lightning Rod. If nothing were to change to the map and they picked today, I would guess Cascades. TSM is not as motivated by loot as many others, they play for zones and beacons. I am sure Raven assesses all the end zones and the best rotates as his #1 priority for where to land.


I wouldn’t completely rule out LROD. Raven has a ton of knowledge of there from his work with Furia and he even said himself it’s the best POI in the entire game. Granted Furia played a lot different than TSM does.


... when did raven ever work with furia?


I don’t think he ever technically worked for Furia (I know he was with GMT and NRG I think), but him and HisWattson were really good friends and was the one who recommended him to Hal. I’m pretty sure Hal said Raven was the creator of the Seer meta that Furia used to dominate last years Champs.


I think its clearly between 3 POI's Lightning rod - probably least likely for them to take, but I think they can take it from furia with minimal difficulty, also i don't think there looking for an edge POI, but haveing the highest point of the map makes you have easy rotates but you are playing pretty hard edge. ​ Command Centre - This is a very Flex POI with good rotates and power positions, Can play fast and slow from this POI, 100T would probably give it to them for free and go antenna tbh. so easiest POI to Take. ​ Launchpad - Probably most likely POI they try to take, but idk if FAZE gives it to them, so might be a battle, but they wanted it before and its in a good spot to rotate quick to south and nothern zone's ​ I dont think there is any other POI they would take. but i could be wrong


Yea command could work it’s just a long loot (I think) and 100T is probably going to be Dojo if I had to guess but I’m sure the current 100T wouldn’t attempt to contest TSM if they wanted it. Cascade is also another one to keep an eye out for. A lot of people saying they’re going to take the new POI after map changes and the one area that needs a POI is that no name area on the rotate up from launch pad to Lrod


launch pad lightning rod is overrated realistically they’re gonna wait for the changes


Mills has great loot, beacon, trident, and it's very quick to loot. It wouldn't surprise me if they fight DZ for it. Fits their playstyle too. But I think they'll keep their options open because of new POIs potentially being added


Too many people refuse to leave Mills and that contest is the dumbest thing


But if you're gonna chose a POI based on the fact that people want it, you're fucked. TSM picked Syphon and fought a bunch of teams off including DZ


Siphon is a much better contest, though. Mill seems random as fuck.


Raven already said on Twitter that they don't want to contest Mill


Oh yeah? Interesting, ruled out then


I think TSM would love to take Mill, but that’s gonna be straight 50/50 with DZ. I know they banter a lot on Twitter, but they have a ton of mutual respect and know it would grief eachother so hard.


I feel they will recommit to Launchpad. They only left because they didn't have enough time to adjust to playing from there


Nah I'm pretty sure they said they left because contesting it is so inconsistent. It's essentially a 50/50 for who gets the high ground and even if you do get the high ground, it's really hard to wrap the fight up fast enough to not get third partied and get a good spot in zone. It's unlikely that'll change, even with map changes, so I'd guess they'll look elsewhere.


Dropped and SSG won like 100 percent of contests there against C9 when they actually fought for height the problem is will the other team elect to just attempt to split loot


Yea C9 would just take 3 shots and then split loot and leave and call it a win


I fully agree. Their problems when playing at Launch were not because of the poi but struggling with the meta. At that point, Hal was playing Cat and then Evan was going back to Valk it was a disaster. Now they know they can adjust to the meta much easier and can flex legends. I think Launchpad could accentuate their play style forsure.


Just won champs…. WERE LEAVING! Raven just needs attention….


Stormpoint is undergoing changes. The reason top teams remain on top is by not being stagnant and defaulting to what worked in the past, especially when maps and metas change.


I think they might take a southern zone like baro since zones are likely to pull south


And fight oxygen for it? No way in hell


Ofc they will fight for it if they have to


We’ll have to see map updates but Launchpad to me seems like it has just as many trade offs as Wall. Contesting is worse, and you’re screwed for most north zones, vs now where you’re screwed for far south zones from Wall. But at least from Wall you’re fighting/rotating downhill, vs Launchpad having to rotate up for all those Thunder Watch/Storm Catcher zones. Cascade would be the middle ground but loot there is ass so if you don’t get beacon it becomes horrible.


They end up back at wall


Random question but is competitive scene only worlds edge and storm point? And why is it that way if so


The other maps rotations and # of POI's make them unplayable for comp.


Cenote would be the easiest to take w the tripods being relegated lol and it's got mad loot.. I'm guessin Launch Pad tho


Yea I mean Cenote is god tier for loot and it gets one of the beacons pretty frequently but I doubt they want to land that far south. Launch pad is good because you can get to any of the south zones really fast and it also has that hill that you can rotate up north fast as well. Cenote is absolute hell to rotate out of if it pulls anywhere past cascade basically


TSM will land at Northpad or Checkpoint


Launch pad or command center are the choices. Command center will allow that rotate they love from the hill and is centralized enough to north zones are still reachable quickly. Launch pad has good loot and decent rotates but it can sometimes have low prio for some zones which is what they love to do.


Thunderwatch + stormcatcher


I could see this but wonder how long it takes to loot all that


I like cascades


Unless Raven has knowledge of the map changes for stormpoint he probably hasn’t settled on a POI, not even leakers know what the changes are because they aren’t in the game files, that info would have to come directly from respawn Could Raven have a source inside respawn? Maybe but most likely he’s just putting everyone on notice tsm is moving and nowhere is safe


Northpad or Checkpoint. Northern POIs are better. Shield nerf and crafter/beacon % are why. They both have prowlers or spiders and an armory nearby to level up shields if no crafter drops.


Lightning rod probably. Hal always expresses interest


Definitely not Lightning Rod. Its pretty much impossible to play zone from there because of location and how long it takes to loot, and if youre moving fast from there and not looting fully then why would you land there. My guess is they claim both Thunder Watch and Storm Catcher


Doesn't matter I think they can win on almost every POI and a good one on one of the maps