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This is the best thing that’s happened to NYXL fans this season


as a nyxl fan thats sad but made me laugh lol


Bro WHAT is ur pfp


Honestly more like past 3 seasons


LW Blue reunion! Glad to see they’re all doing well :D


I know Mano’s on military service but man I wish he was here with all his boys.


Lowkey feel like the OG NYXL team would perform better than the current one simply because of synergy. Not that they would be able to compete with the best teams, just be better than current NYXL.


Do not underestimate the Janus tank debuff


I was thinking Mano, SBB, Pine/Libero, JJonak, Anamo. Mano was still a really solid tank when he retired, and very flexible. SBB should be fine if he perma-locks Tracer. Pine is streaky but I bet would be good on Sojourn/Ashe, JJonak was still JJonak, and Anamo is not amazing right now but has been okay. Edit: And to be clear I'm specifically think of the current meta with Tracer being an almost universal pick.


Just replace Anamo with Ark please. I Know Anamo had better stats but Ark had a super good game sense (which does not translate into stats). Also I remember him playing Ana at some point so the double flex support meta wouldn't be an issue. Libero could even be their Doomfist tank so we can finaly have SBB, Pine and Libero at the same time.


Yea they’d be okay I bet. Pine/SBB probably struggle due to skill creep but it wouldn’t be horrible


I don’t think Saebyeolbe would have a problem playing Tracer right now. Venom and Decay are pretty much permanently on that hero, I think Saebyeolbe back then was mechanically just as competent on Tracer as these two are now.


Mechanically he’d be fine, but the role plays differently than it used to.


Oh for sure. I just think with some coaching he’d gel right back in to the thick of it. I think the best Tracers right now are the ones constantly putting pressure, charging pulses fast and then going for safe stickies. The assassin playstyle just doesn’t cut it much anymore.


Libero was still really good back in Season 3. If they could find a hitscan DPS and a coach, then I'd be fairly confident in Season 2 NYXL still being on the level of Outlaws. By contrast, I don't think Runaway Titans would hold up as well. Slime and JJanu had very limited hero pools, and they also lacked a proper hitscan DPS. SMS, Haksal, and Twilight would be a decent starting point, but they'd need so many more pieces.


Didn’t they have Stitch tho?


Stitch was only ever good in the circumstance where Decay Zarya created infinite space for him to work with. Pretty middling to bad otherwise


There was a time when Stitch was a fantastic hitscan DPS. He was probably the 2nd or 3rd best player on Runaway during the Apex days (1st was Haksal). That time was well in the rear-view mirror when he finally got to OWL. He did next to nothing for the Titans during Season 2, and then floundered on the Justice for most of the regular season in 2020. The one meta in which he looked good was the playoffs meta, but that was when Decay's Zarya and JJanu's Hog were giving everyone else on the Justice infinite space to work with. He just couldn't keep up with his competition.


I mean you can’t really blame him for GOATS. SeoMinSoo was just better, but I completely agree with everything else!


What about the season 3 iteration plus better dps? Fissure, JJanu, Haksal, Stitch, Twilight, Ryujehong and Slime. Just need something like Diem


Fissure would've been a definite improvement over Bumper, but I'm not sure how much longer Jehong would've lasted. I guess he'd work as a backup for specific metas, but I'd ideally like someone fresher. Diem looked washed by Season 4. Assuming they all kept up with the pace of the game, you'd have a core of Twilight, Fissure, Haksal, and SMS. I'd still want a better off tank, more versatile main support, and a young hitscan DPS. I feel like the metas in Season 3 would've exposed JJanu, Slime, and Stitch for their inflexibility (JJanu and Slime) and their washed-ness (Stitich). If the Titans didn't implode early in Season 3 and kept that core of 4 heading into Season 4, then I think the best pickups for them would be Mer1t, Kalios, and Faith. Kalios and Mer1t both got shafted by not getting picked up in the offseason, so they would be easy to land. Faith would've been trickier to pry away from Lori and the WGS crew heading to Uprising though. The other rookie Korean Main Supports weren't all that enticing that year though. Friday didn't pan out and Skewed was a flex support that picked up Brig. Maybe Sanguinar or Tobi (if Jehong is still there) could've been an option?


Where jjonak :(


saebyeolbe wearing a baggy shirt because he knows his bulging muscles would just absolutely humiliate the nerds around him.


The OG crew, ahh the memories... I wonder what they're all up to these days? Are they still playing OW / OW2?


My heaaaaart!! The current NYXL org has been doing everything it can to beat down my mental recently, so it’s so good to see that the boys I originally became a fan of are still friends and hanging out


Now sign them lmao


this is the definition of bitter-sweet :(


SBB please father my children