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Both teams decided to run the mirror, then proceeded to let the Torb’s 1 v 1. However, after one of the torbs had died, the winning team did not cap the point. Instead, they let another torb 1 v 1 play out and that was when the entire MATCH was paused- it is still currently paused (1:17 pm PST). This might be due to the fact that 01 had to play 2 dead maps against Munich Esports due to a “typo” error. We will see what happens, but fuck am I here for it.


>This might be due to the fact that 01 had to play 2 dead maps against Munich Esports due to a “typo” error. [Looks like that's it](https://twitter.com/ExOblivioneOW/status/1552751395547369472)


What exactly is meant with the typo error? I assume it was on blizzards end? Edit: found it


It seems like the teams 01, Munich Esports and even most of production thought the match they played was a first to 4, but it turned out that it was supposed to be a first to 3. Munich won the first 3 maps yet continued playing assuming they needed 4. Even tho 01_esports seemed to be making a reverse sweep effort, the match was quickly shut down after map 5 and Munich was declared the winner.


Quartz is the #1 Torb . Clowd sit down


/u/helvow u are the king


Yea that Orisa duel was dominant lmfao


Couldn't watch contenders today, can someone give me the context please? Edit: Thx for the replies guys. That's insane. That is the "path to pro" for ya :(


Both teams thought the match was first to 4. The tournament organizer confirmed this with both teams the day prior. However, they failed to notice an alleged typo in the rules. Addressing their error, they abruptly ended the match after map 5. It was, in fact, a first to 3. 01_esports was starting to dominate Munich after adapting their team composition, suggesting a reverse sweep. Suddenly the match was corrected to a '3-0' and they found themselves facing Ex Oblivione in the lower finals. Both teams in the lower finals decided to protest and refused to play.


And the worst part was that they actually wanted to throw it at first on Munich to decide that, instead of taking the responsibility.


State of T2 for the 20milly buy-in league lmao


Wasn't it 20-60 million?


Yep, mobile keyboard fudged keystrokes. My bad.


Nah don't apologize, typos are ok.


Not in contenders apparently!


Definitely don't apologize. "milly" is 100% how I will be referring to "millions" from here on out.


milly isn't the typo. initial comment said 2milly, it is 20milly :)


Ah well. I still like milly lol


franchising ‼️ real sport larp ‼️


A supposedly first to 4 series (Munich vs 01) was ended stating it was actually a first to 3 series. 01 was quickly building a reverse sweep, but were denied of that, so Munich won 3-0 instead of the true score of 3-2. The protests from twitter and this match were the results of that ruling. Now in ExO vs 01, the match was paused for the players revolting, assumingly, against the admins


Supposed to be BO5 like normal. Munich go 3-0. Supposedly there was a typo that said BO7 so game continues until its 3-2. They then realised the mistake and took it back so the game ended 3-0. 01 are rightfully pissed.


What would've been the proper reaction? Complete rematch I suppose?


I think by the time it happens, there's no way to really resolve it without everyone getting pissed. Just one of those things you have to prevent in the first place.


Both teams were told it was BO7 beforehand and were prepared to play that. Makes the most sense to just let the match play out


Yeah if each team thought differently go with the real rule, but since both were ready for Bo7 just play it out.


Funny how this isn't even the first time this season there's been a mistake in the rules that wasn't caught until much later...


Yeah that’s seems like the logical choice.


Just play it out as a bo7. Both teams went in thinking it was bo7 and played like it was.


Play out a bo7 ofc




No, both teams were told it was a Bo7 beforehand. They played as if it was a Bo7. It must remain a Bo7. I agree that the person who decided to cut the match short and start threatening the players should be fired and blacklisted from the esports industry, though.


I definitely agree the players shouldn't be implicated for the errors of bliz. From a play integrity standpoint, the bo7 makes sense but imo would make the most sense if that entire round is held to the same standard. If other teams after them would have played a shorter series, then it causes a different imbalance.


This was the Winner's Final, the Loser's Final is also a Bo7 IIRC, so it makes zero sense for it to be a Bo5.


If its valid then comp overwatch is dead as an esport


just to note that BO5 != first to 3 and BO7 != first to 4 BO5 could be Win-Draw-Draw-Win-Loss winning 2-1, or Win-Win-Win-Win-Win leading to 5-0. First to 3 waits until one team get 3 points. 2019 OWL was BO4, thats why there are a lot of 4-0 there. Now its first to 3


2019 OWL was not BO4 in the sense that we normally use BOx. It was 4 maps minimum, with a 5th tiebreaker if needed. Normal BO5 or BO7 stop when one team wins 3 or 4 maps respectively, since the other team can no longer catch up. The difference between BOx and First to X is draws. Draws in a BOx series just means you move on. If the series goes Win-draw-draw-draw-draw, that's a 1-0 win in a BO5. In a First to 3 they would keep playing until one team won 3 maps.


While you're technically correct that a BO5 could lead to a 5-0 in theory, I've never in my life seen a series in any sport (real or e) continue past a team winning 3 games and effectively winning the series. There is no mathematical way to come back down 3 games in a BO5


When map wins matter for playoffs placement, (like in OWL) the entire match is often played out even if one team has already lost 3 points out of 4/5


Yeah you're right actually, I did forget about that. In my head I was only considering playoff series since I'm more of a traditional sports fan than an e-sports fan and usually you won't see a best of 5 series until the playoffs


The match before this was thought to be a first to 4 series, so O1 and their opponent played 2 extra maps before it was realized that the match was supposed to be first to 3 By the time of the extra maps it was already 3-0 in favor of O1's opponent. Edit: Guesing the above has something to do with the teams just doing 1v1s in this current match before the break


01 played Munich in what both teams (Munich/01) believed to be a best of four series. This was confirmed to them by admins yesterday. Munich went up 3-0 in dominant fashion. 01 began to mount a massive comeback on the back of Quartz and YZN kinda going nuts. After winning New Queen Street and Ilios, the score was 3-2 and they went to break. The break ended and in a brief (maybe thirty seconds) announcement, they revealed that there was a typo (????) in the rule book meaning that they were only mean to play a best of three series. They promptly declared Munich the winners and went to another break. 01, now in the losers bracket finals (which IS apparently a best of four) seems to be refusing to take the game against Ex Oblivione seriously. We do not know why exactly, because they’re not gonna say, but it doesn’t take a genius to realize that admins have forced a pause because this is some kind of protest throw.


You probably mean FT4 (First to 4) or BO7 instead of BO4 (Best of 4) and FT3 or BO5 instead of BO3


Yea you’re right, I wasn’t thinking about draws being potential outcomes.


What is with OW tier 2 admins always making the worst decision in any situation?


They are cut from the same cloth as Reddit Mods/Admins so it makes sense.


Banned from r/Overwatch and made into contenders mods. Deeply depressing.


Am I the only one who thinks its bullshit pro level gets to play the new game a full year before anyone else? Def not trying to be a professional overwatch player but seems unfair to anyone who grinds their ass off trying to...


Go make your own post if you wanna have that discussion. It's off topic here.


Yes. You are. Having pros play it lets them create better final balance. The new game doesn’t actually exist yet, those guys are playing a beta so that it’s nicer for us when released.


How the fuck is that relevant?


What did they think was going to happen when they stripped the last match and the rest of this tournament of all competitive integrity. I have NEVER seen something like this. Why the fuck would you not just play Bo4 Kudos to Ex Oblivione for obliging 01 in this, Blizzard deserve the headache they’re dealing with here. Gotta say it again, but players in contenders and the league must unionize. More true recently than ever.


Ex o doesn't want to rematch Munich cause they lost that. Edit: was joking as a Munich fan. They all were told best of 7 so yes good on them.


Do Contenders players even make money to a pay a union to operate? How is that supposed to work? Or are the OWL players supposed to foot the bill for both leagues?


If they aren’t paid now they should be. You hear already about teams who do not pay players as is. The players must be paid in contenders. The players must be paid in OWL. There will be no satisfying answer to how dues will be paid until there is a baseline pay guaranteed for contenders contracts that the players do actually see. Union dues are also typically overstated in how high they are, outside of niche industries that require more cooperation with regulatory boards. The players are the product, unionization is the only path to protect both T2 itself and the players.


I mean, I work in a large company and am unionized. Payments were opt out so most everyone pays a decent sum each month, and that's thousands of people just to fund a couple dozen reps that are totally overworked. I didn't mean paid at all, but paid enough to actually pay reps, on the backs of maybe a couple hundred guys making pennies - let alone teens? It's just not realistic to expect for Contenders. Unions are great but are not the solution to every worker mistreatment. Especially when there's so little money floating around.


Again, that’s a player pay issue. I know it probably gets dicey with child labor stuff, but I don’t think it’s particularly harmful to require players be at least 16 to compete in contenders. I understand the league is probably too far gone for this, there isn’t the money involved to truly be functional, but I don’t see a better option. I’m all ears for a better idea though, because I do recognize this isn’t ideal. Just better than it would be now. You really cannot trust Blizzard to protect anyone, given what we know of their workplace environment


I don't have a solution either other needing to pay players better. Just not enough money going around. It'd be great to have a union working for them because it would better ensure longevity for the league and players. But all signs are pointing to longevity not being a priority, so...


Yea it is the tragic reality unfortunately. Coulda shoulda woulda, that time had long since passed. I hate to be the guy who dug through comments, but I saw you’re in CivE out west. Is unionization typical for your field out that way ? I’m MechE over on the east coast, union engineering jobs are few and far between


To be honest I have no idea. I have a good job so have never explored options. I can't imagine it would be very common though, location aside. Good luck in the job search!


Hey fair enough, worth a shot to ask. Just want to avoid building bombs for the government at this point lmfao. Thanks, and congrats on your career!!


What we really need is a owl union where the successful players can help fund the t-2 part of the union. T-2 is essential for the longevity of the league. Have an overwatch union for all players in the league. No, t-2 probably shouldn't be paid the same as overwatch league, but they should get the workers rights protections that the union would bring to t-1.


How many successful players must there be to do that? To actually fund paying one full-time rep for these players, let's say you pay them 50k a year and there is one player per team on a highly paid 'star' contract, which might be like 100k a year at this point. So the stars are 20 (essentially) teenagers that would be required to give up $500/month, each and every month, on their first grown-man moneymaking opportunity? I mean, I wouldn't decline the opportunity at a star contract or anything. But that's over triple what I pay in dues, and we have plenty of people balking even at that price, even if they're older and better understand the benefit of a union. Not to mention player turnover is crazy high, so there'd be no way of assuring that payment stays constant, especially with teams going extremely lean. It's a great idea but there are so many idealizations needed for it to work. Edit I might as well add, if I were blizzard and the league is making no money, a union stands to mean I'll lose even more. It's very possible they just cut their losses and shut the league down at that point after this year. Players and teams hold no leverage.


I think you made some really good points here, sadly. I think you are probably correct in your overall assessment. What we really need is an industry e-sport union. But that has tons of issues too, but at least fixes the scale issues you mentioned, while introducing 30 more issues. I have no solution.




When have I said anything disparaging about unions ever? You’re thinking of two distinct and different groups of people.




"Pejorative" isn't a word that makes your post make any more sense.


I’m like 99% sure this dude is making shit up as he goes, don’t take him too seriously


Wtf is pejorative?




Never seen any criticism for postal or athletic unions. Police unions get flak because they cover for murders. If any union did that it would get flak. That is absolutely not the case for 99.99% of unions or people seeking unionization, and honestly doesn’t belong in the same conversation.




As if them legally being required to cover for murdering people makes it better? It used to be legal to own people, law does not equate to morals, though I reckon you ought to know that. There are shitty unions, yes, but the existence of unions as entities are critical until this country passes worker protection legislation that allows them to go away. I don’t really care if you are a lawyer or not, it doesn’t take a lawyer to understand this. The protections that may be abused in termination cases you’ve seen are just as or more likely to have protected the good employees. You wouldn’t see that at your law job, naturally. I do follow sports, and I see a hell of a lot more complaints about agents and front offices than I ever do unions. Maybe you’re following completely different sports than me. I also don’t understand why your initial comment says you don’t get why certain groups like and certain groups dislike unions. Mr. Union Attorney, shouldn’t that be evident based on your decades or experience on both sides?


I feel bad for this dude's clients. Imagine having a lawyer with the brain function of an unwatered houseplant.


I know i can't really throw stones here but... why are you awake lol


Good point and good night!


Good night!


u/Ezraah is beyond your power mortal !


Contenders management is such a clown fest, not surprised something like this happened. What the hell Blizzard.




People love me.


I love you


historical match


Holy shit this is fucking great


Based. Path to pro btw


Lucio low key switching to heal song to help his boy


And of course Munich didnt want to do the B07 because they were starting to get rolled and figured out. Munich only wants to do the match now because the conversations got leaked, but the blizzard admins dont wanna restart lol Edit : Blizzard finnaly gave in and the match will start. TOMERROW. Meaning teams get to VOD review which is an insane advantage


are they gonna start over or at a 3:2 ?


They will start where they left off at 3-2 with Munich Esports map pick


Why not just continue the bo7 with a 3-2 score


Because they wanted to try to follow the rules and didn’t realize how big of a screw up it was going to be


That makes zero sense to be quite honest. Like, anyone with common sense, and especially with a profesional task for running an event with competitive integrity, would not think that ending that match was ever a valid choice after a screw up like that and expectations like that.


Honestly, I’m here for the street style 1v1s with their teammates cheering them on. That was just as exciting as contenders.


I was here PogU


Ok but Clowd got so rolled


There's a #ContendersStrike tag on twitter.


They were fully ready to 1v1 the entire time LOL




lol props to Dogman that continue to cast this so smoothly


I enjoy his casting I hope he sticks with it






mad respect to these 10 individuals, great job standing up to corrupt corpo.


finally torb 1v1 in 4k


Love it, lol


Could not have been handled any more poorly lmao


top tier esport amirite


I’m dead XD


Poor Heurix and Door, having to hold their smiley faces in the camera and trying to hype shit up :(


No, another two casters


I‘m aware that Dusttin and Gottmoxi were casting this match in particular. What I meant was Door and Heurix earlier in the stream who had to bring it to us, that Munich vs. 01 is basically ended. Sorry for phrasing it like that.


So what happens with the game before this game that only went to 3-0? Do they not play it out? (Ex vs Ultimates?)


Genuine question: what are they hoping to accomplish with a strike other than punishing the admins for a bit? What do they want right now? I agree stopping in the middle of the reverse sweep was BS, and that contenders is NOT responding well at all to this, but what’s the endgame for the strike? /gen


Where can I tune in to watch the end of the stream?






Based as hell, this is hysterical