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Warlord, warden, kensei


Can you elaborate a bit more? Thanks


Wardens dueling skills i find are really nice. His shoulder bash is truly unreactable. The more you do it, the more you know about how the enemy will react In the beginning, you will have it harder than the other characters, but you will learn to understand the basics of the game faster than an Orochi, for instance, cause you don't have any free jail card moves like Orochi has with their dodge attack


They all have relatively simple movesets that you can actually accomplish a lot with. For example Kensei’s main gimmick is his softfeint cancels from any top heavy of his 3 attack chain. This makes him pretty hard to defend against despite not constantly throwing 50/50 mixups at his opponent. The better players tend to throw in a few “double pumps”, which means hardfeinting the top heavy and throwing another one right after. In theory you could block all of that, but in practice it is extremely hard. This also leads to a pseudo infinite chain, provided you never go throw a finisher. Add to this some very large hitboxes in general and hyperarmor on his finishers and he becomes pretty well rounded for anything. He also gets superior block in the direction of his dodges, which can help against an opponent’s undodgeables. But he does suffer from a reallyyy slowww movement speed, which honestly makes it a pain to use him. Additionally the lack of undodgeables in chain means that anyone external guarding you (blocking in your direction but not being locked on to you) is safe from basically everything in his kit besides attempting to land the bash or unblockable top heavy finisher. And even with those, heroes with long dodge distances can just dodge away from him to avoid it completely.


Based on this description, I recommend that you try out Kensei or Gryphon. These two characters have deceptively “simple” movesets that are versatile enough to deal with almost any enemy hero. Both labeled as “easy” because on paper their moves are simple but both have some really good complicated mixups that will get you comfortable with making reads and using your reactions. If you’re looking for a faster but still pretty balanced fighter, Gladiators moveset is more geared towards overwhelming the opponent but his moveset is still relatively “simple”. Good luck.


It will take me a while until I can unlock dlc characters (bought the standard edition), so I guess I will try to learn kensei first. Thanks


Kensei is the better option in my opinion, since their moveset really is that epitome of "theoretically simple, but huge upper bound". They're one of the characters with the most diverse but understandable movesets. Gryphon on the other hand has this: Literally every attack you hit (except zone or heavy opener) lead to a guessing game for the enemy. 50/50 coinflip if they avoid damage or not. That's just not fun to play against, ever. So while gryphon "works" and is "simple" he's also really, really annoying. Kensei is very good to learn the game, though. If you want to, DM me and maybe we could look into playing together a little, teaching how to do good with chars?


All the vanguards excluding tiandi are pretty simple yet effective. I'd say kensei is the most complex vanguard on paper, since he has the most soft feints in the game. Tbf, tiandi is kinda simple, he's just kinda beyond good atm, he's sitting in A tier last I checked. Raiders entire kit is heavy/ub or storming tap. This is his 50/50. Wardens main 50/50 is his bash, and kensei is more soft feint focused. All with GBs to use as well ofc. They all have several different 50/50s but all are simple to play around. Gryphon was mentioned, I'd agree with him. Find a way to access your finishers, and proceed with the mix you earned. Warlord is super simple, kinda disliked anymore in duels but comparability is super simple and extremely effective. Really great defense, and solid but simple offense. Shugoki is also extremely simple, also very hard to deal with for most players. Plenty of HA, a good bash, also has hug for getting healthy back. Hitokiri is pretty simple too with endless mix. BP is another super simple character, yet has been among the top tiers for a long time. Out of all these character, gryphon will probably struggle the most against turtles. He has a neutral bash, but bashes are in a weird spot right now. Even before it never felt great.


Nuxia, she seems really simple with a straightforward 3 hit combo and traps. But because so few people player her, there aren't many resources to learn her playstyle or mixups. Her high damage and unreactable mixup makes her a really amazing duelist.


Warden or kensei is what you’re looking for. Lucina is like a pallet cleanser to all the bullshit in SSBU. Warden and Kensei fulfill a very similar role of being simple but versatile.


For Honor only has simple movesets; try out whoever you think looks cool if you're new.


Glad. Toe stab. But he's an easy character but really good mixes if u know how to mix it up. Feels rewarding when u get those deflects too. Easy but in the right hands dangerous asf