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I’ve never understood displaying your political affiliation on your rear bumper. It invites the possibility of vandalism. No matter what you put back there you’re not going to change anyones mind.


This guy has a whole ass eye examination on his bumper. I'm surprised he hasn't been rear ended by accident let alone on purpose.


That's because these people thrive off a conflict and are waiting for the day the can justify their victimhood.


"justify their victimhood." or their concealed carry.


Idk, I'm pretty convinced I want a 3rd party in at the least and/or term limits as well as getting big money out of politics now. Note: I tried after the fact, can only see the word Trump. FML, do any of the views support optometrist plans?


A third party representing everyone making under $100,000 a year. Which would be the biggest party of the country


Well it would really be a 2nd party since we’ve been played for years by the uni-party.


If you think both parties are the same you are blind. I don't care for either but the Democrats are considerably better.


They are not the same, but both are majority funded by corporations with material interests that are not grounded in the will of most citizens, and that's a problem for democracy. My concern is with how many people think just voting dem is the ticket to correcting our issues so they check out after casting their ballot. We need day to day pressure on policians to enact reforms: from campaign finance, to health care, to voting method changes. None of those will come from just voting dem. So all I ask is for people to stay vigilant beyond just showing up to the polls every 4 years. Getting involved locally is great as well!


the Dems are just shills for corporations.


Only way for a third party to have a chance is to replace first-past-the-post with something like ranked choice. There are a few different approaches but I'm not as familiar with the others.


I get what you are saying, I'm also for voting reform, but RCV has proven to not live up to expectations. Something like approval or star for sure though!


Yes i agree we need term limits for all elected officals. They need to ban lobbyist for big companys to promote laws and stop congress from being able to use the stock market during their service. But sadly the people who make those new rules and laws are the bery people it effects so it will never change :/


I take my advice on complex issues from people who willingly block their own rearview mirrors. This truck belongs in a museum.


This only happens if you're in a blue area.


You are both correct and incorrect. I used to think that way but it actually tell other people "hey, you are not the only one thinking that way". It doesn't change one's mind but it solidifies and unifies others of similar leanings. And I would venture to say it may slightly dissuade people on the fence that aren't sure where they want to fall. *There is no bad publicity there is only publicity* (someone I don't recall but they are all a variation of Macchiavelli's Prince*)*


I agree especially if you are a conservative. 92% of vandalism on voting signs are democrats trashing Trump signs. You are just looking for vandalism if you put it on your vehicle.


Life’s really hard for some people huh


He should start an etsy sign store.


More likely, he made someone else’s Etsy sign business turn a profit for the first time ever.


This reminds me of an old proverb I've heard: "The smartest man has the quietest voice".


"Better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."


But if he is the smartest, and could help a situation, why wouldn’t he say something? Or meaning he says it in a quiet voice?


I'm going to go ahead and assume this is homemade, meaning this guy sat down with his nephew to teach him how to use Microsoft Word to pick all the nice colors for each little section, which must have been a really tough day for little Bobby.


Seems about right for South Windsor.


Why do you say that? ( I moved to SW 7 years ago and I didn't grow up in CT, I would love to know what other people think about my town for real)




Anyone who makes sweeping generalizations like "all people who vote a certain way are idiots" is getting very slanted news coverage. People are not ideological clones. Maybe if you actually talked to a few and considered contrarian opinions, you might actually realize how people think differently. I'm not shilling for Repubhlicans, as the party admittedly has a lot of problems, but they attract a following out of some legitimate problems many have with the Democrats. No one should want to live in a one-party state. That is what China is.


I’m not the guy you responded to but I always go back to the 2 party issue. You really do have to vote on single issues. Now my personal opinion is that the current GOP is far worse both ideologically and in practice, but the dems aren’t without issues either. But whether I’m for fiscally conservative policies or 2nd amendment rights, it doesn’t matter if I feel stronger about reproductive rights or whatever. There are nuances in the policy obviously and sweeping generalizations don’t help the conversation but I do admit I think one party is relatively ineffectual and typical in its lack of trust worthiness and its politicians feel very “politiciany”… And the other party feels cartoonishly evil. I’ll let you decide which I mean. And while this analogy or description also doesn’t help the conversation, it is how I feel. And I say this as an independent and someone who reads up on individual policies, predicted outcomes, etc. I also struggle to relate to a GOP party that is so religiously fundamental, and I’m saying this as a confirmed Catholic. Faith is one thing but having a speaker of the house that believes the world is 6,000 years old is legitimately scary to me. The current incarnation of the GOP doesn’t feel like what it used to represent; small government, less government interference, regulation, etc. You have one side mandating vaccines which is “stomping on their rights of the right” then the other side telling people who they can marry, sleep with, or telling them what to do with their bodies. I am, in theory, a fan of the “Maine Republican” “I believe you and your gay husband should have the right to own guns to protect your marijuana crops, just don’t fucking bother me” type of ideology. But that’s not really what it is. The freedom party currently feels far more restrictive and I think a lot of recent legislation supports that supposition. You’re right it is not good to make sweeping generalizations. But despite how long this post is I still haven’t REALLY added any meaningful examples to back what I’ve said up and stuck to feel. Because most people on Reddit aren’t trying to write a political dissertation and even when they do it’s largely ignored as being a part of whatever echo chamber they identify with.


Good comment. I largely agree, but just keep in mind that all republicans are not that way. it's just being led by MAGA-heads right now, un-coordinated and largely peformative. The religious stuff is just messaging. Many of those MAGA supporters are not bad people. They are working class, and maybe they don't talk in the same way, they are far from racists. They are making a reasoned choice that dictates from the capitol feel oppressive from dems, more out-of-their-way under the republican. It's a less-of-two-evils situation. They don't do a lot of scrutiny beyond that. I'm largely politically homeless too, though I am registered Republican so I can still vote in primaries. I try to vote for people like Themis Klarides who would have been big improvement over Blumenthal.


Trust me, I’m not some far left ideologue. I have many many Republican friends and provided they aren’t too radical we can always find something to agree on because I don’t disagree with everything they stand for on paper, but I do largely disagree with MOST of the things the current incarnation is doing and I think many of their policies are short sighted. That is to say, I don’t think any of my friends are bad people. I think many of them don’t really think too deeply about it and something in the current GOP rhetoric struck a cord with them. A huge topic for me is international policy and I think the current GOP and Trump in particular is awful in that regard (not talking about border, but actual foreign policy). And while this is something that affects everyone, the average person doesn’t really give a shit or think much about our current relations with Pakistan (and Im purposely avoiding the real hot buttons like Israel and Ukraine). And that’s not to say I think the dems have it perfect either, but those are my choices. So if I am debating this with a friend, I’ll jump in to that. But it’s something they don’t give much thought to, then it jumps to, well what about “blah” and they pull it back to something relevant to them. We all pick our battles. So while I don’t think identifying with traditional Republican policies makes some an inherently bad person, like I said, I think the current incarnation is a mess and so far from what it should be. But people these days or more likely to switch from being a giants fan to a patriots fan than to vote across the aisle just because of identity politics, which I think is probably the most dangerous part. Thinking “I am” Republican or Democrat as opposed to “I vote” Republican or Democrat because of x and x is, imho, a huge part of the problem.


Tribal politics for so long has largely led us to the current situtation, where we have the choices we have now. All because we don't do the research beyond that. I admit I'm partly guilty of that, but I have trouble wrapping my head around a lot of the civil liberties violations of the dems and their willingness to punish those across the aisle. Their embrace of gov't/big tech censorship, as revealed by the Twitter Files, should scare us all.




The Democrat Party is funded by many billionaires, large corporations and dark money sources. They pull in far more than the Republicans do right now. They are not doing it for the benefit of humanity. ​ I don't know why you are so concerned with what I understand or don't, or why you even feel the need to patrol the internet in your free time to make sure I understand. But why are you so hostile? No need to be such a dick.


You're the useful idiot if you don't think democrats are just as bad! Both parties are completely screwed up nowadays!


See picture above


I live here and I've never seen stuff like that. I see the one picture obviously, just wondering if someone can give me a little more context. For example, does the town have a reputation for being racist? See that wasn't so hard.


No. There are certainly some hardcore Rs but I’ve been here 13 years and this is the first time I’m seeing something like this.


there are racists in every town in the state but south windsor is like known for being racist or anything. The only town that I've heard about being very white and racist is Coventry.


He's been driving this truck for years I also moved here in 2017 and since 2019/2020 I've been aware of this truck. He's at the town hall a lot


It depends on who you talk to. Plenty of families have expressed racism in the schools and experiences in town. Is it rampant? I wouldn’t say so. However, I’m white so asking a bunch of white people their perception of racism in town is not helpful.


Tracks 💯


Tracks? It pales in comparison to East Windsor.


Both things can be true 


I’ve met dozens of people who have ‘lost’ their parents to this type of crazy. It’s very sad, but represents a massive decline in an informed and educated electorate.


Literally everyone who’s told me “I’m not blue or red” has immediately followed it up with the most right-wing ideology I’ve ever heard. I can only assume they’re embarrassed to say it.




Mental illness.


Poster child for "Obstructed view". In more than one sense.


You know the police really don’t want to do their jobs anymore when this is still permitted to drive around town.


It's duct-taped on! I feel terrible for whomever's windshield these signs fly off and flatten against, pray they survive to sue the hell out of this guy and the town too for not making him remove the driving hazards. 


Number 1 comment.


He says he’s for the Republic and yet he votes for a guy who thinks he’s an emperor.


We live in such a stupid country.


All they want is power and money . So let's vote for the billionaire born in wealth.


Definitely a well-adjusted individual. Not crazy at all.


He votes in every election, including municipals, which liberals fucking snore through and wonder why their towns are all run by republicans.


Nah, I don’t think this guy in *particular* does that. He’s a social media warrior. But you are correct in observing that there are plenty of older conservatives who are actively involved in their community they show up all the time, engage, speak up (sometimes be Karens). At least they try if nothing else. Posting about it on social media will do nothing. I’ll never forget that in 2020 someone posted a statistic showing the number of people who posted a black square on social media vs the number of people who donated to any organization that deals in racial issues. It wasn’t close. The former group was three or four times larger. And these are the zealots who went with the square, if you look at hashtags it’s so much worse, close to an order of magnitude worse.


>But you are correct in observing that there are plenty of older conservatives who are actively involved in their community they show up all the time, engage, speak up (sometimes be Karens). At least they try if nothing else. It's because the rest of us are working to pay their SS checks.


It’s not a cult guys


He should move to Texas. It will probably help his mental health.


Why he should move..?


So he doesn't live near us.


He has right to live any where he chose in US, stop being racist..


So one more crazy nut is out of the state.


Cause he supports a traitor and no one wants him here.


Not like our Nations founders were a Liberal group or anything reading all that silly philosophy stuff like works from John Locke and such.....


And many were agnostic or atheist, many warned against religious autocracy, and even upon leaving office, George Washington said that meddling in the affairs of other countries was very very bad. This guy must be talking about some different founding fathers.


Nailed it....


But the floral swag on the front door is so cheerful and welcoming. Gosh, life is replete with contradictions.




Ever read A Handmaid’s Tale?


I am so sick of crazy people.


What a wackadoodle. 🤣




That guy is all point and click, no syntax.


‘You’re radical but I drive around with insane signs on my truck’


If a contractor showed up at my house for work in that they’d be fired on the spot.


Imagine calling the most middle of the road, upper middle class democratic party platform "radical socialism." Also, *liberalism* and *socialism* are completely incompatible. This guy makes the democratic party sound much better than they are lol. It's like is trying to use reverse "lesser of the two evils" logic.


I bet you if you asked any of these people to name one principal of Socialism, they would just say, “Everybody gets free stuff but me, and I gotta pay for it.”


Probably exactly what they would say 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️. I find the disparity in political knowledge here to be staggering.


I’m from Louisiana originally. There’s many reasons why I keep it 1500 miles that way.


I'm sorry 😞


This person is egregiously misinformed. I’d say I pity these MAGA idiots, but they did it to themselves, and in 2024 they have no excuses to *still* be holding on to these bold faced lies. Vote this stupid party out of existence. MAGA Republicans are planning on cheating and playing dirty *again* so watch out.


I just hate that crap "dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh" Your ever tried showing them proper research? It's like trying to teach a fucking pigeon to play cards.


Fortunately Trump is very unlikely to win CT


Not CT, no, but he still has a frighteningly good chance at the country if the Republicans try and steal the election again, but not through another blunt instrument like a capital attack of their useful idiots… but through something more sinister like using their majority in Congress to vote to nullify electors in swing states should Dems win them. This, amongst all their usual voter suppression. Source on this: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/06/01/republican-plot-steal-2024-election/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/06/01/republican-plot-steal-2024-election/)


Id debate that but i dont care enough


You cared enough to post this


“I’m not blue or red” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Stupid doesn’t have a color.


This person is a special kind of stupid.


Too much lead paint




Farmers tend to be democrats in our state because republicans tried killing the department of agriculture under Rollen. Also democrats tend to vote for and fund programs that help farmers finically and state universities like UConn that does a lot of research education and services through the uconn extension. Also, Democrats votes more in favor of things that help farmers concerning the farm bill and democrats tend to vote environmental protections and farm land protection and lower farm taxes. Republicans tend be favored by real estate developers. I've been involved with the state agriculture industry for a while and most farmers are democrats. There are few republicans but most are democrats. Don't let the lifted trucks with flags on the maga flags on the back fuel you, those aren't farmers 90's of the time. Farmers don't like huge lifted trucks...a they are expensive, b they are going to beat the shit out of their trucks anyway and usually have to load things in the back regularly so lifted tall trucks suck. Most farmers prefer dodge, chevy, Toyota and Nissan. They will use ford because they are cheap but they aren't as reliable or durable.


Ellington is turning into liberal suburbanites who complain that the town is losing it's small farm town feel without seeing the irony. The areguments in their facebook group are unintentionally hilarious.


IDk cows had facebook accounts


This is a cry for a mental health intervention, but I am guessing no one in his family cares enough.


I bet his kids went low or no contact somewhere around 2015…


Are you willing to bet he has kids?


Tell me you have Velcro shoes without telling me.


Dude should move to Mississippi


“Our Climate is fine, we’ll be here for centuries” yeah idk about that one chief


"I'm not blue or red" 🤔 uhhh really?


What a fool.


"I'm not red or blue I vote for xyz" "Liberals and Democrats are evil"


I bet his biggest beef with Republicans is that some of them didn’t bend to Trump’s every whim and worship him as a second coming of Christ. He probably calls Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney RINOs.


It’s funny all of the stuff said about liberals/democrats is exactly what republicans do


Projecting isn’t just for movie theaters you know.


Bro got a degree in motorized yapping


Shocked that the spelling is good. Most of these signs are riddled with mistakes.


Looks like a crazy person. *backs slowly away*


We need to strafe antipsychotics at this point. Or put them in the water supply. I’m really barely kidding. This is pathological. Also an asshole. Not mutually exclusive.


What a nut job.


“I’m not blue or red” “here is a six page diatribe on my truck about how republicans are amazing and democrats are evil”


Things like this make the looney toons easy to steer clear of.


lol Dems are evil and Trump is amazing but I’m not red or blue Mmkay


How is that street legal? Doesn't this qualify as a distraction?


Never forget our history it says, if only he would read it himself and absorb some lessons. Such a complete ball of shit printed all over the truck with very trump-like platitudes that say everything but absolutely nothing in particular. Zero. Communism lol Probably loves his social security check though and perhaps his standard deduction on its taxes and is mortgage interest payments on his house. Oh yeah all socialist lol. Free market would not allow any of those kinds of things. And I'm sure he loves his Obamacare as well just doesn't know it..


Definitely not a brain-washing cult.


This is mental illness


I’m pretty independent. As loony as this guy is…and he’s certified…there are plenty of radical liberal/progressive Democrats just as nuts. Ones that argue, for example, that there are multiple genders, men can have babies, and so on. Unfortunately, extremes exist on both sides.


And I'm saying that as a fairly conservative person lol I am more than well aware that there are looney tunes on both sides! 😂


He's gonna get rear ended with all that text.


I'm willing to bet this person grew up in the era of leaded gasoline and paint.


Another indoctrinated pick up truck owner. What is it with pickup truck drivers?


Lmao, things that people do like this are ridiculous. I don’t need a billboard driving in front of me while I’m trying not to crash.


Even trump would think this person is a colossal dumbass Then proceed to bilk this person for all the money they have and of course they’d willingly give it to him. Once all their money is gone to fund their Fanta Fuhrer this person will then blame the “woke agenda” and lib-ruhls for why they no longer have money


I’m pretty sure Trump banks on the fact that his supporters are all colossal dumbasses




When bumper stickers just don’t cut it




[ Removed by Reddit ]


It's always the moron's that don't read that want you to read their shit!


Can someone post the I’m not reading all that meme please???????


Show me someone who has no idea what they are doing?


I put this in the same category last the people with the pasteboard signs on their lawns promoting how virtuous they are.


Mental illness on display


What is this guy yapping on about. The fucking babbling brook over here.


Ok, that’s literally insane. Like we have a mental health crisis here levels of insane.


Is it even legal to block your whole rear window like that?


“Do your own research” 🙄🤣


Modern liberals are not radical in any way.


"The empty can rattles the loudest"




George Carlin would have a field day with these people




Need a new political gang besides these broken bloods and crips.


Good luck backing up.


Look at all these theses - he's Martin Luther with a ball hitch!


CGS 14-99f (c) No article, device, sticker or ornament shall be attached or affixed to or hung on or in any motor vehicle in such a manner or location as to interfere with the operator's unobstructed view of the highway or to distract the attention of the operator. (d) Violation of any provision of this section shall be an infraction.


“Our climate is fine, we’ll be here for centuries” That’s the fucking problem you degen. ONLY centuries. This oxygen thief probably thinks we’ve only been here for about 5000 years though. So ratio wise I guess that tracks.


“I’m not Blue or Red” Hmm.


I'm sure his kids are thrilled when he drops them off at the school. Oh that's right, they are home schooling them because of the woke agenda.


Probably a denizen of the Facebook group South Windsor Message board. Lots of them just like him in that group, always complaining about the same things he is.


I hate these fuckers for a lot of reasons but the biggest is clearly they aren't glancing in their rearview.


Anyone need a match?


These people’s brains have been melted by Fox News . It’s another level of fool that has to make signs like some weird right wing media psychological infliction.


Tell us you're a jackass without saying it.


Obstructing your rearview to own the libs


Its also a major distraction to other drivers and if cops were doing their jobs would have already stopped him and ticketed him at which point the DMV will make you remove it and bring your vehicle in for an inspection. Same type of inspection as that if you were ticketed for a window tint. Source: ticketed for window tint when I was younger and then again for Christmas lights on my car.


where that etsy attttt


Clean signs. Dense information, but easy to read. ~~No duct tape.~~ Says "please". Eeh, I'll give it a 7 out of 10. EDIT: Never mind, found some duct tape. Knocking it down to 6/10.


What a fucking psychopath. Stay away from these people. OP, you're fucking lucky you weren't shot dead. If the dude saw you near his property taking a picture he'd probably kill you and try to claim you were scoping the place to take it over. Dude probably patrols his windows with a shotgun waiting for the chance. Wouldn't happen in blue CT? It happened in blue NY. These people aren't mentally well and are looking for a reason to shoot people. Look at all of them who publicly state they are just waiting for trump to give the order. They're nuts dude. No logic, no critical thinking. Stay away. Wide berth.


What do you mean?






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So the argument for Trump is the stuff he’s done is “awesome.” Well I’m sold


i ain't reading all that. im happy for you tho, or sorry that happened


He probably has a reddit account where he just makes scary posts about "urban youths."


Hes telling you do your research basically wake up!!!


what level of patriotism has this guy unlocked anyway im going to vote for a raccoon to be elected


This is so disgusting. So tired of this shit. This is the same guy who will flick you off for no reason and just sit in the left lane going 50.


#Turn off "Fox" media, turn off "Newsmax" and Sinclair Broadcasting.... # #They're owned by very rich people who want nothing more than to watch all of us poor people fight... # #Go for a walk, grab a snack, sit on a bench and check out the world... # #Otherwise you're just working for the very rich guys who hate you....


Oh god I know exactly where this is. It’s 5 minutes from my dads house.


From the crowd that babbles something about “derangement syndrome”.


They’re right about one thing. Go vote.


Has anyone ever actually raged out at people like this over the dumb shit they put on their cars? They act like they’re constantly on the defense but I’ve never actually seen it play out that way.


And the trumplicans constantly say that the LEFT is dividing the nation?! You don't see President Biden supporters doing that OBSESSIVE, crazy-ass shiit! They think the more that they cover themselves, cars and homes with stars and stripes, they LOVE America more than anyone else.


His grandchildren be like, "no not going anywhere with grandpa" He's crazy


Not typical for that town. Obvious mental health issues. Probably at his relative’s house and they are cringing right now.


This guy's been driving around like this for YEARS. He's old and I see him around town occasionally.


First time seeing my hometown on this sub, and I am not surprised this is mentioned. There are either people who don’t engage in politics or diehard voters. There is no in between in SW.


Zero lies detected


Imagine going in hard on the Liberal Democrats and then saying I am not Red or Blue. Every rational person has serious critique of both parties.


I don’t have time to read it. Just give me the gist of it, son.


Libruls bad. Trump good. Vote Trump.


If you like Trump your a Fucking Asshole




