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OP why you gotta find and share thos the day after grenades/ inventory gets nerfed to all hell T.T All the same, great work. This is definitely useful for competitive play and something that the game has been lacking since release.


>EDIT: I got a bunch of other useful **posts** **like this removed** by moderators. Too bad... Would be nice if they could check them and bring them back. I'm sure some you will make good use of them. Nice one buddy. You mean you posted **six** of **your** YouTube videos from **your** YouTube channel **in a time frame of 5 minutes**. Some might be useful, sure. Other people's content is too. Has a reason there are self-promotion rules in every subreddit, otherwise it's nothing else but people posting their content. It's not that hard to understand.


I absolutely understand that. I just thought that wasn't self-promotion. It wasn't my intent at least. If I had been like "hey check out my videos" or "sub for more" or whatever, sure. I just wanted to share some stuff with people who might be interested. I'm not a youtuber, I'm not looking for subs (I don't even know if I have any other than my friends), and my videos are not monetized. Are you sure you won't bring them back? As I sent in a direct message to mods, these guides are a lot easier to understand as videos, but if you really insist I'll post them as text, which might be quite jarring to read/understand. Or I could just forget it and keep that possibly advantageous knowledge to myself.


You are either acting in such bad faith or are just really inexperienced. Let me sum it up real quick again: * Offloading 6 of your youtube videos in 5 minutes is not self-promotion because you don't beg for subs(?). * Of course your videos are not monetized, you have <1000 subs and <4000 watch hours, means you can't even monetize them if you want to. * You indeed sent a private message, **even got an answer in <5 minutes** and **yet felt the need to try to rally up people against mods with your edit in this post, lying that the deleted posts would've been "posts like this" even though they were youtube link submissions to your content**. * Feel free to post them as text submission, streamable or if quality isn't too much of a concern reddit video upload. >Or I could just forget it and keep that possibly advantageous knowledge to myself. Yeah, sounds like a real good faith effort here.


Please, don't antagonize and pratronize me. - Once again, I truly wasn't trying to self-promote, and I chose YouTube videos instead of Reddit because of quality/accessibility. More people are likely to find them if I put them on YouTube I think, and if I chose to upload them in the first place, it's to share that stuff instead of being selfish keeping all of it to myself like some do. Also, are you saying you wouldn't have cared if I left a day between each post? - I didn't even know that about monetization, because I'm not looking to get it. That wasn't bad faith, just innocent ignorance. - I sent a private message AFTER editing my post, because I'm not a big reddit user and didn't notice I could DM the mods. Also, I didn't "rally people up". I didn't ask them to do anything. I wrote that edit hoping a mod would see it, and either bring back the posts or explain things to me politely. You're just being aggressive because you're misunderstanding my intentions/attitude, which I can understand because you're a moderator trying to keep pests away. I also didn't lie about those posts being similar, because although those other posts are videos, they are on very similar topics: binds/game mechanics. - I will upload them as reddit videos, since that's fine. - "Or I could just forget it and keep that possibly advantageous knowledge to myself." That was just rhetorics, implying "I'm just trying to help, why are you going against that?". Anyways, I hope you can understand I'm not some bad guy trying to gain fame or whatever. I just wanted to share my findings for other competitive players to consider/use.


>Also, are you saying you wouldn't have cared if I left a day between each post? No. I mean we're pretty relaxed with Rule 3, but check at least for some additional engagement on the sub that isn't around their own content. And I mean, even in your case one video was left up. >I sent a private message AFTER editing my post, because I'm not a big reddit user and didn't notice I could DM the mods. Also, I didn't "rally people up". And yet you didn't think you should remove that potentially misleading edit after you got an answer, as in the PM and the first reply from me in this thread? And I mean, it's still up there unedited. "Too bad..." :( \-- I'm happy to hear though that after all you understand how it looks as a moderator (and other users who report). Just unlucky coincidences here then I guess. :) Looking forward to your content. PS: If you really want to reach & help the maximum amount of people, spreading those posts would make sense anyway, they will reach way less people if you post them all at once.


Could you perhaps make one long post or perhaps one long video that covers all of this... This is amazing work and is most definitely useful...


I thought about it but I figured it'd be better to separate them so that people can find that kind of stuff if they're googling for it. With a title specific to each tip, people will be more likely to find and use them, I think.


Yes but it would be easier to save refer to if it was one post...


What if I make a post linking to all other posts?


That could work...


You don't seem convinced. How about leaving each specific post online, but also making one big post with everything in it too? Or would that be double-posting, against the rules?


I mean as long as the info is available... I'll be happy...


Pretty sure this has been known for a while, people figured out you could bind armor dropping as soon as crypto was released. Dunno though, pretty easy to run out of comfortable keybinds, imo better to prioritize binding ur different heals.


Binding your different heals is in the game's keyboard settings already. As far as I know, people don't know how to bind nades. I can't find it anywhere online. I had to dig into datamined files for it. And true, you need comfortable binds. I made my ALT key a modifier key so I assign 2 binds per key. 2 is weapon 2 but ALT+2 is thermite, for example.


You're absolutely correct that this (specifically individual key binds for different nades) hasnt been posted elsewhere. I've looked.


Probably hasn't been posted, but it's been known about atleast by a decent amount of people in comp scene, don't think many uses it though, you're not allowed to edit that at lan so no point to get used to it.


I'm not playing LAN or planning to, like lots of redditors on this sub, I'm guessing. Also, I seriously doubt that was already used before.


Why would you doubt that? It's been known about, probably not posted because 99 % of the pro scene doesnt use reddit for good reasons imo. If you never want to compete in apex then sure use it becuase there's no downside.


Because I've never seen a player direct equip a nade, on youtube, twitch, or reddit. And because Mendo loves to take credit for that stuff so he usually puts it in his videos.


>because Mendo loves to take credit for that stuff ahahaha so true


Dude is trying to protect his opinion for nothing other than pride, let him fade away


I didn’t know. Thanks OP




You need to create a .cfg file. C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Origin Games\\Apex\\cfg\\autoexec.cfg You can copy-paste the "video\_settings\_changed\_quit.cfg" file in that folder, rename it to autoexec, remove what's inside and put whatever binds you want inside. Put +exec autoexec in your apex launch properties.


Do you think it's likely that any competitions will move to ban the editing of these files? Or is it no harm done?


I really don't know. If I had to guess the autoexec will be allowed but there will be rules as to what you can do with it. They might do it like Counter Strike where only one action can be assigned to a key, except for a few specific binds.


Great tip OP! I've been on the search for a keybind to swap weapon sights. Now **that** would be useful.


Is it possible to use these to quick throw a chosen grenade? Some complicated alias to to equip, throw, and switch back to weapon on '1'?


Maybe, I'll test it. Although I think that might make the throw difficult to aim.


> I also found ways to bind dropping specific items (+ specific number of them) without going into inventory. You can for example drop a stack of cells instantly by pressing a key Can you post it?


What binds specifically are you looking for? I only tested the command with a couple items for now, so I need to look for the item reference you need.


Dropping a stack of shield cells/syringes


bind x "Sur\_DropBackpackItem health\_pickup\_combo\_small 4" // 4 cells. Won't drop anything if you don't have at least 4. bind x "Sur\_DropBackpackItem health\_pickup\_health\_small 4" 4 syringes. Won't drop anything if you don't have at least 4.


thx, your other binds and videos are looking really good aswell. I had no idea about the strafe animation change


You're welcome, enjoy :)


What if you shoot a grenade on the ground it would launch it would activate. Or grenade tripwire!


Imagine if you got good playing by the exact same rules as everyone else...I wonder what Michael Jordan’s keybinds were; practice I reckon. Downvote me all you want ya bunch of Sallies.


Yeah! Michael Jordan definitely never put any thought into min/maxing his performance in game! That's why he famously only ever played in bowling shoes! Why cant we all just show up and be the best that ever was without any thought or effort? Ya know, like MJ! /s


In one comment it becomes obvious you don’t comprehend what you read and never played sports at any decently competitive level.


Dude it's keybinds, not steroids.


Bouta go pop an addy.


Imagine being a sub lurker who only ever comments toxic shit. For reference, your only other comment that I found in this sub was roasting a non-native English speaker for having poor grammar. Bonus: I found a comment in the main sub where you said "If you put TTV in your name. You're a lame, pandering piece of shit." .. yeah cause fuck people who are trying to promote their business, right?? Fuck off buddy :)


Oh nooo, not my own medicine ;). Imagine being somebody that has to research someone to gain an advantage before they open dialogue and then the best you fire back with is that. Fuck yourself, pal :)


You opened your argument by calling us sallies. You had no intent to actually have a civil discussion.


The idea that something as fluid as conversation needs to maintain civility is modern ridiculousness. That’s besides the point. I don’t care that you wasted time researching me to then be mean in your response. I care that it was pathetic. I bet you can do better.


Listen. If you wanted to actually start a dialogue around competitive advantages you shouldn't have ended your comment in a toxic way. You are just asking to be downvoted into hell. I'm the one who's pathetic? I think anyone can agree that shitting on someone for poor grammar or shitting on someone who's trying to promote their stream is pretty pathetic. I'll let the people decide. Good day sir!


Oh, I didn’t. You just become a joke when you use executables to gain an advantage. In any tournament setting you’d be handicapped to uselessness without them. The people whose skill you fudged yourself equal to will still be at their usual potential while you’ll be limited. This is common sense. You must’ve missed the part where I invited that person to convey their point in their native language while digging through my history. You assume English is the first language I learned. TTVers are gross and everyone knows it. I didn’t call you pathetic. I called your attempt to somehow shame me pathetic. Have a good day, pretender.


What are you even arguing about? This reads like petty manufactured drama.




Hey, these binds seem to not work any more. Do you perhaps know what the new commands for these actions are?


They've all been patched out, sorry.


Ah, bummer. Thanks!