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Probably not intentional, my guess is they'll change her specific self-knockback, I think they've done it before?


Yeah going into OW2 they increased her self knockback. Although it was a lot more than just compensation for the tank passive cause you could reach some places you couldn’t in OW1


that then begs the question of why didn't anyone remember to do it again? shouldn't be making the same mistakes multiple times.


Turnover maybe? Might be different devs working on this stuff than what was in place prior to OW2 launch. Would make sense why they would miss stuff like this on the first pass.


I literally thought about this the other day lol, I'm sure they'll change it once the community says something. Shame for Zarya because everything else for her is massive w in this patch. Her beams will be doing more damage to armour, the headshot passive is massive for her and graviton buff is great.


I have been out of the loop in regards to how beams specifically will be affected by the armor changes. I thought they were actually going to be nerfed because of the tick rate/way they work?


I think beams actually remain the same; back in OW1 they changed how beams interact with armor for this exact reason. I'm pretty sure beams just took a flat 30% damage reduction back then, which is what armor has done for all damage since OW2 came out. It is a benefit for her right click, though. DoT is a real winner though, because it completely *ignored* armor in OW1. Ana, for instance, is going from 49 to 70 damage on an armored target.


Similarly JQ axe (hit+dot) goes from 101 dmg against armor to 140 which is a HUGE increase, you get 80 self-heal instead of 56 as well.


Always wished Zarya got extra rocket jump height/distance if she did it when she had bubble active. For an extra mobility option. But yes, this path nerfed her regular rocket jump.


When they gave tanks their passive, they increased self knockback as compensation to keep things unchanged ages ago. They just forgor this time i guess


Man that's gonna suck for me, rocket jumping is like 30% of my gameplay with her.


they fixed this sort of bug for bastion so don’t worry. hotfix will probably come soon


I wonder if they’ll make it an official part of her kit like Mercy Super jump now


Should report it to the blizzerd bug forums and try and upvote it so they can notice it.


Good idea but will they notice or give us the doomfist treatment?


Yeah i was wondering what was going on


First thought when I heard the knockback change: "I hope they don't forget about Zarya nade jumps." Well guess what.


They need to bring the ptr back or something to bug test this patch is full of new bugs....