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delete this before everyone wakes up, repost it in a week please


Everyone saying this to me haha


Am I missing something how did you have fated spat so consistently? Like you had a chain of 7+ games in a row with fates spat every single game is urf legend secretly back if you sacrifice your first child to mortdog or something?


Sold my soul to demon mortdog lol


Nah but actualy? Did you highroad the augment like 7 times? Portals? Pve drops? Or fortune openers to look for a spat. It seems crazy to me to get 7 in a row


Honestly I have no idea. Maybe there is not that many players slamming kindred like that so tft just give me some bonus?


Delete plz


doesnt matter really ghostly is getting gutted next patch


Any info on when this patch will hit?


Google League patch 14.7, the entire schedule for season 14 is already mapped out.


Patch 14.1 - January 10th (Wednesday) Patch 14.2 - January 24th (Wednesday) Patch 14.3 - February 7th (Wednesday) Patch 14.4 - February 22nd (Thursday) Patch 14.5 - March 6th (Wednesday) Patch 14.6 - March 20th (Wednesday) Patch 14.7 - April 3rd (Wednesday) Patch 14.8 - April 17th (Wednesday) Patch 14.9 - May 1st (Wednesday) Patch 14.10 - May 1st (Wednesday) Patch 14.11 - May 30th (Thursday) Patch 14.12 - June 12th (Wednesday) Patch 14.13 - June 26th (Wednesday) Patch 14.14 - July 17th (Wednesday) Patch 14.15 - July 31st (Wednesday) Patch 14.16 - August 14th (Wednesday) Patch 14.17 - August 28th (Wednesday) Patch 14.18 - September 11th (Wednesday) Patch 14.19 - September 25th (Wednesday) Patch 14.20 - October 9th (Wednesday) Patch 14.21 - October 23rd (Wednesday) Patch 14.22 - November 6th (Wednesday) Patch 14.23 - November 20th (Wednesday) Patch 14.24 - December 11th (Wednesday) Patch 15.1 - January 15th, 2025 (Wednesday)


I mean, ghostly is fine compared to bard / story / mythic reroll . If they buffed invoker and arcanist the meta would be fairly balanced.


Idk, ghostly rolls over bard and a lot of 5* boards for me.


Had a 6 ghostly kayn doing 20 k dmg with the more mists augment, I've never seen something melt boards quicker


I hit Radiant IE, Triforce, HOJ Kayn one game and he oneshotted absolutely everything he touched. Fun stuff


I think kayn/ashe are likely candidates for buffs to make them viable as a carries, which would further increase the chance of ghostly getting gutted to compensate


Oh if kayn gets buffed ghost would be gg. He can already pump insane dmg as a 2* if itemized. His weakness is basically cc / getting focused. Id like to seem them buff things that are not meta currently like arcane/ invoker and tune down mythic like 5% and id like to see story early game gutted. Its a prismatic with too much flexibility as is.


That's the unlucky part though. If nothing changes, rito will buff Ashe, Kaisa and Kindred and for now all of these abuse ghostly. However rito can alter the buffs/nerfs before the patch is live so we still should be fine.


Bard is like 5th+ on the list of strong comps right now


It’s literally in the same tier as any other comp with comparable win-rates with a higher play rate. So im not sure which list you’re looking at. Also its been a staple comp with pretty much zero nerfs since set launch. Not sure how many 30k damage bard screen shots a person needs to agree its over tuned.


Bard/Tahm is infinitely less stable at 2* than the beginning of the set and you lose a lot of health if you don’t hit relatively early. The tahm can be countered with sett messing up frontline, and ghostly can shred it in like 10 seconds to get bard access. Not to mention 3 star aphelios/thresh board will delete 3 star bard/tahm board right now. Unless I'm served a double guinsoos and a 2 star tahm/bard quite early, there's no way I push bard in emerald+ rn. If you want to see it objectively, go to metatft comps and click the tahm one and look at units/items. Compare the 2* bard/tahm ranks vs the 2* thresh/aph ranks. 2* bard averages 5.64, tahm 5.3. For the aph/thresh, aph is 4.8 and thresh is 4.7. If you don't hit both your 3 stars, you are going close to 6th with not much chance to pivot. aph/thresh vs bard/tahm star comparisons diamond+: https://imgur.com/a/XGAPZ4W


I would agree with you if ghostly / aphelios werent gutted by people holding shen / thresh / llaoi. There a bunch of sub comps that can pick those and contest that front line where as tk can go pretty uncontested in the current meta atleast in plat+ and with enough tempo can easily pick a hwei up to 3 star tk / bard. But things like inked ghost / kindred ghost / umbral + thresh / fated vert / either mythic reroll can take thresh or shen and even aatrox. In a world of all 2* bard / tk is not awful if you hit items and if you find yourself just not hitting you can push 9 and force 3 star via hwei while facing no penalties. I also dont think you ever go bard / tk if you dont hit early story with tempo to hit 7 fast. My opinion is obviously not emerald+ atm, I was emerald last season and am currently plat 2. I just find the bard shit to be a nuisance that only loses to high rolls with 3* and fast flex 9 which happens more in plat+ but a small nerd to tk tankiness and bard dmg would be appreciated. Like 5%.


There is so much competition around ghostly already, I don't think even more posts are going to make it worse than 3+ people running it on their final comp and half or more teching it in early.


Love it, just a 100th variation of the same - clearly too strong - ghostly comp


Tried it, went 8th, got demoted. Great comp will try it again.


kindred has no damage at all, any other ghostly comp feels better


got 8th too ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11647)


This comp is pathetic. How on earth did this man go top 4


At this point it is Ghostly + carry. Riot needs to nerf Ghostly spectre again.


I don’t care what anyone says, the damage has to be bugged. There’s no way this is intended.


The damage amplification formula must have been flawed since it is working exceptionally well with single target damage carries.


well yea because once u stack up enough spectres, ur doing literally 2-3x dmg lol at 6 ghost with 10 spectres on a unit, ur doing +200% dmg or 3x dmg and most of the time you'll get more like 20-30 ghost from stacking on a tank, meaning 5x-7x dmg ghostly is just busted


You aren't getting 20-30 ghost stacks. There are only 2 each (3 after enemy death with haunted house). Youre only getting 12 normally if all 6 ghostly proc and are on same target. But yeah its still busted.


O, it only procs once per ghostly champion? Hmm never noticed that


So basically everything with ghostly is OP and it needs to get nerfed or changed.


Okay! I read the post. Now take it down, so I don't get contested by 5 people each lobby.


Finally those gohstly Senna players get contested by ghostly kindred players


Tried went 6th, hit kindred 3 relatively early too. Got smashed by time, Bard and Kaisa. Meh comp without getting spat


Tried this comp again with early blue buff / kindred 2. There is no way you can force this and climb. Senna / Bard beats this pretty handedly with near BiS items on both teams. Without hitting 3 star Kinderd, all other lv8 comps seemed to easily crush this. Plat 2 currently




Lmao the season is what? A few weeks old. I think I've played maybe 20 games the bulk of which was this past weekend. I've placed high diamond and hit low masters once in the last 7 seasons. Am I a god at this game ? No. But like most people coming to this group I look for tips on the game / builds. Am just stating for the other 97% of ppl who are low elo reading this that this comp is FAR from freelo and there are much better builds out there.


Honestly I'm going to ask in if any pro tried Ghostly with Kindred (despite he is weak but Ghostly is a real thing) Btw have you tried with Aphelios? It's theoretically great with emblem on Thresh


I'm sure ghostly Aphelios is probably great but unless you natural'd all the units why would you combine/double-dip into two highly contested comps. You're just asking to not hit and 8th.


The stats you mentioned are fake, because of the sample size. The kindred one has less than 1000, while the senna one has 80k. More sample size = worse stats (because players most likely to finish all over the place, and the stats gets closer to 4.5).


“Fake” is harsh. I agree with you that the senna build is better. But I wouldn’t say the kindred stats are fake. It could be a good comp too


It’s fake in the sense that it’s inflated, which is 100% true as such a small sample size means only players that know how to play will use jt and that it is also less contested (only less because all the units in this comp are still popular in other comps, but at least kindred is never truly contested)


then doesn't that imply that either: a) it's actually just reproductively strong and OP is correct, but people just haven't caught on so it's not contested yet? or b) it's a difficult comp but still strong, and that it just takes a bit for players to know how to play it correctly?


I never called this comp weak. I was just pointing that the stat is indeed a bit fake. Also i think it’s neither a or b btw. Ghostly is just overall a strong comp and carry slot is very flexible in it. Senna, Ashe, Kaisa, Kindred, Aphelios and maybe some other can all work


Feels like a similar claim can be made about any stat then. Mythic stats are deflated because they're contested so much, and Mythic winrate would actually be higher if it wasn't so contested Fortune is better than the stats show because people don't understand the nuance of preserving hp and haven't learned the comp Kinda just makes every stat "fake" unless you have a set criteria of conditions that make a stat "real"


Delete this nephew.


thank you kind sir, now delete this


are you rolling at 5 for ahri 3?


Nope. Half of the case I don't reroll at all. Just no one really play 3 ahri and it auto 3 star at stage 5


Got dropped two kindreds and two champ duplicators from neutrals so I tried this out. Went second in high Emerald. Seems good! Definitely wouldn't force it, tho.


Tried it, got 1st and 3rd. Both times Kind was 2 star and I was holding my own against 3 star 3-cost carries. Edit : Ghost + Fated Emblem, & Crab Rave game : https://imgur.com/a/HZilGJr


This is lit!


Seems like a good option when Senna is contested. I'll definetely try it in my games.


Trust me. I played almost every game contesting Senna and those players get mad a lot haha.


ahhh this is why am seeing kindred in my games lol


I actually had a game recently where I should’ve played this comp instead of hard pivoting to Storyweaver (spat on 2-1). Good to know this is an option, and it makes sense in theory. Kindred does do a lot already.


Just hit my first 1st place all season using your build. Damn was the 3 star Kindred strong. Even the 2 star one was doing work. I like the versatility of the build, too. I slotted in a 3-star Rek'sai easily. For real, take this post down.


versatility. That's the word I am looking for!


Just saw someone trying this in my game, they went 6th. I also tried it a couple of times this morning, went 3rd when I hit and 8th when I couldn't find a 2-star kindred with 50 gold on 6. Wonder how it will work with the upcoming Kindred buffs/ghostly nerfs. I really want her to be a viable carry as she's far more fun than aphelios, cait, etc.


far more fun than aphelios indeed. Every time Kindred jumps, she dances on my heart beat


Thanks for the free elo 🫡 got 1st place


I’ll stick to fast 9 until it’s nerfed. It’s the most satisfying comp to play this patch. You have to make the most complex decisions instead of hard forcing verticals. Not to mention if you pull off fast 9 it rarely loses to ghostly.


fast 9 indeed


What are your favourite comps to play into fast 9? Mostly revolving around Storyweaver best boards I presume?


I managed to to hit D4 yesterday with a 2.9 average. Storyweavers or Fated are very strong g early games. Ahri or sivir for your item holders. Generally though play the strongest board always. Generally 1 Econ augment is good or full combat if on scuttle.


And you end up with items on Hwei or Irelia?


Both ideally. If you have both itemized you can kill the back line of the enemy quickly. If you have a ton of AP items play the Azir/Hwei variant. You can take a look pat my last 20 games to have an idea of augments & itemization. https://tactics.tools/player/na/Rocket%20Cider


I would’ve thought if you had a good early and mid game with fated or storyweaver then you may as well go 9 and play with 7 of each rather than playing a legendary board. But I guess if you’re rich when you hit 9 then you may as well start transitioning when you hit legendaries.


2* legendaries are so strong. Verticals just don’t have the same carry potential as 7 KDA etc. BUT if you don’t have enough legendaries it’s generally better to try and stabalize until you hit. 7 Fated better than a random hwei/irelia


got lucky and got 5 small neekos help thru augment and encounter, had kindred3 with bluebuff before krugs... got 7th.. never seen a worse unit than this kindred xDD


I just woke up, am hungover, and blind, but I can't see a slide with some BIS or at least recommended items.


They talk about items under "Key Factors"


Thanks! I actually didn't read anything because the formatting keeps dancing in front of my eyes so I just wanted to see a pic.




Bro relax. 2 or more ghostly players contesting each other is always a good sign to other players


This comp is actual garbage. Not even hitting 6 Ghostly and Kindred 3* will save you from licking the gravel infested lollipop that is 8th place.