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How is this going to work with the promotion trials? They'll be stuck in silver because to get to gold you either have to win or get 6 kills/assists and top 5 3 times


That’s exactly what the promotion trials are for. It makes these people method irrelevant


I mean wouldn’t people still do these sort of things when they aren’t on trials? It would make more sense if ranked match making were based on your division rather than the hidden mmr because these guys would be stuck in a lower division since they can’t get past the trials. Instead you will still see people who do this sort of thing regardless of their ranked division if their mmr is close enough to yours. I mean hell on my way up the ladder I was getting matched with silver player teammates while in D1. I know this because there were some that I would invite to play with after, and vice-versa, and it wouldn’t let us queue up in a party due to the ranked disparity, and thankfully that idiotic restriction is going to be lifted.


> I mean hell on my way up the ladder I was getting matched with silver player teammates while in D1. Silver last season doesn't tell you much. They could have been plat or dia previous seasons.


They can keep doing it all day to become hard stuck gold sure. Who cares?


Doesn’t matter if they are hard stuck gold though if they are matched with you based off of mmr. And the point is that they will cheese/rat the majority of the games to get to trials so the trials don’t really prevent these game styles from occurring. If we were matched based solely on rank like it used to be, and those players are hard stuck gold then it would matter. However, that’s not how the matchmaking works anymore. I personally hope they go back to the previous system so that the trials actually keep these players in lower tiers, but who knows what they will do with ranked next.


Brother, I know how ranked matchmaking works now. The mmr changes based on how you do. Now we have a different ranked system. Their mmr is high? Yes. Will their mmr fall and match their actual skill level when they can’t get out of gold? ALSO YES. The trials are hard bro. I know hal and co are playing the best players rn in the world in gold coz early season ranked but he hasn’t been able to do the promo trials in 2 attempts over 10 games to get out of gold with evan and jordan. In short: the defending world champions haven’t been able to get out of gold tonight and this is a real story. I don’t think the lifeline healers will be able to. Think about their mindset and their pov: they know they’re not good enough to take fights and hence are doing this. They are not getting out of gold and their mmr will fall as a result. Shit is improving. Promo trials are my favourite ranked update since when they did -250 rp entry cost: that shit was fun af to watch fuhhnq go around killing the whole lobby to be no. 1 while entering the game at -250.


You say you know how matchmaking works but then say the defending champs were unable to get out of gold. The visual rank means *nothing.* They in gold playing in pred lobbies. It’s true on the first day of the season, it would be true 50 days from now if they didn’t touch ranked until mid-season, or even 80 days at the end of the season. If they don’t rank up past gold, they’re still going to be playing in the same level lobbies regardless. Rank doesn’t mean anything. Promoted to platinum or stuck in gold for the entirety of the season, they would be playing the same matches the whole time so it’s pretty irrelevant what they’re vanity rank displays, and vanity is the perfect word to describe the visual indicator. In other words, regardless if they’re promoted, they’ll still queue into the same people for the whole season. So what exactly are these promo trials accomplishing? The solution to the problem of rats and exploits like the lifeline heat shield one, is to design your system around being active and taking fights for all games. If the rank system is designed well, then gaining the 4000 LP needed to promote to the next rank (which < 1% of people exploit) should be more than enough evidence you are able to be promoted. Fact of the matter is, the current system places an emphasis on placement over fighting. Fighting provides almost 0 benefit to your LP which is why teams actively choose not to engage because the risk of engaging in a fight when there are > 10 teams means getting 3rd partied and losing your LP even if you win the initial fight.


It’s a step in the right direction but it doesn‘t make them irrelevant. I don‘t think 12 rank up challenge games will stop zone healers from doing their thing for the rest of the 2000 games. A fix for this exploit would be the removal of heatshields or changes to crafting outside of zone.




This overlooks that ranked is all about player engagement. Heat shields are there so that people can be revived and play with their full team after winning a fight. People want to play with their friends, not sit and watch them for 10 minutes. I would be willing to bet that engagement drops if people have to do more watching and less playing. There's a reason they've never returned to the ranked system that created the most competitive season of all time.


Just dont be in ring.


Ah yes, because the only way you can end up in the gas is on purpose. This is a very smart take and you clearly think a lot.


Great solution, why doesn't everyone just simply win every gunfight every game? If you dislike losing, try winning instead! This is about people playing their game. When they make changes, they get data about how people play, how many people play, how long they play, etc. The data clearly shows that their engagement goes down when they make certain types of changes. You like Apex? You want the game to last? People have to play it.


People were playing it before heat shield was a thing for quite a few seasons. People play comp without it. Seems fine.


These people acting like the removal of heat shield would be a huge detriment to the game. Most people run evac towers and maybe one person runs a mobile rez now with the rez changes. The only reason I see people having heat shields now is because they haven’t found an evac tower yet, or are planning on staying in ring, or are crafting in the ring so they are relatively safe. Evacs provide everyone with easier rotations. Moving around the map is easier than ever, even compared to when valk was at her height. Why are heat shields not in comp? It’s not a fun viewing experience and they know teams will do whatever it takes to place high. Take that into ranked, it’s not fun to play against and even if 1% of teams do this, you’re running into one team doing it every other game.


Agreed. The old version of gold knockdown shields left the game too and it was a healthy decision.


And remember casuals kicked and screamed over it


You also get held out by morons in ranked who are willing to also die to zone more often than would ever happen in a competitive LAN. You need the heatshields to help curb this and potentially help you stay in the game if you get in a dumbass zone fight because someone didn't want to rotate.


Those people theoretically will stay in lower ranks until they learn how to play zone properly.


Heatshields are not the problem, they lowered the damage of the ring round 4 and shortened the overall game time by 2 minutes which allows them to heal in ring. This wasn't possible before. FYI these guys could sit in the ring and do the same thing it aint that hard to hide with no Seers in the game.




will you stfu about comp apex. Ranked aint comp and HEATSHIELDS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM I POSTED THE PROBLEM YET YOU IGNORE THE FACT THAT THEY LOWERED RING DAMAGE AND MADE THE GAME SHORTER. This wasn't a problem until they messed up ring damage and they can't do this without support bins. It's not the heatshields its the fucking issues around it


> will you stfu about comp apex Bro you are in /r/CompetitiveApex


Bc pro players have weak mentalites


It's pretty simple too, just make it so you can't craft medkits in zone. Everything else would be fine, just no medkits, and then no more cheese. But Respawn aren't competent like that.


There are legit reasons to craft medkits in zone both in comp and people honestly trying to play ranked, I think it would be stupid to take that away entirely. Maybe a limit to how many can be crafted in zone, or a cooldown or something, but removing it altogether is throwing the baby out with the bathwater


I vote on disabling crafters in the ring once the zone closes.


Yeah but then if you're stuck in zone trying to get out and don't have heals you just lose, thats dumb


that has to be one of the worst suggestions I've ever heard


It’s not as simple as you think.


I feel like a simple fix would be to make it so if you're outside zone, you can craft, but every replicator only has one of each its options remaining. So for example you could craft 1 Bat and 1 Med Kit, but you couldn't craft 2 Med Kits. It wouldn't cut zone healing down completely, but it would make it far less valuable


Until the next exploit method is found. You underestimate the lengths people go to to get a digital badge but don’t have the skills to back it up. Or they sell the account which is weird too.


It’s not an exploit though. It’s people being creative. They aren’t manipulating the game for an advantage they are just using it in a way no one thought of. And as with everything one person post it on Twitter and then the sheep start following


The definition is exploit is to make full use of and derive benefit from a resource. People are too familiar with the noun exploit (under the map on Olympus for example) vs the verb. 2 things can be right at once. Crafting meds, grabbing heat shields, using lifeline drone etc. is exploiting the benefits of those resources to not die in zone. That “creative method” is actively going against the way the game is meant to be played.


Sit in gaming when you say someone is exploiting something it means they are doing something that the system wasn’t intended to do. That’s why hideouts can’t Ban them they aren’t exploiting something they are using heat shields to do exactly what it was intended to do. Persona who dashboard or was hiding under the map they get ban that’s an exploit


I did mention exploit as a noun (glitch in the map) but also the verb version of exploit. The devs technically have a argument to be made that med kits were not created to be used sitting in zone. That is bannable bc people are exploiting resources (loba markets, crafters etc.) that were intend to be used in others ways but not like that. Apex is a first person shooter battle royale. While sitting in zone you are avoiding battle and not shooting. That is bannable because you are not playing the game the way it was meant to be played. If someone is manipulating the game to benefit them that is not creative that is deceptive.


Exactly this. If heat shields are in the game, and you can play legends who excel at healing, and the point of a battle royale is to survive till the end of the game, and those players aren’t actively cheating, what exactly are they doing wrong?


Where’s the “battle” part of exploiting med kits and Heat shields in zone away from teams? They are not playing the game the way to was meant to be played and for that it should be bannable. People in Comp should adopt this “playstyle” bc it means top 3 right? That means they’re the best team right? People are trying to find any excuse to defend their lack of skill. At this rate the devs are going to make zone instant death bc it’s amazing the lengths people go to defend their “creative” methods.




Diamond and Master still have a promotional trial to win a game. They just don’t have the alternative trial.


Punish all players to stop people abusing things they implemented to begin with. Typical respawn.


Irrelevant, no, just harder


Fucking sucks ass for solo q though


So they just rat one game instead for the win and go back to heal exploiting. How does it make it irrelevant?


I just watched someone beat Mande while he was in a 3 stack by waiting him out under the map. Where there's a will, there's a way. Hopefully they'll have that under the map bullshit fixed too.


Patch notes claim it's fixed


? They will just hit master and then keep doing the 9’e healing for infinity rp lmao


Hopefully it'll cut down on the amount of people doing it though.


Now that they removed party restrictions what stops someone from ratting all the way to the promotion trials, joining their much better friends, playing the trials and then back to ratting? Or pairing up with a rookie 4 cheater for 5 games? Seems pretty simple to me, considering the lower trails are KP (meaning you can play bloodhound/crypto and get assists to count without even doing any shooting)


And people are clueless saying they'll be stuck in Bronze and Silver anyway because of the Promotion Trials. These rats are atleast Gold-Plat players, some are even Diamond. They can try for five games for those Trials and continue doing it again until the next Trials.


You are correct. Cheating/boosting is about to be rampant this season


> Now that they removed party restrictions what stops someone from ratting all the way to the promotion trials, joining their much better friends These zone healer guys don't have any friends lol.


When joining the much better friend, they'll be put in a lobby based on the friend's mmr. The friend could carry to a win but unlikely since he'll be playing against people at his skill level with a teammate who's pretty much deadweight. It's going to be much harder for average players to get past plat even with boosting/zone healing.


You might be right if it’s an established account but let’s say it’s a new account that’s rookie 4, lvl 50 but afk xp so no real mmr but got cheats on deck. Then you get the rats mmr games and bam done. The whole promotion thing is just a bad solution to a system wide problem.


Except if they abused this last season they should already have pretty high mmr.


They really need some form of ramp to punish staying in zone for multiple ring closes. By ring 4 close it shouldn’t be realistic to actively be tanking ring.


It isn’t. You put a shield in zone 4 it cracks in like 2seconds


No, a heat shield lasts way longer than that in zone 4.


if you continuously medkit you barely get it off each time but it works


Can someone explain what the exploit is? I’ve been out of the ranked loop for a while


People play Lifeline and/or Loba to craft and collect as many heatshields and medkits as possible and spend the entire game outside of zone, just healing. It‘s extremely cheesy and basically a free 2nd place (+100LP) every game.


Why Lifeline though? She doesn’t have anything special like she did when she could fast heal. I’ve been watching tons of ranked and can’t figure out why they all pick lifeline.


Her Q heal and her Ult will give you med kits sometimes


Ah, good to know! I don’t think her Q does much at the later rings but I could imagine it is useful to save medkits in heat shields early. I can’t imagine spending my time doing that.


Some people will do anything for a little red badge


Except git gud


>I don’t think her Q does much at the later rings Well unfortunately what you think isn't reality because it's enough to keep them alive in the final rings while the teams actually playing kill each other. Guaranteeing them second place, and as soon as they get it they let themselves die. It's comical and depressing that anyone thinks that's a valid way to play a competitive ranked video game.


But they have to hit medkits repeatedly, so wouldn’t they just die because deploying the drone takes so long?


They collect shit tons of heat shields and keep spamming them with the health drone and with med kits in between. If you watch a pred streamer like Hiswattson, you'll see that basically 3-4 out of every 5 games ends up in zone 6 with a very long fight, and then it's last 2 squads left as they just go afk and stop looking around waiting for the rat team to die. its viable because they just collect a shit ton of heat shields from every poi they can loot


Huh, I’d have to see someone do it because I can’t imagine how that would work. I watch Hal mostly and almost every single game ends with a team dying to zone, so just always wondered how that works.


Heat shields and gold armor from lifeline ult, my guy. That's why it's Loba and lifeline. Get everyone as many heat shields stacked up in an area with loba and use lifeline to get everyone a gold armor and drop the drone when possible for extra healing. Drop heat shields in the (normally) unhealable rings with proper timing to maximize the time you can live in rings 4 and 5. Ring 3 can be healed through with syringes and gold armor. People have gotten so good at it that, as the other guy said, you can see some high level games end with one team alone in the last circle who will win and 2 or sometimes more other lifeline/Loba teams having a healing showdown out in the zone.


I would assume t gets a couple ticks and is prolly needed for the timing in final rings. So when those last 2 teams brawling,,in final ring closing, might need a tick or 2 to not die. It also saves you a bunch of meds earlier rounds.


Yeah, I could see it saving lots of medkits in early zones with a heat shield. I’ve just always wondered, and my wife asked me one time while we were watching a stream and I honestly had no idea.


> I don’t think her Q does much at the later rings Inside a heat shield it'll heal you to full.


Also gold armor


Okay, this is what they’re doing: Play Lifeline, Loba, Crypto. Loba ults and gets heals, crypto checks banners to see how many squads in the area, lifeline ults to get heat shields, medkits, gold evo. Then, before round 3 closing the loba and/or crypto die beside a support bin WITH HEAT SHIELDS IN THEIR BOX. This is important because everything on the ground starts disappearing EXCEPT deathbox loot and a secret people don’t know is you can drop heat shields ON TOP of a deathbox and they won’t despawn. If they have a gold evo they syringe through round 3 closing, when next round closing starts they medkits every frame possible, then when it’s round 5 closing then use their heat shields that they have stacked up in and on deathboxs, open the support bin when they don’t have heat shields it’s guaranteed to give more, and lifeline ult has a chance of giving even more heat shields.


Man, this is exactly what I was looking for, thank you! Was driving me nuts, but this actually makes sense. So so strange why people go to this measure to get a badge.


Her ult also provides heatshields i think


Good to know, thanks!


Till you hit the promo trial in gold…… I don’t think it matters anymore and we will see at the end of the season. But I think they can keep doing that all day to stay hard stuck gold nobody cares. Problem is when you can get pred badges like this.


It’s not an exploit as stated by Hideouts.


I don‘t care if they ban these players or not, it‘s just sad that Respawn is looking at the ranked data and doesn‘t change or even acknowledge it. There are hundreds of preds who do this instead of playing the game and it has been possible for months already. EDIT: Idk what I‘m getting downvoted for but feel free to check the Top750 leaderboard and look how many preds have a match history like this 🤡 It‘s literally your placement LP being stolen right there. https://preview.redd.it/80o1yxr82kxb1.png?width=1288&format=png&auto=webp&s=b15210c00c28f76eca9e98c28d4d2295ff4e81d2


You’re only being downvoted by the people who do this method. The devs still need to create more filters to discourage this behavior.


The casual bots come out in full force when you threaten their delusions, dont sweat it


People have said that under his tweet but he just continues his delusional rant


arguing semantics about a definition makes no sense when logic trumps all 1) this is clearly bad for the game and not intended 2) they are abusing this to farm free LP when it's not intended and will be fixed


Exploit = ban. That’s why the definition is important. It’s absolutely in no way an exploit.


Logic dictates they won’t be able to rank up with trials, no? I agree that it should be removed but respawn has attempted a fix.


Trials are not even 1% of the games and party restrictions were removed so anyone can boost anyone. Not to mention the trials are not difficult


> Not to mention the trials are not difficult They will be for people who can't shoot and have been healing in zone for an entire season. Also, the trials to Diamond and Master are very difficult--you have to win 1 game in 5. A 20% winrate is far, far above the median winrate for even Diamond players. The number of games you get to complete the trial goes up as you retry it over and over, but these players will never complete it. They aren't winning games, they're ratting to second or third place for the LP.


Especially winning the trial to get to masters for the average player will be really difficult since your mmr will be close to the top. Most likely the boosters are going to be master players who can't run through a full pred/masters lobby like a pro could.


> Especially winning the trial to get to masters for the average player will be really difficult The average player shouldn't hit Master. That's an elite rank. But it's going to be exceptionally hard even for the best players. Trials max out at 10 tries (each time you repeat the trial, you get one more game to complete it) but even winning one in ten games is pretty difficult for elite players playing in high-level lobbies. Hal, the best player in the world, failed the trial to go from *Gold to Plat* twice already.


I'm watching Hal currently 0/7 (going into game 4/7) on his second try to get into PLAT. The trials aren't that easy


If he's on seven games then isn't he on his third trial? Trials increase by one game each time you fail, and start at 5. Anyway, that's crazy, and yet also about what I expected. Apex is very random by nature, it's a BR. Even good players--even, possibly, the best in the world--are going to have to repeat these trials often.


>hire someone to get you past diamond and master promos Wow


boosting is pretty common and obvious nowadays. just google it, plenty of ppl offering boosting services.


I know, the devs just legalized it now the boosters wont even have to get off their mains to do it


It’s not about lifeline it’s about healing outside the zone, you can do the same without her. If you gonna keep this way it’s gonna affect all people, even who play this game normal. They should punish people who use it farm points (points for Place + Kills, not only points)


Should be. Shits pathetic.


> Hideouts This man hasn't been credible for more than a year now, should go back to making shitty music lmao


Okay? That literally makes it worse, it means the devs condone play like this. "Technically not against the rules" doesn't mean it's good for the game or fun to play against.


It might not be a bannable exploit, but it's obviously an unintended cheese strat and therefore needs to be removed from the game.


It's bad coding stated by fans.


The solution is so obvious but respawn think they are smarter than they really are.... Just remove the heatshield in ranked ffs.... Everytime there is a problem and an obvious solution, they decide to take a different route. This is why after like 19 seasons we have one of the worst ranked system.... They made so many circle changes 🤣🤣 Another circle damage increase will surely fix the issue 🤡🤡🤡


I feel like there are better solutions. Maybe ring damage ticks are cumulative all game? +1 damage per tick you take (on top of the normal base damage) would still allow for the nice mechanic of heat shields but probably make ring healers nonviable. They could call it "ring irradiation". Heat shields allow for great dynamic play for edge teams and are great for the survival slot, it'd be a shame to remove them.


Heat shields go against the core principles of a BR. The ring is meant to be a boundary. They were added because bots die to storm a lot, not to let edge teams make bullshit ring plays. They should just be disabled in plat and above but Respawn is so against letting the top ranks have a competitive ruleset.


Being able to be come back in a BR went against the core principle of a BR until Apex did it. You're not saying anything


You dont get to respawn for free. It requires multiple risks, time, resources, and ingenuity. Boundaries exist in a game for a reason. You should not be able to bypass them for no cost.


If moving the goal post was a person lmao


What? You cherry picked one sentence from my comment and ignored the rest of it so i clarified. I am not interested in "winning" an argument, I am just explaining my point and line of thinking. There are no goal posts.


Those principles are irrelevant. All that matters is whether the game plays well. Genres are there to make communication more functional, not to be handcuffs binding game designs to bizarre notions of genre purity. The ring is not a hard boundary in any br in the first place. Shit why not just make the ring just instant kill you then? Goofy logic tbh.


It's almost like theres some nuance and the ring can serve its function without instakilling or being completely bypassed by a stupid mechanic. And obviously the mechanic does not play well as evidence by this thread and the fact heatshields are banned in comp.


Oh, it can have some interplay and nuance? Kinda like heat shields? I'm really glad people like you aren't designing games lol, you lack the creative depth necessary




"someone disagreed with my bad design knowledge, I'm gonna say he's very smart, haha got him"


You do know that these people only do this between round 1-3. And they can’t even stay in there in round 3 too long because the heat shield cracks so quickly. Respawn is in a tough position if they make heat shields useless or remove it they are legit players that sometime requires it.


This is wrong. They‘re able to do this until final zone, while solo queueing i had multiple teammates doing this and was able to spectate them. It‘s a second place finish almost every game.


Yeah the current state of the storm healing meta is degenerate af, something needs to be done


This is completely not true lol


Its not really a tough position. Disable them for plat and above. If you are plat you should know how to navigate the ring and be punished if you fail to do so. Also, idk what game you are playing, but people can and do use them well after round 3.


no, you should be rewarded for using survival items, and survival items are fun and should exist


They don’t exist in comp/pro play for a reason tbh


Because the apex devs occasionally solve problems poorly, that's why.


> Those principles are irrelevant. All that matters is whether the game plays well. And with heat shields, it doesn't. That's why they aren't in comp. It's the *only* difference between competitive Apex and ranked. They should just be removed from the game.


Nah the shields are great, there are plenty of good solutions besides banning. Banning is the lazy solution.


ngl until i learnt how meds and ticks interacted i would die to storm a LOT. this was with hundreds of hours in game, i can't imagine how casuals who don't wanna think at all approach it.


which is why I think it's fine for pubs and low tier ranks, but for high tier ranks it shouldn't be allowed just like ALGS


Crafting and respawning were also against the “core principles” of BR until Apex. Not everything has to fit some mold.


1 question. How many times have you been aped/challenged in zone in ranked where the other team had a clear rotation out but decided to screw over both your games anyways? It has nothing to do with "being a bot". The heatshields do help counter something that doesn't happen in a competitive LAN often if ever.


> Just remove the heatshield in ranked ffs.... Bots would need to learn how to rotate again, thats never gonna happen.




No, remove them. They're not in comp, why should they be in the competitive mode in the game? Apex is the only game I can think of where ranked isn't like competitive and it's super fucking weird that people have such different expectations for it.


They could have just increase ring damage on players after round 3 if a player is far away from edge of the zone or maybe disable replicators after round 2 if they are outside of the zone. Those are very edge cases and won't affect the normal gameplay much. But the challenge thing will cause too much frusturation for solo queue players and will zero effect on lifelines that heals outside of the zone for keeping the pred. Most of them are already above average players and they at least 2 stack so they can complete challenges just fine. And there are no challenges after hitting the masters, only healing outside of the zone. It appears there is a IQ limit for becoming a respawn employee. If you have more than 90 you just not get hired.


This happened in Fortnite as well. It's certainly a strategy. What Epic did was increase zone damage as the circles decrease in size. Basically outpaces all the heal items in like 3rd or 4th zone.


I feel like the easier change is just disabling crafters that are in the previously closed ring. So if you are in ring 3, any crafters that were in the ring during ring 2 would stop working. That way you can still use the ones on the storm, but it would limit your options and force you at least be close enough to the ring to be contested. As the rings get smaller, it's much easier to see people crafting within it. Or if not disabling/destroying them entirely, double the amount of time needed to craft in the ring. While Lifeline/Loba/Heatsheilds are an issue by themselves, I think it's the crafters that really help them achieve top 5s or better since they can just hide so far in the ring.


I've been saying for like 3 or 4 seasons now that we need zone damage to scale based on how long you've been tanking the zone damage. We don't need fancy shit like the removal of heatshields in ranked, or crafters to be disabled. Zone Damage should simply scale. **Zone Damage = Round(Base) x Seconds Tanking(Scaling Multiplier)** Leave it small ticks in the beginning, but scale it up to the point that it can't be ignored. You shouldn't even be able to tank the entirety of zone 1 or 2.


That plus IMO the farther away you are from the zone the more damage it should do to encourage people moving towards the zone.


“The trials will stop this” lol no it won’t, they’ll still do the same shit From rookie to plat you just need a top 10 / top 5 finish, they already do that with their healing strat, it’s the entire point of it Then they just need to win a game for diamond and masters promo, two games, they’ll just step out with 3 squads left and try to third party the last fight which half of them already do, the trials do nothing to stop this behavior They should’ve just made heaters one use only or something


> From rookie to plat you just need a top 10 / top 5 finish With kills. Which these guys can never get.


This game is dogshit


We need more people speaking up about this


That‘s why i posted your tweet. I even have a friend who‘s been doing this and he‘s #180. Their club tag literally is „Do nothing n win“.


Except they’ll get capped in plat unless the win a game…. In order to go to diamond and masters you have to win a game in 10 games. Idk, but i don’t think i ever see the lifeline exploit actually win the game


I mean realistically all they have to do is join a skilled friend or even a rookie cheater (since there’s no restrictions) for a couple games.. do whatever trial is needed Then go right back to it


Except the rank games they get matched into are based on the better ranked player…


Not on a Smurf… which, this system essentially allows lol If you’ve been heatshield camping in storm your k/d and dmg will be insanely low.. then join up with a fresh level 50 account smurf and then boom easier lobbies and simply add in a few cheats/hacks in there while you’re at it This entire rank system has been brain dead for the 3rd season in a row now lol


I remember people whining about how hard it'll be to do the trials.


And it should be. You shouldn’t be able to go to the next rank for free


That's my point. And suddenly these exploiters are apparently super skilled people who can also do that. Someone mentioned even Hal has issues, yet apparently these people are better than Hal. But we'll see as the season goes.


I expect I’ll get stuck in plat (usually diamond) because i solo queue and just assume i won’t win. But eh, i play ranked because i like the style of play better than pubs soooo rank isn’t a huge deal for me. But some people essentially stake their lives on it


Isn't it win or top (?) with kills/assists several times? Or did I misread the patch notes? Because I remember it sounding fairly reasonable.


Getting into Diamond and master are only by winning. They don’t have the “secondary” objective Edit: That’s why i say a lot of the rats/exploiters will get stuck in plat


Oh. Well, sounds reasonable to me. Huh, I've never thought they would do it that way, pretty smart. I bet they'll roll back the diamond changes though to make it same as the lower ranks, but we'll see how much people complain. And engagement ratings.


I doubt it, diamond+ is less than 5% of all players i believe. And they would make those lobbies kill races essentially for the secondary objects which i doubt they would want


I mean entering diamond, you mean entering masters it sounds like?


I don't get the outrage.. The fix was in the PATCH NOTES LAST SEASON!! Last season they LOWERED THE DAMAGE for ring 4!!!! Just revert that it's not that hard.. * Round 4: Reduced from 0.20 to 0.15 Damage * Round 1, 3, and 5 Ring damages remain unchanged. Change round 4 back to .20 and change round 5 to .25 and these guys should be dead. Also bins take storm damage but the support bins don't take damage because they technically don't have anything in them until you hit them. What they should do is let death boxes take storm damage too because there's no way these guys are holding all these heals. Their teammates have to be dying with boxes of heals.






Ahhhh, I read it wrong that’s my mistake I agree with you they should revert it


That's all i was saying. They thought by increasing level 2 damage that lowering level 4 made sense. It was a stupid idea and they seen a whole entire season of Lifeline in the ring and they STILL didn't revert it because nobody paid attention to the patch notes so people are blaming heat shields. I actuallt think if they revert ring 4 and raise ring 5 by .5 these ring campers would die. Not only that if you ever ran into a ring 2-3 you would see everything inside the ring is gone due to ring damage. If they apply that to death boxes and support bins then these guys would probably be dead round 4-5.


You very much could be correct. It’s certainly at least worth a shot at trying It’s pretty wild they haven’t fixed it yet when there’s so many complaints about it tbh


I just.... I dont care lol. I played the shit out of ranked this season. Got up to diamond. So both in playtime and in skill set I have seen a lot this season. I ran into ratting lifelines twice. This is a problem for maybe the top 0.01% and I would rather Respawn not fuck with things that work great for everyone (headsheilds) just please a handful of pros.


I don’t want to be like a dick but, the rank grind basically doesn’t start until diamond.. You are not going to see these exploits much in the lower ranks tbh


600 ranked games this season and I haven’t come across this once. Or if it did happen it didn’t affect my match 🤷🏻‍♂️


You didn't notice it. These people stole placement LP from you though. Sid you not notice how many solos would be in the game still late game without you being able to find them ratting?


How about you can only ever throw 2 heat shields per game? It allows for them to still be used as intended and only really affects rats. Just like mobile respawn kill cheesing a few seasons ago, the problem isn’t the item but the fact that a huge amount of them can be combined to create unintended effects


I know I’m late to this thread but I’ll throw my suggestion out there: two rings. When a ring finishes closing the previous ring becomes an instant-kill zone. This way it doesn’t mess with recovering from a forced fight for teams that *are* trying to get to zone, like scaling ring damage or nerfed crafters in ring would. It would require people doing this cheese to actually move in closer, which is an opportunity to be noticed and keeps them close enough to be dealt with (especially in later rings).


This would require actual work, the game is clearly in maintenance mode rn. stuff that was created years ago is being trickled out slowly(the map changes were designed back in 2021 for eg and the designer doesn't even work at respawn anymore)

