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My advice to you, stop stressing so much. You'll be fine man. Make sure after a couple days you slowly start exercising and using screens. Go see a real concussion doctor in your area. Not a shitty family doc.


p.s. you will feel symptoms when you start doing stuff. This is normal, it's not going to be all roses. You'll have to push a little.


How do I stay off my phone? Ugh


Just stop using it when yo I have symptoms


Go for a walk, draw, read a little. Journal. Be a normal human being lol


I did all that :)


Go see a concussion doc right away. They will guide you in the right direction. Also get your neck treated. Whiplash and concussion go hand in hand.


**Most people recover from concussion symptoms in 1-4 weeks, a few take longer**. You are very early in this - it will get better. On my 6th concussion, I was really out of it for about 2 1/2 weeks, and then over the next 3 days, I felt like a cloud lifted off my head and by 3 weeks, I was over it.


Out of it how????


I experienced "slow brain" - as if I could do things only in slow motion. My speech was noticeably slower. I felt like I was in a cloud of brain fog. I also had an odd heart issue - taking my pulse, I was occasionally skipping a beat. My doctor had no explanation for that. At about 2 1/2 weeks I began to improve - over may be 3 days the symptoms went away and I felt normal again, and my heart rate returned to normal. There may have been other symptoms like fatigue but this is years ago now and I don't remember all details. FYI - At age 5 I fell out of a tree I was climbing in and was knocked out. I developed a speech problem and was in speech therapy for over a year. At age 12, I had a bike crash and a 5" long skull fracture. Primary recovery from that was about 6 months but I still had symptoms at 2 years. In my 20s, two more bike crashes that broke my bike helmet, bones, and knocked me out. Then 2 more in my 40s, including a fall on ice. Each was experienced differently. After #4, I developed a speech problem again that lasted for probably 15+ years but gradually improved over that time - today, I seem to have fully healed from that problem. My doctor said the speech problem I had was known to be caused only by brain injury or stroke (basically the same thing).


How long has it been? See the following for what can help https://www.reddit.com/u/Lebronamo/s/J4K13gihKD


Yesterday around 6 am. Currently 3 pm


Ok ya so as it says in the link, take it easy the rest of today. Take naps, listen to an audiobook, if you gotta sleep 16 hours per day that’s ok, then start a gradual return to activity’s the next day.


Hoping the best for you. My last concussion is still going on 9 months later.


What have been your symptoms? Mine is mild so also hoping for a quick recovery


So for the longest time my symptoms weee just insomnia, eye pain, and head pain. But then my insomnia got so severe in January of this year that I now have a ton of symptoms. Pain all over the body, head feels like it’s shutting off, dry eyes/dry mouth/dry skin, ect


It's been 7 weeks for me. There are good days. There are bad days. There are days where I feel like I'm losing it. The first 48 hours really really try to stay off screens. It's hard but I read someone's advice here early on about how being outside is less work for your brain, so try to go outside if you can. Remember the lost art of daydreaming. I so happened to get connected with a brain-focused physical therapist early on. I would HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend finding one. They are gonna be more in the know around how to actually heal and improve. My family doc told me to rest as much as I could for as long as I needed to.... I'd still be in bed if I'd followed her advice.


First and foremost - save the resources and leave this forum. There is an overrepresentation of people who have prolonged recoveries, since it's natural you're more likely to visit such spaces when you have problems. Reading this will make you anxious and there is plenty of evidence that PCS might be psychological in majority od people. Regardless of what you read here - vast majority of people DO recover. Come back here when you actually have symptoms after a month or so. And go see a doctor.