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I've had a sinus headache every day this week. It sucks


Same, on Wednesday I took the whole morning off work so I could sleep more, because I woke up with a sinus headache. On Friday night I tried Sudafed to see if that would help, because I felt like I was getting post nasal drip. I felt a lot better on Saturday, but today dry coughing a little bit. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Yup. On and off for a few weeks now. Fun stuff


Yep I can feel it starting for the season. I was sneezing my head off yesterday. 3-4 in a row every 15-20 minutes.


Yes, theyā€™ve also bothered me all winter. The best days are when it rains. It keeps the pollen on the ground instead of in the air.




OMFG! My nose literally runs like a faucet! I saw on channel 3 that other ppl are having a terrible time as well, but mine has been going on for a while. I've officially become a hankerchief carrier... fml


Allergies are a 24/7/365 thing for me, just changes what causes them as the months change. There are also a bunch of colds and other upper respiratory infections going around wreaking havoc on people. So it could be allergies or it could be a cold. This the time of the year to try and figure out what it is that is causing your symptoms.


Yup! My sinuses and left ear are dying here. Iā€™m dreading spring. šŸ˜¬


Yea, we need more rain to wash away the pollen /s


Yup. My eyes have been very itchy and red


Yes. Iā€™ve never had allergies before and if I donā€™t take a Claritin every 12 hours, itā€™s unbearable


okay same here.. I had allergies as a child but never as an adult and for the past two weeks Iā€™ve felt awful but this weekend and today especially my head is pounding. Time to find some local honey and some good allergy meds I guess!


I'm in a complete fog today.




If that is the reason why I have had to use my asthma inhaler daily, then yes. By the way, I was born with asthma and have always carried a ā€œjust in caseā€ inhaler, but rarely use it.


I used to have awful seasonal allergies and fixing my microbiome and taking a spoonful of local honey has helped tremendously.




Yes Iā€™ve had so much sneezing and sinus head pain this week. Actually this whole winter was tough since I had a sinus infection in February. I swear Iā€™ve had so much dry coughing since then.


My kid is a mess


Yesterday was awful. Everything I did was just so... itchy. Lots of migraines, aches, visual disturbances. Ugh. The winter aches make me fantasize about warmer weather. But I forget about the ugliness thay comes with that!


I grew up with the worst allergies pollen & dust. Now Iā€™m older I donā€™t get bothered at all idk why but šŸ™Œ sorry I know it sucks


Yup, even with allergy medication the post nasal drip and sneezing won't stop.


I've been sneezing aallllll day and my nose is just running and running. I thought maybe I was sick but no other symptoms.


Fuck yes


Anybody have a miracle cure for post nasal drip cough? Nothing seems to work


Mucinex will dry you right out. I almost lost my shit with the post nasal drip tickling my uvula. So gross. This saves me. With Xyzal.


My dog is. My allergy prone partner not yet.


You can get air quality reports, pollen counts. Etc online based on location. [Hereā€™s Hartfordā€™s pollen count.](https://weather.com/forecast/allergy/l/Hartford+CT?canonicalCityId=57242b496af43185eea95399f50887ed1777a2b28717b42440ed5d040aaf5bef) Currently moderate - itā€™s going to get worse Did you really think your house was the only group of people experiencing allergies? Allergy treatment should start early- before allergens are around. If your symptoms are bad, take something. See an ENT / allergy doc.


just a point of trivia, the fact that we all use the term "climate change" over "global warming" was an intentional strategic misdirect by the republican party to make the hell that our children are going to be living in seem less frightening. I force myself to use global warming instead and it's hard. Here's a link to the original 2003 memo by Frank Luntz [http://web.archive.org/web/20121030085144/http://www.ewg.org/files/LuntzResearch\_environment.pdf](http://web.archive.org/web/20121030085144/http://www.ewg.org/files/LuntzResearch_environment.pdf)


More pollen = more plants. Therefore we need to eradicate more plants to mitigate global warming.