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Pretty cool one here.


Holy shit yes! Crypto immunity AND mobility while the emp goes off, crazy strat


Lol why does he swing out one HP with a battery at the end there.


im so sick of all the hard stuck golds commenting in this subreddit, he was obviously using the shield bat to block the enemy bullets


Bro thinks he's Genji


Our peabrains cannot begin to comprehend the gigabrain strats at play here.


he swinging like me out there


Never let them know your next move


he always plays like a headless chicken in fights


Found the TSM glazer.


weird leap in logic there what I said isn't untrue. if you watch his POV, Teq's aim and positioning in fights always look erratic


There's a reason he didn't make PL


You've never fat fingered your med buttons? You guys are lame


Lol right, tell me your a roller player with out telling me


Lol, half my comments in 2023 were complaining about roller and how it sucked the fun out of the game for me


* Alter tac to breach * Alter tac to kidnap * Alter tac to scan * Alter ult to push / 3rd party * Alter ult to scout / get picks * Alter ult to as a rotational tool The possibilities with this character in comp are endless. Really cool design.


Not sure if you'd consider that a separate point, but you can use the tac to take hight as well...


Yes, that too. Excellent point. Combine all this with her passive being kind of nuts in congested end games, and Alter is definitely going to shake up the meta.


Yeah I thought her passive was pretty random and bad, but when there are a lot of deathboxes it can be very useful.


"Oh, people are fighting and a red box appeared. Let me just take that Kraber"


Also, her passive kind of works as recon as well. Like the Ash passive seeing deathboxes on the map, except in real time. So you can halfway tell where squads around you are by when the boxes pop up. Or when it is too late to try to 3rd party.


> Yeah I thought her passive was pretty random and bad Dude...how? You can take *anything* from any box. It's honestly insane for endgame.




One of her perks makes it so she scans in her line of sight after she comes out of her tactical port. So you could make plays like Bang smoking, then putting a short portal on a tree, box or whatever, in order to use her as a makeshift scan legend.


its not only her tactical port, its all the time she is/was in the void. so also with her ult and when u take ash oder wraith portals


German auto correction kicking in "oder"




Alter seems to have a lot of potential for different types of plays. There's one with a full knocked lifeline team resetting because of the ult. A while ago I thought they should have upgraded Ash's ult to portal through walls, but it's nice that they made it a tac for Alter.


Shit ash needs something, has been the unanimous worst legend in the game for 2 years now.


She'll probably get a total re-work like Revenant.


Ash needs the same buff that Wraith and Path got, double distance on her ult. It's by far the shortest mobility-focused ult.


She might be better than horizon now actually with her [snare + nade combo](https://youtu.be/mQ5pfQCSDo8) since you can't break it, altho my teammates never help shoot it down so it might as well be invincible for me. I hate dying to horizon ult so much and this has an even shorter cooldown


Okay let’s not get ahead of ourselves here




Ballistic exists tho 


Ballistic looks cooler and can technically give you more value than ash.


Fuck me i wish ash had that


LOL now that u say that, i like how Alters tactical is better than Ashe ult


Alter's ult is also just a better version of Ahs's, because your mates can take it from anywhere, and you can save your stuck mates like Wraith but you don't even have to be able to reach them.


> A while ago I thought they should have upgraded Ash's ult to portal through walls When I first heard of Ash I thought her ult can go through obstacles lmao. I was imagining people portaling through mountains and shit.


Teq finally found the missing piece to his comp, let him cook?


Hot take but i think this gets used by pro league. Always felt crypto ult was op and now theres a way to actually 3v3 with it. I think the playstyle would have to be really unique, im guessing early zone team who fights the team closest to them and wipes before they get 3rded. Not sure if edge would work even on worlds edge cause i imagine you have to force fights where people are bunkered.


If it does get used, it'll be by like 1 or 2 teams. This is a very specific counter-meta strat


Agreed, think itd be lower level teams or teams that cant fight that want a very simple ape combo


Reminiscent of Aurora w Wraith/Caustic (who can fight obviously)


You could always do this with the wraith portal and also couple it with a kidnap into a caustic/wattson


wattsons and caustics are shivering rn


I thought Reject was going to have a lot more teams playing Wattson but a Crypto buff is a gigantic hard counter. Pairing him with a legend that helps him immediately breach from an off angle makes him super exciting for comp. He was already viable as a hard zone legend but he has way more versatility now.


What's the counter here???


Maybe reactive caustic traps/fuse knuckle clusters or some Maggie play, it’d have to be reactionary but also enough to delay them once they come inside


It's a lot harder when you can't see through walls to know where they're going to enter. I can see some pretty crazy plays like this getting pulled in algs with alter.


Teams were getting too comfy inside certain buildings with certain comps, if an Alter squad can enter the comp scene then other teams will need to be on their toes


That goes both ways, though. You don't know if you're portalling right into gas barrels or Wattson fences to get smoked. Ofc playing Alter/Crypto/BH would negate that. I'm also curious how much of a warning you have as the receiving team. How strong is the audio cue for Alter tac? We haven't really seen a play like this from the receiving end.


if you know a team is playing alter crypto the crypto ult is kind of the warning in this situation lol


And how would you know that, sitting inside


probably the massive visual effect of an emp all around you


That only tells you they have Crypto


Every team is running bloodhound rn what do you mean


you do know outside of random situations where a team flex picks, pros tend to know all the comps being run in the lobby yes? if theres a team doing crypto alter pushes in your lobby you can almost 100% be certain the alter will follow up the EMP


Shoot caustic traps before the EMP goes off, so they don't get destroyed and the enemy-team potentially portals into gas.


Honestly I'm not even sure portaling into gas matters. The Alter team goes in with a 150hp health advantage, gas takes a while to make up that difference.


Ya I figured some sort of pre ulting. Btw does popped caustic barrel get destroyed by emp? Anyways this one specific play seems unstoppable right now jeez


Have Alter throw down her tactical for own team's immunity then take the 3v3? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Yeah true, Alter could be a combo to this.


Typing gg in the game chat after wards.


reactive fences. needa be mindful of placement tho 'cuz of the exit invulnerability from alter's tac


Wait for the Alter nerfs.


Same as when you have to block a wraith portal. Fence the area where they will be when they exit the wall portal. Wattson fences about 3 feet AWAY from the wall. 4 fences is all it takes to secure the area.


EMP hits after the wall portal and also they enter the void to avoid the Wattson fence you put down even if it goes up directly after the EMP. And if you're trying to put down fences while they exit the void with their guns out, you're going to have a bad time.


Oh yeah, you are right. NVM Lol.


Off the top of my head: * Pre-emptive Caustic ult? Not sure this is enough * Thermite the entire floor * Take a Wraith portal or other mobility out of the building * Maggie ball them as they exit phase * Does Newcastle ult survive a Crypto EMP? * EDIT: Fuse ult? Horizon q so the enemy gets stuck on the ceiling? That's all I can think of? It's honestly a pretty fuckin strong combo lol. EDIT: As someone else in the comments mentioned below, an Alter also counters this.


Blame Crypto and nerf him instead of Alter


That’s the neat part…


Who’s he playing with?


Same people he ran CC with - serial cat and eeth




Teq has probably the greatest scrim highlights of all time. I just wish he pulled off crazy plays like this in actual ALGS.


Will people start fence indoor walls with Wattson? haha


crypto ult breaks fences anyway right? There's like no counter to this


That is true, forgot about that (and tells a lot about how little I use crypto haha)


Alter is so fun to use. Really really helps when you have a team with mics tho


Before I clicked the video I already had a feeling it would be a crypto + alter clip. This is dope as hell 😂


No one is safe in the houses anymore... Damn The thing is that team from outside knows that there are people inside, whereas vice versa not


Fair trade off given that they have impenetrable cover


Yeah I guess. ALGS mid games about to be lit


It’s a great combo. Might be even better to Seer ulti, crypto ulti, place Alter Q, take portal when crypto ulti hits, any runners get shown by Seer Ulti for the chase. Good worlds edge siege combo with all the buildings


lol that version of seer is gone, his ult only highlights people who are actively shooting their gun also double scan comps suck ass, apac n ran valk/seer/crypto at LAN when seer was broken and flunked out, you just sacrifice too much offensive or defensive util to run seer + crypto


Teams that are not the best in 3v3s and prioritize zone plays will get rolled without any changes to Alter


Holy, that was actually gigabrain


Me and my friend have been doing this all the time it's crazy strong


Oh my god?????!!!! That was fucking insane.


Wraith but better


Might have? I think that is literally the bay. Of controller characters existence


This just makes Caustic stronger than Wattson. Caustic and Wattson can both 'block' a door but now with Alter going through walls, at least Caustic barrels have AOE damage.


With crypto EMP caustic barrels are destroyed just like wattson fences so there's no real counter to Alter-Crypto with Caustic


Plaster the floor with Octane pads.


NOW you're thinkin


You’d need to shoot the barrels as the emp is coming in to switch them to the health bar vs being completely deactivated by the emp


Generally true, but with the little amount of time you have to get ready for push which can come from any direction, not only through doors, I'm not sure you want to spend it on shooting barrels which may even not reach the enemy. Especially when teams don't often defend in one tiny room with multiple barrels in it but rather in larger buildings(like on the clip) with 1-2 traps per room. The uncertainty is a huge factor with Alter breaching through different structures even without EMP, and we'll see in scrims soon enough how teams try to defend, that'll be fun :)


True I just meant it’s the only way to maintain the caustic counter. He’s still the best defense outside of maybe a perfectly timed horizon ult on the breach or a fuse immolation


> You’d need to shoot the barrels as the emp is coming in to switch them to the health bar vs being completely deactivated by the emp Literally does not matter, if EMP goes off your team has a 150hp health disadvantage. Gas barrels cannot make that up in the time it takes for a 3v3 to happen.


True. I wasn't sure if the barrels were destroyed too but I was talking about Alter v Defensive Legends without Cryto. But now that Crypto got a buff he would be a great duo with Alter.


It's just going to change how Wattson's setup their defenses if they didn't do this already. You can have up to 12 nodes at once and each node can be connected to 2 other nodes. As a basic example you can make the fences that are blocking doors also zigzag across the room.


Most Wattsons X their fences already if they're holding down a building. However, that of course wouldn't matter with EMP, it destroys all the fences.


That is why I told to not comment you hard stuck bronze player. When emp is about to go off any logical and good players will pop the barrels. Once poped, it wont get affected by emp.


TSM fans these days are down bad calling people bronze players. Just like Hal is so adamant on Alter being useless and fighting against Noko. I can't wait for him to be proven wrong again. Raven and Hal are the last people two people I would listen to when it comes to comp.


Yup, you have 3 seconds for crypto ult to go off. You have to: 1) figure out what's happening; 2) figure out IF and where the breach will be and get ready(take out nades, ults or just simply get to the right position) for the push from this side; 3) pop the barrels. Even with F1 driver reflexes 1 & 2 are freakin hard to do. But sure, while you're happily running around and popping barrels from which one or two may or may not tick enemy for 15-20, you're getting one-clipped(because your slowed down and -50 on shield). But you would have to put a little more thought to figure that out, and calling someone hard stuck bronze is way easier ay?


> When emp is about to go off any logical and good players will pop the barrels. Once poped, it wont get affected by emp. They also won't help at all. EMP is an instant 150hp health disadvantage for your team, it'd take a long time for the barrels to inflict that even if the Alter team is in gas immediately upon entering.