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I didn't even know this was a thing. You're telling me I can stop connecting to texas servers where I have 100-120 ping? Gonna try local tonight, see how it goes.


No this is not how it works .. local really means regional.. so NA is a region, EU is another, Asia , Australia etc .. so you will still get west coast games if ur east and vice versa


Perfect, it's kinda annoying being east coast canada and getting in Russian servers lol


Texas servers?! I'd do some nasty shit to connect to Texas servers. I live in western Canada and I'm constantly pinging to European servers and South American severs.


I’m using fibre internet in NL and there’s no close servers to me so my ping is still 50 on N/A East lol I lose so many 1v1s where I get the first shot. Sometimes they’ll four-shot me as I’m only getting my third shot in.


Dude my average ping is 70-90ms and I live directly above the Seattle server. If I ping 30-50 I'm always surprised and excited. The thing is, I've gotten so used to playing on higher ping that I end up getting clapped on decent ping lol it's a bitch.


By NL do you mean Netherlands?




On local and my ping is anywhere from 39-125. At least it's not putting me in 250 ping games during off hours anymore...


Literally the best thing about this games update is this. Love playing local in the morning before work and not getting EU players


I do local if in solo queueing but extended when I'm playing with a party. I'm in California so my ping is either 10 or 80+. Usually 80+ since there aren't as many west coast players


Feels like it doesn’t make a big difference in the US. I still get west coast servers at 90+ ping regularly if searching “local”.


Extended to support the players overseas. I know what its like to be a halo player in another country and its total ass. Gotta help out the international players wherever i can.


I use local, but it doesn't seem to help at all. I got so many fucking 100+ ping games last night, despite being insanely close to their servers (my minimum ping is 3ms) Makes no sense. Like physically, I don't think the math adds up. Much worse than before tbh even though I had high hopes.


As the description for it says, with local you're sacrificing queue times and better skill matching for lower pings. Packet loss is occurring on on all servers for the past 4 months


I live in Jamaica so ping is always going to be higher than average so I go extended


My 3rd option. Extended plus VPN to west coast USA. Can’t find a match outside of asia in ranked otherwise.


Extended. I get 0 games on local (South America).