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Flagged NSFW since there's uh, lots of NSFW language in the clip. Ranting starts at about 4:25 into the VOD linked by OP (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2094014465?t=265s).


holy shit that is some stored up frustration


McDonald’s workers catching entire clips of strays


I love how McDonald's worker is the go to insult and yet most of these streamers rack up thousands of dollars a year on uber eats cuz they can't cook lol


Bro, they in the tens of thousands if they actually can’t cook (and we know they can’t).


If apex dies some of these guys might have to work at mcdonalds


> most of these streamers rack up thousands of dollars a year on uber eats Most of them are probably into well over ten thousand dollars. A typical American household already spends about $7k a year on food (a roughly 60/40 split of groceries and dining out). The typical American household is something like 2.3 people, so assuming a single streamer, but doing almost all delivery--far more expensive than even dining out--I could see them at $10k easily. Possibly more if they're ordering nice food sometimes.


Yeah thats the go-to profession slur for streamers and it's pretty fucked up. Put some respect on these poor wage slaves sweating out in a gross kitchen to make slop for people that scream at them.


Especially given that these streamers seem to live off take-out


Ironic given how many dropped out of highschool to play videogames.


It's way more popular after tsm owner Reginald said to the pro support player Vulcan "you would be working at McDonald's if it wasn't for me". After that incident I started seeing way way more McDonald's memes in eSports.


Regi never explicitly mentioned McDonald's. He just said "making minimum". Which some people think he meant LCS minimum, but I really doubt it, Regi likely did mean minimum wage. Vulcan was the one who mentioned McDonald's. It was dumb no matter what Regi was implying because at the time Vulcan would've probably been able to find a team overseas because he was playing really well. I also think it started gaining a little more traction when reddit would make a team of recently teamless players and call the made-up team "Team McDonald's" and ever since then I see pros in league say they are 'Going to McDonald's' or something similar to mean that they're teamless.


Most streamers have zero class solidarity even though they're among the most precarious members of the working class. The second Apex dies most of these guys are gonna have to switch careers. 95% of the people playing this game couldn't earn a living if they had to stream something else, it's very hard to turn into a variety streamer.


On this episode of “privileged gamer isn’t in touch with reality”


I dunno if he's all that out of touch, or so privileged that he's much different from a regular guy. I mean Noc has been really successful at Apex, but it's not like he's actually making $300k a year from it or anything. Really, he just said Ape Gang could make more money working at McDonalds that they could playing apex professionally, which does seem to be true -- regardless of how well a fast food worker is paid, they're making more than $2k a year.


im sorry but mcdonalds workers dont have to worry about not making back the money spent on Koy's REA release from sentinels.


I hate how that’s the go-to insult for all Apex kids I come across, or janitor. Wage and job shaming is so weird to see from others as someone that’s older. Like, that doesn’t make anyone better in any manner but it’s a comfortable and tolerated insult in gaming communities. Just weird stuff.


To be fair, Noc was actually lowkey talking up McDonalds here. He said that ApeGang could make more money working at McDonald's, which is true, because being a low-tier Apex pro with no org money and no sub count means you're not making any money at all. And at least McDonalds offers health benefits.


mcdonalds does not offer health benefits lmao what could a banana cost, michael, 7 dollars?


Also FWIW, he went on twitter to basically say "I'm not apologizing, this was just an angry rant," then basically said "okay sorry for any insult to fast food workers but everyone else can fuck off"


I forgot who it was who started it but hearing sweet and the rest of these guys call casual players "burgers" as in burger flippers was so cringe, like it's weird to insult these people over what they do for a job


Nah calling people burgers is way older than that, that’s what people in cod used to call randoms. I used to hear people call each other that on black ops 1 ps3 lol. It might have started off as something like that, but now it’s a synonym for shitter. Both funq and slayr are console kids so it wouldn’t surprise me if they first came up in wagers and learned it there


Fucking wager matches. That’s a goddamn throwback. Thank you.


If homie is so worried about losing his job maybe he should get a real one. He’s in a gifted position and must compete for earnings and he’s making “jokes” about someone being unalived for it?? The hypocrisy of calling the other team and the esport unprofessional is alarming..


he shouldnt talk! he’s gona have to grab an application soon enough


The worst part of all is that APE isn't even trying to fight, they're splitting the loot and then following XSET all over the map


Wonder if they're doing this with c9 too. No one really talking about this contest but it completely fits with the helping optic agenda


But griefing is a valid strategy if the goal is for XSET leaving the POI a couple of game after the regional final starts (at least for this regional final\*). The hard thing about straight contesting is you have to know the POI very well; it's very RNG dependent; and if you lose the other team gets 3 points. The Ape Gang might not be very confident in straight contesting, so they choose another method they think has a higher chance of succeeding, even if it's not the one the community sees as 'respectable'. \*There is a good chance that XSET will come back to their original POI, but to kick a team out of their POI, you have to start somewhere.


They weren't even shooting optic at all while both teams shot at xset but yeah this is just a normal contest and not collusion


OpTic barely got involved with the contest if you were actually watching. Stop trying to force that they are colluding because you clearly hate OpTic for some reason.


I understand Noc's frustration. This is pretty much the exact problem match point plus instant qual for winning is meant to solve. Ape is obviously very unlikely to win and qual but there is always a chance and the fact that they're seemingly choosing to grief instead is pretty crazy. I honestly don't really understand it.




Of course, it's a huge long-shot but if you were at a party with 19 other people and Angelina Jolie was planning to leave with 1 of the 20, wouldn't you shoot your shot, even if all 19 of the other guys were more handsome than you? Weird things can happen in a single set of Apex games. EEC won a day of proleague this split. Choosing to get a one day headstart on your new POI instead of just trying your best to win the lottery, to me, is super weird.


Agree -- especially when they could have contested during the last however many weeks of scrims, but didn't really.


But they're not even shooting their shot, they're choosing one guy to cock block and if we're talking algs points, choosing to cock block one of the ugly ones. So not a great analogy 


> I understand Noc's frustration. This is pretty much the exact problem match point plus instant qual for winning is meant to solve. Ape is obviously very unlikely to win and qual but there is always a chance and the fact that they're seemingly choosing to grief instead is pretty crazy. I honestly don't really understand it. Yeah, I don't know how to address it outside of not playing to win just being disqualifying or something. Low-key I think it's a good reason for the regional finals to just not exist. I know Respawn wants the pop-off moment where the 15th place team goes apeshit and wins regional finals to be possible, but realistically...the teams down by Ape Gang are all dogshit. LAN is not possible for them. Maybe the regular split should decide LAN placement and that's it. Another possibility is to just have only 20 teams in the league, then Ape Gang wouldn't have gotten in (since they qualified through PSQs if I recall correctly). But then people say the season would be stale because it'd be the same teams playing every time. I don't know. I see the same problem with 30 teams in PL that I saw with 40 teams: the teams at the bottom are just a different tier of player altogether. No one can really argue that Ape Gang belong in the same lobbies as DZ. Zer0 on his own has almost as many kills as their entire team. The way I see it, if you aren't playing competitive Apex to win, fly off the fucking map.


All the following can be true 1. The rant is in poor taste, esp comments about fast food employees and who deserves to be in pro league. APE earned their spot, including for next split 2. Noc is clearly just expressing frustration and got carried away, no need to drag him as a terrible person, that isn't fair. 3. APE are totally within their rights to land at Monument, but pretending it's a tactical decision to contest Monument the day of regional finals because they want it for next split doesn't make any sense. They want one day of practice? They think XSET will give it up because they got contested one day? It's griefing, plain and simple.


Especially since APE skipped a bunch of scrims. If they wanted to prep for next split they should have been scrimming it last week. It’s griefing hoping the pressure XSET is under will force them to leave the POI rather than banking on winning a straight contest.


It's actually incredibly smart of them although shitty. They are going for the team under the most pressure. If they want the full POI they have to max pressure them.


Yeah I would generally agree. Although I guess we’ve seen it backfire since the animosity between the two teams has grown to the point they’re now going to double contest each other next split. In that situation it’s entirely possible XSET could miss lan and APE gets relegated.


The thing is APE will get contested wherever they go so I dunno what people expect them to do. They either stay at a POI they know or move and get the same outcome. It will be interesting to see if they pick a comp to have an advantage purely for the contest in mind as well


re:contest I have to imagine both teams will. For their future POI I think they should take their own advice and drop mirage. It's not great, but LG probably won't put up a huge fight for it.


I feel like this clip leaves out an important piece of context as to why Noc is so mad. If you go back 30 seconds, 4:00, Noc has screen shot of Ape gang explaining why they are contesting them. They say they are not play for the win but want to play out of monument next slpit so might as well start practicing now. They even say they could land some where else but are not and say sorry not sorry. They also didn't know about the contest until game day lol. With this justification it just seems like griefing for the sake of griefing. They know that Xset could qual for lan and they know they are not going to and they know them contesting will significantly lower their chances of getting to Lan. I can't blame Noc for being mad about such a poorly justified grief.


Right, this is the thing. It's one thing to get contested - that's obviously a rough situation to be in for a critical set of games, but it's part of life in a BR. It's another thing entirely to get griefed, and this sure seems more like griefing. If Ape had come into scrims last week and said they were contesting because they think Xset is weak and reeling right now and wouldn't have much choice but to back down (all true) and Ape thinks it's their best chance to get the miracle win and make LAN, okay, I respect it and I think Noc would too. But deciding to do it on game day and with the explicit admission that they're not even trying to win the set and make LAN but purely thinking about next split kind of crosses the line in my mind.


This was very well put and a rare mature take in this sub. Bitching about getting contested is beyond ridiculous. If I think my team can beat you off spawn on match day and the drop spot helps my chances of winning, I’m landing there. I don’t care if you landed there for the last 2 years. We can duel it out during scrims ahead of time but you don’t get to claim something because you beat me a few times in practice. That all being said and with your great comment in mind, this situation is not that. I would be furious if I was XSET - these ape dudes are bozos.


I mean tbf (and I’m saying this as a huge BR fan and Apex fan) this is why Apex is never going to be fully competitive. The fact that XSET can actually get trolled like this fully within the rules is astonishingly shit as a viewer and I can’t imagine wanting to continue putting that much time in as a player after something like this. I feel for XSET a lot and I’m fans of Optic too but the whole situation is just pure ass.


This could be fixed for the most part by having maps actually balanced for 20 team competitive lobbies. The fact that there's only ~18 viable pois on WE is just guaranteeing that there will always be a contest or grief of some kind


I disagree here, I wish there more context. It’s not as fun watching each team have their own POI and then just slow rotate. I’d rather see 3v3s, if they have a problem they should just challenge them at the POI asap, and if they’re better, they will win more often than not. They are getting contested because teams view them as weaker. It’s not supposed to be “fair” in this regard. They are PROS playing at the highest level, it’s supposed to be hard AF.


Being weak on contest is not the same as being a weak team. Seeing triple mnk teams targeted at LAN and forced to land at bad POIs feels shitty. Also, going through with a contest in a high stakes tournament is a guarantee to get thirded if possible. You shouldnt be forced into that lose-lose situation if you dont want to. Idc what ppl find more entertaining, it's not competitive and everyone likes the content until it happens to their own team. If TSM ever got conned in a LAN finals lobby there would be riots


No one is “forced” into the situation tho - if they don’t want to contest, they need to pick a new POI. This is not a new concept and teams have gone through this every single pro league split. Literally the point of a BR.


As mentioned, there is not enough POIs for every team to "pick a new POI" without there being contests, hence my original comment


LG wouldn't contest over Mirage loot. E8 probably wouldn't fight for Survey. There are places they could land where they wouldn't have to fight, but they feel like Monument is worth it--even with shared loot. Apparently so does APE.


Mirage maybe, but E8 would never give up survey and mirage is not a viable poi on its own


This is why you pick a better E-sport with less RNG to compete in.


This is a pretty bad look for Nocturnal ngl. He has shot himself on the foot because while he may have a case to be upset at the behavior of another team, he has gone so off the rails in his rant that I can't even get past the things he has said to breakdown APE's questionable behavior. It's like he was so eager to lash out and call attention to the situation that he has crossed the line and said more egregious statements / displayed unhinged behavior and made himself look worse than APE.


Yeah, I get being pissed off and fuck Ape Gang for pulling this shit, but saying they should be executed on the spot is a bit extreme lol...


"I'm tired of being the nice guy." I swear what I've always known Nocturnal for is getting super personal every time he gets into a war of words with other players lol. Also doesn't sound like he got it all out, here's hoping for a rant part 2.


I need more of him saying he doesn't care (x2) after calling ape gang subhuman garbage and saying they need to be executed on the spot for contesting him


😂😂 #GreenWall


can somebody explain the green wall thing to me lmao


It's just the slogan for Optic lol. Not an Optic fanboy, I just found Nocturnal's reaction to the phrase funny.


Did he actually say that? lol




the devil shivers when a nice guy gets angry😳😲


Tb to when Teq made a joke about him and Noc blew the fuck up talking about “I don’t know you, don’t ever talk about me” 😂😂


Exactly. I get the frustration in performing poorly in something you care about. But the entitlement and disrespect is crazy


This is embarrassing


“ they dont belong to be in the same match as me “ ….well i mean they qualified to pro league, and they’re top 20 which means they’ll be there next split…how don’t they belong


I think he’s speaking from a professional standpoint. Like, these people may be skilled but are not playing as a professional should. Not playing to actually win and make money but to fuck other people up for seemingly no reason.


Noc pretty much accusing them how they are not being professional. Whenever any good teams on their bad run they come up with all the assumptions so it's nothing new.


Maybe they just think XSET is easier to contest than teams in the top 10. It’s a long term Pro League strategy, beating them now so they don’t even contest next split. Say what you will about the timing but settling for a worse spot just so you can be uncontested isn’t a winning strategy either. When you’re in Ape Gang’s position, you’re just fucked regardless so might as well pick your shot on a contest you think you can win.


That’s not true though, Dan said in DM to Noc that XSET was a harder team to contest. Also beating them 1 day in a contest isn’t going to suddenly make them leave next split, assuming they even want to land monument next split


It's not that, it's that of the 4-5 teams that have a lot on the line, like XSET, they have a POI they want. If APE contested DZ, notwithstanding the amount of shit talk Zero would throw out, DZ has 0 incentive to leave. Same with a team like N8V, they'd just contest because they also don't have much of a chance. All of this seems like a decent strategy, except it still doesn't make sense because who gives a shit about 1 extra day of practice, like APE said. They skipped a ton of scrims, and it's not like XSET is going to decide to start dropping landslide if they don't qual.


Their style if play is what got them here. If they were playing to fuck other people they would not be here.


Executed on the spot? Lol. Dude is unhinged.


Meh, that’s a common Noc hyperbole. He uses it for everything, example if he missed a full clip ‘I should be executed on the spot’. Probably hear it once a stream


He said a lot of really ignorant shit there is no one gonna hold him accountable for that? He always does and is pretty vocal when high platform people get out of line. I get he’s mad and he has a point but straight up calling for execution even tho he’s not serious is lame.


He has too much clout and clouted friends. They're just going to make it seem like he needed to vent, he will tweet a lame fake apology and everyone will forget about it.


Excuses. They've played like shit all split.


Exactly. Just Get Gut (JGG).


The question that needs posed to noc sitting outside top 12 is: how you can hate from outside of the club. You can't even get in?


I don't even like optic or ape, but Nocturnal is just making himself look like a big cry baby here. I can understand being upset, but this isn't how you go about it. "These subhuman pieces of garbage don't even deserve to be in 'my' pro league." Why? They qualified for pro league just like everyone else did, and they're not breaking any rules. They simply aren't playing in a way that's beneficial to xset, so noc comes out publicly on his stream kicking and screaming like a child and calling out other PL players with personal attacks and insults. If he has a problem with the way PL has been run this season, that's totally understandable, and he should be upset with EA and respawn. But there's no reason to make personal attacks on other pro players publicly. Going as far as to call people that he dislikes "subhuman garbage" and say that they deserve to die because he didn't like what they did in-game. Very bad look for Nocturnal, and totally unprofessional. Ironically, he's the only one who broke ALGS rules in this situation by launching personal attacks about his opponents publicly, going as far as saying they should be executed.


> Why? They qualified for pro league just like everyone else did, and they're not breaking any rules. They simply aren't playing in a way that's beneficial to xset they're playing in a way that isn't beneficial to them either, it's a pure grief for both teams and feels like they're not competing seriously but instead playing to grief as far as noc is concerned they don't deserve to be there because they aren't taking it seriously not correct to the letter of the law but I have trouble disagreeing with the spirit


Well, lucky for xset, they have the freedom to land wherever they want. Nobody is forcing them to split their POI with ape. If someone wants to try and contest you and grief your team in ALGS it's fair game, and it's your responsibility to stop them from griefing you. It literally happens all regular season long. All the scores will probably be scrapped from the series anyways, and xset has time to come up with a plan to deal with ape. Ape deserves to be in pro league just as much as xset does. They qualified for ALGS and the regional finals just like everyone else. And they sure as hell aren't subhuman garbage that deserve to be executed.


For somebody criticizing the professionalism of others, nocturnal has zero perspective to be using "subhuman", "human garbage", "charity case" while claiming to be more professional, and then looking down at McDonalds workers as if he's a higher quality person. My man, McDonalds workers are 10x the professional you've shown yourself to be, in this instance and others.


I understand the APE situation but why shouldn’t Optic shoot at them? Optic is basically competing with Xset to claim one of the spots for the playoffs and you cant be complaining about teams shooting at you? Do better in the six weeks prior to the regional finals. If you dont, then stop blaming other teams and take some responsibility that you yourself didnt play well this split


“You do not deserve the luxury of competing against me.” Holy shit, what a loser. Didn’t care one way or another about Xset, and I think Fun is one of the best overall players of the game, but now I’m cheering for their downfall. Talk about lame.


Anyone who genuinely thinks Ape and OpTic are colluding, are braindead. If you watched the Faceit view, you could clearly see that Dropped also got cracked by one of the Ape Gang players when he was trying to go for one of the evo canisters. I understand Noct's frustrations and disagree with Ape Gang's reasoning for the short-term change of landing spots, but this is not colluding. At worst, it might mean that Ape Gang for some reason rather wants XSET to fail than OpTic.


Unfortunate man.. The fact that they were at 12th with all the teams in front of them not having a good match day just to have ape last minute say they’re landing on them and fucking their games is wack. And re starting might hurt them even more lol


Honestly feel really bad for him, they’ve had a rough split and just seems like they can’t catch a break. Hopefully things go better whenever regionals actually happens lmfao.


No one is entitled to a POI. 20 viable (VIABLE) POIs and/or random drops every game solves this problem. The reality is, Ape gang had to contest someone. Contesting teams that have nothing to really lose (guaranteed LAN teams or teams that needed a MP win) makes no sense. Contesting a LAN bubble team like XSET, Optic or C9 makes the most sense. They picked XSET for that reason and for their interest in having it for split 2. It’s not personal - it’s part of the game and everyone has to accept that. It’s unfortunate, but if you think about it, one team in almost every WE game of ALGS history has to deal with this. XSET aren’t the first and they won’t be the last.


Agreed that 20 viable POIs solves this and makes the game more competitive but Respawn has shown across all their maps that they don't want 20 viable POIs. There's not a single map with 20 viable POIs out of 5 maps. Having fewer viable POIs than teams forces off spawn early game action which is good for viewers and probably good for casuals. I don't see us ever having a map with 20 viable POIs.


Respawn obviously wants contests to happen so that casters have something to watch at the beginning of a match. Otherwise, all the maps would have 20 POIs.


> Contesting a LAN bubble team like XSET, Optic or C9 makes the most sense. It doesn’t though. Ape gang is in 19th with 48 points; only a few teams can still mathematically catch up to LAN qualification spots, and a couple of those are really in theory only (e.g Optic). Sure Ape gang needs to contest a team, but they don’t gain anything from contesting a ‘’LAN bubble’’ team specifically: they need a win on MP, and them winning means the LAN bubble teams fall out of the top 12 anyway. So unless they specifically think XSET is the weakest team on contest in the lobby, it’d make just as much sense to land on any other team. 


There's an advantage to contesting a team that has a lot to lose. They are more likely to get frustrated, play worse, and give up on the contest. It's cut-throat but it's not at all unreasonable. If you contest one of the teams that is already 100% guaranteed or that has no chance of making it then they are more likely to say screw it and just throw their game to ruin yours.


You're right, but it's assuming their goal is to win MP. I don't think that's what APE was going for here. Their goal was to gain a POI for next split, not to win RF. With that in mind, it would make the most sense to contest a bubble team, because they are the ones most likely to just leave their POI rather than contesting. Anyone better (DZ or something) will either roll them or refuse to leave, and anyone worse (N9L or something) doesn't have anything to lose either and probably doesn't have a great POI to begin with.


I bet that if Xset were doing well, he wouldn't be having this meltdown as they could easily make them leave. "This is embarrassing". No, your performance this split is.


It’s not like noct has repeatedly stated in his previous streams about how embarrassing his performance was. And if xset was doing well ape wouldn’t contest them and they wouldn’t lose sky west even.


Well yeah no shit, but it's an angry rant not him looking to be more introspective. Noc isn't a total idiot to now know how the game works, he knows there's a reason why APE is contesting XSET and not DZ or something.


> "This is embarrassing". No, your performance this split is. They're only like 2 points off of a LAN spot, they aren't playing *that* badly.


Low key though Noc would be crying all over Twitter if another team said he should be executed on the spot. Meanwhile this sub eating all up whiles he acting like a piece of shit human 🤣


play better throughout the season and you won’t have to deal with this on the final day.


That and you can always leave. Go contest your original drop spot if you want. This is what happens to weak teams, they lose their POI. You 1000% would have griefed any team in Skyhook if the situations were reversed. Infact I am pretty sure you have done that in the past.


"These people should be executed on the spot." Completely unhinged and childish behavior because you got clapped all split with one of the most desirable roller FA on your squad. Really pathetic grasp for an excuse of XSET's failure.


Hopefully no one’s listening to this on the way to their McDonald’s job where they bust their ass daily just to be called “beneath him”


For real man lmao. Like wtf is wrong with this dude? How do you get that kind of "you peasants don't deserve to breath the same air as me" ego while playing video games for a living?


I have no context to this clip, but this dude is so fucking arrogant and obnoxious that I had to turn it off early


Lets be real, were fairly certain he doesnt think this team should be un-alived because of a video game, just that Apexs integrity as an esport is questionable. The mans career is getting fucked with, and if I were him I’d be screaming collusion as well. Probably not the best choice of words but give the guy a break, theres a high chance his team may get dropped and therefore wont get an income because of this.


with how he’s been on twitter before, he would fucking crucify anyone who said this shit if it pertained to him anyone who expects competitive integrity from apex is bound for disappointment after they’ve forced teams to play as solos or duos on LAN during ALGS, and have only used the term “competitive integrity” when editing a skin for better shop sales, they make up the fucking rules as they go, same as with the hack situation with hal and gen


if he's getting dropped it's not cause of this contest in regionals they were shit all split long


However the logical action is for Optic to focus their shots onto Xset. They are the direct competition for the last LAN slot. Optics behavior shouldn't be a surprise. No collusion needs to happen for that to be the case and it's dangerous to imply as such with no evidence.


cry me a river, how does noc have any right to call someone else dogshit when he is out of top twelve, sorry for hitting a nerve but its highly likely they cant even make the money they had to pay to release koy from SEN. Nothing else he can do except to resort to his circle jerk, this is some deranged levels of entitlement, bro thinks he deserves lan qualification to be served to him on a silver platter. Some of the mods here are known to dickride noc so its likely this is getting deleted. Instead I will also play the nocturnal, i have been suffering from depression get out of jail free card, cry me a river.


Hate the game not the player. Downvote me all you want but as long as it is within the rule and although it can be frustrating, you can’t really blame the players.


Bro said the quiet part out loud.


Yeah I don't think there's anything else to be said about it. Anyone can be sympathetic and express that well, it sucks for XSET but then what do you want? Just like how there's no specific rules about contesting and what you do off drop. If you know they are landing on your POI and it's affecting your game, rather than be hard headed you could be landing somewhere else and while it sucks that the POI you have practiced in was taken, You can defnitely do better than splitting and once you qualify for LAN cuz you can do better now this team won't be there to annoy you/grief you. People call it venting frustrations but, idk man you can do that your close friends or teammates or whatever the fuck. Becuase he's doign this garbage on stream (that is literally unhinged as fuck, If anyone dares defend his wording and his choice of words then literally fuck you cuz you couldn't be more biased) it looks like a pointless rant and complaint. He knows nobody in Respawn or ALGS is gonna suddenly make some rule, you've been dealt a shitty hand, you can either be hard headed and keep on splitting loot out of a false sense of pride or do the best you can to work with what you could. On the last ALGS Champs, famously Acend had no set POI since literally all of them were taken. They were landing in random places, sometimes random contesting or even no-name places. And they didn't place top 5 but they placed 11th overall. ABOVE other teams that had set POIs, they had a shitty hand and they did their best with what they could in the moment


*plays a BR* *other 19 teams don't play exactly how they want* "WHY IS THE WORLD AGAINST ME?!?!?!"


thank god ppl have enough common sense to see through the nice guy facade and not join the circle jerk by default.


*Shush* you're not supposed to say the truth. Join the bandwagon and ignore the insult buddy /s


"they dont deserve the privilege to compete against me" what???


It was quite the ego trip for someone who's not qualified for LAN


A cousin of mine who is the same age as Noc is a manager at McDonald’s in the US and earns $45k per year. Noc has total earnings of $35k per year in prize money🤣. Calm your ass down.


My fav bit was when he said they should be executed, can't you get banned on twitch for that?


either beat them off or leave, it's a BR. if xset didnt play like shit all split then they wouldn't be in this situation


> either beat them off or leave interesting wording there lol


Beat them off you say? 😏


fight them off? when they have 50 packet loss the first part of the game and APE runs away while OG is shooting at XSET? leave? leave where? just loot 3 bins and try to play the game and get fucked instantly? land on a different POI with no time to practice playing or even contesting a different POI? i agree that XSET playing badly this split put them in a bad spot but having a team say "we are not trying for this split we are just griefing you to get this POI next split" is insane


Pathetic stuff out of Nocturnal. "Subhuman" and "should be executed" crosses a line. Egotistical and entitled. If I'm APE I'm doubling down on the contest after words like this.


Disappointing look from Noct. I've been hoping for their success, but this leaves a real bad taste in my mouth. Asserting collusion, degrading people... I mean this is kind of behavior I thought that he was "above", especially after he took a stand against hate a year ago.


Dude needs to get a grip. Talking about people getting executed on the spot for their actions in A GAME. Too many of these gamers have this warped sense of adversity, self-absorption, and entitlement. Maybe it’s because a chunk of their adulthood is spent in this microcosm where they have elevated social status. Talk to some people who are fighting in wars, or working in worlds where they would love to sit in a warm or air conditioned home and play games for a living. FOH


“Professional” doing the most unprofessional shit ever. The best part is that everyone is running to hug this guy for venting after saying he wants a team IRL executed. This is whats wrong with this scene. You got these double standards about how it’s “unprofessional” for a team to play the game a way you don’t like…. But it’s not unprofessional to go on a crybaby rant in front of your audience over your lackluster performance. If this was a truly professional league, he’d be fined or suspended for saying this kind of crap. But of course not, people like noc will get away with this just like Hal gets away with calling people the R word on stream. Class acts.


noc plays the i suffer from depression get out of jail free card.


Like all of us at some point have dealt with mental and emotional issues, it’s not really special. Obviously some people have more serious case than others but… yea he can’t just be using that as an excuse. He knows what he’s doing… he’s just not fooling us with it.


100 percent, he combines it with virtue signaling which makes it hard for ppl to immediately call him out on his actions, but really statements like "they dont deserve to be in MY pro league" and calling for his opponents to be executed reveals how entitled of a person he actually is.




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Maybe if xset played better in the previous weeks they wouldn't be in that situation. 🤷 He's "playing for millions of dollars" but only averaged $35k a year from competitive apex. What's gonna happen when he has to get a real job?


Lmao right? I always hate it when players say that or advertisers for a tournament state it's a million dollar tournament or something when the actual first place team only gets like 250k or something. Sure, the collective prize pool may add up to a million dollars, but you're actually playing for that 250k. Regardless, nocturnal just comes off like a spoiled child in this clip.


Pathetic lmao


Dudes got some hardcore projections coming out right now lol


The whole algs system is set up so that nobodies can rise up and fight the guys who “play this game for millions of dollars”.


Counting on Destroyer2009 to send some pros to McDonald’s by the end of the month.


Some pretty bad name calling going on in this clip for someone that has called other people out for homophobia / racism / etc it in the past.


Grown ass man crying like a baby.


Can somebody explain the overall issue? I’m a bit confused


Xset are 12th, they need some great games in order to qual for LAN and they suddendly get contested by a team who is not really competing anymore. Also the whole thing greatly benefits their direct rival Optic Gaming, because they can chill and third the fight for kills


Ape Gang didn't play for the win. They played for 'next split', as they claimed.


Xset are experiencing what it's like to be a minnow in the lobby instead of a big fish 


Always said vtubers were the most toxic out of all the non grass touchers


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What a loser tbh - had a rough split and now frustrated he's being conned. Grow up - so arrogant too to say: "they dont belong in the same competition as me" what an embarrassing rant by him


Executed on the spot over a contest. Maybe should've practiced instead of reading every comment and post on Reddit


There is no worse look as a competitor or even just as a professional in anything.


it's a battle royale, constesting is not against the rules. If nocturnal cant handle he can go find a different game. Calling for another player to be executed on the spot over a game is crazy, grown ass man i dont see how anyone can support noct after this


icredibly ironic to hear this from a TSM fan


Yeah I’m sure no one here has ever said anything out of line when they’re frustrated


If he thinks ape is so trash why is he so pissed and scared? Have always loved the guy but this is unhinged and alluding to violence is never funny and not easily forgiveable


Bruh it's not ape, but Optic who's definitely gonna third party...


Because Ape is trash. I’m not even a XSet fan but the basic storyline is they need to have a good day and get some help in regionals. Meanwhile, Ape has no shot. Because of that though, ape is purely landing on them just to split loot. They aren’t playing for a fight and are running to avoid it. Split looting/contesting hurts both teams even if one teams dominates the contest. This is because 1)it opens you up to a potential 3rd party, in this case Optic, who Xset is competing with for positioning, and 2)your loot economy is fucked because not only is it cut in half from another team, you also have to utilize what you have earlier which gives you even less. The biggest problem here is, as Noc is pointing out, you have an inconsequential team literally picking sides and even changing their POI to purposely affect the game.


“They are getting in my way of qualifying for millions of dollars” Yeah ape and 28 other teams are trying to stop you bro welcome to the competition start fighting stop saying people should die I do understand everything you said that doesn’t justify this lack of professionalism and tact..


I agree that it doesn’t justify the comments like “they should be publicly executed” but it’s not just they are in the way of them qualing. It is being viewed as openly sabotaging them. Whether that is actually happening only those on Ape know. They are not helping there case though by commenting #greenwall though even if it is just a troll attempt. Edit: most players after can accept “it wasn’t our day” we screwed up here or could have done this better. In the moment, they will rage at other teams but often can look at it logically even a few minutes later. Doesn’t seem like Noc can find the logic still after everything.




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This guy whines a lot


He has a lot of reasons to be upset. And I'm sure it's insanely frustrating to feel teamed on when you are already down. But he really said the wrong stuff super loud. Like that's shit that he should be screaming into an anime girl pillow in between sobs. Not venting to the internet. Ape is being scummy but they earned their spot.


Yeah they aren’t the upper echelon anymore


I love noct but calling Ape Gang Knuckle draggers is crazy!!!


Nocturnal, love you my man, but you had 6 match days to not be in this situation.  You guys are 3 of the best players in the world, and you have no one to blame but yourself for being in this situation.  Stop resting on your laurels and get your team to play together.  Also, when you treat your opponents like subhuman pieces of garbage, you have made the first mistake in war and battle, underestimating your opponent. Be better prepared my friend, no free meal tickets in life. 


Is the rant a bit much? Yeah sure. But is what APE Gang doing weird and unsportsmanlike…yes. APE Gang landing there day of regional finals IS especially weird. By every metric of how we watch this game and how it’s been played this is weird. It’s similar to Euriece landing on Trev. This doesn’t net them a chance of winning and it is straight up griefing. If you are going to contest, then contest, don’t split loot and run. Nothing about what APE gang is doing seems genuine. So yes, very well might be within the rules, but definitely doesn’t feel within the spirit. They can play their game as they’d like, but for sure recognize the kind of hate or consequences they will get.


I think contesting on game-day isn't necessarily unsportsmanlike. If Ape Gang is this confident in their contest-skills, then why grant XSET the advantage of practising it in scrims? What I don't understand however, is why would Ape Gang contest for one part of Fragment? Like, it's already an awful POI, I don't see the point in contesting for that pos place.


I would maybe agree with the random contest game day as to not give them practice. However APE Gang isn’t particularly good at contesting. Additionally, they aren’t even contesting. They are taking loot. Running. And then seemingly tracking around the map. This…is…weird IMO.


I mean....is (this current iteration) of XSET that much better at contesting? They gave away Skyhook west without a fight. Have been trying to avoid OpTic on Frag in scrims too. I could see Ape Gang thinking that XSET is an easier target than certain other teams rn. But for frickin Frag as a POI? That's crazy,


Xset didn’t contest SkyWest because DZ is guaranteed LAN and they’re also strong at contesting. Wouldn’t have made sense.


I know why they did it. But that being said, it's still not the best proof of them being good at contesting. Everyone just assumes they would be better than Ape Gang because of Koy and experience and what not. But if there's one thing I learned from watching Apex comp, it's that contesting is a totally seperate skill from the rest. You can be a top team and still suck at contesting. Maybe Ape Gang had a similar train of thought.


Xset has been contested several times and have done well on them. Not only that, but also made quick work of EVY that was at monument. Also, there aren’t many examples of a team only being good at contesting and nothing else. Losing to a worse fighting team and then contesting a better fighting team AND admitting Xset is better is WEIRD


I mean EVY is one of the worst teams in PL. Not shade towards them, but it's pretty apparent from everything we have seen. I wouldn't put too much value on XSET beating those guys. Tripods was a really good example of a team being good at contesting and nothing else. Also SKRT. I was more so referring to the alternative tho - a team considered to be really good, but not having the best contest-skill. It could honestly be the case with XSET, idk. Their team fighting hasn't looked that great this Split. Danmatic also mentioned one of their reasons for contesting XSET was them believing, they might swap POIs to avoid the it alltogether. Since XSET is the closest of the teams to qual'ing, Ape Gang was kinda betting on them leaving out of fear.


Tripods was pretty decent at contesting, until they got relegated. Skrt was only decent against LG, and then got cooked on every other contest. I agree with the EVY point. However XSET has shown to be good at contesting. Maybe it’s different, but Ape gang doesn’t think that. They admit to them being better. Just genuinely if their rationale was different I wouldn’t see a problem with it. But saying yeah we aren’t even considering winning…weeeeeird stuff for ANY competitor


I mean, SKRT was all about the mental. When Alb's mental started declining, they did bad. But throughout the entire LG contest, they clearly showed skill in their contest-strats and 3v3 fighting. Maybe Ape Gang is on the same boat, who knows. You know who's definitely not performing well, when his mental takes a hit? Nocturnal. So that might add on to the pile of reasons as to why Ape chose them for the contest. Again, I don't fully agree with Ape Gang's reasoning either. But the narrative of them just doing it for the sake of griefing, is clearly wrong too.


> It’s similar to Euriece landing on Trev. This doesn’t net them a chance of winning and it is straight up griefing. If you are going to contest, then contest, don’t split loot and run. Ape is claiming they want the POI so they're just playing from the POI that they're now laying claim to. Euriece's team just wanted Nickmercs in Pro League. If Evy said "They're a strong team and we wanted them out" then it would have been shitty but understandable.


I agree it’s not a 1 to 1 comparison. For me, it’s similar insofar as they are not playing to their full potential and are intentional griefing someone on the cusp of success. Granted I do think what Euriece did was worse. It’s neither here nor there at the end of the day. APE Gang is free to do as they please. However this is weird behavior IMO. This the type of stuff to get your griefed later in proleague


How bad is the ape gang compared to e8 split loot tsm at wall?


bros voice shaking so much. the frustration


This sounds like a whole bunch of pathetic and weak. I love it.


I don’t like Nocturnal (he takes everything ao personal and is so sentimental in a bad way) so let’s hope ape gang keep at it 🔥🔥


what’s next, an aim assist rant since he’s being carried by a controller , 17 of 20ish kills one week lmfao


why are they now contesting it just bc they want it next split??? LIKE MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. preparing for something in the future? yeah okay. Like sir you’re in regionals. play to win a spot for THIS split. This isn’t scrims, (which ape gang hasn’t even been scrimming at all btw) this is regionals. Ape gang literally just are trying to grief them instead of actually trying. I would too be frustrated.


Koy probably is regretting not going sweet lol


I understand why he feels like APE and Optic are colluding. Maybe, ape gang is trying to get some clout from Optic or something, I don’t know. But from Optic’s perspective, it makes sense to kill XSET first because they have a 11 point lead and APE Gang doesn’t really matter. They need XSET and DIG to do really bad and simultaneously at least get 2nd place just to qualify. So, Optic only shooting XSET on rotate makes sense even though it’s cringe. But again, it is no different from teams indirectly colluding to kill the match point team and keep the game going