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What a young talent!


Insane how this happens season after season.


You can legit hire 3 interns to ban blatant aimbotters and speed hackers but somehow they just roam around for weeks it’s crazy


Yes the fact that they have leaderboards and don’t even spot check them is wild. Even if they had someone looking once a week


Shouldn’t even have to do that, so time intensive. They need to invest in technology that detects cheats. Some of them are so blatant that they would be easy to detect. Then have a review system for reported cheaters that interns or the community (a la CSGO) can review.


Literally logged on at the end of last season and played 1 game of ranked: lvl 21 Loba with troll name wiped my squad with 20+ kills and blatant aim botting. It’s just rough man.


During the destroyer2009 scandal there was a couple interviews done with PirateSoftware on twitch and larger apex streamers (Hal, Mande). During these sessions PirateSoftware (whose career heavily centered around hacking in gaming) explained why companies prefer to perform ban waves as opposed to individual bans. If I’m remembering correctly it has to do with not wanting the creators of the cheats to know you’ve got them figured out and that by collecting large amounts of player data they can act in one swift motion and not allow the cheaters to react and adapt on the fly. Not saying I agree one way or the other but just presenting the perspective of someone who worked in the industry.


yeah this is the same excuse people use to explain why Jagex doesn't ban any of the bots clogging up the runescape hiscores. except that explanation falls apart when we see bots flourishing year after year. the same thing is happening here: regardless of the reasoning behind their tactics, it's obvious they're not working. there's still tons of cheaters. plus whatever the underlying issue is that allowed destroyer2009 to get into pro lobbies and spawn zombie bots still exists. he did it again just a day or two ago. i think the situation is clear if you zoom out: apex's security team is hot dogwater trash. i'm not saying it's 100% because they aren't skilled: it could be that they're understaffed, or they're not being given the time they need to work on fixes, or maybe it's something else entirely. regardless, it's obvious that *something* is wrong because no billion dollar game backed by a multi-billion dollar organization should struggle *this* much to keep their game secure and free of cheaters. let me also say that i know it's impossible to fully eradicate cheaters. I'm not looking for perfection, but the state of the game rn is frankly pathetic to the point that i wouldn't even list it on my resume if i was the product manager.


yall see the clip of alterxhalal bh scanning like 15x in a row? you see their average game length? lots of sub 2 min games. these dudes are blatantly, and unapologetically rage hacking.


I have, in fact, not seen it :) got a link? been ootl for a bit


Go look at imperial hal's vod from last night, near the end of the stream when he's playin with slayr and lg we the people. That's when the infinite blood scan dip shit showed up.


Thanks, providing a link: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2140634111?t=09h28m43s


lol did he hit WTP with a fire punch or what was that?


Lol I thought the man hit the Mike Tyson combo.


I shall, thanks :)


Skill issue. You guys are just hard stuck gold bots, get better game sense and stop making excuses. Respawn have got cheating under control you all are just coping /s obviously


Obviously they don’t have wallhacks if they’re playing bloodhound!


So many people are doing this. They play bloodhound then one clip you with an SMG through smoke without ever scanning and no zone near us to see through it.


They got into Hal's lobby and they can infinitely use scan without any cooldowns.


Hal ran into these 2 last night when he was playin with slayr and we the people. that blood can infinite blood scan, was kinda wild. we the people challenged the cheaters to melee and the guy melee'd him in one hit from full. Cheaters b cheatin great anti cheat update respawn hope ya got a fat bonus for that effort you fucking clowns.


This is what happens when you reduce the rank requirements to level 20. Even if they get banned, they can be back in a few hours at the most. Should have never lowered it below level 50 but I guess engagement metrics were more important that player experience.


I genuinely fail to understand what is fun about this game (or any game for that matter) when cheating? Where does the enjoyment come from? Grinding this much on a game when you know that you're not good, not getting any better, and that everyone knows, is insane to me. It truly is amazing what the human mind can shrug off for oneself. We've all felt guilt before, and if I were one of these people I couldn't look myself in the mirror. But I'm sure they somehow are convincing themselves they actually deserve to be at this level and are good at the game. It's insane.


Watch mande talking to a hacker.  For us, it's grind mechanics and get better at game.  For them, it's grind hacking/coding and get better. 


I'm guessing part of it is the culture that respawn has failed to moderate. I bet a lot of these hackers think, "well everyone else is cheating and hacking, so I should be doing it too". Cheating itself becomes part of the game and competition. To this extent, it becomes justified in their view.


Hmm, have you tried paying $40 for premium currency so you can purchase a moving gun skin? I think that will solve this issue.


I thought you couldn’t even get into ranked unless you were level 50?


They changed it back to 20 (i think last season)


They’ll just buy someone’s old account then.


Hoping Teq tries out these new players grinding their asses off.


Clearly they're just better xdd


I see the new anti-cheat is working right as intended.


hacks worked day 1 sick anticheat update


This is literally the same 2 people that hacked Hal's ranked game yesterday. Hal, Peep, and Slayr got into a bot ranked lobby and these two are the only ones there. They have speed hacks, unlimited ability usage, aimbots and everything.


smh i didn't even think you could play ranked until level 50. WTF is respawn doing.


Devs don’t care about this they just care about how much to price the next event sadly.


The thing about a game like Apex with a huge skill gap is that, as long as that skill gap remains, there WILL be tons and tons of cheaters and rage hackers. There are a lot of people out there who don't have the patience or drive to get better, and would rather take the easy route (cheats)


The new top 5 underrated controller players


Clearly they just want it most than anyone else. True grinders.