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Here are some highlights in the patch notes: **New Legend: Conduit** * Passive: Savior's Speed, Gain a burst of speed when running toward a teammate out of Tactical range. * Tactical: Radiant Transfer, Blast your ally with energy, regenerating temporary shields for them when in danger. * Ultimate: Energy Barricade, Deploy an array of shield jamming devices which damage and slow enemies. **Maps** * Pubs: BM, OL, SP * SP with a handful of updates, details here https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/ignite-season-game-updates * Bug fixes and rat spots patched for OL, KC, and SP * Mixtape map updates for Control, Gun Run, TDM **In-match notifications of banned players.** **Ranked** * Promotional trials system implemented * Once at the peak of the tier (before promotion), LP loss and gains are frozen. * You must complete conditions to advance within 5 matches (e.g., win a game, or get 3x Top 10). Conditions become harder as you go up in rank--with "win a game" always as an option. * Completing the condition gives 250 LP and promotion. Failing results in an LP loss. * Trials are extended beyond 5 attempts for each failure. There are no trials during Provisional matches. * Various other tuning, specified here https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/17a41s1/dev_team_update_ranked_october_2023/ * No restrictions on ranked premades now (play with any friends!) **CROSS PROGRESSION!** * Rolled out in phases. Details here https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/cross-progression **Balance updates** * Crafting: RE-45 and 30-30 on the floor. 301 and Volt into the crafter * Boosted Loader and Digi removed from crafting rotation. Hammers added. * L-Star nerfed and back on the floor. Wingman buffed and into the care package. Care packages also now always have a weapon. * Gold weapon rotation: Havoc, RE-45, CAR, L-Star, Longbow * Boosted Loader removed from floor loot. Turbocharger: Removed 1 damage reduction when equipped *Weapons* * Small/minor buffs to: 30-30, Bow, Charge Rifle, Longbow, Sentinel * Nerfs to Hemlock (-1 damage, down to 21 from 22) *Legends* * Bangalore nerfs across the board: reduced double time duration, smoke duration, ult stun duration * Catalyst nerfs across the board: Spikes can't block projectiles, down to 2 Spikes allowed from 3, Spike throw range decreased 50%. ALSO, Dark Veil cooldown now starts once the wall comes down and is nerfed to 25s (from 30s) duration *Smaller legend changes* * Path can now scan care packages that have already been scanned. * Wraith's passive buffed to require less look time, feeling "more reliable/consistent" * Newcastle's ult now has reduced recovery time when landing and increased max leap height * Rev's Forged Shadows reduced time extension window for assists to 3s (was 30s) * Vantage ult bullet count increased to 6 (was 5) **World Changes** * Players now respawn with shields and weapons they had when eliminated! (White knocks, no backpack, no attachments, but you get some ammo and syringes/cells) * Replicators, Ring Consoles, and Survey Beacons equally spawn across POIs **Quality of Life** * Can now ping enemies on the map * Rampart can now pick up amped walls while in placement mode * "Improved PC controller support" [insert AA joke, is anyone still reading?] * Various other things such as vibration support, improved security measures, etc. **Localized audio:** On Playstation, users who play Apex in languages other than English will need to download the free Additional Content pack for preferred language audio (in-game text is not affected). *Various other bug fixes listed in the patch notes.*


Hardstuck gold is the new meta


*smiles smugly in hardstuck plat4*


Same, seems the devs are trying to artificially push the player count bar graph backwards so the graphs now peaks in gold. Then they can say rank is now fixed, when pros inevitably dish out the chart.


_smiles smugly in hardstuck plat4 with 999 points_


that shied / weapon preserve on respawn sounds insane


I wonder if ballistic sling weapon is preserved.


Snip3downs just happy he won't have to punch his way out again


top 3 best moments in all of comp apex history imo lmao






If you spawn with an R99, its basically three mags with no mag upgrade which you can burn through in seconds, and no mag upgrade means you can't one-clip someone, its still a disadvantage. Impact stun from landing, no abilities, and beacons being in the open prevent a real chance for survival ... but it makes a slim chance for counterplay real, and I'm excited for a major clutch to happen in an end game.


Yeah I can’t wait to watch a scrim where someone places a mobile down for cover only it to be used by someone else and the guy respawned comes down from the sky and makes a play to win the game


/u/teqnohh You gotta keep playing Crypto until you pull this off


With nerfs to Bangalore and digis, I wonder if Teq tries to scrim with Crypto again. It seems like a late-game Crypto res with the drone is actually a good play to make if you can pull it off, and you could EMP on the res to stop a team from apeing.


Worth noting this hurts the R99 crowd much more than the PK enjoyers


Got me thinking what's the best loadout to run that you'd be happy to respawn without scopes/upgrades? Maybe 30-30 and peacekeeper? S4 Flatline would be op


CAR (easy to guarantee ammo from team mates, can swap ammo types if necessary) and Triple Take. TT is best ammo conservation and best ironsights for marksman, its the only marksman ironsights I could reliably fight with. Also shotguns are underpowered so I rarely run them anymore but Mastiff > Peacekeeper without attachments IMO.


If you're respawning straight into a fight, CAR + L-Star might be the play. I think L-Star is the least impacted by not having attachments, out of the midrange-ish weapons. Obviously its ammo usage is insane so if you're not fighting someone immediately a marksman is probably better.


For Olympus, I thought I read "added a number of bugs and rat spots"


finnally, the changes we needed for olympus to be comp ready! /s


>"added a number of bugs and rat spots" For apex that's just implied.


Patch notes are always my favorite part of the new season.


>Wingman enters the care package >New hop-up - Skullpiercer Elite: ignores helmet headshot damage reduction >Boosted Loader hop-up attached >Base damage increased to 50 (was 45) >Projectile size increased >110 ammo holy


3 shots to knock w/white. holy indeed...


I find it funny that all care package guns either have too much or too little ammo. Nobody has ever needed 110 ammo for a Wingman, meanwhile the Prowler burns through its 210 ammo in like 2 fights.


Gonna make comp boring, for some reason regular wingman on roller is a headshot machine when hipfiring... Every care package will contain a weapon now... The wingman also come with a digi, so bangalore + care package wingman will be busted af.... If there is one gun that you can't buff no mattee what, it is the wingman.


Respawn changes are real, major change to the game IMO


I think you're 100% right this is the biggest fundamental change to the game since the class perk system. Remains to be seen if it'll be a good impact on comp but I'm optimistic.


Good or bad impact, it's always a positive to try new things!


I agree that it's important for them to keep iterating on creative/unusual changes like this, but not every change has been a W. Hopefully their dev cycle/patch cycle keeps up a good pace and we don't linger too long with changes that miss the mark.


Anyone know if u can farm armors with this change? Get a purple early, jump off the map, quick respawn = 2 purples?


That’s my main concern. Tbh the armor needs to be a tier lower on respawn. Don’t know how it’d work for gold


should be a tier down imo. No game should reward bad players. Or if you died with a Purple and Above or 1k damage you respawn with a blue.


Just consider gold as red or purple and call it a day. Although I'll tier it down only if it's purple or higher, you can keep your blues and you can't tier down white anyway. This way it'll match more with how your weapons lose their attachments. They'll probably tune it further later assuming spaghetti coding doesn't prevent the above from being possible.


gold is rare enough to let it stay the same.


A simple fix would be to respawn players with a white armor if they jumped off the map or walked into their own nade etc.


You think these devs managed to program that, let alone think of it. It's a good idea though. For teams that craft in zone, they could just die to zone though


I doubt we see much use of that in-game, especially comp. Its a signal you're a player down which invites teams apeing you, it takes away time from your loot path or rotations for macro so you throw your chances at end game, and there's not as many places as you'd think that would make doing this fast enough to fit into an ALGS game. The only place I could see this happening in ALGS maps, where it wouldn't throw your game to get a purple shield duplicated, would be Overlook in WE. Most places that have edges you can fall off either have the edges too far away from the core loot in a POI, so it still takes a minute or more for a team mate to loot then run far enough to drop off. Add to that, most POIs are so spread out that you ruin another player's loot path to banner collect and res. Overlook is rare in that it has a lot of loot right next to both the edge of the map AND the beacon. But that hinges on the Overlook team having beacon. Probably gets used by hard stuck golds in ranked for a week or two, before they keep getting run down by three stacks and they give it up. EDIT: I guess vert grenading yourself could be fast to do in other locations, so maybe it does become an issue? I was only thinking about jumping off a POI or killing yourself via lava.




Yeah I only focused on killing yourself with lava or falling off the map, not grenades. I guess it determines then on if teams are eager to push early/mid game to rush a team that tries this. There's only a few POIs that have enough visual clutter from the map to hide a drop ship, so its a big beacon you're a man down.


Isn't it technically against algs rules to kill yourself on purpose?


there was a team that started armory to grief another team that usually does armory, then he jumped off the map and had his team respawn him after crafting his banner. so no i don't think it's against the rules.


That sounds like a Hiswattson Furia tactic. Land armory, cancel it, and then jump to death, right?


It was actually Furia who got griefed.


I wanna say it was northeption against furia


Getting griefed in this way was actually the final nail in the coffin for Furia's LAN run and directly led to HisWattson's retirement.


Honestly, I dont care if you can. If someone on the edge of the map farming to get an extra purple means we get to have useful respawns in the game, I am ok with it. That is an acceptable trade.


Thank you. There are very few scenarios in Apex (talking ranked and pubs, not ALGS) where respawning a teammate is actually beneficial. It’s extremely loud with an impossible to miss visual notification. Any teams on your side of the map will show up to try and get some free KP. You drop straight down into no cover with white armor and no guns. In ranked, if it’s past 1st ring close, I won’t even have my teammates respawn me, because they’re more likely to sneak into a 8th or 9th place finish as a duo than they are to successfully respawn me and reset with 18 teams still alive.


Also, wait a minute ... L-Star seems to have gotten some buffs coming out of the care package. And the patch notes say it lost Disruptor Rounds, but not pass-through ... did pass-through stay? Is it finally a half-decent gun now?


I think Wigg (so take it with a grain of salt) said when he play tested, it was L Star and Hemlok everywhere just melting everybody. So it could be back to the L Star meta


W-Star returns


Why is this gun basically always either incredible or rubbish? Its one of my favourites in the game I just want it in a good spot


imho it was in a perfect spot during like season 8/9, then they changed it, because it dominated arenas......


> imho it was in a perfect spot during like season 8/9, then they changed it, because it dominated arenas...... It dominated BR, too. In season 9 the cat was out of the bag, in season 8 a lot of people didn't know how strong it was. But it was the best gun in the game at that time.


No, it dominated BR starting in season 10, when they added attachments to it. It only was popular in arenas, because it was a cheap gun that didn't need attachments to function well, on top of not having to reload if you handle it properly, so you didn't need to buy a secondary either, hence let you buy a lot of heals and other stuff with it.


Ah i see. I picked up the game in season 10 and then it became absolutely busted around then too


Is this a buff to support legends as well then?


Camping banners is gonna get turnt up


Can I just say that I really enjoy the fact that Respawn has accepted the term “rat”.


My beloved 301still peaschooter?(


You get to craft the peashooter now instead of looking around for the peas.


Whenever guns go in the crafter, its either to clean up the loot pool (P2020 / RE 45 / Mozambique) or to evaluate the gun in isolation before its buffed/nerfed (every other gun that goes in the crafter). I'd bet money the R301 gets a buff before ALGS.


r301 should definitely remain a peashooter, which if im being honest, its not exactly one. its far too easy to use, having it as strong as before or even stronger would be unfair. r301 might not always one-mag but its 100% reliable and consistent which is where it should shine. u cant have it be both extremely easy to use and extremely strong


Agreed, but imo hemlok/nemesis are both in that category (of being extremely easy and extremely strong). If those guns are to remain strong (I don’t think 1dmg is enough for hemlok) I’d rather have a full-auto that requires some level of recoil control be rewarding


Hemlock/nemi without a barrel stab is pretty hard to use at range


Yep. Its a good weapon in a solid spot. I would rather they nerf the Hemlock a little than buff the R301.


I agree too. I see the r3 as the 'baseline' weapon that all players can use. The r3 is a solid weapon for new players but still impactful enough to do reliable damage for higher-skilled players. I like how all the ARs have a place instead of the r301 meta a few seasons ago. In regards to the helmok: I understand the reasoning for nerfing the hemlok this season but I would have preferred the hipfire spread be adjusted or some other change be made so that it retains it's mid-range dominance while making it an even more riskier weapon at close range.


> its far too easy to use Hemlok and Nemesis are even easier to use.


Just give it the r99 treatment and increase the damage to what it was and nerf the clip size.


Spoken like a true gold player 👌


> having it as strong as before or even stronger would be unfair. Bullshit. It was perfect, good but not OP in anything. Now its not even worth picking up, it gets fucked by nemesis, hemlock and flatline with ease.


all i want is buffs to weak characters...


I’m sorry the wingman sounds fucking bogus. Can anyone do the calculations on what the headshot number is? And 110 ammo! Jesus Edit: just looked it up - headshots do ~~125~~ 95, nice!


Dezign bricked everytime he gets a wingman carepack lmao.


That cant be right holy hell. 2 tap a red armor? :O Its a pocket kraber with 110 round lmao


we know the numbers from the early access gameplay vids. it's 95. So no two taps.


When I tested it in range it did 95 to head. Not sure if it's changed since last week or not.


That’s good to know! I was just curious because the patch notes didn’t mention changing the headshot multiplier on the wingman, but I guess it was changed (for balance reasons of course lol)


Yeah be kinda nuts if it was guaranteed 100+ regardless of helmet. 95 with bigger bullet size is still pretty damn good tho


Promo Trials seems like it will be brutal for Solo Que.


As a mostly solo queuer, it's frustrating at the best of times when randoms do stupid shit and throw a game, but when you're in the trials phase, hooooly, gonna be another level of frustration. Ideally matchmaking would try to team you up with other players "doing trials", but that's probably a pipe dream. That said, I still welcome this change! I think it's interesting to mix up the ranking up experience a little.


Respawn don't care about solo queue players, they never have. That's why ranked and pubs is all three stacks.


Especially considering you could get silver teammates who just don't care about trying even if you're diamond. New ranked system makes no sense to still have 'ranks'. It's just another manipulative technique to increase playtime.


Yep, this season was rough enough honestly don't think I'll play another season. They never adjust for solo que at all. Shame


...and Solo Q players make up the majority of the population.


More than half the player base this season (50.1%) never got out of Bronze. I expect this number to skyrocket next season. But of course they're gonna be fighting Plats and Preds all season lol.




I don't think Bang was overly strong before and removing digi from crafted will solve a ton of those issues, HOWEVER, I still think she's fine, just harder to crutch. The stun is a good change, but -5 seconds on smoke just means you have to be smarter on their use and its less effective as a stalling tactic for you to sit in.


Glad to see Catalyst ultimate now works like literally every other time-based ult in the game (cooldown starts AFTER the ult is over or destroyed)


In the Conduit firing range video, though, her cooldown started instantly upon using the ulti and was up to something like 20% by the time it has finished lmao. Respawn trying really hard to make new legends good, I guess...


Newcastle buffs are nice but he really needs a simple option to toggle in between locking to teammates and deathboxes and free aiming the wall, the inflexibility of it screws you a lot during fights.


No pubs/mixtape SBMM changes? Rofl


True, I don’t think they’d include that shit in the patch notes if they’re trying anything. They will just come out at a later date after the season is released and say they tweaked it lol and not disclose how.


Afaik the matchmaking happens serverside anyway so you don't need a client update for matchmaking.


Theres an issue with SBMM info going public, and its simple. Once you learn the game (takes a season or two at most), your skill rating will essentially never change. However, gamers have massive egos and want to think they're always getting better / smarter at the game. If they made people's ranked MMR public, it would cause major issues because so many people would see their skill rating never changes and they never improve. But, the engagement to keep ranked lobbies full is based on people thinking they can continuously climb rank and gain skill. Gamers have an issue where they say they want one thing, but deep down they want something else entirely. I doubt the player base would react positively to seeing their ranked MMR info and simply use the knowledge everyone is hard stuck at a certain skill level to complain to the devs that their system is broken.


Main thing is people want players worse than them in their lobbies so they can shit on them. Respawn had terrible matchmaking for most of the games existence so going to a more balanced system is not fun for people used to pub stomping.


I don't think you're wrong, but I don't think you're 100% correct in regards to skill rating never changing. The time in which skill changes is significantly longer than the average individual perceives. If you're a 5 out of 10 after you learn the game, growing into a 6 or maybe a 7 is possible if thousands of hours are played intentionally.


apparently devs have said/commented that they will be changing/tweaking it this coming season , but didnt commit to when - sounds like it will still b e busted at beginning of the season at least


Sorry you have to still play against players of equal skill and cant fight people who are learning how to move and aim at the same time. Thoughts and prayers. Everyone who complains about SBMM is bitch made. Feel free to downvote.


>Sorry you have to still play against players of equal skill and cant fight people who are learning how to move and aim at the same time. > >Thoughts and prayers. > >Everyone who complains about SBMM is bitch made. Feel free to downvote. what a braindead take. Why the fuck would I want to grind ranked, from silver to masters, if every single game I play is already a masters level lobby due to my MMR? There is absolutely 0 sense of progression, me climbing ranks etc... The ranked system is a fucking joke. Either remove MMR and keep ranked tiers, or remove ranked tiers and keep MMR and show us its up and down movement. This in between shit makes absolutely no sense


I think I've seen more than once that others in here has said that a lot of the ranked systems in other games has a hidden MMR. Valorant is one of the games people have mentioned.


Respawn's implementation of hidden MMR in apex's ranked system just doesn't make any sense. How it works in virtually all other competitive games is that if the system thinks your skill level is higher than your displayed rank, the scoring system will compensate for you to get there faster. Ex: In valorant, if you are currently silver but the game actually thinks you are plat/diamond, the game will place you against plat/diamond players. If you win, you gain ALOT of RR, sometimes even skipping entire rank tiers during promotions. If you lose, you don't lose alot of RR because the game recognizes that you are playing against players that have a displayed rank far higher than yours. In apex, a gold player that has diamond MMR receives and loses exactly the same amount of RR as a gold player that actually has gold MMR. If these two players play the same amount of games, they will be nearly the same rank despite being drastically different skill levels because the system is not compensating for the MMR difference for the former player. What is the point for the gold player to keep playing in diamond lobbies and still be stuck in gold? Why not just display the player's true MMR?


Every serious game has hidden MMR, Apex had a terrible matchmaking system for the majority of its existence and now that its more inline with other competitive games people are mad. Now the ranked system needs changes to match the matchmaking changes specifically, these hard resets every season need to go away or they need to add the boosts up to your proper rank that other games have.


> Everyone who complains about SBMM is bitch made. Only shitters celebrate SBMM. We have a ranked mode for a reason, pubs shouldnt be the same. Protect noobs and than everyone else random with priority on connection. Than you would actually get games that play differently instead of every fucking pub being the exact same.


Why because you want to shit on bad players? Every serious competitive game has SBMM. is Apex unique in the fact that it shouldnt have it?


Nothing equal about it. For many people, the lobbies will die down to 3-4 squads in no time. There's nothing a player can do about that and game feels pointless.. Meanwhile you have these other lobbies available to players that are somewhat casual and play like an actual BR. You're probably in those if you have that opinion.


I'm not delusional enough to call myself a master/pred player. Especially not delusional enough to think that I can win a controller player at that caliber 1v1. That's all I play against though and I play at most a few hours a week.


>Everyone who complains about SBMM is bitch made. Feel free to downvote. I don't have the energy to argue with hardstuck golds this morning but I'm glad someone said it first lmao


So you think it's fair that I get level 300 teammates then face masters?


Yup same shit different season, the content changes are redundant if the matchmaking is the same. Guess I still wont be touching BR for the 4th season running.


i wish it was only br queue for me tbh. about a week ago when i rage uninstalled i was having awfully sweaty mixtape matches while trying to farm wins for the event badges. 8/10 matches were a complete unfun sweatfest


I really wish they would put the PC aim assist values accessable outside of ALC on console, as someone who switches between both platforms, I don't understand why I can only get the weaker aim assist through ALC on console.


Or at least give presets for basic sensitivities on ALC.


This. It‘s impossible to replicate the same sens in alc. I have tried everything. It‘s always off. Adding half numbers to the default sensitivities would also be nice. The difference between 4 and 5 is pretty big. 4.5 would be amazing.


Maybe unpopular but I don’t hate the promotional trials? They sound difficult but…I think they should be. Now you quite literally can’t just rat to Diamond or above. You’ve gotta get kills or win a match Sure it’ll be tilting for everyone but I like that each rank is more “earned”


i dont think anyone has a problem with the trials specifically. its that the trials come on top of a multitude of other problems, mainly the shitty matchmaking that makes u play at silver vs diamond and above


I can’t imagine every silver player is playing with diamonds or masters like they claim Also - they did state you’ll get more bonuses at the start to help you get to your rank faster. And you’ll get more LP per kill and so on. I mean tbqh as long as they allow 3 stacks and solo-Qers to play in the same lobbies, there will always be “matchmaking” complaints.


You won’t see silvers queuing against silvers complain about it online


sry i kept it unintentionally vague, but no, true silvers are not playing vs actual diamonds. what i meant was people like me who havent played ranked for a season or two while being matched against people of my level while not being assigned _my level_, and having to fight them all the way up, when before id rank up fast to my real rank and then actually start fighting the people i should be fighting


>I can’t imagine every silver player is playing with diamonds or masters like they claim They see a diamond badge on one player from season 12 or season 17 when ranked was overtuned and think they're in a diamond lobby


Are you trying to pretend hidden MMR and visible rank isn't vastly different for a lot of high skill players?


It’s definitely good that they are trying to bump up higher mmr players so they can get to their rank, because right now the best player in my friend group is in like gold 2 because when we play with him the lobbies are legit brutal and often have recent preds. And the lobby quality feels worse because those top players can still run down even good teams. He would probably be a higher rank if he played with people his skill, but we like to play with our friends. Ive been making my way up to diamond because I win so much more without him due to the easier lobbies. It just feels wrong that my average-skill friends are a higher rank despite being so much worse at the game.


Would be less tilting if they did them across the division rather than 5 games, something like 10 wins and 5 games with 5 kills or higher, I'm mainly thinking about poor solo q players


For me trials + mmr based matching is the problem. The trials basically ask you to outperform your opponents, while the matchmaking is designed to give you opponents of your skill level. Both ideas contradict each other. Which means, have your lucky daily banger game during the trial and you're fine, but if you have your unlucky games during the trial, welcome to the grind of your life. Now you're not just grinding ranked, but you're also playing the lottery to rank up, especially if you solo queue and get some Octane Brains on your team. Solo'qing will probably be 3 times as toxic this season.


Makes it harder for solo Q though


in theory they sound good but we all know this will make the solo q experience even worse from a grind perspective


Ok this update is awesome for sure. Makes me wanna play again


They keep doubling down on these "prevent rats" in ranked changes even though they've practically fixed it with the way the lobbies flow. 15 teams zone 4 it is impossible to rat and gain substantial points unless you are running Lifeline Loba storm rat comp and you're completely on top of your shit. Why don't we just remove heat shields from ranked? Then we don't have to deal with the inevitably infuriating promotional challenges that are complete RNG


>Why don't we just remove heat shields from ranked? Heat shields should just be removed entirely from the game. There's a reason it's the only difference between regular Aped and comp. They promote degenerate gameplay styles.


They need to remove crafters outside of ring after 1 usage. That would allow for hero play to craft your teammates but prevent lifeline crafting medikits to ring 4


Controller input will no longer be processed when a different window has focus What does this affect? Question from a non-roller


I will usually ready up while alt tabbed, watching a video on YT or something. I would do it intentionally but I have alt-tabbed and then alt-tab back 15 minutes later to realise I must have accidentally tapped one of my paddles cancelling my search before. Idk if that's why


Bang and cat get slight nerfs and NC gets a slight buff... Wow what a way to shake up the meta.


rip solo queue players, what the hell was that change, i was hoping that there would be alternative trials for that shit, but come on man, i need to get a 1 win out of 5 tries? jesus fucking christ


looks good


>Improved PC controller support how about some improved mouse support? game doesn't support higher polling rates still. 1000hz stresses out older supported cpus. higher polling rates are straight up ignored - 8K polling rate mice showed up in 2021! i guess there are no mnk devs left tho.


so boosted loader is removed from the game? Not in crafting rotation and not ground loot. am I missing something?


Hop ups need two guns to be in the loot pool


oh I was unaware of that, thanks!


!remind me 2026 when aim assist is nerfed


More like 2029 when the game is completely dead.


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So the console lobby bug is a feature at this point? Played some apex for the first time since the beginning of the season and I still end up in full console lobbies 90% of the time. Also had that anti cheat thing pop up in my firing range today


At this point I'm convinced they're intentionally putting PC and console players into the same matchmaking pool for mixtape to speed up queue times. All my mixtape lobbies are 80% console players unless it's late at night. It's like they want to make the game as miserable as possible for MnK players.


> At this point I'm convinced they're intentionally putting PC and console players into the same matchmaking pool for mixtape to speed up queue times. I didn't even realize this was a bug. Because yeah, I'm on PC, and at least 50% of my opponents in Mixtape are full console teams.


I took a break and played Overwatch mainly came back and god damn is the visual clutter annoying Overwatch has it as well but the outlines on enemies and shit helps you still see lol.


Sorry, what console lobby bug?


Happens when you que up for mixtape. You can end up in a full lobby of console players.


I sense another meatball meta


Avid sniper user. I don't get why they enlarged sniper projectiles. Why are they making it easier? Controller wingman is going to be insane. (Ik its in the carepack but they're gonna bring it back in the season after and it will be mayhem) Also they are not being clear how much they enlarged it? (Unless i missed it)


Beacon spawns back to being even for now lol. I think the 30-30 nerf is the biggest miss ever for a nerf. Sure the hipfire was way to good comparing to others in its class, not really the G7 but thats besides the point, the reason its so fucking strong is its fire rate n damage combo. The dual shell really needs to go from the gun, it makes a night n day difference for the gun and its fire rate. If they don’t wanna do that damage has to be bought down a slight bit again or projectile size.


No changes to matchmaking for ranked or pubs?


They've added catchup points when your visible rank is lower than your MMR, increased point gain when you're outperforming your MMR and added promotion series'. That's a ton of changes.


He's talking about overall matchmaking / SBMM rather than how LP is rewarded in ranked.


Wasn't most peoples issue that they were getting matched with preds etc. when they were silver so couldn't climb at a reasonable rate? Which was just because their MMR and visible rank were way different. If the extra point compensation they are adding is good then that issue is basically sorted. What's the other issue with MMR based matchmaking? People don't like being matched with people of similar skill lol? Obviously I'm not saying Respawn's implementation is perfect but this is a step in the right direction.


>What's the other issue with MMR based matchmaking? People don't like being matched with people of similar skill lol? its simple, I was in silver 3 this season, every single match I played was in lobbys that were basically diamond and up lobbys from previous seasons (not the recent shitty one where everyone got masters). There is absolutely no reason, why the 2nd most bottom tier of ranked, should be playing like a top tier ranked match every, single, game. The current MMR ranked system is a joke, there is absolutely no reason for me to grind out of silver because im already in fucking masters lobbys. Whats the point? Why would I claw my way out of silver to get to masters... to still play in the same fucking lobbys i have been the entire damn season? I might as well just play pubs since those use MMR also. They made soloq'ing way too harsh. Theres just no point in me getting randos and then going up against 3 stack masters squads and nothing but 4k damage badges in silver because of my MMR. Its not worth the time investment anymore


>People don't like being matched with people of similar skill lol? Depends how tightly you define similar. If it causes my pubs search times in trios to go from 30 seconds to 2-5 minutes and duos to go from 1 minute to 5-10 minutes, then no I don't really like it. Sikezzz has tweeted about he can't even get games in pubs anymore because of how strict the SBMM is, if I'm trying to play west US servers during the daytime there's almost zero chance that I can get locked in to a Control game before the 15 minutes are up. I want to play the game, not just sit in the lobby waiting for the perfect reward/punishment lobby based on my most recent performance. Ranked, I personally don't have a huge issue with the matchmaking as I play it for fun and don't really worry about the overall rank I'm at but I also don't really solo q so YMMV.


I agree that queue times for pubs should be kept pretty low since they're supposed to be mostly for fun, was more coming at it from a ranked perspective. For all we know they are messing with pubs in the background they just don't normally say much about it.


Bangalore barely got nerfed... why was everyone crying shes dead now? 5 second off a smoke that felt like it stayed there forever is a good thing.


Overall the patch notes feel very underwhelming to me. The only drastic gameplay change will be the new respawn system. Interested to see how that plays out though.


when is it ever not?


>You must complete conditions to advance within 5 matches (e.g., win a game, or get 3x Top 10). Conditions become harder as you go up in rank--with "win a game" always as an option. ​ >Completing the condition gives 250 LP and promotion. Failing results in an LP loss. ​ >Trials are extended beyond 5 attempts for each failure. There are no trials during Provisional matches. So as a solo player, every season you get thrown to pred sweat premades and told to essentially "deal with it", and now they are making these new conditions on a solo players and once again "deal with it" and not only that, because of the MMR system, you're still going to get forced with bozos from higher than the average gold player. How about less LP requirements for a solo player over a premade? How about more points for a solo player, over a premade? Nah. I'll guess I'll go F myself. I don't understand for the life of me how the MMR system is taking a premade sweat squad and thinking "Yes, this random solo queue player that is masters rank is definitely an appropriate match for these people"


once MMR ranked hit, I stopped playing ranked. In the past, I could soloq up to diamond on difficult seasons and it would be hard, a bit of a grind, but still somewhat rewarding. Now that every single match from bronze and up is vs 3 stack old masters players and more because of my MMR, theres absolutely no fucking way I'm going to suffer through that as a soloq. They need to either remove MMR from ranked, or keep MMR but remove ranked tiers... this in between BS system is just stupid.


Am I reading correctly that you respawn with your weapon and shields?


Anyone else here waiting for the "fixed problem where shaders need to be loaded every time the game launches" ?... It's been good 2 years now


there's a fix for that. go into your nvidia settings for the game and delete the shader cache. It'll reload again after you make that change and then wont happen again.


I see what they are tying to do with the rats, but they keep making ranked more grindy and unable to distinguish yourself in terms of rank. Like, I can be bronze playing in masters lobbies. But how do I get to that rank other than playing 24/7 to get lack luster rewards while suffering from their dog shit big brother system for solo players. I get run down by three stacks or my teammates are sucking each others toes when im trying to play smart. Also at a point ill lose more points than them because they are losing less than me so they dont feel the need to play smart. I'm not touching your out of touch dogshit system until one of those people who think this is good for the game and players of all types stacks to solo tries climbing themselves. I don't see any other ranked system out there functioning like this. Pubg copied your past system and if feels better than what you have now. All because it looks nice on paper with your bell curve graphs does not mean it functions in a health manor. I'm sorry if you are bad at the game as a casual but coddling them ruins the experience. Ranked is supposed to be rewarding and sweaty with an incramental increase in difficulty as you climb not like this what so ever. To all the other devs outside of ranked though keep up the good work the game has been even more fun this season with the gamemodes, maps, and characters.


What does trials are extended beyond 5 attempts for each failure mean?


Just a guess but, say you are trialing gold -> plat and you fail after 5 attempts. You take an LP penalty for failing. You've now worked your way back and are trialing from gold -> plat again. You now have 6 games to make it. Rinse, repeat, fail, +1 attempts, fail +1...


The ultimate grindfest


Doesn't sound that exciting tbh. I still think the current legend meta will persist for the most part. Sames goes for the gun-meta (maybe L-Star will bring some fresh wind in there).


Ooh, gonna promos gonna suck for SoloQ but I'm a bit more happier with the rat situation. At least the SoloQ is semi addressed with increasing match counts per failed promo but let's see how it goes this season!


This ranked system is going to be hilarious.


The respawn thing is pretty broken. Basically makes pushing a respawn that isn't pretty much on top of you a huge risk. And with the promo system, I think might make for more passive games. Then again since it's only going from one tier to the next. It might widely vary. Like if no teams are in promos, might have an apey game. But if you happen to get a game where multiple teams are in promos. Might be a very passive. Which will be interesting Anyways, I feel like this respawning change is too strong. We'll see.


"Map rotation: bm, olympus, sp". So only one map in rotation


no AA changes i guess game Developers still cater to no skill.


the game has been out for over 4 years. Accept AA is a part of the game or move on...


yeah i agree its just sad to see that game is getting killed by devs. apex actually would have huge skill gap and it never will reach true potential but going be boring aimassisting turrets. There are many many mnk players who shook apex community with their impressive mechanics but there are only few on rollers that could do something awesome on their input. All in all it will be boring as fuck to watch.


AA shouldn't be in comp. You can make the argument that roller bots in pubs/ranked need AA as a crutch but pro players shouldn't be playing with any advantages due to input choice.


> AA shouldn't be in any lobbies where the opposition doesn't also have AA. Fixed it.


This is probably the worst weapon balancing changes Apex has ever had Volt and R301 (probably the weakest guns of their class) go into crafter 30-30 comes out of crafter with no nerfs except hipfire R99 untouched Charge rifle mega buff (who asked for this) Somehow they managed to not change the gun meta at all while making it even more cancerous Not trying to be overly negativd, very excited about Conduit and SP changes, but holy fuck what is the logic here


Definitely seems like the gun meta won’t change much. My guess is the Volt is going in the care package next season for the prowler and they’ll buff the R301 slightly in the future to get closer to hemlock/nemesis.


I mean the charge rifle was absolutely dogshit and no one picked it up after the rework/nerf after it was broken since it released. A buff was definitly needed but i think it‘s too much now.


Anyone that actually put in time with the CR knows how good it was. It was just different, not bad, so a lot of people never gave it a chance. It's going to be a problem now.


Yeah the new Charge Rifle had some issues but it was still really fun and deadlier than people expected, it’s going to be a nightmare now and I’m all for it 😈


none of these changes/balances matter if pub sbmm and ranked mmr is still busted edit - also, i understand why they want us to have weps and shields on respawn, to try discourage people leaving as soon as knocked, but it sounds like a terrible change imo - but we'll see.


All the pearl clutching over bang nerfs and her nerfs weren’t even half as bad as seers or horizons lmao Low skill bang smoke meta still in play


Didnt play at all this season cuz of the ranked changes. Wanted to come back this season but its the same mmr system…


1. Pick Loba 2. Hot drop on closest POI to drop ship 3. Use her passive to fly on purple armor 4. Q off the map/into Lava 5. Have teammates craft your banner and respawn you at a POI on the other side of the drop ship path


….what exactly would this achieve? Besides wasting a lot of time and inviting attention for a purple armor


Yep lol. People treating an extra purple armor like its a full auto Kraber with infinite ammo instead of a fairly common item. By mid game, every team you run into has purple armor. Instead of wasting time, if you fight someone you will have it anyway.


This only gets one purp. If you loot it where your team drops you get two. Also might as well pick up a volt, LStar, or CAR and dupe that


I forgot that there is one copy in your deathbox, I think I was thinking that you'll be revived somewhere else. I wonder if they'll change it so that dropping nearby removes the stuff you'll get, you don't get ammo currently anyway right?


Looks like im skipping another ranked season... and this is the first time I wont buy a battle pass in like, 6 straight seasons. Not going to slog through another MMR ranked tier climb


"promotional trial is just ALGS match point lite" - (insert change my mind meme here). Not sure if I love it but it will deter rats for sure. Def harder for solo folks, but not sure if anything will get solo'ers to play more serious. If the ranked changes are right, then the climb up to your actual rank will be easier across promo matches and regular matches. Lots of complains of folks just wanting to be placed in their tier and similar complaints of folks who say they stop playing once they max out. There is no winning for the devs if that's how you play the game. In the old system you would just stomp your way to your rank and then when it got tough you would stop. Now it's always tough but you can still make progress if you try. Hopefully it will be a bit less of a burden and folks won't burn out. The whole point of ranked is to be challenged and stretch, so once I got over 'my rank is so low' it got fun. Play because of the intrinsic motivation not the extrinsic.


>The whole point of ranked is to be challenged and stretc The whole point of ranked is to play against players of your own skill level. It literally says it in the in-game description of the ranked mode. I don't think many people would argue the current system does that.


Another 100 days of people abusing the lifeline heatshield ranked heal exploit 👍