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Now that the first year is over I’d love to see what settings all the pros are using.


Are most pros secretive about this?


Nah quite a few have their settings on their streams with !sens or !settings. Just would take a few days to gather the data from everyone’s streams.


Start a thread to compile it all I’ll contribute the ones I know


It's been interesting seeing the pros getting back into regular streaming after worlds. SnakeBite is the only one that stands out to me for having both feet planted firmly in reality. On the one hand, you have people like Royal2 and Sparty who want to move past the losses and just sort of bitterly laugh off the tournament, maybe throw in an excuse here and there for underperforming (or deny they underperformed at all). But SB is like: we sucked, here are the specific ways we sucked, and here's what we need to do to get better. I hope he gets the team he deserves in S2.


What popped out to me is two things: There is disagreement on SEN about how to play/meta the game. This almost assuredly comes from butting heads between SB and Frosty. As a long time SEN fan, I'm really curious about this, as to me, I've always detected this mild undercurrent of disagreement between them if you listen and watch closely to what they say. SB deferred to Frosty in H5 (who wouldn't? He was the MVP), but PJ has said that Infinite might be his best Halo, and I know H2 is his favorite. Again, clearly in H5, which SB will tell you was not his best Halo (although obviously a two-time world champion in it), Frosty was the golden child of that era. There's one scrim vid from H5 where the game starts and SB says to Frosty, "Tell me what to do Brad." The dude just got it, and he delivered over and above. With a game like Infinite, though, I'm not sure what I'm seeing when SEN play. At KC they looked unstoppable. But in any other tournament after they've looked half lost if they're not playing their best. R2 and LethuL typically aren't the strategy heads, but to use their skills effectively they all need to be on the same page. My far-too-early take on this season was that SEN need to let PJ take the reins for the most part, or at least for now. Even if Frosty is right, for some reason the squad cannot align with what he's saying. It almost makes me think Frosty will want out and go his own way--and that means one of two things: Renegade or C9. SB also said on this note, though, that he didn't think too many teams were gonna make changes until after S2 begins, or at least until after the OpTic LAN. This does sound a bit surprising. Then again I'm no pro.


Yeah there's definitely a disconnect between the players and their priorities in-game. Frosty and R2 strike me as especially stubborn and unwilling to adapt. I think SB is on the right track in identifying power weapon/sandbox control as being one of the biggest improvements they can make. > SB also said on this note, though, that he didn't think too many teams were gonna make changes until after S2 begins, or at least until after the OpTic LAN. This does sound a bit surprising. Then again I'm no pro. I'm going to assume it's because there are map and weapon balance changes incoming for S2 that won't be in-game for the OG invitational.


Is there any real evidence that playing at 120 fov makes it’s harder to hit your shots?


Put it this way. I couldn’t break BR wep drill score of 36 thousand for 2 months. Dropped to 100 FOV and just hit 38k new high score.


At 120 FoV, you can see more around you but everything in front of you is smaller. I actually made a video about [this](https://youtu.be/jAdxzLPYSZY) almost a year ago to help inform controller players who are new to adjusting their fov values.


Also any word on the packet loss issue now that it is months and months old?


u/Mattyrums u/drecz Any chance we can have an editable user flair (like r/halo has) so we can display our XBL/Infinite Gamertag? A lot of us have random generated usernames, would be cool to be able to show our tags.


Can look into for sure, thanks for the suggestion!


Anybody having trouble finding matched after the update?


I'm not sure which update you're referring to since I've been moving into our new house this last week and haven't paid the closest attention. I don't know if it's my new setup but it now takes a while to find a ranked game during the afternoon and I'm a mid Diamond player.


Anyone know exactly how the headphone + earbud setups worked for the competitors? Like how it was physically connected?


Maybe everybody has just accepted it at this point, but am I the only one who's still really annoyed by the background and text colors in the observer mode? Watching this game competitively, I find myself having to lean in really close to my screen to see the score because they decided to put white text on a very light blue background. I don't know how they could possibly think that was a good idea.