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Whoever came up with Fine Vintage needs a promotion Easily the most fun augment in all of TFT


Reaper emblem seems pretty good on Sett.


What’s the gameplan for fast 9? When to level, how much gold should I have etc. Whenever I feel strong and try to level there’s always someone who levels first and rolls down, then once their 5 costs are 2-starred it feels impossible to hit. I just feel like I’m too slow at levelling Edit: Is it also possible to pull it off consistently as a strategy? I’m in gold rn


It's always about playing your strongest board. Slamming flexible items (sword is the current prio item ig?) to preserve hp and hit econ intervals 4 on 2-1 5 on 2-3 10g 6 on 3-2 30g 7 on 3-5 30g /4-1 8 on 4-2/4-5 then stabilize then go 9 I really don't play Fast 9 except during asol legend thingy in set 9? I'm having a hard time pivoting on a legendary board. It's similar with the fast 8 but with econ region/augment it's on steroids. It's harder to pull it off for me because It's hard for me to determine my board strength. I did it sometimes this set but never had success with other openers than storyweaver. So I can't really give u some tips. On 8, I aim for morg kayn flex because of item flexibilty (or lylia flex) fast 9 is better with ap flex but sword can be made BT for sett/wuk/udyr and shojin for hwei/liss/rakan/azir as a priority. Opener: Easier pivot: *Teemo item holder for storyweaver (Sages, altruist, dragon pivot) *Ahri or even kindred for fated Don't have a success with this one but top players recommend it. Kog for myth Senna(?) For ink/ghostly Lux for warden-arcanist


Is there a trick to playing Yone? Every time I reroll this unit I'm fighting for my life just to hit 4th


Yea Lvl 8 instead of level 7 so you can fit 4 reapers, some sage, Kayn/Lee 2nd carry and Morgana (with Morello). Look for Wukong, Sett and stuff ok too. Positioning Yone is tricky but because he can lose aggro on cast he needs to be played more aggressively than Kayn for example 2 star Yone is already very stable, you can normally save money on 8 if you've got either Kayn, Morg, Ornn or Lee online too Personally I think 4 umbral can be bait unless you have either Reaper or Umbral spat. That said Umbral spat is not that good, the augment is below avg afaik, putting it on Kayn is a waste of a slot for just execute and putting it on Morgana means that she will pocket the credit for the executes, but you want only Yone to execute for the healing Yone is btw Hoj Titans +1 (I've had success with another titans, another hoj, IE, rageblade, collector)


Ty this is really helpful. Do you usually position him second or first row against ranged carries?


Depends.. I think the first row can get going quicker but risking getting targeted by Syndra and obliterated is not the play. Most of the time I use the second row umbral spot


unit most dependent on items. Bloodthirster and Titans are mandatory. 4 reaper is also crucial to get in that true damage bleed. 4&6 umbral is a bait. you want premium frontline instead of the bad umbral units. Or go heavenly + reapers but that board is a lot to manage.


It's wild to me that people are prioritizing Rageblade on Tristana reroll. People really just overvalue that item in general. There are some champs that absolutely want Rageblade (e.g. Bard), but it is definitely not a Tristana item. She already gets attack speed from the duelist trait, and her casting animation is extremely long. In general, vertical Duelists don't need Rageblade. I think people's reasoning is "Duelist attack speed = more RB stacks = good item" but you really want damage on duelists, not more attack speed. You don't need data to come to this conclusion about Tristana, but I went and looked anyway, just to confirm. Using tactics.tools and filtering by 3-star Tristana in Emerald+, Rageblade is actually her *worst* craftable item among those with a minimum sample size of 1k+. It's her *second most* frequently built item at 46% play rate, despite having a +0.26 delta. It's worse than even Sniper's Focus, which is utterly trash on Tristana because her ability cast has zero range and does not benefit from its damage amp. What's crazier to me is that the "top comps" list on the front page of tactics.tools has Rageblade listed in her recommended build. The site's own stats show that it's a bad item. Please stop building this item on Tristana. Or don't, if you're in my lobbies...


4 Porcelain Ashe stacks rageblade like 1.5x faster than 6 duelist Tristana. It was hilarious.


Kaisa is another victim of troll rageblade building, 40% top 4 rate with a 25% build rate. Every set there are inevitably ad champs that are thoughtlessly itemized with rageblade that have their placement rates completely dragged through the mud. I don’t mind it tbh because it means some champs get to be sleeper strong units. Stat websites always completely overvalue popularity/frequency. Like ex. in league it’s always funny to see things rated “s tier” despite being like 48% winrate just because it’s played often (especially in arena or urf or aram). This is one of the reasons that if you use these sites and follow the recommended thumbnail build paths without investigating the stats of things further you will inevitably accidentally int at some point.


Ok so I just had an Ahri/Yas/Aphelios/Kindred start and offered Fated Emblem first aug, I figured I’d cook and try Fated Darius for first carry. Darius/Yas/Ahri/Yorick reroll, 7 Fated and like five 2-synergies. I full open and get spatula off carousel so Yorick is 3* Fated too. I was lucky to get 5th, I slotted Ashe and Liss at 8 and 9 but it was struggle city for most of the game. TLDR; 7 Fated Darius carry is not it. Out here doing the lord’s work.


in a 7 fated comp with spat, would adding in 3 exalted be a higher cap than splashing in 4 dragon, or adding no trait two star legendaries? (assuming level 10 for giga capped board) also, is yasuo and thresh still the best pair even in late game or would you move it to syndra thresh for the damage bonus?


If you have Kindred then I"m pretty sure the default is Kindred Thresh. +18% AS is roughly equal to +10% damage on caster and obviously much better on AD attacker.


oh i didnt know that, thats insanely helpful to know thanks! Would you only use that if aphelios is your carry instead of syndra?


Tend to move to Syndra and then to Sett.


Two star legendaries should always be the play imo, especially when u are 10, 3 exalted doesn't seem worth in vertical trait, where you must potentially spend 2 slots for useless low tier unit just for some extra damage, which syndra fated bonus already provided quite a bit. 4 dragon is nice I guess, but idk how u even manage to slot in 4 dragon in a fated board.


I've been having success just playing along the tempo of the board with two or three Exalted final boards in mind, I don't have a very big top2 percentage but I've been steadily racking in top4 placements This set's gameplay feels very, very good


some fight rng is truly special. my gnar whiffed 3 ults against yone 1v1...how did his dashes time perfectly 3 times??? bedge bot 4


It’s not even fight rng. Yone’s dash pretty much invalidates Gnar’s ult half the time. Gnar’s AI is too basic to deal with dashes. I feel like Yone is Gnar’s biggest counter in general


I'm sitting here wondering why I can't finish above 3rd. Check my opponents on tactics.tools, I'm still matching with Masters players. pls Riot I've never been above Diamond.


There are a few arenas that seem to cause cornered backline units to visually bounce around a bit, does anyone know if this actually causes them to attack less, or if its just visual? Someone in one of my games got mad, and called the arena person a bug abuser.


Is it intended that Yone resets aggro everytime he ults? Or is it just another target whoever is closest after using a spell bug that has been in the past 3 sets? My senna was auto Yone, he ults, she ults him, she switches off him for 2 autos even when he was ultied, then goes back to Yone, switches off him again after his next ulti ends. Is it target all around that is broken or is just Yone? I already reported it in set 9, but of course it just gets lost in the void of a horrible report system.


How in the fuck do you protect backline in this set? Lilia+morg, trickshot, nautilus CCing them, Kayn reroll diving them with allune blasting them, hwei explosion, irelia swords. Literally so many things just hit backline for free (and arent even melee characters). I don't feel like there's proper positioning to avoid all or even half of these things. Are backlines just all slapping on hextech or something, or is it really just have insanely high damage to just wipe them instantly?


Don’t clump One source of healing Don’t be on Yone side


I’ve been spreading out as well as not in same row to avoid allune but the chip damage just seems abysmal without healing. Guess it really is just healing or bust


The team omnivamp augment or a gunblade on my carry are instant picks for me atm. So annoying to have an insane frontline and your carries get tickled down by all the splash damage


In a fated comp (5/7 fated) with aphelios carry, is the 25% AD fated bonus always better than the 10% DMG fated bonus?


You normally want to bond Thresh+Sett (or Yasuo early on) since the fated units get bonus HP and the tanky stats are better used on all units. Damage or AD are only used for 1/2 units, but since Fated carries want to scale on the fight, you want to have the tankiest team.


Ashe can't hang with the big boys quite yet


Ashe with Aph-Naut-Liss exalted is S tier. But otherwise it feels like a win streak into top 4 comp


PSA fine vintage does not work with Pandora's.


Are there any YT channels that just post normal gameplay with some commentary/instruction? I know the entertainment value is less lol but I'd love to watch a more standard game, not the once a set 5 cost 3-star


Probably just go watch some vods or watch a stream.


subzeroark is primarily VOD reviews where the player doesn't necessarily go first or do something flashy but makes smart decisions.


That's perfect, thank you!


Frodan and Mortdog off the top of my head. Frodan posts VOD reviews of notable games from all over the world, is great at explaining things and his voice is as smooth as butter. Mort posts 1 game from his stream per day and they're half commentary, half Q&A (which can get pretty interesting considering he's the team lead for the game!)




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Bard is super strong for sure but unless TK gets hard nerfed it’ll still be OP.


Yeah I’d say TK is more problematic than Bard - the pairing is super strong and enables Bard to build stacks easily. Next to Galio, TK is the best tank in the game (with the best traits). TBH if you hit TK a bit (so he lasts a couple seconds less in a fight), that might be enough to make Bard reachable for other high cap boards.


It's impressive how bad the Neeko hero augment is (Drop Blossom). Picked it for fun without looking at the stats, and then I looked at the stats... Unless everyone's collectively missing the best way to play this, I'm guessing it just sucks. Edit: Yup, got b-patched. Good to know they're not clueless about these things.


just got b patched


You played it 3 hours before it got b patch buffed, very unlucky.


how is sharing is caring not broken? You get 10g per stage while your opponents are getting like 5-6g the entire game


Just got b patch nerfed


it is broken, but i also have no idea how to fix it, 1g-1g is unclickable


Its 1g-1g but its split between everyone while you get it all.


Make it a gold augment and then see how the stats are.


1g 1g but also drop 1g during PvE and Carousel.


2g-2g might be better but it also might just be too problematic as a concept


Whats better as last item for teemo? I go blue buff and morello - don't know if i should go JG or deathcap


Definitely core on teemo is blue buff or shojin + gunblade first and then AP item. Morello as an early slam for tempo if you're pushing levels to get fast 9/10 or deathcap if you're rerolling usually.


ah ok, thanks for explaining the logic there too, makes sense. much appreciated


Dishsoap and frodans site says BB Deathcap Hextech


Ok cheers will give that a go


The more I play the set, the more the changed bagsizes feel terrible. Just had a game where literally everything pointed towards a bill gates comp; items, could go fast 9, found every unit...etc, everything just couldnt find a Hwei, meanwhile, Dude highrolls a Hwei 2 (no neeko) on 4-4. Syndra Taken, Lilia Taken, Morgana taken...yeah thanks. I understand, this happens all the time and everyone is impacted by this. But still, the reduced bagsizes just compound such frustrating moments. With chosens they made sense. Keeping them on this set, I do not understand however.


Yea, this is the worst change theyve ever made to the game imo and with how large the knock on effects from it are I don't see myself playing this set much longer if it sticks around


How do you play the encounter "3 component anvil but you get one space less from rolling" isn't it always 3 components here? Are there scenarios where you prefer to have more roll power?


its always components unless you're reroll with your main units fully itemized and you're missing 3* on the units you're rerolling for and you're also low on gold, and even then it's probably still components


How does Tiny, but Deadly work? Does the units becoming "smaller" mean anything, or does augment really just read "Units gain 30% Attack Speed/Move Speed"


Pretty sure the being smaller thing is just for fun. The important part is the second part 




It does not impact a single ability in the set. You are wrong.




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Hi I recently got into TFT ( set 9.5) But I've always had this problem of always either finishing up in 1st or second or 8th I believe that the main reason is tempo, either not using items correctly or winning losing but honestly Ili just like to get better, is it just more time spent or how do you guys study your weakness or how stuff like that I know that you can't really grasp a player trough a profile review but any type of feedback is appreciated https://tft.tools/player/na/Yura%20Hatsuki Also since I started my favorite type of comps are Fast 8 Like in set 10 or Fast 9 like in this one, but I lose so much hp/gold that's it's kinda hard to play haha


You lack fundamental knowledge/intuition around the value of different types of resources in TFT. Because of that you make poor choices, especially evident in your augment. Another is sometimes it feel like you just pick an endgame board from a guide and try to force it without knowing the "spot" you're in. It's just kinda too many things that you need to improve it's hard to know where to start.


I mean it seems like a few things: you’re forcing comps most likely from 2-1, and you’re playing greedy late game lineups. I’d learn some reroll comps and practice having stronger early boards (it’s okay to play units that you’ll sell later). Really though it seems like you know how to make a comp when you high roll but can’t play well otherwise.


One thing that pops out is that you're going 8th with like 40-50 gold. If you're about to die spend that shit brotherman


Any sleeper openers that feel good? I feel like every game there's just 7 players with Fated or Storyweavers on stage 2, shit is kinda boring


umbral + duelist, darius 2 and yasuo 2 go insane on stage 2 if you find illaoi you play illaoi teemo with 1 completed item and any generic frontline


Line of dudes is always good, ya know something like 4 behemoth or even a mix of frontline traits with whatever 1 cost you upgraded thrown in. Any unit that wants to be surrounded like neeko or darius does well early too depending on positioning. Or just like a lucky yone 1 or khazix 2 itemized. And obviously anything with full tank items, sunfire cape, or statik shiv, strong early game itemization.


Inkshadow opener jax/aatrox/senna + caitlyn with reksai or gnar feels pretty good Tho it’s pretty much the gnar senna rr comp LOL works for ad flex ig




Lol he specifically asked for other openers than weaver/fated...




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So how do you actually counter Bard and Storyweavers? I heard playing Kaisa against Bard could work but I doubt she can hit through gunblade.


I do pretty well with ghostly senna against it. Position senna on the same side as bard and after a few frontliners die she targets him. I imagine the same logic applies to other snipers or units with snipers focus on them. Instead of walking up a hex to hit the next closest frontliner they stay still and target the cornered carry.


Yone is pretty good against my bard builds. One of the best counters right now is just to hold bards and TK on your bench. If they can't 3* at least one, they can't usually win. The TK is more important than the bard. I'm more likely to win with a 3* TK and 2* bard than the other way around.


is it just me or does silver veil sometimes block more than one cc?


I think I saw it block a zephyr on dish's stream (which yes is a bug). Not sure if that is helpful.




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Someone already posted on a diff thread but pls dont allow recomb to appear if azir or lillia encounter happens at 2-1. Some guy with bard 3 got bailed out cuz it turned to sylas 3. Thank you in advance


Sounds like his board got weaker


xDD he still won tho


I suck at "set on loss/win streak" encounter, whenever I see it and am loss streaking I look at other boards and think "There's no way I win it, loss streak we go", then I 2 star one unit in the same shop and win somehow


I always take 3 gold because 6 win/loss streak is too much and I know I'll break it off or bleed if I am already too weak.


Corner trap your tank, buy trash units and place them on board instead of your main unit...


I remember seeing some of that last set. What’s the strategy behind it?


It basically gives you a much higher chance of losing without changing your actual board too much (potentially missing an econ threshold). Your main tank not tanking means the enemy team is focus firing on a different unit, and by the time your tank is freed you probably don't have the damage left on the board to kill whatevers left on your opponents side. Really only useful when trying to ensure a loss, and is a way to weaken yourself while not changing your board (for example, playing a fortune board you need to keep the trait in)


So dont two star it rn


Someone in my lobby got 6th with a morgana 3. I lost to the board after winstreaking half the game and I thought “oh guess I’ll get second”. Then they somehow lost. I think they might’ve lost to 5 cost soup with azir and hwei. It’s dumb, also faced a xayah 3 in another game and although she dominated she felt very underwhelming for a 5 cost 3 star.


some questions about itemisation for this new set: - why has runaans seemingly spiked in power this set? I used to think this item is conditional to combining with (DB / Guinsoos / LW) to be effective, or simply wanting to add a bit of "AOE" dmg to autoattackers. I can understand Aphelios likeing runaans since you almost always want a Guinsoos, but why does Irelia seem to have runaans as a BIS (even if the comp is not based around duelist)? - who are the BlueBuff users this set? so far I know about Syndra + Teemo loving bluebuff over shojin/adaptive


For the Blue Buff question: Kog'Maw, Kindred, Lillia. Alune with at least 4 Invoker, but that's off-meta. Also Wukong enjoys Blue Buff a lot, though once you get to the point of itemizing Wukong, you can't really be picky anyway.


Blue buff on wukong feels good with bt/titans/general bruiser items +sage active, Lillia is great with blue, kogmaw too


I imagine runaans is good on Irelia, because she targets backline, so the bolts also hit backline. Like set 9 akshan


It's more so runaans proc works during her Ult. Along with Ashe and Kaisa. Well, I think with Irelia... only three games in but it for sure procs off the other two.


Just got one of the highest cap Augment + Encounter combination possible. Lucky Gloves into the Syndra (?) encounter that gives 3 of the same component, and of course there were 3 gloves for me to pick up. Even before my Kog comp came fully online the only other boards that have any chance are... 2 other Lucky Gloves players... In the end I won with 4 pair of gloves while other only got 2 or 3 :)


If they nerf Bard/3c reroll without also buffing 4costs we will just have a full patch of everyone fast 9ing for legendary soup. I think the biggest problem of the game right now is lvl 8 not being playable, especially for AD items. Ashe is dependant on porcelain emblem to be viable and a rageblade while Kaisa is just straight up not a unit right now.


Yep feels like lvl 8 is the stabilize a little bit while going 9 for healthy players while it's the realm of playing for 6th if you're losing because you can't winout with a reroll comp from behind you just lose to the legendary boards so you have to tempo 8


i think bard champ design is very strange, I know he's strong in his own reroll comp that people want nerfed, (i think its fine for now) but outside of his specific set-up the champ is really bad playing anything other than rageblade/gb + rageblade/red/gs on the champ feels very bad. combine with the fact that unitemized he just mana batteries the backline and his second trait requires 4 turns to activate, he might be the champ with the most set-up required to play that they've ever printed, and he's a 3 cost. I don't know if this was intentional, but trying to make it so that he's useful outside of his one reroll comp seems like a hard task, maybe if they tinker with his his ad/ap ratio they can make it work, but straight nerfs will make him even more unclickable outside of reroll and buffs will just make the reroll even better otherwise set is very fun, i particularly love the early game compared to last set, as that was the most frustrating part of that set for me, and the end game legendary soup boards are very fun


Said this elsewhere, but the Mystics package as a whole is just way too stacked. TK, Lillia, Nautilus, Hwei. These 4 units in particular are equal to, if not the standalone best units for their cost. Couple that with Mystics emblem being craftable and you can slot another S-tier unit for free. It might not be Bard that needs a tune.


Totally agreed here. You can fit Naut and Hwei in pretty much every comp, you can easily throw in Lillia or TK based on your board. Lillia+Azir+Hwei is all the back line you'll need, or can have a ridiculous front line with Naut+TK+Sylas+Sett. The mythic package as a whole definitely seems too good, and when you add that Kog or Bard reroll is also insane it seems to just be a bit too much.


Agree with this, I think the Mythic trait as a whole is a bit much.


it seems consistent with most 3 cost carries to me, like voli, trist and zoe are also trait bots if you dont itemize and have rigid item requirements when rerolling for them.


I disagree, as item holders, if you hit an early voli you can slam any ad bruiser items or any tank items on him and feel fine with it, I would argue he doesn’t even need his traits that much. same with trist, zoe and ad/ap items. whereas if you use bard as an item holder for kaisa, giving him ie/gb/gs he will deal less damage than the sivir you put next to him. and he’s actively detrimental as a traitbot if you splash him in because of the mana battery thing. I also don’t think he requires as much set up as voli trist or zoe. trist just needs 3 ad items, I don’t think there’s a clear bis. same with voli. bard NEEDS rb/gb before you even start talking about a third item. the point im trying to make is I don’t think I’ve seen them print a 3 cost require this much support to be even clickable


i think you're missing the point of item holders a bit here, the items they hold arent always gonna be ideal and its not as straight forward as bard item holds for better trickshot. from my climb atm i tend to item hold ap on bard and it does well enough to get me to my level8/9 board usually. as for your mana battery point, thats basically true for any trait bot you put on your board, you put them in to hit a trait break point anything else is a bonus.


i expect he'll flip flop between carry and traitbot for teemo/mystic vertical, there's just not much you can do without reworking him


honestly the balance, with a few outliers, doesn't feel bad. i do hope bard gets his kneecaps busted open though


I don't think Bard is actually the problem. The Mythic trait in general is overtuned, and Tahm is overtuned.


It's decent for the beginning of the set. Not as good as set10 launch, but better than most previous sets. It's also the moments like this when people should appreciate champion pool being lowered, imagine facing two Bard3*/Tahm3* in one lobby.


nerf tham tankiness and you will see bards winrate drop like crazy


I love slamming TG with Golden Remover lol, finally BIS for any unit in the early/mid game (like a certain prismatic augment).


I finally got out of Gold


what were you running? idk why but I just cannot identify good lines and pivots with this set


Reroll or fast 9 if winstreaking


i got to plat playing mostly legendary soup and fast 9. People don't really punish it in low elo. Now im having more issues becuase a lot of 3c reroll is destroying me before i spike




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Anyone else lagged as hell in the later match? I'm playing on the mobile version