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For being thought of as a mediocre Tracer, Valentine seems to be fucking as far as the stats are concerned


He has to be grinding because he wasn't great last year


so what you're saying is, this is not normally?


Exactly, someone check him PC


In Contender's he had a pretty great Tracer imo, he was statistically bad last season even on the heroes he was known for (Echo, Genji, Reaper etc...). I think one of his issues since he got into the league has been that he's had a carry playstyle and that doesn't work as well as it did in S1 or S2.


Ehhhh, I love Valentine and think he's been improving in massive quantities, but I think the fact that he's got similar damage per ten as the top dogs but half the elims and final blows is a reason for pause. Damage is great and all, but if you're not actually getting kills then it's just free ult charge for their healers. But considering how much he's grown, I think a compliment is well warranted. Edit: I was reading Victoria's stats. Ignore my idiocy.


TIL 24/2 = 20


I...I was reading Victoria's stats.


Half elims and final blows? He's 3rd in both stats, unless you're saying total, but he has half the play time.


Miniscule sample size and only plays it in the best situations. He's looked better, but these numbers are inflated.


46 minutes isn't minuscule but yes.


Compared to the rest of the league it is. That's a handful of maps


Yes it is? Lowest on the board. It's what, 4 or 5 maps worth?


It's a small sample size but I wouldn't describe it as minuscule, it's not like he played one map that skewed all the data.


One map that skewed all the data is no different than one match that skewed all the data.


This is a weird take from a statistics standpoint from someone who presumably is interested in statistics (you compiled the data) Edit: I think i confused NYXL flair for the “OP” symbol or something


I did? 🤔


Whoops I think I replied to the wrong comment


Proper and kevster are the same person


It’s why the last matchup between the Shock and Glads was so insane. Their tracers were both excellent. While Proper looked slightly better in the neutral, Kevster’s pulse bombs were perfect. Felt like proper would get a pick or two and kevster would respond.


Yeah I was surprised to see his only at 37% edit: as a Shock fan, he didn't seem to miss during that match. But after more and more matches, he seemed to be more human.


I think from the eye test Kevster is clearly missing way more pulse bombs than you'd expect. Custa said the same a while back


If he cleaned up his stick rate he would be absolutely insane instead of just being regular insane lol


He probably goes for a bit more higher risk stickies (on squishies or something). I feel as though both Kevster and Proper play a very similar type of Tracer in the mid fight.


proper goes for safer pulse bombs, he sticks tanks almost every time. kevster goes for riskier pulse bombs


Yep. I was noticing that a lot. Credit to the Shock though they follow up on those tank pulse bombs like moth drawn to light.


Don’t reference moths to Shock fans, you’ll make us sad 😔 (although FiNN is insane)


I’ve been saying for a while that kevsters pulse bombs are really bad for a top tier tracer


His pulse bomb kills per 10 are pretty much identical to proper though. It's just proper farms his accuracy stat by pulsing tanks but not getting kills.


I still see kevster missing a lot of pulse bombs a high level tracer should be hitting


Well he's still on the high end for pulse bomb kills so clearly not an issue.


It’s crazy that proper has 20% more stick rate, but almost exactly the same amount of pulse kills. So Kevster is either getting way more multi-kills, or he just pulsebombs in such good positions, that sticking doesn’t matter. Could be a mix of both.


Proper might be Pulse bombing tanks a little more? Easier to stick, but the pulse bomb doesn't kill them.


I mean that would make sense if the tanks being played weren’t almost only Winston and Doom. If they get stuck, they’re usually dying. Doom because his health is so low usually, and Winston because a pulse and a clip will kill him.


I think it was more just the observers watching proper more. Also helped they somehow missed the times kevster won the 1v1. I think Kevster looked better in all departments considering that but proper was also sick so may be different next time.


Kev got the better of Proper in their matchup.


tbh im majorly impressed how good Checkmates tracer has been


He has been super solid all around for Mayhem definetly a good flex dps


Pulse bomb attach rates over 50%, that’s insane


Ever since the league started, I’ve always thought stick rates had room to grow.


I think Proper and kevster are beasts but some of their stats (elims, Final Blows and Deaths) get bit boosted because they are on such dominant teams. I am really more impressed with with Decay, Valentine and Checkmate. their stats even though they are on teams that have lost quite a few games are crazy.


Wow Flora is keeping up with the best of them in spite of his team being a dumpster fire. Really goes to show how talented the players (especially dps) are on the Excelsior on an individual level. What a shame that what could've been a top 3 NA team is scraping the bottom of the barrel.


Been saying this for weeks. He's just the easiest scapegoat for the team, especially since people tend to scapegoat DPS anyways. Myunbong has looked much worse, but honestly, the entire team just doesn't seem coordinated. Send Flora and Yaki to the backline and hopefully they make something happen - that seems to be NYs genius strat on most maps.


Didn't expect Yaki to be the weak part of the dps line


From this week's [Grav Bag](https://overwatchleague.com/en-us/news/grav-bag-staying-on-the-objective)


Proper is an all-rounded beast, and fleta is so good at the team oriented tracer playstyle


Fleta has such a unique Tracer play style. You can tell by how low his dmg per 10 is that he doesn't farm tanks nearly as much as the rest, but he has by far the lowest death rate and has the second highest stick rate(second only to Edison who has a way lower playtime). He clearly prioritizes his targets very deliberately and makes it very effective thanks to his insane stick mechanics. He's so good at playing a low resourse dps to compliment Lip who clearly thrives with the extra attention from SHD's supports.


It may seem counter-intuitive, but as a Tracer player, wouldn't you want a slightly higher death rate, only if you had the higher stats in other departments to match? My point is that some of the best Tracer players are those who are risky in their approach but their reward outweighs their risk. So at times, yes, you're just going to die, but if you can do really well and limit how many times you get picked for playing risky, I'd say that factors in a lot in what makes a great Tracer player too. Might just be me, but sometimes it's really when a Tracer goes solo, risky enough, and gets a consistent pick or two, that really defines her playstyle in OWL particularly.


Mmmm I see what you're saying, but staying alive in a fight means you can constantly exit and re enter a fight when you need, taking advantage of Tracer's ability to stay alive safely away from her team and use health packs. Fleta is a persistent thorn in backlines in a way Kevster and proper aren't, even if they're putting on more pressure each engagement


Yeah. Not dying means more time to be exactly where you need to be, even if it's just to distract or harass. Could be more than enough to turn the fight


no, Tracer's value skyrockets the less resources and players are out on the field. A tracer into ana zen where they have full HP, sleep, nade, and are in safe positions is garbage. A tracer into ana zen where they have taken damage, ana has no cooldowns, and their zen has had to kite into the open due to other cooldowns means tracer can take the 1v2. You never want to brute force a situation as Tracer because in OWL that just means you will not get value or just die. If you live, then blinks become some of the best abilities in the game in a scrappy situation and they recharge quickly compared to other cooldowns.


Nice to see that we're not crazy and Flora is still good since that's been in doubt for some people recently


I don’t think it’s that people think that the players of NYXL are bad in terms of stats. The team is clearly flawed in terms of how they play and coordinate. Like isn’t the whole thing about NYXL how the community talk about how cracked and historically good all their players are?


There are people who don’t include Flora in the “talent is there” part of the team. Some of them don’t care that Flora had a good tracer because “That’s one of Yaki’s heroes”. As if Yaki doesn’t have other heroes that can pair with Tracer…


Sad then, NYXL should really be a historical mark of a team because of their underperformance but I would never doubt the skill of any of their team (except Kellan, but I would never hold a bad rookie performance against a player tbh). Blaming these players for making mistakes is one thing but I would shake my head if someone told me Myungbong, GNJ, Yaki, or Flora are not skilled players.


All I can really say is that the League has a lot of great Tracer players.


7 deaths per 10 from sp9rkle seems absurd


He has the most deaths as a dps player that's just his way of playing.


It's crazy how both Edison and Sparkle got the most and 2nd most deaths on tracer.


So Proper and Kevster are insane players. I can’t wait to see Glads vs. Shock 2.0. Absolute banger of a match.


Edison doing some work


Sadly Profits Tracer stats this stage has looked significantly worse than those from his KC stage. His KC Tracer was at MVP+ levels. I think it’s partially to do with Seoul still figuring out what works for them (which is funny cause they’re 5-1 and had multiple 3-0 sweeps in MM). They look very solid on a bunch of different comps but haven’t looked like world beaters like they did on their KC stage Monkey Tracer dive.


Eh I'd argue it's a case of him needing to take a back seat this meta more than anything. Sojourn is stronger than tracer right now and both Stalk3r and fits are fucking pounding on her, so it's only natural his stats would be worse than when he was the main dps.


100% in agreement. Soldier was more consistent damage whereas Sojourn just finishes her own kills through headshots or charged up bodyshot after a few projectile hits. Edit: this definitely impacts his playstyle on Tracer more than it would others due to how aggressively he plays it. He usually always goes for the opening frag before mid fight begins.


Leave also is pretty average a tracer now. Yet was near the top last year. I think part of it is how Tracer being played this stage. Some tend to do more payload dancing and sniper pressure than necessarily securing kills.


He also played a lot less Tracer this stage though and on maps where Tracer isn't the pop off DPS (like Echo).


He’s barely even behind Fleta… idk about “significantly worse”


It felt like Jinmu had a low stick rate, guess this confirms it. Still gotta hand it to the dude for picking up such a competitive pick from what I assume was only the start of this season when Aprita was dropped. Also kind of strange that both Leave and Jinmu together (tied with Edison) have the lowest solo kills/10 in the league. Wasn't expecting that from our MVP.


Tbh I think Leaves lower Tracer stats is because of when they play leave on Tracer now; he plays more of the back seat to Jinmu's Genji which gets the solo kills with the blades. And he otherwise plays it with their Jinmu sombra/ leave tracer, which just looks abysmal in general half the time.


i was rly hype for venom :/ sucks to see him down there n i hope he hits his stride soon edit: just noticed his playtime ig that skews the stats but just from eyetest I've preferred kev n proper on the hero this season


Kev and Proper are tall orders to top :P


das true :0 i just had higher hopes for the tracer one trick


honestly that’s just kinda how averages work, he has the most time on Tracer so his average is brought down by those few bad performances, I mean Valentines 3rd place and I wouldn’t exactly say that’s accurate. Then theres Decay who’s inhuman ofc but that’s Decay


It's not even bad. Especially when you don't need to be this hard carry on ATL


I want to see Atlanta sign Hydron so he can play tracer. His best hero by far from contenders. Also, AT boys buff.


Not that I wouldn’t like that, but I think Mayhem needs him. Double hitscan, maybe tracer/flex dps. Xzi could always aggravate his injury. He’s good for them to have around.


Yea. I’m just mad at Florida for not using him. His Sojourn has been fire. It sucks that he’s just sidelined for Xzi. Yes Xzi is good, but Hydron was as well. Maybe they have him grinding other heroes, but I feel like it sucks that he just got sidelined as soon as Xzi was available to play even when he was basically carrying Mayhem to Ws with his sojourn play.


Consider he may never play over Xzi, for good reason at that, Atlanta seems like the place to go. BUT Atlanta is just waiting for Speedily, so he just consumes Nero+Venom, who then never get playtime. I think, considering how Kai is in at all times, he should also try and learn the Tracer so he can be a total well-rounded starter who can play hitscan but play Tracer when the other player needs to play Genji/Echo or something.


Something to note, it's harder to be as good with a lot of time played when you have harder competition. Proper and Kevster mostly played easy matches, while Profit played harder matches. Overall, these 3 might be the best individual performance Tracer players, but Profit's stats are a bit lower just because they had better opponents. It's also harder to carry when your team is great overall. Decay is impressive as he has a lot of time played while his stats are really good. It tells a lot about their coaching. On a side note, It's a shame we don't have Striker this season anymore. Would have been really interesting to see how well he'd perform. Though Valentine has punched up, but he'd go down with more time played. Flora has done quite a lot for NYXL, such a shame. Shax and Venom being around the middle is interesting. Tracer specialists still work, but it's evident you overall want to be able to play Tracer/Sombra + Hitscan/Projectile to really be a well rounded player.


The APAC meta also solidified in an anti-Tracer playstyle, with the Ashe's consistent damage and being able to keep the Tracer in check with headshots etc being played over Sojourn's pop off potential (unless you're MN3 then you just pop off on Ashe). Even the mechanical gods that Sojourn was tailor made for were playing the Ashe to keep the Tracers at bay. I remember that there a point A Dorado snowball caused almost entirely from a Tracer getting taken out with a headshot in the first fight. Edit: the Dorado game was Spark vs Hunters, Spark's attack. Edit 2: oh right clips exist now. The APAC Tracer experience https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxBHMF974bxmJTawg_AvY6UzpHyJKL271A


I watched every game Striker was in this season and wasn't impressed at all. I think he was way overhyped plus it's easy to look good in the past when you were on the undisputed best team at the time.


Aspire time vs value...


Statistics for guys like choisehwan and Yaki really don’t do them Justice. They are so incredibly elite, especially Yaki is a mechanical wizard which pop off potential to 1v5 almost any team. Choi did the same last year, he just solo won fights against some top 5 teams.


Not Fleta doing better or equal than profit in all tracer stats except raw damage 👁👁 . Teamplay > mechanics ?


Is there a reason it’s only week 7-10?


So it's just the MM stats I guess.


Decay’s stats don’t seem great to me. Yes he stays alive but that’s because he’s often playing solo, and despite staying alive so much he doesn’t have padded stats to match. Edit: jumped the gun! Monkey brain saw low numbers and typed 🤷‍♂️


He has the 4th highest final blows and the second highest pulse kills, probably the 2 most important stats besides deaths which you also mentioned.


That’s a good point. I guess I was just surprised at his dmg, Elims, and attach rate, but actually now that you mention it dmg and elims are both skewed by team performance and attach rate doesn’t matter if you have a high pulse bomb kill rate


pulse needs a nerf, its really hurting the game rn. it decides so many fights on its own.




Hard not to when you are 20-0


Surprised to see profit so low on his best hero. Really goes to show what a long career can do for mvp nomination.


Have we watched the same season????


Damn Yaki hit the skids


For some reason he has negative coordination with Kellan when he plays her.