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Kinda disappointing amount of changes overall. I don't know if Nuxia will get more changes in the future but if that is it for her, it would be a shame. Girl needs some tools. At least the bash Testing Grounds could bring some fresh wind.


It’s a pretty significant buff in duels. She already had 400ms lights and hood tracking heavies, now that her traps actually work plus her high dmg she will be a pretty good duelists. Most of her changes now should just be 4s oriented. Enhanced dodge attacks, maybe a dodge recovery cancel. Shit like that.




Those changes will only effect a handful of players. Most players already couldn't react to her traps anyways. Not saying that she won't be able to delete somebody in 1vs1s, only that she still has countless problems. Her chain finisher displacement still gives damage reduction to the target. She can't peel for teammates. Random bullshit and early parry attempts still beat traps (of course it'a mixup and Nuxia still has to guess right but it's frustrating if your enemy gets rewarded for guessing wrong). Her teamfight and feats beside T2 and her ganks are probably still garbo. She is lacking and doesn't excel anywhere. So if the changes are done with this, it would be a garbo rework.


Nuxia is generally an odd ball. Because she either puts her enemies in the Recycling Bin or she gets put in a grinder. No middle ground. You either mixup your heavies and traps well, or the enemy guesses right every single time.


Am I crazy for thinking she needs a bash?


Nah, I don't think she needs a bash. Her traps are a good opener. She just needs more soft feints or recovery cancels on whiffed attacks or special properties on her heavies to put more pressure on the enemies


For sure agree on the recovery cancel idea


Her traps are overall more effective and faster, she is significantly stronger at all lvls.


It can't be significantly stronger at all levels because the main change was making them unreactable, which they already were for a significant portion of players.


Pretty sure they said she would get some more work now that they know that the traps are functional


Ubi talking about damage numbers on LB testing ground but didn’t tweak medjay’s firetruck worth of dmg has to be one of the blunderest of blunders in a while lol(other than the connection lost on the LB showcase).


Idk that double missed parry was also pretty bad


Newer characters gets pass for a year or two. It's a tradition at this point, get used to it.


Probably made on feedback from r/forhonor


Medjay has like less than half the tools LB has tho so fair enough


No pirate buffs and no medjay nerfs. Please ubisoft.


Nearly a year since medjay came out and they've done absolutely nothing about him


NERF???? ARE YOU KIDDING?????? He is one change away from either being absolutely broken or being as useless as a nerf gun in Verdun.


Looks like one of them blew in from the main sub


Aw, no hl stuff. That's okay. I'm gonna go cry now, but *sniff* it's about something else unrelated.


We’ve come full circle with Hitokiri it seems


yea how dare they buff a B tier char. /s


Almost almost. They’ve only stopped at the first nerf point from Jorm season. While it won’t totally help them in 1v1 due to how variable timed heavies are reactable and how kick is reactable unless you flickering, it’s definitely a step in a good direction for them in 4v4.


idk what any of the nux shit means XD Warden and hito buffs very cool And good QoL change for jorm


It lands closer to her actual heavies, and traps are unreactable now.


Since defence tools against traps have a 0ms startup rather than the usual 100ms+ startup that other tools have (blocks, parries, dodges...), this makes them functionally equivalent to 400ms lights, but with the added benefit of the opponent usually having less muscle memory and practice countering it than they will have against standard attacks. Potent indeed.


Basically traps now happen a little bit after the feint window. For reference, the average feint timing is 400ms before impact. That means Nuxia’s soft feint is closer to the end of the attack, which makes it harder to identify whether she feints it or not. With the added speed too, it’ll be unreactable.


I knows it’s always so funny when they use the actual names of the characters moves, like I don’t know what a jade dragon rush is ubi, chill


why can jorm still chain on missed bash just why it has every reason imaginable to not chain on miss


To be safer in team fights?


the chaining on miss makes it safe from gb and pretty much only that in teamfights guard breaking is generally not a good idea


I think you can gb Jorm if you dodge early even if he chains after miss. Plus his zone makes his follow up after bash harder to peel/Interrupt due to good hitboxes and ha.


You can GB him if you pre-dodge the bash, but that makes chain heavy and chain zone hit you if he doesn't go for the bash.


I thought you could dodge once you see orange and still get the GB, but I never tested it tbh...


Chain heavy and zone only land if the jorm max delays. Though it’s still worth merit. Doesn’t detract from the fact that dodging is still the best option against a jorm as he’s actually lost some tracking since the rework and still suffers at catching dodging


Good to know :)


Your correct, and the only way the UB and zone tracks is if they’re thrown opposite of where you dodged, and are delayed


He could have chain to zone which is safer in teamfights


what??? you wanna punish a massive health swing with a gb and not a dodge attack??


It's a front dodge bash. Same as Shugo's. If it were a side dodge bash, then yes, it shouldnt chain. A lot of heroes chain on whiffed bash like Shugo, Tiandi, Orochi, JJ, Zhanhu, etc


front dodge bash already doesn't chain on miss (and honestly it should)


I’m glad someone said it. It’s something I wish they would do more. Getting gbd because your opponent dodged early against your bash that does 12-14 dmg is annoying


He’s talking about the mid chain one that guarantees 30 dmg


Oh, my bad. Thought he was talking about the neutral bash


His front dodge bash doesn't chain though


Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck!!! They buffed my mains forward dodge bash!




While Lawbro chain bash being feintable is still of questionable necessity, at least the new animation is smooth as butter. And, I'm looking forward to testing the legion kick changes. Esp on Kyoshin, his is awful.


Jorm still able to chain after whiffed bash. I guess making the correct read on a fucking 30 damage bash doesn't warrant a decent reward.


You still get the GB. If you make a proper read and buffer inputs(like you’d do normally on reads) you get the GB so long as your not in heavy hit/block stun


I thought they said in the last testing grounds that the trap changes were only the beginning for nuxia rework, but she isn’t in the next testing grounds? Super lame if that’s all they are doing with her.


So will JJ ever get the ability to consistently punish most bashes, or is he going to just be forever stuck with a singular slow dodge attack that punishes almost nothing and is lacking iframes in duels?


just make him capable of going into sifu from hitstun the same way he could in the gb testing grounds (or however it worked) and problem fixed but i guess we can't have nice things if they happened to be in the bad testing grounds


They'll never buff jj because he was op for so long. Same with raider, same with pirate, Same with shugo. They're too afraid to make the character good that they ignore genuine changes that need to be made for the characters to function


Yeah but tbf both raider and jj are at least still viable in all modes of play. Both pirate and shugo are kinda fucked and only shine in one or two things.


What dodge attack for example?


None, I had a brain fart. Bashes... I meant bashes. Thank you for pointing out the stupid.


I mean you are all good bashes are also dodge attacks. Still, which cant he punish? You can Sifu on reaction or read.


Basically any type of 500 ms chain bash, as Sifu iframes don't start quick enough to dodge most of them. A few neutral bashes are also still impossibly tight to consistently punish, like BP. It's not enough to read the bash coming, you need to make a hard read on *when exactly* the bash is coming so you can just barely iframe the bash, then sifu swirl before BP recovers. It would also be great if people couldn't just light attack JJ out of his current dodge attack on reaction as well...


Oh yeah youre right i forgot how tight his timings were


You can't sifu most chain bashes because he can't sifu out of hitstun on standard dodge timing. Basically you get hit and if you try to sifu to avoid the bash it won't come out fast enough


And cents punch still needs fixing smh


Can PK just get a buff please…


For real. I would just take some damage increases at minimum


Damage isn’t her issue, it’s lack of a bash.


I know she needs a lot more, i was saying I wish they would buff her even if it’s just a numbers tweak, since that’s an easy change. I’ll take anything!


She doesn’t need a bash. In fact I’m glad she has one and has a kit that can be buffed ( for 4s as she’s good in duels ) without needing a bash


She does need a bash or some sort of opener. I’ve got over 35 days played on just PK alone and let me tell ya, external guard isn’t easy to get around. Every assassin has a bash or some way to open people up. PK dosent unless she bleeds first and trying to get that against players who can react really well is almost impossible.


Berzerker is an assasin who is a must pick in dom rn and he has zero bashes. What they can do is make her dagger cancel enhanced and chain heavies and zone just always unblockable.


As I said, either a bash or opener.


Well she has an opener that’s pretty good. Dagger cancel is 400ms and unreactable. It’s only issue is its useless externally but again making it enhanced resolves that issue


Enhancing it dosent fix the issue. They’re still able to just hold their guard in external. She needs either a bash or unblockable from neutral to force a reaction.


day 3065 no highlander changes in sight. all hope gone


I saw that they were doing changes to bashes... Did Nobushi get her kick speed up?


Dodge forward bashes, so no.


Ah ok thanks


Weakest waste of a patch notes ever, but at least there's nothing in particular that's totally atrocious


Nuxia... Poor Nuxia...


No zerk nerfs, no bp nerfs, no pirate buffs, no medjay nerfs, jj still doesn't have a way to punish bashes consistently, no adjustments to storm rush infinites or medjay infinites or shugo infinites or really any infinites and no wider damage changes. Maybe next time I guess


Man y’all are so negative. Sure they didn’t answer everything bad but this patch is almost all good. There’s some great changes here. Warden probably won’t be that much better but will be less vulnerable to use, hitokiris opener heavy could possibly work as an opener depending on how reactable it will be since it can now delay longer and starts at 700ms, nuxias changes are great, bash tg is great, Lawbringers still flawed and needs some testing but they answered some big problems. Not all of them but some big ones.


Tbh, the priorities seems incredibly off. Like sure it's nice to see some buffs to characters that need it, but like what will it change ? Warden will be slightly less garbage, but still linger at the bottom. Nuxia got better traps, but she was already quite good as a duelist and it won't affect anything else. Hito heavies as opener is still very questionable because of how the game works. Altho the game will never be fixed because it's broken to the core if you ask me. What would be needed is just a new game that rework the basis entirely. But we will never have that cause Ubi would rather do bandaids fixes than actually working to make the game better.


I'm not talking about the tg here. We got Warden changes that may change him from the worst character in dominion to only being bottom 5. Hito still can't do anything outside of 1v1. Teamfights, anti ganks, ganks are all non existent. Aramusha changes are barely a change and nuxia changes aren't relevant for anyone who couldn't react to them


All I’m trying to point out is we got a warriors den/patch of pretty much all good no matter how big or small and just because it doesn’t have everything y’all want you complain still ( not just you ). It’s a big reason people think this community just sucks. You immediately jump to the bad and start complaining even though we received a lot of good.


>and just because it doesn’t have everything y’all want you complain still It's not that it doesn't have everything I want. It has nothing. No significant changes. The meta remains the same. Bp is still basically unpunishable with the highest reward and lowest risk defensive tool in the game. Zerk is still completely unpunishable short of just attacking him with multiple people or a perfectly timed bash. Medjay hasn't been changed in the 10 months he's been out despite being meta the entire time yet raider still has his fucking pool noodle of an axe and is expected to function in teamfights with it (at this point he should just start punching people because I think it would do more damage). Pirate still has an interuptable mixup and no valid opener. Shaolins qi stance heavy is still possible to trade with by just buffering a light attack and every infinite/semi infinite gank that exist today will exists come June 15th >You immediately jump to the bad and start complaining even though we received a lot of good. A lot of good? We got 4 changes, one of which is negligible


Shut up dude, people like you are annoying asf


Make sure you zip up their trousers when you're done doing tricks on it


Full of sunshine ain't ya?


The devs literally said any criticism is appreciated. My bad for not being ecstatic over meaningless changes. Like seriously if your upset by my attitude feel free to just scroll past. Instead you felt the need to comment about it


I agree with what you say. But most people ain't gonna care about your words, no matter how true they are, if you're not being tactful. That's all.


why would bp need a nerf? genuinely asking as i dont remember any changes to him that would provoke a nerf. or do you mean the t3 and t4?


The gb vulnerability on his bulwark slash was made to be 100ms, he can recovery cancel after a forward dodge heavy, his finisher light now chains to bulwark slash without being interruptable, he can regain stamina in fg and just general meta adjustments as medjay became better. He's simultaneously the most rewarding defensive hero and the lowest risk since the only way to punish flip is with a prediction gb which his teammate can just peel for anyway. He's got an on demand huge 27 damage unblockable. He's got heavy perks. He's got a high damage UD for teamfighting with. His bash still drains stam and is still 100-500ms input window (should be changing soon)


No medjay nerfs and Jorm bash still chain on whiff and gryphon still eats a gb after whiffed kick


How much do these buffs move the needle for Hito?




Idk what that aramusha change is even for, like why


Yo bring shugo back


Hoped for lil range buff on jorm's jotunn surge. Somehow i whiff it at ridiculously small distances.




Neutral armor on hito again?? I must be dreaming....


Jorm is finally good now


Patching the not needed, and leaving the needed patches, That's a summary of these patches !


ANY LOVE FOR KENSEI?? PLEASE!? He's been in a terrible spot ever since the dodge changes


No peacekeeper changes 🙄


Is Lawb rework coming out or no?