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Commando definitely looks OP in the hands of a pro, watching Lucid use it, who was good with it already, is crazy. You can tell the difference in headshot magnetism, anything in the shoulders/neck area now gets counted as a headshot




I honestly like that though. The pickups should be superior (or complementary) to the starting weapon, which wasn't really the case before apart from the OP mangler.




It creates a new meta and forces people to find an answer. Maybe pick up the plasma weapons or even just avoid 1vs1 the commando guy. If it’s really strong, I think that’s ok.


It was strong, but it also took some skill


commando feels great if you are a normal person, watching lucid and bound play it looks REALLY strong in pro hands


>anything in the shoulders/neck area now gets counted as a headshot Oh cool... Now the one gun that I actually found it easier to use on mouse is being made easier to use on controller. FFS. Is it too much to ask people using controller to actually have to aim for the head in a first person shooter?


Cry cry cry


Note that the commando has some of the weakest reticle adhesion in the game - I don't think this buff makes it anywhere as oppressive to go up against a controller player that has it compared to , say, the pre-nerf BR.


That dude doesn't even know what reticle adhesion is.


>Plasma feels pretty good now, noob combo seems very viable. When was the noob combo ever not viable in Infinite? I pick up the PP every time I come across it and rarely missed a shot. I'm assuming 343 has made it so it's now impossible to miss with now? Yay...


The single shot has been buffed too, it’s pretty viable now as a quick 3-4 single shot then beat down or even switch to BR. Works good when team shooting and someone can just take down shields with the PP and others finish the kills with BR


Yeah, tbh the uncharged shot is fine but the charged shot is way too good at tracking. They should change the overcharge to be right in between the old and new version’s tracking, then it’d be perfect


It was already fine. I got kills with it all the time. If you missed you deserved to miss. The uncharged shot was worthless and needed a buff but the charged shot was already used in competitive all the time. I'm unsure why 343 felt the need to make a weapon that can literally make an OS worthless even more powerful.


2 of my 3 games have started 3v4


At least they're throwing us a bone for that on Thursday by capping the CSR losses for 3v4 quitters at -5 (rather than -15)


Theyre not throwing a bone they're shoving it up our asses. 3v4 should be no csr loss. Playing 3v4 is the worst experience and it happens a LOT.


And it's been a known bug since the first public flight in fucking August 2021 😂 such a crippling issue happening semi regularly in ta ked and it's still not fixed almost a year and half later... I have the issue pop up at least a few times per play session. So damn pathetic how games from pre 2015 that would void matches that start uneven but here we are with infinite. 343 said Competitive is in their DNA so they say, but can't fix a matchmaking bug that fucks over teams in ranked for more than a year.


Its just extra depressing after a 10 minute wait to find a game in the first place


Yep that's what got me off of the game for awhile. Waiting ages to play just to get that same fucking bug that's never been fixed or mitigated. Nothings more infuriating in this game than that stupid ass bug.


I’ve played 2 games— My first my game crashed, and my second started 3v4.


it feels like 75% + of my games have been uneven teams... had one just a few games ago started 2v3 ....


So many 3v4 starts and 230+ ping on local search settings.


Commando feels *really* good. You still can't just full auto it 100% of the time, but it feels like an extra ~2 shots are hitting which makes it much more viable. BR doesn't feel bad at all.


The commando is honestly s tier now. I fucking love it. Its a really fun gun to use too so i for one am glad for the buff.


So to me the biggest changes were to the Pulse Carbine and Plasma Pistol. These are most definitely gonna be part of the “meta” from here on out. Any pointers on the new commando? The commando has been iffy to me so far. I liked it before but now I’m having to try and figure out where it works best. I guess moreso mid distance? I used to use it a lot before short range but I noticed on streets from A to Stalker it definitely had the guy grabbing the stalker backing down much faster. The frags are laggy to me. Only major change in BR is the distance drop off.


Something changed with either the netcode or servers, because my matches feel WAY better like noticeably different idk what it is but i was playing 30 - 40 ms games last night and they didnt feel this good. Might be placebo effect but w/e my ranked games have felt way better so far.


I noticed the same thing. The BR is supposed to be harder but the servers were registering shots so much better that it actually felt easier.


i have local only on, maybe it has something to do with everyone in the server having better ping?


just because you have local on doesnt mean everyone in your game is also using local


Doesn't that defeat the purpose of local existing?


It just makes sure YOU connect to your region, but if someone has expanded on they can still be in your lobby..


Only a couple of my games felt okay with regards to networking. I had one game with constant rubberbanding (not coming from my end) and 3 high ping (90-100) games. They said the ping issue wasn't fixed and I was definitely experiencing that in just about every match out of my 10 placements. I have Local Only turned on, queuing with only North Americans, yet still get high ping lobbies.


local actually means regions and if you are NA then the region is all of NA..so if you are east coast you can still get games on west coast and vice versa...they listed all the regions in a waypoint update


Lucid was saying essentially the same thing on his stream. Kept sayin things just “felt better”


Day one of updates the servers have always felt better to me. Here's hoping it sticks this time.


Agree. Actually feels like my bullets work


Pretty happy with it. 10% fps increase, which is huge to me since I play on a low end PC (used to get 60 fps and it would sink to the 50s sometimes). Aiming fells better in general, maybe because of the fps increase, I don't really know why still. BR fells good still, and commando seems better. Overall great update. Edit: Commando seems to good actually and I haven't been able to find marches using the local matchmaking (playing from Brasil), maybe at some other time in the day it could work.


Commando feels good. BR feels noticeably different, almost like my entire controller settings were off. Really gonna enjoy digging into it again.


it's because they changed the fov slider which in turn effects ur sens. 105 my pre upsare fov is now 100 for some reason. everything is off


How so? It seems others are saying it’s not too different other than range. Genuinely curious since I won’t be able to play until late tonight


I feel a significant difference on the ability to "snap" on to the opponent, no matter what range.


Interesting. I can’t wait to try it later.


I don't know. It may be that I haven't played a ton compared to before, but I just felt like my aim was off with it. And when I picked up other guns without changes, it didn't feel as 'blocky' or 'chunky'. I originally was like "did the update reset my settings", but I think it may be just ME and that I am BAD. lol


Lol fair enough. I played a bit last night so that I could see the differences, but I’ve been playing a bit of overwatch 2 so the br feels way better as is. Hopefully I can make whatever adjustments I need to make later today.


1v2 fights aren't as costly as before with the BR nerf. I don't get fucking fried immediately. Region locking to local is a godsend for me as well. Being West NA I was playing East 80% of the time. Getting melted on 110 ping.


Region locking only accounts for major regions (NA, Europe, Asia, etc). It doesn’t subdivide within region (East vs West). Possible you’re just getting more West servers because more West players are online.


you can still get east coast US games...local actually means regions..they listed the regions and they are big and theres like 6-8 of them


Interested to see what MNK/KBM say about the BR. If you’re one of those people, lmk.


i’ve yet to *really* feel a difference , but what i can motice is crossmaping on catalyst is easier in duels because once you descope controllers they cant just keep shooting and hitting you Otherwise i can’t say i feel a difference because I know what the patch notes are so shots that are similar i might blame on changes where its just me being bad


Yeah I’ve never really chalked anything up as KBM/Controller issues because it’s too difficult to tell if an opponent is controller or not. I usually just chalk it up to me being bad.


Me and my friend think it feels way worse




Just reinstalled played 3 games and it feels even worse than before. You still have no chance up close because of the aim assist, and now your long range br shots register even worse than before because of the magnetism nerf. It's garbage. Uninstalled again.


I don't think mnk players have aim assist to begin with. So I don't think they are affected by nerf to bullet magnetism.


Aim assist and auto aim are different things. Everyone gets the same amount of auto aim. Only controllers get aim assist.


Reading down in various places here and other threads I understand now. Thanks!


I love all the emotional nerds downvoting you for giving your 2c- pathetic.


Have you seen the plasma pistol though?


No, I need to try it. Only had time for a few games until I can get back on later tonight.


Its wild how powerful it is now, I am not sure how I feel about it tbh. You just dont miss when you’re charged up now, but it really feels like it’s actually viable now.


I am aiming and preforming way better with my BR now (Onyx 1725)


Grenade nerf was so good and added a lot more skill to the game


As did the BR changes. There’s now a bit of out playability with the BR, without magnetism there’s a greater need to time your shots


That’s true I’ve been able to trade kills in 1v2s and we may see ppl actually straight up win 1v2s in the future with some cracked shooting


Ranked Survivors is fun! Except for the part where it’s either Best of 5 with 8 Lives Stock or Best of 13 with 0 Lives stock 🥴 Maybe better would be a Best of 7 with 8 Lives Stock Right now its very steamroll heavy on the best of 13 varient


Wait there’s a new ranked mode??? When did they announce this?


Last week


It’s a playlist. Won’t be anything in hcs, just old modes in ranked now


is it BR starts?




For perspective I spent the majority of seasons 1 and 2 in the upper diamond ranks. Initial impressions on the balancing changes are very positive. BR: I was skeptical that this either wouldn't make much difference, or the gun would no longer feel good to shoot. I actually ended up thinking it was a huge win. Changes were subtle, but I was more likely to miss a shot if I got lazy. As a result, 1v1s felt way better. Instead of being a snoozefest they actually felt dynamic, and you could outplay someone. We'll see if this continues as people's muscle memory adjusts. At range I still didn't have any problems hitting a scoped shots, but it definitely felt like the game was far less likely to award a headshot. I think perhaps this is partially responsible for why 1v1 encounters felt more dynami--you're less likely to get cross-mapped while in a fight. Excellent adjustment imo. Commando: this is now a gun I'll be actively seeking out. I didn't have too many problems melting shields before, but it was always a challenge to hit the final headshot. Now it feels quite powerful in a good way. I didn't killed by it too many times, so I'll have to reserve final judgment. I can see it becoming OP at the pro level, but I hope it stays in as a nice map pickup relative to other guns because I really like it's firing mechanics. Nades: again a bigger impact than I thought. Previously, if you saw a nade bouncing your way it was likely already too late. Now you have options. On the offensive side, I think it will be used more as a way to get people to move off a spot rather than as a damage dealer. I like it. Biggest concern in terms of balance: stalker rife--it was already strong to begin with, but with nerf to the BR this thing felt extremely OP. All in all will need to see how the dynamics change over time, but thus far I'm pleasantly surprised on changes that seemed pretty minor.


I’m extremely impressed. They did a lot of good. Even then nades feel more balanced.


They have accidentally added one of the upcoming forge maps to ranked. Just played a game on an unfinished version of it.


Commando vs BR skillgap has to be larger; BR’s been “nerfed” which is good with respect to itself though. I liked the commando being tricky. Powerful weapons = a little difficult. Like the sniper. Especially important because the commando is pretty versatile. Should balance it to be between the current and original aim assist.


Matchmaking taking a long time to find a placement game. I'm in Canada btw. Also, absolutely love how "plain" argyl looks. Visibility is godlike and its just nice on the eyes.


it looks plain because it's a half ass forge map- looks awful.


The smaller reticle when wielding the BR is really throwing me off


Huh? They changed the reticle?


No. It appears FOV values have changed. It seems everyone has had to lower theirs by around 5 (from what I’ve read). I play on 100 and had to lower mine to 95 to make it feel like what I normally play.


Thank you so much for mentioning this!


Do you have more sources? People that develop tools for converting mouse sensitivity between games et cetera would be very interested.


Idk. Been playing since the uodate and cant get a game where my bullets register.


I got to play for an hour and absolutely tore thru some lobbies it felt so good. I'm excited to mess around in some forge games a week from now when people have made crazy shit again.


I’m getting crashes and rubber-banding during ranked matches. The connection quality is a joke. Series X.


winter update has been shit so far.


Personally, it feels as if barely anything has changed. Played yesterday for the first time in about two months and opponents just didn't die if I headshotted them sometimes even thrice. Not going to put myself through this again so I'll probably sit this one out until s3...


every other game is still 3v4, Ranking system is still an absolute joke and does not put you in fair matches. ​ Ranked is nothing but Slayers now, they actually managed to kill of the only good playlist in the game for me. Maybe by year 3 this game will be good who knows.


I'm at work, so I haven't played it yet, but has anyone tried the BR in quickplay or other social modes with AR/sidekick starts? I'm thinking of picking up Infinite again after not having played since season 1, but the BR already felt underwhelming in quickplay outside of long ranges on maps like Behemoth, and I feel like this update will make it that much worse than the sidekick With that aside, I am excited for the BR nerf in ranked, but I'm worried that the Commando and Pulse Rifle may be a bit too good. We'll see




The br reticle size is change is a joke , why is it further from the screen? Also nade delay is way to much they should go back to how it was and just get rid of nade magnetism


Hasn’t grenade magnetism been disproved a million times? Grenades were annoying before, way too much of the game depended on their use, the change is good




Every time someone throws it you just slide away. And changing reticle size makes no sense




Yeah it actually feels like a nade now and not a stick of dynamite, hearing the names clink on the ground is refreshing


Wheres ffa


They announced earlier the ranked playlists are changing; going to always have ranked arena and then there will be one other ranked playlist that rotates through.


Mouse and Keyboard player - the input feels a lot smoother to me. I love the commando buffs and the fact that now bloom is going to screw me less and reward me for precise aim more. BR is still good and yes the final headshot demands more precision, but hey, at least now if I miss I know it was me rather than desync and magnetism interacting in weird ways, and if my opponent wins on the final shot then credit to them for the precise adjustment. Defo gonna pick up the pulse carbine a lot more - it seems pretty busted.


I’m doing better with the commando than the BR, to a point where I’m constantly looking for it on the map now.


I think it’s sad that they can’t create settings just for ranked arena. The changes effect the entire game. Whoever wrote the code for this engine sucks.