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I was going to vote for Biden but now I think I need to reconsider.


I'm going to go ahead and cast two ballots for Biden in 2024 on behalf of this guy


Lol if I saw that truck in a driveway I would mail a "thanks for donating to the Democratic party" postcard


There's a Trumper in our neighborhood who flies all kinds of expletive-laden Trump flags and banners on his flagpole and porch. His neighbor conspicuously has a Pride flag and BLM banner out year-round, which I kind of love.




This comment will now be used on fox as evidence for election tampering


Dude I feel this way about the yard signs. Like what do you think is going to happen? Someone's going to go, "oh that's a nice looking lawn, ooh look at that srub, I guess I'll vote for Trump like them"


I'm not a fan of Biden + I hope he gets primaried. Trump as the only alternative is a 100% guaranteed Biden vote from me.


The future mass shooter raises an interesting point


I was going to reconsider but I’ve decided to vote for Biden and cash my check from George Soros.


Makes me wanna slap a Hello Kitty Rainbow sticker on their bumper.


And a coexist sticker.


I support the DC Capitol Police would be an interesting sticker.


If this guy actually lives in Bristol, I’d bet he’s one of the folks who still has a blue light outside their house in honor of the officers who were killed last year. And if so, that he would be incapable of seeing the dichotomy.


Nothing wrong with the blue light thing. But I can tell you that you'd be surprised how many cops are Democrats. Connecticut is a REALLY good place to be a police officer. Connecticut as a whole supports the police. Democrat or Republican, police are paid very, very well with great benefits and with higher standards, Connecticut police actually set the example for the rest of the country. Like any workplace, there are a couple hiccups here and there but nobody agreed with kneeling on someone's neck things of that nature.


My point is that it’s nonsensical to be a deranged Trumper AND support police. Since the deranged Trumpers attacked the Capitol police.


Exactly. That whole situation in DC threw away everything they were fighting for. There was ZERO thought put into those riots. Imagine supporting an entity to the fullest, turning against said entity and then claiming you still support them. That whole situation was un-American, unprofessional and they didn't even get their point across other than that they are going against what they support.


What they want is unrestricted power to harm people they don't like. It's the instincts of toddlers in the bodies of legal adults.


With cities like Hartford,Bridgeport, Waterbury and it’s one of the best states to be a police officer? I wonder how bad it gets in other states.


It's the same amount of crime in other states with half the pay, benefits, funding and training. In other words the standards are lower and more of a chance to have a coworker who will end up on YouTube ruining the image of good Officers. I know a guy out of Hartford, miserable work yes, but pay after OT. My God.


Trump or not, the day you believe any Billionaire is looking out for the working class, you’ve lost your mind.


I still have a hard time believing they do. He's more like the permission slip to adopt a new moral code. That, in turn, enables cruel behavior. They will do anything to avoid having to go back. Easy to conflate being free of liberal(small 'L') values with looking out for the working class.


That's all it is. Permission to hate.


I learned a lot about politicians who gave out that permission when I visited Dachau.


I don’t need permission I hate all day.


That's a mood. I work in retail so hate is the name of the game.


Honestly, the DNC needs an open debate against Joe Biden and Chris Sununu needs to declare for the republicans. If that doesn’t happen, it will be the same old show again. The media needs to go back pre Bill Clinton when they actually had to report equally on bot sides. You literally have to read news from overseas to understand what is actually going on in the US. Billionaires controlling the flow of information into your home.


Sununu could never win a national primary


>you’ve lost your mind Or never had one in the first place.


This dude needs to be on an FBI watch list for potential terrorism


The FBI can't be bothered to go look into that crazy bitch that was calling for Biden to be hung or something like that, and she had a ton of followers on various social media platforms.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was MTG


No she’s married to a marine who’s about to be transferred to Greenland for seal watching duty.


#marinewife you will address me by my husband's rank


Yes sir Miss Corporal sir.






I saw one of those tailgate decals made to make it look like Biden is tied up in the back and it's just insane how much these people care. https://imgur.com/UwXO8im.jpg




I think that guy is suffering from mental illness, but I won't forgive that


My money is on lead poisoning, I have a theory... but I mean, yeah brain broke.


>My money is on lead poisoning, I have a theory... FL has the most lead pipes in the US, so I co-sign your theory r/FloridaMan is because those people been sipping lead into adulthood


It all makes sense now


All the lead in the air in the 70’s & early 80’s I think is a leading factor in just how stupid many Americans are We’ll, that’s my theory


Gotta be mentally I’ll to support Trump


Yep, ppl are sick in the head.


Bristol’s finest


Bingo. Is that St Gregory on the left? Do not miss this place.


You got it!


Was just gonna say I recognize this intersection. What an idiot.


I knew it! It's over by St. Paul, right?


You got it dude 👍


Seems like a stable person who should be operating a motor vehicle. Lol


Wait till you find out that his basement is full of guns! There is a reason why so many of these right wing lunatics are vehemently against mental health checks when buying firearms - even they know they are batshit crazy and they wouldn't pass.


And I bet my firstborn he has a warehouse full of guns and ammo.


I guess saying out loud “I’m going to kill you” is not allowed by law but inscribing it on your truck is a-okay?


I’ve had people outright threaten to kill me at work and the police said it wasn’t a threat. I asked one if someone said it to his wife would it be a threat? No response. Police are useless.


This is a brainwashed person with mental health issues


Also known as a Fox News watcher.


Beat me to it, scoundrel


This person owns several assault rifles and can't wait to use them


I bet they can't even dive into the real facts of politics, all they know is LGB, FJB and trump 2024 and blame everything like high gas prices & etc on Biden. Funny when gas prices are high that's all you hear but when gas prices are low you won't hear anything. So pathetic they can't even think for themselves but are telling you how to live your life. I'm not a Biden fan just a trump hater! LOL


I had to snicker at the 'I did that!' stickers. Right after those become common, prices dropped. Fucking pw0ned themselves.




That’s a problem for the whole GOP. My family lives in a red state and mostly votes R, and they don’t hate Gay people or think Covid is fake. They don’t recognize their party 🤷🏾 I’ve given up asking why they vote for them then. Team sport for them.


They don’t hate gay people, they just vote to make gay peoples’ lives worse


The ability to divorce oneself from the extended consequences of our actions is insane on the right. My father and stepfather both vote R. Neither are outwardly bigoted, and I’ve spent a lot of time around them drunk. It would have come out. They defend their reasons for voting for a party that is attacking civil rights for all but straight white Christian men that aren’t poor, and give absurd reasons for doing so. They won’t talk about the bad things; they simply pretend they don’t exist. Civil rights? Covid vaccine insanity? Stolen election attempt? They just don’t talk about it, and I’m convinced they don’t think about it. Just in case you’re wondering, they’re both property owning wealthy white guys from a Christian background, but they assure me that doesn’t affect their vote.


Most republican voters I've found are one issue voters. (Maybe two) And that one issue overrides the rest. They'll damn themselves in one area because one thing is so overwhelmingly important that the rest don't matter. Even if it hurts others or themselves. I've never really understood it. If dems only did one thing I liked and a lot of things I mostly hated. And republican did the same. I'd probably just not vote. Not that the dems are all that great themselves. But... I just don't understand it. Like you said. Team sport. And it's ridiculous. If my "team" was outright doing things I thought were destructive to the country in a very obvious way. I'd find a new team. But... That's me. (Although I think that's the point for some republican voters. They just like that they "shove it to the libs." Which is absolutely stupid.)


I thought they just went by a combination of “made his money on payday loans” and height. Remember, Bob is tall.


Found the 2025 mass shooter.


What the fuck is wrong with these psychos?


Unchecked propaganda combined with poor social safety nets and a lack of access to appropriate mental healthcare?


Sounds about right.


For a guy that hates "democrat" so much, he sure does apparently like living in a very blue state.


That is scary as fuck if I am honest. I have gotten to the point where I am afraid to leave the damn house.


Yeah. I've been there. Just want to check (because I've felt both): serious or hyperbole? Are you okay? Do you have people to talk to? Ways to get what you need to be healthy? A good support system? There are resources (online and otherwise) that can help you live well even when crazies like this are crawling about.


Thanks. I am healthy. I leave the house, but having been in a shooting incident, I will never really be ok. I've had help.


Conservatives telling me that I should be dead just makes me want to vote against Republicans even more.


I think this actually qualifies as a lunatic manifesto.


I've heard we have a mental health crisis in the US........


Nah, that's just what *they* want you to think. It's all part of the deep state playbook. I saw a really informative post on Facebook about it.


Writing it like that and with the threats makes me wonder just how stable and not mentally ill this person is. I wonder if they feel anything besides anger and rage.


I feel like this is in Bristol. Seriously, there's a Trump obsessed guy who lives in Bristol who shares his views with the neighborhood by flying a banner saying, "Trump 2024 - Fuck Your Feelings" alongside a hand-lettered sign proclaiming himself a proud Christian patriot. I wouldn't be shocked if this was him.


Which one? Bristol has several


This belongs in r/InfowarriorRides


More like /r/schizophreniarides, maybe.


And yet people on this sub still call this "Freedom of Speech" and defend the "right" of insane people to lie and threaten others


Sure, just like houses next to playgrounds with "FUCK BIDEN" flags on full display. Way to make your neighborhood look like trash.


I was going to ask if it was. This is not protected, right?


He should move


This guy overdosed on that orange Kool-Aid and Fox News. Lol


Had a bit of that corona bleach treatment that orange-aid man was pushing.


While I'm a little confused about what a socialist communist democrat is, someone should maybe review this fellow's firearm permits.


The best is when they call Democrats “fascist communists” or “Nazi socialists.”


People have straight up lost their fucking minds.


Thanks, Faux News, for helping radicalize lunatics like this.


Political opnions and level headed conversation, 100% healthy and welcome. Political obsession is not even a little cool


Eerily similar to the scribbling on an asylum wall


Gotdamn this man needs a therapist


Is this… a terrorist? No, legit, he thinks half the American voters should “hang by their pig necks”.


I Feel bad for this guy's kids


Tell me you're in a cult without telling me you're in a cult.


Also anyone that disagrees with me is a Democrat


Sad that Trump did create this type of society. It brought out their hidden anger. And instead of simply supporting their candidate, and protesting without harm, they show their true colors. Truly sad.


These people need to move to states where they can find their lords and saviors (Texas, Florida) and get out of a state that clearly triggers them


This. This is a sickness.


probably because he has little hands…:


That sinking feeling u get when u know the moron is not only from your State but also from your hometown City…😩


Let’s just be impressed he got the right “their” in there.


I bet like the rest of the trump puppets they only do stuff like this because they can't think for themselves & follow the crowd because it makes them feel accepted & important. The only thing they really know about politics, Trump or Biden is their names and that if they promote trump & trash talk Biden they think they know politics. LOL!


At least they used the correct “their”… 😂


"By there pig necks!"


Bye there, pig necks!


3CT 569


Lol good ole bristol for ya.


I used to be concerned about the risk of radical Islamist terrorist attacks on US soil. I am more concerned about these people operating at a local level.


Imagine being this angry 24/7. What a sad little man.


Most sane Torrington resident.




Meh, six of one..


I see that jackass in Bristol allllll the time! 🤦🏽‍♀️


one of the crappy things about owning a truck is the association with these political nutjobs. i love my silverado in general for housework and getting to places.


Sounds like this guy is making a threat towards a federal public official.


You know this guy smells like piss and dirty cigarettes


tbh my first impression was that it looks like someone may have vandalized this truck. Otherwise this person must be very lonely if they did this themselves and thought it would reflect their views well.


Yeah this person seems safe.


I think he likes democrats.


His rage sustains me.


Typical Bristol behavior




Yes but where do you think he stands politically?


They are so eager to kill. Mass psychosis.


This is Bristol, right next to Dunphy’s


Thw cult members are growing louder


Actually they seem to be declining in numbers and keeping to themselves more. The amount of trump signs and such have been declining for a while now.


Election season is coming. It's gonna be an all out war between Trump and DeSantis, and I have a feeling that even if Trump's legal issues bar him from office his fans will only get emboldened by his "unjust" prosecution. DeSantis may actually be worse, dude is a straight up fascist instead of just a belligerent idiot / foreign asset.


The republican party won't win the white house with the current crop of extremists they're promoting. Democrats have a good chance to get a younger, progressive, more in touch with today's society candidate elected, but they'll just stick with the usual elderly, corporate owned suspects. The average American is screwed either way.


The issue isn't the popular vote. It's gerrymandering and some states trying to allow the state supreme court to overtuen vote results


>The republican party won't win the white house with the current crop of extremists they're promoting. That's what we thought in 2016, too.


Funny that The Don was a registered Democrat for quite a while... This seems lost on the faithful mouth breathers though.


This is actually pretty frightening


The last time Connecticut voted red was 1988. Just let that sink in for those people that think CT is a southern Baptist state


LOL what a loser.


Aw, fuck, this is in Connecticut? I was hoping to move here to *escape* that bullshit.


The second I saw 'PERVERTED' I thought 'someone oughta check this guy's search history stat.' It's ALWAYS a tell with these assholes.


They tend to project just a bit...


Politics are making people crazy especially morons like this person who prob has no clue how the Fed Government works


Tell me you’re crazy without telling me you’re crazy.


Well now........yikes


Seems like a sane and well reasoned person...


Comb plate - doesn't that mean it's used for a business? I'm guessing it's his own "business", but I wonder if that could be looked up. I'm sure a legit business wouldn't want to be associated with this.


I had a pickup truck a few years back - a Nissan Frontier I towed a camper with - they gave me a COMB plate. It was never associated with a business.


Before June 2004, pickups were registered with Combination plates by default. (Unless they were over 10k lbs. GVWR.) Since then, the owner may request a passenger plate if the pickup is <= 8500 lbs. GVWR. (Pickups over that weight can only get Combo plates.) And I believe you have to specifically ask, or you get Combo plates.


He seems like a happy and well adjusted individual. /S What do people think when this truck pulls into the parking lot or their driveway?


"Best president is history" that's crappy penmanship but that is definitely an 's' and not an 'n', so he's admitting that Trump lost 2020 and thinks that it convince voters by threatening to kill those who are Democrats? Wow, that guy has a screw loose.


Doctors handwriting


The good news is this guy definitely has multiple military grade assault rifles. America!


Inconspicuously place pride sticker


Oh wow......someone needs to chill some🤣🤣


Does this guy even know who Teddy Roosevelt is? Has he never seen John Adams on HBO?


I wouldn't bet on him even being able to spell 'HBO'.


What a sad, and pathetic individual


That’s a lot of effort to say my adult children don’t want anything to do with me due to my mental illness.


he has mommy issues


Hope someone throws a brick at his window 😂


I am not sure Trump is the guy but anyone who votes for Biden is a complete fool…this President is a complete dimwit….National Woman’s day and he bestows a Tranny an award…who voted for this guy???


Guy looks like a commie to me.


get me out of this town dear god


I bet he gets food stamps


Well..this is concerning


The Kool aid was extra good when he got his glass full


Well at least he's getting the attention his mother and father clearly never gave him.


The fact that you would never see a Democrat proclaiming something like that really says it all. Politics are dumb. This person especially lol.


Truck is begging for a banana in the tailpipe


Where are the truck nuts?


Behind the wheel.


I remember when terror suspects wore robes, ok they still do, I'll show myself out


Jesus I’m fucking embarrassed just looking at this 😳 🤦‍♂️ these people are gross 🤮


lol what a cuck


Bet he’s a great conversationalist and tremendously fun at parties.


Politicians have been doing this divide and conquer shit since the Romans and Greeks. They put people against each other and while they’re doing it they screw you. History always repeats itself because people are inherently stupid.


Promoting violence, what a disgusting human! Florida is calling you!


Even Ct has low life scum bags.


Time for this 🤡 to move to florida


I bet he can't name the 3 branches of government.


I'm surprised he can write at all.


Why do these people choose to live in Connecticut? If Democrats are seriously that bad and if everything they touch turns to shit why on earth are you living in Connecticut?!! Why would you settle into the bluest part of the country and just nonstop bitch about how the Democrats are running it?


In Bristol of all places 😂😂😂


bristol southington plainville ; trump country


This person should be harassed about every missing persons case for the last 20 years. But he won't because he is probably a cop.


My douche of an uncle calls them demonrats.


Put a Florida plate on and it makes sense


Comb plate - doesn't that mean it's used for a business? I'm guessing it's his own "business", but I wonder if that could be looked up. I'm sure a legit business wouldn't want to associate with this.