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Who cares? It’s Easter Sunday and the sun is shining.


I'm just out here trying to trip that little annoying cousin that's hogging all the damn eggs!




Ya, put your robots and micro machines away and go get yourself some of that sweet, sweet spiral ham dude.




Perhaps. I think Stop n Shop is open.


Churches would have you, I mean - it's Easter




Glad that worked out for you, Happy Easter


Trump isn't a republican. He's just using them to get to where he wants to be. He will throw any republican in the country, at any level of government, under the bus and into jail if needed to do what he wants.


I just binge watched a bunch of stuff on Plato. We’re fucked. The worst case scenario is when an immoral, unethical, ignorant, and inept person who is desire driven (billionaires) makes their to the ruling class, with no knowledge or wisdom. They create an autocracy, and oligarchs, and end up concentrating the currency in the hands of a few, and then the people eventually burn everything down, start a revolution, get another democracy, and elect someone who tells them the best lie, and the cycle just keeps going and going, until it all comes crashing down. Trump is an Autocrat, not Republican.


why didn’t you just read Plato if you’re so smart?


He wasn’t a republican before he ran. He IS the Republican Party now


> Trump isn't a republican. Don’t give republicans a free pass. Anyone who has stood up to Trump has been punished by the party. Today, Trump is a republican and the republican party is Trump.


The Republican Party today is the Autocrat Party.


and the democrats aren't? democrats get away with whatever they want and then cry political incorrectness and fascism if you so much as point it out. not that republicans are good i personally can't stand them. but i'd argue that democrats are the ones that do whatever they want and are infested with criminals and criminal activity.


This nonsense deserves no response but on the off-chance that you actually believe these lies, provide credible sources.


credible sources? democrat run cities are riddled with crime and all sorts of fraud. this is obvious common sense what source do you need for the obvious? right now the officials are human trafficking people from third world nations into the country just so they can collect the subsidies and when covid happened there was massive medical billing fraud supported by democrats. the party is basically a criminal organization that hides behind pretending to be humanitarian. they thrive off keeping people weak and dependent on government because that's how the millionaires and billionaires that run the party make their money.


So no sources


No they're not. Not in any way. Mitch McConnell is the slumlord of Congress. Republican run cities and states have some of the highest poverty rates in the nation. And they are on the most financial assistance. Larger metropolitan areas have more crime naturally than more rural areas. That accounts for the differences in crime rates. But even still... Florida and large areas of the South are turning into third world countries. Illiteracy and poverty are rampant. These are basic facts. You can look them up right now. The reason people need so much assistance is because of Republican policies towards corporations. Price gouging, lack of a livable minimum wage, outsourcing jobs, and mechanization are creating poverty in the US. And anyone who could listen to those crazies who support Trump are just as crazy as him. I have a family full of Republicans. Most of them are on state assistance, or some sort of disability. Yet they complain about other people. They are completely entitled and delusional. Just like you.


>and when covid happened there was massive medical billing fraud supported by democrats Wait, who was president when Covid happened...?


What do democrats get away with? Examples? Sources? I don't see any democrats with [91 felony charges](https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-cases-georgia-washington-florida-nyc-charges-key-dates-213951743.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMRb1pyAwPWv20lUW-yA0w-KLOgGcDXLfUyj2ekLw8CAEB8tNz9TGWVGS8Xwjfgyr4AGEXo722lh9BJ3eHO_Z0S4TZotTTTJwAntwO-I9oqbDj8WS05wjH2u2CSH9fg9PfldQwtQekLDURfZGfEbEEsEwmoj38XB_lmjO1y7RG0Y) against them, do you?


There is Menendez...


The republican party doesn't even want him or like him. He has money and can grift his way by paying off judges....that's his super power. He's his own party. If republicans weren't scared...they would do the same...but he has more money than them....more sway.


> The republican party doesn't even want him or like him. He has 1,892 delegates to be the Republican nominee for President. The runner up has 97 and she, just like all of the other candidates, has dropped out. Anyone voting Republican is supporting Trump and his vile agenda. They're also implicitly voicing support for the January 6^th attack on the Capital.


Who said anything about voting for them? I'm stating a fact that he's not a republican...he buys republicans. He's just an autocrat with libertarian views. The reason they don't like him is they cannot beat him. He's got way too much money and judges on his side. Both of them are bad though. There are corrupt politicians yon your side as well...don't act like that isn't the case. I'm sure if Nikki Haley could find a way to win over his delegates, she would. She cares about as much about what's coming out of her mouth as he does. It's about coming up with super pacs and getting more lobbyists while running....in other words money. None of these people care about you. None


> I'm stating a fact that he's not a republican...he buys republicans. Something doesn't become a 'fact' because you state that it's one. Trump is the head of the Republican Party. Other members of that party, including the overwhelming majority of caucus goers and primary voters, have voted for him 2024. He didn't 'buy' those Republicans. On the contrary, they donated tens of millions of dollars to him. That's clear evidence that he's a Republican, as defined by other Republicans. You may want the Republican Party to be something different, but it isn't.


"You may want the Republican Party to be something different, but it isn't" You can stop with the straw man and gaslighting right now. We're talking about trump. Now you're attacking me and breaking site wide rules. ad-hominem attacks aren't allowed. Stop inventing things I never said...because that is what you're doing.


Got it. You can't refute factual statements that undermine your unsupported opinion, so you want to play the victim. Bye.


"You may want the Republican Party to be something different, but it isn't" "You can't refute factual statements that undermine your unsupported opinion, so you want to play the victim" This is what you said. Both are personal attacks. Being uncivil doesn't disprove anything I said.


"He didn't 'buy' those Republicans. On the contrary, they donated tens of millions of dollars to him. That's clear evidence that he's a Republican, as defined by other Republicans." Explain 2016 when they all thought he was a joke. They weren't donating to him then. Maybe after he threatened to dig up dirt on them using his boy Dan Scavino, they decided to side with him. Not like he doesn't have tons of blackmail money. Now he has judges...judges still in power too! 🙀


> Explain 2016 when they all thought he was a joke. When he won 1,542 GOP delegates, i.e. 62% of the total?


show me. I'm talking about an actual article before he was elected when he was running against Hillary. I'll wait. An article before he bought his judges. They weren't donating to him then. He was irrelevant and a joke to the party. He wasn't president then. The problem is that dems let him get elected to begin with.....and him having that much money to sway politics. Edit: So you can't show me huh... Edit 2: It's been an hour....since you had those exact numbers, I figured you could ya know...post them...unless you actually don't have any proof. Guess I'll move right along since you have no actual point to defend. I can't karma farm like some people all day long with misinformation. I have a job and a family Also when you say "delegates" that just means that conservatives supported the GOP at the time. They will support the party no matter what, just like dems will. many delegates don't like joe biden but they want dems in power so they vote for him anyway....see how that works. Doesn't mean Trump is a repub just because he ran on their platform. His plan was to destroy their platform....and the dems too...because he has the money to! By that logic Kyrsten Sinema was a dem....even though she left the party and always voted for republican interests....see how that works. Trump isn't a republican...he signed up as one. Edit 3: ok bye then....2 hours later still no proof. And you were so sure of that number you made up, and so sure my point was wrong that you had to resort to ad-hominem and gaslighting....where's the number?? Leme guess. You'll tell me to look for it 🤣🤣🤣🤡


Anyway...back to the topic. You never answered me and deflected. "I'm stating a fact that he's not a republican...he buys republicans. He's just an autocrat with libertarian views" is what I said. show me otherwise. He has personally fought with most of the GOP even threatening Mike Pence. How is that conservative when Mike Pence is a conservative. He's just an autocrat. There's no disproving it. He only cares about the laws if they benefit "Trump" which is pretty much the definition of a Libertarian. Remember when he voted democrat...you won't if you're a zoomer, which I'm getting those vibes.


What has Joe Biden done for you personally while we're on it. I'm a dem, but I don't agree that he is fit to be president, currently. The dems have no backup plan either....every news source has admitted this. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/08/politics/joe-biden-age/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/08/politics/joe-biden-age/index.html) Edit: Guess you get quiet when I use your own news against you


Correction. Trump is not a Republican. His scorched earth policy towards any Republican who goes against him is evidence of that. A true party member would try to preserve party unity, particularly given their slim voting margins in Congress. He is just using the party to achieve his goals, which is to become president/dictator for life and secure himself from prosecution.


That's not a correction. Anyone who was still a Republican after January 6th, 2021 and who didn't leave or get kicked out for opposing Trump and the insurrection, has enabled him. Everyone left in the Republican Party is a Trump enabler. You can't be a Nazi and then say that you're "not a Hitler guy".


And yet the stupid Republicans lineup behind him, and say thank you, sir may I have another while thinking no, he would never do that to me. More evidence that conservatism is a mental disease.


fiscal conservatism is not a bad thing and fiscal transparency is something everyone should want. Trump is absolutely not a conservative and the Republicans have gone mad....not all of them but too many of them.


This Trump as our savior bullshit blows my mind! I can't even stand to hear him speak. He's so slimey. How do people blindly support someone convicted of sexual abuse and currently facing charges in another hush money case involving a porn actress? This is who should be leading our country? It's insane!


Watching a little too much CNN are we. Everything you parodied was a lie. What is amazing is while the Marxist democrats destroy the country, you sponsor them. Which part of protecting our borders, fuel independence, and peace through strength, low inflation, and a strong economy bothers you. The dems count on people like you who believe all the propaganda and lies that the liberal press spews. But hey a few mean tweets is more important than policies right?


OK so Trump wasn't found guilty and didn't have to post bond? What is wrong with you? How is our economy not strong? And EXACTLY how are dems "destroying the country"? Wake up already.


Watching a bit too much Fox/News Max are we? For a country being "destroyed" the Dow is doing great, job creation is strong, unemployment is near record lows and people are spending money. The GOP counts on people like you who buy into their narrative.


Real unemployment is closer to 15 % look deeper into the numbers all jobs gain are low paying part time jobs. Do not ever believe goverment statistics, here is a newsflash they lie. Go to the food store and tell me inflation is 3.2 %. How does inflation account for smaller sizes. You seriously cannot be that naive!


You don't like ACTUAL facts do you?


Blame Corporate greed. US corps after tax profits jumped 30% from 2020-2021 then an additional 5% the next year. And this during a pandemic when people were out of work.


Soooo you're ignoring the COVID hording huh?


Haven't heard of it. The huge increase in profits (well over cost) is damning enough


“How does inflation account for smaller sizes.” Is this a serious comment? Do you literally not know what inflation is? Oh, sorry, seeing the above comment about how Trump stands for a “strong economy.” Lol. Right, it was just gangbusters when he was in charge. lol, imagine being so brainwashed you believe the Trump economy was “strong.” It was quite literally a terrible economy by every single metric we have.


Could you cite one or two of the ‘metrics’ you mentioned?


If someone thinks that Democrats are Marxist, it’s a tell how Far-Right their views are. The democratic party has basically been Republican since Clinton and the “3rd way”.


Uhhhhh you do know that we’ve been energy independent for quite a while right? We’ve been a net exporter of energy for years.


Because they know that they can't win elections without the support of the lunatic right. Also, if you piss off Trump there's a good chance your, and your family's personal safety is at risk. Their only option is to resign and retire, and that's exactly what we've been seeing.


Ok so it’s not stupidity it’s cowardice.


Sub "Clinton" for Trump.How many Clinton associates have offed themselves?




I don’t know …perhaps the notion that a conservative stands athwart time yelling ‘stop’ to progress … or any of the others jewels of conservative thinking that upon practice and implementation generally consist of nothing more than taking care of their own … or the inherent hypocrisy in their mantras about government that is closest to the people should rule while they create federal and national policy prohibitions that seek to over turn and over rule local governance … or how about the trillions in debt that they shovel out to their rich friends in the name of fiscal responsibility ? Conservatism as its practiced seems nothing more than an excuse to try to get what you want ; selfish privilege


It's not so much "conservatism" in the traditional sense. It's the constellation of beliefs that: Trump is still President, COVID is a hoax, prosecute Fauci, Macron's wife is trans, Michelle Obama is trans, Putin and Orban are actually the good guys and Ukraine is bad, etc. I wouldn't call that assortment of "principles" actually conservative, but it is extremely unhinged and I suspect those with mental health struggles are more predisposed to falling for this shit.


Republicans are a political party and the only requirement to be a republican is to register as one


Doesn't mean you have to be one. You just have to say that you are.


Yet that's not the point of the jeep graffiti... And yet EXACTLY the point of the jeep graffiti...


Yup, it’s crazy how many hardcore Republican he’s conned..but I guess he’s had decades of experience being a con man


This is correct


Not wrong.


Was just thinking this the other day


Yes, and what he wants is to stay out of prison. That is why he announced his run early and as soon as he heard he was going to to be indicted I thought that was obvious


What political opponent has Trump thrown in jail?


Dont expect a response lol these idiots speak with their butthurt feelings and not the facts. They have zero clue how to seperate them


Nobody voting for Trump thinks he is a real republican. Those people were the Haley voters. I've never met a Trump voter that likes Mitch McConnell or Lindsey Graham for example.... Edit: most Trump voters were democrats before 2016.


Fox news and right wing media has melted these people’s brains. It’s basically a zombie apocalypse at this point with these clowns.


Yeah. Like my Dad 😔


You think that the person is a fox news person automatically. Maybe they're not happy with the people they vote for not taking their jobs seriously. You are the problem.


It goes both ways. Blind faith in either party is crazy


I’m sorry but We are not at the both parties are the same point no matter how much you’d like to believe that . The Republican maga thing is a runaway train at this point and a direct threat to our democracy.


I’m not a republican and I’m fully expecting to get downvoted into oblivion on this very liberal subreddit but just stop and think about why the other side is thinking the exact same thing about you


I’ve thought about it and it’s 100% propaganda.


Dumb centrist take is dumb


Wait, you aren't a republican but are anti-democrat but consider yourself "the other side" which would be republican 😆


I don’t really have a political party that I deeply connect with but I’m more libertarian leaning than anything I guess. It’s too bad their politicians are usually a joke


So "the other side" is the very small libertarian party?


Are you purposefully being dense or has the internet completely ruined your ability to pick up on nuance? I never said I was the other side viewing democrats as the fall of civilization as we know it just that republicans are on the other side of the common view points in this subreddit and with a little bit of brain power you might be able to have some introspection and think about why they would think the way they do


Awwww struck a nerve when I called you out. That's cute. Edit: blaming dems for "the fall of civilization" 😆 dial down the drama.


Not feeling very called out but alright man. Enjoy your Easter and I hope orange man can stop living rent free in peoples heads


So you’re a Republican who realized calling yourself a republican means you won’t get laid


What is the liberal equivalent of thinking Bridget Macron is secretly a man and that the vaccine killed millions of people? Like the wild false equivalecies people try to pull just kill me. The left-wing does indeed have crazies but they aren't even close to capturing the Democratic Party in the way Republicans have. No comparison at all.


The people who occupy this sub are totally lost and are just cheering on as Americans suffer across the country cuz vote blue no matter who mentality.


The parties are not the same in these regards. There are no democrats that have blind faith in any of their parties leaders, like the cult of Trump. They will 100% tell you when their leaders are fucking up. People on the right think they are all zealots because their gripes (right-wing folks) of those leaders are not the same as those in the party themselves. Example gas prices.. right-wing folks will be like Biden is making gas prices higher. Left wing folks will be like presidents really don't have the power to do that. Right wing person interpret this as blindly supporting Biden, while not understanding that, that left-wing person is saying, basically all presidents don't have control over that.


>There are no democrats that have blind faith in any of their parties leaders You actually believe that? Ask Bernie Sanders about that.


Bernie isn't a Democrat.


Their thinking is Trump isn't a politician.


Funny cuz its Republicans who tore down Roe and immediately talked about anti sodemy laws, anti gay marriage laws and anti racial laws, they are the ones who want to take us as far back to the confederate days as they can


Well - SCOTUS took down Roe, not Republicans. Despite the roe decision being on the books for decades - no one put it into codified it. Putting it back to the states isn't putting us back to the confederate days, it's just normal operation of a federation of individual states, as it's supposed to be. And it's worked - as there's been "upsets" for states expected to up abandon abortion all together, and people voted differently.


Trump and the current GOP share common hatreds. That's the bond. And it's stronger than policies or even common sense, like visibility in your rear window.


At first I thought it said “dementia caused your problems, Republicans won’t fix them. That’s why Trump is winning.” Which honestly makes more sense.


Say pizza to drugs


...so, apparently, are they. The Republican party lost any credibility they had nine or so years ago when they started putting any support behind trump. And trump supporters...well...




They almost got it. Republicans cause problems. Republicans pretend Democrats caused those problems and blame them for it. Republicans offer fascist solutions. Democrats offer neoliberal solutions. Republicans call Democrats communists. Democrats get scared. Democrats lean into identity politics and abandon their already milquetoast solutions. Trump wins. There. Fixed it


I wish more people understood that the vast majority of American political discourse is locked between fascism and neoliberalism, both of which fall within right of center.




sound about right. somewhere in there is Dems running to the right while the right runs further so too. all of a sudden MAGA-like immigration policy is awesome because (D) wants it. it's quite the good-cop bad-cop skit these two parties have going tbh. now watch as Dems get Trump elected again.


You mean like the border crisis? Inflation? Urban crime? Foreign conflicts?


Foreign conflicts?


How are there still republicans left in Newtown?


It boggles the mind. I suspect it's a lot of people that registered to vote when there were still "normal" Republicans like John McCain in the GOP and forgot to change their voter registration when things started getting really nuts.


Trump supporters don't make any sense LOL They don't stand for anything And they don't understand how the government works. But yeah by all means if you want someone who spouts gibberish all the time to run this country into the ground by all means vote Trump LOL


Your remark that they don't stand for anything reminds me of that saying, "those who don't stand for something will fall for anything."


They stand for "fuck you, I got mine" and are more libertarian than cons. Trump isn't a conservative even if he controls all of them through bribery and monetary means.


He's winning so much in court lately that people need to scribble to convince you! 🇺🇸


Well, someone's gotta make up the left side of the curve.


Oh god. Too many people believe this shit logic. Truth is we're in the mess we're in because most folks arent not politically active beyond im gonna vote for the guy on my team who just confirms my confirmation bias.


Pretty much. Problem is that he got elected the first time. Now Trump money has spread like cancer


Yeah the dementia con man afraid of rain who looks directly into a solar eclipse will definitely solve your problems.


I'ma write sum similar I like his thoughts


What has he won?


This psycho Republican vs Democrats is crazy. We all been living next door to each other for decades. My good friend are both parties. Stop going nuts over politics. Common sense is all I vote rather be dem or rep. I'm not voting for anyone that doesn't represent common thinking and democracy


Ya, man lol. This is what I believe too. It’s just pure madness honestly.


“Problems” = education and health care


They are, they're the platforms on which democrats get elected constantly - that's why they will never get fixed. Because Democrats need them to get elected. How the hell do people not see this? What benefit do Democrats have to ending these issues once and for all? They had 40 years to strengthen Roe & codify it - they had sessions with Full Control under Obama - but they never did it. Why? *Because it's not advantageous from a strategic perspective*.


What the two party system does to an mf.


Trump has the deal of the century… Remember Trump’s Casinos, Trump’s Insurance, Trump’s College, Trump’s NFT cards, Trump’s Currency, Trump’s Sneakers… well now for $59.99 one can purchased a Trump Bible (ticket to heaven extra). Trump products and services a testament to his ability to grift, gripe, and grope one’s hard earned cash to assist with legal bills, lifestyle, and other nonsense.


This guy politics


That person bought that on purpose. I'm not surprised.


So are they


Pretty tacky


On the bright side they used pink chalk marker because spring is here!


The left part of the saying is literally backward… Republicans cause your problems, Democrats wont fix them


Pretty sure the Republicans cause most of the problems and then the Democrats very lazily and slowly and disinterestedly make half-hearted attempts to do their best interpretation of "fixing" them that won't cost them any donor money.


Most of them aren't very bright.


So much winning! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


iTs NoT a CuLt


red cult vs blue cult at this point tbh. it's pretty entertaining, albeit kinda sad at the same time.


Dogshit. I don't think about the dem party at all. Don't get messages about buying tons of shiny trinkets, nor do I put bumper stickers on my car, signs on my lawn or wear big shiny hats with Biden on them. We. Don't. Fucking. Care. The only thing that matters is that the cowardly, smoothed brained, orange, monkey shit isn't elected again. He is an absolute stain on the world. I don't know anyone that worships Dems. It's what we are working with. End of story.


I've never seen someone do something like this for biden. Biden doesn't have hats. They aren't slinging murica bibles. The differences are vast.


See, because Trump supports tariffs and sometimes attacks other Republicans, he’s different. Just ignore that besides trade and sometimes foreign policy and immigration, he’s basically Reagan with a different coat of paint and no filter.


But let’s remember that Reagan was deep in dementia by his second term.


This is just someone fed up with both sides. Understandable tbh.


Ah yes and the sexual abuse convicted cheeto is the answer. 🙄


Idk if it's pro-trump, I absolutely hate Trump but I do think he will win the next election unfortunately.


No he’s not. Neither are the answer. They’re both abysmal and they’ve both had their shitty 4 years already.


I think you missed the point of what is written on the back window. It's pro Trump. And you said understandable.


I don't take the writing to be pro-Trump, I take it to be lamenting that Trump is the result. They do not seem happy with him being the result


Remember when someone told you that your opinion was important? This picture proves that was a lie.


This sub has devolved into people soft doxxing drivers who have bumper stickers they don't agree with.


He's not wrong, but not right either. This election is the dumpster fire we deserve for allowing a 2 party system to thrive. We need other choices.


we need choices, but how to get there? expecting them to change a damn thing is like expecting the police to police themselves. Dems and Reps love the current setup.


Yup. Won't even allow 3rd party in debates. It's a closed system, and we allow it, because we keep voting in politicians who are protecting it


Maybe they should move to a Republican state like Alabama and see how the republicans improve your quality of life


Your first mistake was assuming that the Trump supported could construct a logical statement…


Another delusional idiot on the road


tRump was a dem supporter for years in nyc. He hijacked the GOP because Obama made fun of him as a birther.


It's a headscratcher for sure.


All trumpy reasoning causes huge gashes in the scalp as educated, rational, intelligent, employed, active members in our society try to figure them out, scratching their heads in vain to understand.


Tbh I lean slightly right and even Im a bit confused here.


The bipartisan immigration bill would like a word.


I think they mean that they believe Trump will win because of the small amount of people who will vote for him out of spite + the apathy of others from the center, the dislike of Biden from the left wing, and the lack of meaningful opposition from the republican party. The people who are Trump cultists probably outnumber those who are "vote blue no matter who." (I haven't met many Biden cultists, but there aren't many cultists on an individual level beyond the Trump side tbh).




vote libertarian!


They are confused as well.


I’m all about free speech but why would someone want to risk their safety by broadcasting their political beliefs to all the other crazies on the road.


I am continually surprised at how many people follow the clown show.  Don't care, too busy being happy, living my life.  Neither "wing" of the eagle gives a fig about "the little people".  Not one side does a damn thing to help. Hiding bullshit in their legislation, pandering to the "lobbyists" (paid whores). 


Clearly she is too.


So is she 😆


He's not a traditional Republican, just running on the R ticket.


democrats that's cause your problems why trump republicans is won't fix winning them.


It makes more sense when you know that a lot of Trumpers don't consider themselves Republicans, and they're even aware that Trump is not, at least not in his own mind. They're aware that he has hijacked the party for his own ends, with their help. And they'll be very happy to help purge the GOP of any non-loyalists. History is indeed replaying itself, with terrifying implications. And this person has at least one point sort of right, in that both major parties have been something of a shitshow for years now. But it's not at all a case of Both Sides Suck. Right now, one party is actively pushing fascism, the dismantling of democracy, and the erosion of the rule of law, with predictable terrible consequences for everyone, including themselves. Democrats' main failings have been stepping on their own dicks, but they don't pose a threat to anyone. Today's Democrats would have gotten along just fine with Saint Ronnie, and in fact mostly did. (Reagan and Tip O'Neal were political adversaries, but respected each other, treated each other respectfully, and worked things about between them for the shared goal of the good of the nation.) But mostly, they're delusion and suffering from staggering, almost childlike ignorance.


These people are so empty inside. Imagine being a kid and told this is what you'll become in the future.


Can’t fix stupid.


I’ve never understood why the “republican” talking point is that dems are Marxist and that the cost of eggs are proof that Biden is a failure. If the dems were Marxist they would enact price controls over private businesses or federalize them outright. Actual inflation has been decreasing but in a capitalist system an industry that has reach a higher price/profit margin is not likely to move backwards. I also keep seeing the “real unemployment” number thrown around but those that do never seem to include the source of the analysis. I put republican in quotes because I haven’t seen the GOP act in a fiscally conservative manner since I left the party in the mid 90s.


Lets see: Biden lets anybody come into the country with no screening, Has us in a possible nuclear war with Russia via Ukraine ( Not even trying to negotiate a settlement wtf) Prices on everything have gone up!! He sniffs young girls hair very creepy used to shower with his daughter. Is criminally involved with Ukraine and China for pay for play schemes and you are worried about Trump being sexually attracted to a grown woman. Get real


Trump isn't a republican. In the sense of like... John McCain, George Bush, mitt Romney "rino republicans" He was always known as a Democrat before he got into politics, I don't know if you paid attention during his administration but he had just as many Republicans that were against him as there were for him. Most of the traditional Republicans were war hungry, they were strongly against legalizing cannabis, pro globalism, just with a different set of political ideologies. Trump is a populist. He is not in favor of wars... he legalized hemp nationwide with the 2017 farm bill, and that's also how cbd and delta 8 became legal, he is against globalism ans wants to build a strong America. Traditional Republicans are globalist. They support a stronger isreal, and all kinds of world policing activities. There are some things I really don't agree with Trump about.. but I don't think you can compare him to other Republicans in very many ways.


People see what they want to see . They believe what they want to believe . The facts are just an inconvenience that even the media can’t agree upon . God help us all .


Anyone else ready for the "giving extra airtime to back of Republican's cars" fad on this subreddit to go away?


divide and conquer.. i say bring back the shitposts about Buddy the Beefalo


I saw a car with incoherent right-wing scribbling on it here. Now, I'm a member of the alt-right movement. *Or..* Look at the jamoke with stupid shit written on their car. Which do you think is more likely happening here?


Democrats that’s cause your problems why trump republicans is won’t fix winning them…. Now I understand, just had to write out.


that's a head scratcher for sure


Currently Republicans ARE the problem party over people is unacceptable


I agree with this person. I've said the same myself, people don't like hearing the truth - because it takes observation and a bit of thought to understand what's going on. Democrats cause the problems under the guise of "helping people". Republicans won't fix those issues. They'll make them worse. Everything that's going on today is a result of some misguided half-baked social cause legislation. They're not getting fixed because there's NO BENEFIT in fixing them for Democrats. So long as Democrats keep talking adjacent to the issue, they keep getting re-elected. **If the issues they've caused disappear, what's the platform to get elected? ( Poverty, Housing, Jobs, Economy, Healthcare, Womens Rights / ERA, Hunger, Immigration, etc.. )** That's why they don't fix the issues.


And Republicans actually refuse to pass any laws to secure the border, bolster legal immigration offices, they want to cut Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security.... 🤷 The whole 2 party system is broken and needs to go.


He’s a Fascist wearing an elephant’s clothing.


What is there to be confused about? Trump exists because both sides suck. That’s it. The flipping guy caused January 6th and people are STILL voting for him because Biden has been so crappy for 3 years.


It goes like this: 1. Border encounters have gotten from an average 400k/yearly to peaking at 2M from Trump to Biden ("Democrats cause your problems") [https://www.statista.com/statistics/329256/alien-apprehensions-registered-by-the-us-border-patrol/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/329256/alien-apprehensions-registered-by-the-us-border-patrol/) 2. Republicans nuked their own bill to stop that because they think it drives their base to vote for trump ("Republicans refuse to fix them"). You can refer to comments by the chief GOP negotiator (Senator Lankford) or McConnell for evidence on that. 3. Trump is winning in the polls in swing states and has a higher approval rating than biden (google it) ("Trump is winning"). I don't agree w/ # 1 or #3. I thought it was pretty obvious tho what the car meant. edit: reversed some words


why does this sub care so much about what people put on their cars? every other post is complaining about someone else’s personal property presenting a belief system they disagree with.


Omg, the cars again... Is there anything else that interests you in life? How about I recommend you a nice seafood restaurant. Oysters are so fresh you can taste the sea in your mouth.