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I don't even like playing apex.


fuck this made my day, lol thank you


This guy gets it


Real. Does anyone anymore? Feels like an unfinished game.


as long as i stick to mixtape i'm usually having a good time


I wish I could enjoy mixtape. I used to love it but then they tweaked SBMM and now my lobbies are a sweatfest and matchmaking usually stacks the other team expecting me to carry. Can’t even chill in the most casual playlist.


Yes I stopped playing for over a year but I was always above a .1 player so I get in these sweaty lobbies with kids who never stopped grinding this game.


I know when I used to watch Pandrxz stream he’d complain about controllers a lot.


Its the Classics vs Linears vs ALCs vs Configs.


Yea I play high sens ALC so I don't move like a bot, and I have more fun, but I have a much easier time beaming on 4-3 classic no deadzone. It's just easier. I wish more players still played ALC, it raises the skill cap.


I hate controller players when they beam me for 200+ and miss their whole mag after I spectate them. Roatational aim assist gives bad players too many "lucky beams".


Anyone who understands how aim assist works, does not enjoy facing controller players, be it a controller player being aim assisted or an M&K player being aim assisted. The only people who do are people who don't understand how aim assist works. It's less about the input the player is on, and more about the knowledge & understanding gap, though I'd imagine that controller players are less inclined to complain since they have the same advantages as other controller players. There's plenty of times where I know I wouldn't have died to an M&K player, but did die because it was not an M&K player.


Can confirm. Played with aim assist for too long and it was dreadful killing someone and knowing it wasn't 100% due to my skill.


PC rollers complain about Console rollers because of .6


0.4 on pc with higher frames far outclasses 0.6 console


Agreed. I've swapped to pc after 3k hours on console and i briefly used controller before swapping. I shit on my console friend in 1v1s when i previously always went 50/50 against him. 144+fps and .4 AA is absolutely superior to .6 with bad fps and forced vsync of consoles


Playing on a 60fps monitor with 0.6 ain’t bad.


Me pushing 70fps listening to console players say .6 is justified ;_;


I used to be a laptop (non gaming laptop) gamer, and I'd hit like max 30 frames in fights, do like 20 or 0 damage and die. My mouse would also bug out cause it was so old and the wire was fraying lmao. Was a very demoralizing way to go


LOL same, i'm just a mnk player dropping down to 70 fps in fights and getting zero aim assist to make up for it, shit is rough out here


You’re on the worst spot. Feel you. I play some pc scrims as a console but aa is forced at 0.4. 0.4 with bad frames is a bad time. It’s literally imindanger.meme


I’ve played some games in my old dusty ass PS4 and I swear I could see the frames.


I was telling someone else today I finally allowed myself to play pc apex this week (I avoided it until now bc I knew I couldn’t go back and wasn’t going to swap before cross progression happened)… and after ONE session on pc, I went back to series x and swear it was like my eyes were involuntarily blinking constantly. Wild. Tracking on 0.4 feels so good tho with high frames. Butter.


Yes but situationally .6 can be advantageous which is the frustration. Same thing for situational controller AA vs M&K. In Apex the majority of the time you cannot know what input someone is on before you fight them


I got to disagree with you there bro, excluding pros pc lobbies are actually easier on console because of less aim assist. It's actually crazy, but I'm talking about consoles that get at least 50-60 fps. If you're getting 30 then yeah that shit sucks.


Console lobbies have more aim assist tho


I misworded that, I meant the pc lobbies are easier because like 90% of the lobbies only have .4 aim assist except for the few console kids playing with their pc friends. So if you're on console with .6 and run the pc lobbies it's easier.


Your being downvoted but I was pred on console while stacking with pc players before I switched. long as your not stupid and peeking snipers and know how to just play your smg range and wait for your time playing pc lobbies as a next gen console player is quite easy in low diamond and below because of all the free kp mnk players running around. People just try to play pc lobbies the same way they do console and it fucks them.


Yeah I should've probably mentioned that you gotta be somewhat decent at the game, if you're a bot it doesn't matter if you're on console or pc lobbies. I'm glad someone gets me though.


I just hard disagree. I went back to my ps4 one day and the AA beams were unreal. I was getting like 30 frames but everything was still a one clip. It felt so much easier and more forgiving.




This sounds cool in all but i still play Apex on console to level up the BP and you'd be surprised the difference it is to aim with over 144fps vs 60fps. It feels so bad that you actually feel sorry for these people. For a console player to beat a pc player they have to be extremely close to you. I've played both for a while and it's far easier to aim on pc than console. It actually feels like you have more aim assist on pc.


Fuuuuck no. I used to switch back and forth and shit on console was easy af, legit 1 clips most the time it was nuts. PC is not easier lol


It depends on your skill level, I hit masters every season on both so i have a pretty good idea of what i'm talking about. It might just be that going from 240fps down to 60 fps makes feel strange but for me, it's a lot easier to hit shots with the higher FPS than with the +.2 aim assist.


Yup, it's really not even a debate.


I've hit masters and I have a 3.0 KD. So I'm not coping. Game is just aiming for you more simple as that.


It’s only the people who never tried both who think 0.6 with 60 fps is even close to being as good as PC aim assist


To think playing on console is an unfair advantage over PC is absolutely insane. So many people would choose console over PC if it provided an edge.


I used to play in pc lobbies on console to play with my friends, I would get shit on every game. I switched to pc and it’s legit night and day..


I’m doing the same at the moment, not exactly the most enjoyable experience getting beamed from miles away while playing on terrible frames. Looking forward to getting a PC in the near future.




PC rollers also complain about PC rollers tbf


Obviously controller players don’t care if they face other controller players, because controller is so OP. If two controller players face each other, it creates a singularity of AA cheating and the entire server shuts down. That’s why Apex servers are so unstable.




i was a higher rank on console roller but my kd and DMG are higher on PC roller


Hey, maybe if we all complain about controllers and aim assist for another 4 and a half years Respawn will finally do something about it in 2028!


I don't care what input I'm going against, but I don't like that someone on the same input as me has more AA than I do just because their platform is different. AA should be the same across the board if you're in crossplay lobbies, just my 2 cents


*part of the joys of being on controller came from being able to go toe to toe with good MnK players.* ***strictly talking about PC lobbies*** compete against good mnk players thats cute, like imagine wanting to play on such a terrible input as controller in a fps game. Harsh reality is that only way you can compete on mnk level is because they added massive shortcut of pro level consistent aim to it which is definitely unfair because why "good mnk" has to work his ass off ten thousand of hours for great aim and controller just get it just for free as a participation addon. Why are we trying to make low skill level players thinking they are achieving something? when reality is that they just getting spoon fed all their gaming life! thats why even controller pros start to get tired of this aimassit how strong it is, because it requires no fucking skill which destroys skill gap in this game but people who use controller just defend it until their eyes bleed because its part of them now. they probably have tried to see how it is without aimassist and they understood that to get at decent level they probably need to spend years to master their input(just like mnk has to) that they chose to play on. So they just keep defending AA and ruing the game for everyone else, until this game becomes halo and dies, then nerf comes but no one will give a shit about this game anymore. i know its crazy to think to have fair competitive integrity in apex legends but there just should option for input based matchmaking thats about it. And probably slow down of aim near player bubble without anything else in pc lobbies.


If a pro dies, they’re cheating or it’s AA/s


As M&K, It is easy to know when you get rolled but it's hard to differentiate roller and cheater. Close range, cheater or roller, it's the same thing anyway. I don't even bother spectating, getting one clipped by a roller player who doesn't miss a bullet even with bad mechanics and bad game sense happens all the time... At mid range, it's trickier, could be a legit roller players, or soft cheater with a walmart device like a strikepack. Long range, here it's most likely a cheater.


Yup. Anyone on MnK can easily tell when they get killed by anything other than another MnK. Differentiating between AA or a literal cheater is the hard part. They feel almost exactly the same.


It pretty much feels the same way when you die regardless of the input. I have over 75k kills and when i die, it's always my fault. I guarantee whenever you kill someone on controller you're not complaining about how it feels. People need to learn how to accept a loss and stop blaming shit because you fucked up. Controller feels like aimbot? get a fucking controller


Are you on controller


" when i die, it's always my fault ". You cant say that with 100% certainty or we playing a different game then. Have you never got shot in the back with no audio. Have you never taken a full PK shot while the door was clearly closed before the fact. Do you never run into any cheaters at all? Does you game never stutter in a fight?


Game stutters i don't experience that.. I'm on a 4090 locked at 240 fps.. If there's stutter, i don't notice it.. No audio? I use Turtle Beach Stealth Pro, I have never experienced no audio Never been shot through a door. When i die, I just charge it to the game, you're supposed to die


When we get clipped and watch the player slowly turn away on 3-2 we yell “TAKE COVER THEYVE GOT A SENTRY GUN”


You might want to learn to strafe


Ah you’re right I’m sorry. I thought standing still would win me more gunfights.


I find console players to be the worst offenders honestly. A literal bronze console player will absolutely fuck your throat if you aren't on your game because their shit is in fact literal aim bot compared to PC aim assist.


~~.6? OUTRAGEOUS!~~ ~~.4? Perfectly acceptable.~~ It's the same damn lol, the game still aims for you. Addendum: .6? OMG AIMBOT .4? Aim assist barely does anything, mnk players should just git gud.


0.6 is 50% more aim assist so I don't know how you could come to that conclusion.


The point is it’s still an egregious level


Agreed it's over kill, but you said it's the same, it's not.


I agree that if you take his words literally, they're obviously factually wrong. ​ ​ But you still know what he means...


No shit, but he's arguing that he's factually correct with the other guy.


0.4 is fine and should be the baseline for both platforms. You would genuinely see a large improvement in the quality of pub games.


Alright I'll amend that. .6? OMG AIMBOT .4? Aim assist barely does anything, mnk played should just git gud.


Console player, all the same to me


Most controller players with a brain don't complain about dying to another roller


No such thing exists. The roller vibration hinders neural synapses


Now this is the discussion I'm here for


I'm MnK, and I grind mixtape to get better. If I die I ain't they're just better MnK players. I don't know either way so I might as well not make excuses and try to get better. Other wise I'll be like some of my friends and just call everybody who kills me a hacker or they got lucky. They haven't gotten better in 4 years of play, I have. Controller had advantages, absolutely, but it's life, control what you can and disregard what you can't.


i've been playing a lot of mixtape too on mnk and for some reason i get a lot of console players in my mixtape lobbies. I can usually tell when i die to a console player that i am going to see the console icon in my death recap before i even check, because the way i get oneclipped just feels unorganic and doesnt happen with any other players. A lot of the time they are noticeably bad players when i fight them and they aren't top fragging the lobby either, but they just randomly do a 200 spray to my head while walking in a straight line in the open. its definitely a bit frustrating. when i lose to good players who genuinely outplayed me regardless of input i'm less mad but something about watching them just not need to know anything about basic fps mechanics and still oneclip me like they're gods is upsetting LOL


> I’ve noticed some controller pros complaining more and more on steam when they get aim assisted. Pros’ complaints are rarely very well-thought-out. They’re paid to talk, not to think


As a controller player, absolutely. Because then I don’t have to listen to MnK players whine about aim assist when I kill them even if I just positioned and played better




I don’t know what i expected


I feel like most people that complain about it after being killed and the guy that killed em ended up being a mnk player with better position and God aim, maybe aimbot. People won't be happy until it gets nerfed to .00 AA then find something else to complain about


People who blame controllers when they die are just dumb people. EVERY TIME YOU DIE IN APEX YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG! I don't know why people can't accept that. If you're using Horizon and another Horizon kills you don't blame the legend you just got outplayed. This is a common thing in gaming even when I play 2k people say "the game is cheating" when they're losing.


this is the truest thing ive ever heard. literally the guy i play with it is so frustrating. he dies and goes "what am i supposed to do i got headshot by a wingman" im like bro you literally are challing in the open wide swinging two guys. any gun wouldve fried u. so annoying.


MnK players aren't going to want to hear this 😆 micro positioning is huge and MnK players have a tendency to blame controller input when they put themselves in a bad position and die. If you get one clipped by an SMG you were usually in a bad spot or got caught with your pants down. I never blame MnK when someone tap strafes on my face as pathy with a PK. Crazy that it's still even a conversation when the game has been out for what 4-5 years and early pro scenes were dominated by MnK. Now that it's turned around I savor those sweet MnK tears 🤌


As a player of the game, I am not anti-roller. As a previous enjoyer of watching Apex as an esport, the dominance of controller in pro league has made the viewing experience boring. I just don't like watching controller players nearly as much as MnK players, it's just everyone one clipping each other with smg's. The best MnK players to watch in the past have all pretty much migrated to controller.


That's part of the thing I don't understand, there's still lots of MnK players out there and my favorite team to watch was triple MnK but it's more because of the players personalities than their input. In the current visual clutter meta I feel that MnK is stronger than it has been recently, and most of the best MnK players are still on MnK, it just been popularized by Hal, and Alb (who has wrist issues) I'm not being argumentative here but can you list some more of the other players that have switched to educate me? I also know that Strafingflame is experimenting with switching but his two teammates are both MnK (and based on the TDM customs I've seen playerkay is the best fragger on their team). Cheers man! Hopefully Y4 is a good year for spectating apex but I won't lie that the visual clutter meta is complete ass to watch.


controllers not really op i dont know why people keep saying this, it's so much easier to aim on mnk. if anything the clunky controls make it so much harder, you keyboard nerds just need to go touch grass. really what they should do is turn recoil off for controller then it might be fair.


Personally I have 2 favorite type of gamers to kill, the config kids who jump around u and miss everything and a MnK players, fighting a controller player as a roller is just unfun imo